The Alpha's Rogue ✔️

By SeaOfGlass

147K 4.8K 3K

"So tell me, Rogue, how would you like to be killed? A slit to your throat, your heart ripped out, or how abo... More

Prologue | Cursed
1 | Boast About It
2 | Impervious
3 | Aftershocks
4 | How To Survive
5 | All Mine
6 | True to Our Nature
7 | Innate Sense
8 | Deal on eBay
9 | My Job Description
10 | Repay The Favour
11 | That Tradition
12 | Strength, Talent, and Merit
13 | No More Games
14 | Undying Need
15 | An Unbreakable Bond
16 | A Great Mother
17 | Alphas Can Handle Anything
18 | Set Up House
19 | Lava Mount Ruby
20 | Who's Next?
22 | A Very Good Reason
23 | Moon Rise
24 | The Games Begin
25 | Assassin
26 | Toasted Marshmallows
27 | Fit The Crime
28 | Moonlight
29 | Honest Work - Part 1
29 | Honest Work - Part 2
30 | Watch Your Language
31 | Just Turned Traitor
32 | Test Subject
33 | Only The Best
34 | Not Done Yet
35 | No Right
36 | They Were For Real
37 | Trust Your Alpha
38 | Like A Volcano
39 | A Confession
40 | Catch Him First
41 | Aching So Bad
42 | Once Upon A Time
43 | Calling Card
44 | Deep In Disguise
45 | Hard To Believe
46 | Smartest Minds
47 | Flesh and Blood
48 | Chemical Imbalance
49 | Face Justice
50 | Epitome of Foolishness
51 | Willing To Surrender
52 | Token of His Love
53 | He Remains Here
54 | Chase Me
55 | Carry On The Tradition
56 | Our Brother
57 | Take That Back
58 | So Tell Me, Alpha
59 | Back To Me
Epilogue | To Claim Rights
The Alpha's Abandonment
Sequel - The Alpha's Sacrifice

21 | All The Rumours

2.1K 82 123
By SeaOfGlass

4996 words

The phone nearly slipped from Savannah's hands. If she hadn't been holding it so tightly, it would have fallen to the ground and shattered again.

"What?" she eventually voiced, her breath coming in short gasps as a deep hidden fear reared its head and gripped her around the throat. She'd always pushed away the notion that her mate could be as bad as the rumours made out, that the stories of his murder and destruction were embellished by gossipers. Surely, he wouldn't be so cruel and ruthless as to kill an Alpha.

But to hear her sister, her very trustworthy and dependable sister, say that he was charged with the worst crime imaginable, made Savannah's protective walls rise around her heart against the ice invading it. "Did you just say he killed an Alpha?" Even her own voice was unrecognisable to herself as it rose in pitch, drained of its usual Alpha strength as the dreadful words passed her lips.

Cale, who had followed her down the hallway, widened his eyes as he listened in on the conversation. He clutched her arm and began tugging, as if to whisk her to safety.

A dark shadow fell across them as heavy footsteps suddenly invaded their privacy.

"Give me that!"

The phone was ripped from Savannah's hand before Emerald could reply, and instead the Alpha found herself face to face with the cause of all her dread.

Hazel eyes burned into her own, a hardened fury overtaking his features. Savannah couldn't help envisioning this as how he might look when taking the life of someone her own rank. A full body shudder ran through her, crashing into the wave of adrenaline already in her veins and causing the two fronts to crash like tumultuous swells in a cross sea. The reaction vibrated through her, causing her already heightened senses to flare and jitter with static electricity.

"What the hell were you thinking, wrestling Bax like that?" Zion hissed, his voice lower than his normal speaking volume, yet echoing in her ears like explosive claps of thunder. "And winning? Are you just trying to get yourself killed by proving your Alpha strength?" He stepped closer, his large body pinning her against the wall when she tried to duck around him. Even Cale stepped closer, his frightened gaze locked on Zion and his body positioned to spring into action should his Alpha need protection.

"You--you are.. Get away from me! Alpha killer!" Savannah sputtered, her hands flying up between them and pushing on Zion's chest. He stumbled back, more from the weight of her words than her feeble attempt at overpowering him.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me! You killed an Alpha, and didn't tell me. You lied to me!" she spat, more furious with herself for beginning to believe in his goodness, than actually at him for not being honest with her. "You killed an Alpha and didn't think to mention that to me? You really are the heartless rogue everyone warned be about."

"What's going on?" Talei and Willow rounded the corner, coming up on either side of Cale. He could only watch with fear as Savannah confronted Zion about the truth of who he was.

"That's enough," Zion stepped forward and grabbed her fist before it slammed into his nose. "I suggest you keep your voice down unless you want to be torn to shreds," he growled lowly.

"Why? Are you going to kill me too? You have no problem killing Alphas, right? What's one more?" She glared at him and tried pulling her hands from his firm grip, railing against how easily he restrained her. Swallowing back fear, she prayed this wasn't how her life ended, surrounded by rogues as the most merciless of them all ripped her throat out.

She really thought he'd be different, that their bond would mean something and sway his roguish behavior to something more respectable and good. But judging by the dark gleam in his eyes and the firm set of his jaw, she could see he was nothing like the man she'd hoped he could be. This rogue was lethal, vicious, and cold to the very heart of his being. "Come on! Kill me like I know you've been itching to!"

By now, her shouting had drawn a crowd, eager rogues looking for entertainment. They began cheering as they squeezed into the hallway. For whom, she could only guess. Only moments ago they were praising her for beating Bax, the undefeated arm wrestler. Now, they probably couldn't wait to see her lose the struggle at the cruel hands of the infamous Silver Rogue. They would all revere him as he added one more notch to his belt, one more Alpha kill to his tally. Just like his father had done.

"Come o--!"

Her words were swallowed as Zion crushed his lips to hers, her back pressed firmly against the wall as his body molded to hers. The heat of his kiss sent waves of revulsion through her core before a shiver of excitement echoed in response. Her mouth opened for more, her tongue tasting like strong alcohol as it fought with his for dominance over their kiss. Finally tugging her wrists free from his grip, she slid her hands into his hair and yanked his head back.

"Don't think you can kill me with your passionate kisses. I'd rather you just slit my throat!" she practically screamed into his face, her body squirming to slide away from him.

With blazing eyes, Zion leaned in even further and whispered against the shell of her ear, "Are you always this dramatic?" Then his lips found hers again, cutting short her scathing reply.

"Mmm, mmm!" She tried cursing him, but the seal of his lips made it impossible. Her hands came up to his throat and she applied as much pressure as she dared. Looking down at his neck, she was astounded her claws hadn't broken the skin. If he were a regular rogue, there'd be blood running down his skin and staining her own clothes. The fact of his impervious nature served to freak her out more, and she struggled with everything she had.

It was pretty clear how useless her attempts were, though. The rogue was far more powerful than her, far more deadly. If she were a cunning spider who weaved tangled webs around her enemies to protect her territory, then he was a lethal scorpion that cut right through her defenses and stung her where it hurt most--her heart.

"Need I remind you where you are, little Alpha?" His whisper was hot on her ear, yet sent cold shivers spiralling through her body. His hand slid up her waist, over her shoulder, and settled on the nape of her neck. The warning in his eyes was clearer than any she'd ever seen.

When his lips tried claiming hers again, she turned her face away. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"It's the only way you'll shut up."

"But I--"

He angled her face forwards and kissed her again, his long fingers wrapped around her neck and making it impossible to move. "Now, are you going to behave?" he breathed against her mouth.

"Are you finally going to be truthful to me?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

"Every day since we met. You never told me what you'd done. What you're capable of repeating."

"You'd already heard all the rumours. What else was there to say?" he tilted his head, raising an eyebrow as if calling her out on her contradiction.

"I don't know why I ever let you take me from my pack," she hissed, suddenly realising the crowd they'd drawn. Feeling her heart thundering in her chest like a herd of elephants stampeding down mountains, she took a deep breath to calm herself. He was right about one thing; all her theatrics were sure to spell out exactly who she was, and she and Cale would be dead in no time. "You're nothing but a traitor to our kind, and you'll only ever be the sworn enemy of Alphas all over the world," she spat the words in a whisper only he could hear. Meeting his eyes was difficult, mainly because a softness had entered the hazel hues that she envied so much.

But partly too, because her heart ached as reality came crashing in. He may be her mate, but how could she ever be with someone who disregarded the commanding ranks of their kind? Someone who held no respect for Alphas, possibly including her? He was strong, highly intelligent, and believed himself to be above any law. He could rip her throat out right this moment, and evade all justice for his heinous crimes for the rest of his life.

"If that's what you really believe about me, then I'm sorry. I had hoped you were less prejudiced than that," Zion whispered, the harsh tone having left his voice and been replaced with a trace of sorrow. "I had hoped...that you felt differently towards me."

Savannah watched his lips as the soft words formed on them, then she lifted her eyes to meet his gaze. What she saw arrested her racing heart, and the air rushed from her lungs at the intense look he had trained on her. His eyebrows were crunched together in subtle frown, the hazel depths of his irises glistening with a million flecks of gold, each one drawing her in like fireflies to a bonfire. His touch on the back of her neck was suddenly burning, yet tender and gentle as the pads of his fingers drew circles on her soft skin. His breath warmed her face as he held himself perfectly still against her, his body an unmovable anchor in the storm that buffeted around them.

Savannah could have been drowning, but she didn't notice. The house could be raging with fire around her, but she didn't care. Her attention became entirely consumed with her mate, and the feelings of belonging and security that surrounded her in his warm embrace. Despite everything she'd heard about him, it still felt so right to be here, now, in his arms.

"I would never hurt you, Savannah," he breathed, the words reaching to her on a soft exhale. "If you believe anything, believe that."

She could only give a faint nod, mesmerized by the sincerity in his voice and eyes. Everything that had just raced through her mind, all the horrible things she believed about him, mustn't be true. She was just overreacting. Overthinking. Not trusting him enough. Hadn't her parents always taught her that trusting each other was where their relationship began? That if you didn't believe in your mate, what was the point of the bond?

Rising on her toes, the only response she could give him was a kiss. This one on her terms, she poured all her anguish into it and felt him take it for the apology it was. They all knew she could be dramatic at times, and he'd just saved her from ruining it big time. He saved her life, again. How could she ever doubt where his loyalty to her lay? He would always be hers, and she could always depend on him to do right by her.

The kiss deepened, her breath stolen away by his feverish lips that swallowed everything she gave him. His touch set her body on fire, and she couldn't seem to get close enough. She wrapped one hand around the back of his neck, pulling him closer while her fingers tangled in the silken strands of his hair. The other slid around his waist and settled on the hard muscles of his back. His own hands settled on her waist, fingers digging into her skin with a pressure that sizzled right through her.

"Ahem," Cale cleared his throat hesitantly, the sound coming out like a strangled cough. "Uh, guys? Are we gonna leave now, or...?" his words trailed off with awkward hesitation.

"Yeah, you guys are seriously hot, but I don't think you want an audience when--"

Talei shut up when Zion shot her a stern look. Stuffing her mouth with popcorn, she continued to watch them intently.

Savannah gasped for breath when Zion leaned back slightly, their gazes locked once more as a strong understanding passed between them.

"You can't leave just yet," her mate smirked at Cale lazily before returning his eyes to her. "This is my favourite song, and I think you owe me a dance since I just saved you."

The look in his eyes should have been a warning, causing her heart to flutter like beach spinifex caught in the gusts of an early summer storm. His eyes were alight with heated desire, his smirk hinting at a promise she couldn't quite decipher. But Savannah was feeling bold, and nodded playfully while slipping her fingers into his outstretched palm. Just the touch of his roughened skin under the pads of her fingers was enough to send sparks of electricity racing up her arm.

Closing her eyes, she listened to the song, the tempo different from all the rest, and felt a familiar buzz rush through her veins. With the alcohol still in her system, she was surely affected by something more than just the touch of her mate. As the low bass notes pulsed in her ears, thrumming through her body and echoing in the tempo of her heart, she tuned in to the excitement of everyone around her as they danced in the living room to the loud song. The beat had themes of hip hop, making Savannah nod her head in time, and the reggae rhythm had her hips swaying in sync with Zion's moves.

He took both her hands and twirled her around before pulling her close. His hands rested on her hips as he sang the lyrics in a voice that melted over her like warm syrup.

"I was made to love, I was made to find you. I was made just for you; made to adore you."

Zion's glorious smile was all for her, and as she placed her hand over his heart, she felt it racing--just like hers.

"Whatever happened to a passion I could live for? What became of the flame that made me feel more? And when did I forget that I was made to love you? Yeah, I was made to love, and be loved by you."

He was a terribly good singer, and even better dancer. Savannah watched him with the attention of an eagle eyeing its prey from miles away, or perhaps she was the prey and her mate was the lion stalking her with deadly precision. Zion spun around her, moved his feet, and raised his arms in a series of actions. Her eyes tracked his muscles, loving the way his body was so sleek and graceful, yet alluring and powerful with every move. Out of everyone on the dance floor, he was utterly devastating, his dominance singing to her heart and dragging her further under his spell.

When his hands gently rested on her hips, his body warming hers from behind, she laughed, then gasped as his lips came close to her ear. "Dance with me."

Her body instinctively followed his moves, her feet matching the steps he showed her, his hands sliding up her arms and moving them in time with the music.

She felt so uncoordinated but under her mate's touch, she didn't care. Her blood was on fire. Energy coursed through her body, vibrating with a pull towards him so strong that she didn't care if others laughed at her. She laughed with them and loved how good it felt to let loose. Talei was right; she took things way too seriously, and had freaked out over nothing. It was time to let the fear melt away, every inhibition, doubt, and unbelief. Her mate was amazing, strong, smoking hot, and all hers.

"My turn," she smirked when the song changed to one she loved.

"In your eyes I see something to believe in. Your hands are like a flame, burning on my skin. It turns me on again."

She swayed left to right, loving the way his eyes tracked her movements. She knew she wasn't as gorgeous or sensual as some other shewolves here, but Zion had his eyes on her. Her. There was no one else in the room she was dancing for. Everyone else became insignificant white noise as wisps of electricity sparked between them, cocooning them in their own whirlwind of desire and connection.

"Feel the temperature rise. Baby, tell me one more beautiful lie. One touch and I ignite."

The words hung between them, reverberating in the air and pounding in their already racing hearts. Savannah wrapped her arms around her mate's neck and drew his head down to hers. "Baby, tell me one more beautiful lie." She kissed one side of his mouth, the mouth she knew was keeping secrets from her. "One touch and I ignite."

Then she kissed the other side, loving the way his heart sped up as it raced to match hers. His jaw clenched, his fingers tightened on her hips, and when she moved her lips to cover his fully, she heard his breath catch in the back of his throat. He swallowed hard, just as entranced by her as she was by him. With so many secrets between them, she was surprised he hadn't consumed her completely with his tangled truth and shadowy darkness.

"Couple goals!" someone squealed, shattering the trance of the moment, followed by giggles as a brilliant light flashed in their faces.

"You guys are the cutest!" a shewolf gasped and slapped Savannah on the shoulder before being tugged away by her friends as they continued dancing to the next song.

"Had to see that to believe it. Lovers, to enemies, then back again! You two are more hormonal than my pregnant mate," a guy came up and slung an arm around Zion, grinning at them both like a little boy despite his tall stature, muscular frame, and chiseled jawline. His rich brown skin was accentuated by a slouchy white tee, his neck adorned with a thick silver chain. "Yo man, you didn't tell me you found your mate," he punched Zion lightly in the arm while giving Savannah a wide smile, showing off perfectly white teeth.

"Didn't know you were in town," Zion leaned in for a bro hug, then bumped fists.

"Olly boy couldn't stay away from this party, man! Did I miss anything? Other than your epic make out sesh earlier," he smirked and gave Savannah a wink. "Jealous."

She giggled, immediately slapping her hand over her mouth as Olly eyed her with a curious look. "Well, then, you really didn't miss anything," she tilted her head and gave her most innocent reply, trying desperately not to blush. Lifting her hands again, she fanned her burning face. Was it her inexperience with this amount of male attention, or was it just really hot inside? With so many people dancing and partying in so small a space, she wasn't surprised the temperature really had risen to an intolerable level.

"Why don't you go get a cool drink?" Zion leaned in close and suggested, his words hot against her ear and only serving to spike her inner temperature even further. His hand settled in the middle of her back, and steered her towards the drinks table. She smiled, feeling like their connection was so strong he knew exactly what she needed.

"I wondered when you'd be back," Stanley gave her a sly smile as he poured and handed her a fresh icy drink.

"Uh, Savannah, are you sure you wanna drink that?"

She eyed her Gamma from over the rim of the cup. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because, I think you've had enough already, judging by your behaviou—"

"And just how should an Alpha behave, hm?" Willow came up and slid her arm around Cale's shoulders. "Are you really telling your superior what she should or shouldn't do?" Raising an eyebrow, she gave Cale a questioning look while keeping her voice low.


"She's got a point, Cale. I can do whatever I like," Savannah slurped her drink.

"I just don't want you to make a fool of yourself. After what Emerald told us, you should be extra careful," Cale argued, shrugging out from under Willow's touch. He gave her a harsh glare, which she returned with a roll of her eyes.

"I don't give two figs what Em said. I know Zion could kill me at any moment. Kinda exciting, don't you think?"

"Couldn't agree more, hun. Those guys are the best, right Tal?" Willow drawled with an impish smirk as the blonde rushed up with an excited grin.

"Totally! I just met the cutest guy by the pool. His looks are to die for. You've got to come see for yourself," Talei said animatedly while grabbing two drinks.

"There's a pool here?" Savannah perked up at the idea.

"Sure. You wanna go in?"

"I'd love to. It's so hot in here, but I don't have any swimmers," the Alpha pouted, really wishing she'd worn something more sensible like a flippy dress. These jeans were really making her uncomfortable.

Talei made a pfffing noise. "Who needs swimmers? This isn't your grandma's birthday party. Come on."

Before Cale could object to the ridiculous notion and grab onto his intoxicated Alpha, the girls had whisked her away and dragged her to the deck outside. A large built in pool glowed sea green with underwater lights, and the water looked so inviting that Savannah wondered why everyone wasn't in it. Those in the pool looked like they were having so much fun, she couldn't wait to get in.

But as she looked at all the perfect bodies on show under skimpy bikinis, doubt crept in. "You sure about this?" she hated asking, but felt a flash of uncertainty when she saw Talei strip off her jeans and shirt. Left in only her underwear, she couldn't deny how toned and tanned the rogue shewolf was. What would people think of her own skin? It wasn't beautiful or anything to be proud of.

"Girl, don't worry about a thing. I'll introduce you to Logan. I see he has a super hot friend who might be totally into you," Talei waved to a couple of guys across the pool, their torsos broad and bulging with muscles. "Come on, you said yourself you wanted to cool down. It's no big deal." Talei squealed as she jumped in.

Water splashed from the pool, crystalline droplets landing on Savannah's skin. Immediately it eased the fire inside, but not enough.

So with a final decision to just go for it, she ripped off her shirt and took a running leap. "Woohoo!" Water radiated out in a wave as she dive-bombed into the pool, coming up seconds later with a wide grin on her face. "This is crazy fun!"

"I know!" Talei grabbed her hands and laughed hysterically.

"Why didn't I go swimming hours ago? So much funner than getting roasted alive inside."

"Yeah, you're roasted," Willow raised her eyebrows and gestured slowly, drink in hand, to a very angry Zion as he stormed out of the house.

Savannah's eyes widened in shock, her skin suddenly turning clammy and cold. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, failing miserably to cover the exposed skin, and took a deep breath before disappearing underwater. Was it too much to hope he wouldn't see her? That her very perceptive, bloodhound of a mate, wouldn't notice her presence? Was he coming to kill her? Or... why was she being so dramatic! He probably wanted to join her in the pool!

Bending her knees, she sprung from the bottom of the pool and broke the surface of the water like a dolphin jumping out of a wave. She practically felt like a mermaid, and basked in the liberating feel of the water embracing her bare skin.

Coming face to face with her mate, she gave him a disarming smile to make up for his thunderous and dark scowl. His face was far too beautiful to be marred with such sour expressions. "You came in for a swim!" she squealed, launching herself at him with arms outstretched to wrap around his body.

With reflexes like lightning, he grabbed her wrists and tugged her arms down. "What on earth are you doing now? I let you out of my sight for one moment, just one moment, and you do something stupid. Again!" he growled, his voice rumbling like the undertow of a massive wave.

"You're just jealous of Logan," Savannah smirked, a part of her liking the hardened look that chiseled his features.

"What? Logan who? And that doesn't make any sense. For what reason would I be jealous?" Zion gave her a strange look, his gaze travelling over her black underwear and bare stomach before dragging his eyes back up to her face. "How much have you had to drink?"

"Clearly not enough, since it didn't cool me down," she whined, secretly loving the heat that radiated from his touch and warmed her body despite the cold water surrounding them both. When he stepped even closer, backing her against the edge of the pool, she smirked up at him. When he removed his shirt, she bit her lip to contain a gasp. "So you are joining me?"

She couldn't help eyeing his hard, muscled chest with desire. A wave of daring washed over her, and she ran her fingers up his abdominals and across his chest, watching with awe the way his skin tensed and prickled under her touch. She could touch him like this all day, explore every gloriously beautiful muscle in his powerful body. How lucky could she be by getting Zion as her mate!

"Not in a million years," he responded coldly.

She didn't seem to hear him. "You just want to feel me all over you, isn't that right, Rogue? You can't get enough of my goodness," she teased while pressing herself against him. The warmth of his body encompassing hers was like the sweetest agony. "Mmm, you smell amazing." Nuzzling her nose against his neck, she took a deep breath and moaned at the heady scents of cypress and manly spice that overpowered even the chlorine of the pool water.

Zion pushed her away before throwing his shirt over her body and tugging it down to cover all her exposed skin. "It's past your bedtime, young lady. Time to say goodbye." He grabbed her around the waist, his large hands nearly completely circling her, and threw her over his shoulder before climbing nimbly out of the pool.

"Put me down, you big barbarian!" she screeched while pounding her fists on his lower back. Eventually realising it was useless, she called out, "Goodbye, everybody! Thanks for the epic party! So much fun!"

Zion marched her stiffly down the street and towards his home, keeping a tight grip on her thighs even when she began swaying back and forth, humming the tune from earlier.

"You're such a party pooper, you know that? We were having so much fun until you showed up." She sighed dramatically.

"Tell that to your hungover self tomorrow."

"I don't get hungover. I'm an Alpha, remember? I'll be fine."

He snorted. "That's another thing. Do you know how close you came to blowing your cover and getting yourself killed?"

Savannah threw her head back and laughed, her diaphragm aching for air from her upside-down position over his back. "You really don't think I could've handled myself against some puny rogues? You're hilarious!"

"It wasn't just them you were worried about, if I recall," he replied grimly.

Giggling some more, Savannah sobered as she thought back on the dark look on his face from earlier. "You're right. You were so angry, I thought for sure you were about to strangle me. Or kiss me stupid. I totally enjoyed the kiss, by the way. It was amazing! You could kiss me all night and it would make up for all the arguments...Wait!" she tapped her chin, wracking her brain as she pondered some more. Everything was so fuzzy, and she was starting to feel sick with all this blood rushing to her head. "Why were we arguing in the first place?"

Zion finally reached their house and swung her down onto the doorstep, steadying her when she threatened to topple right over. With a heavy sigh, he unlocked the door, pushed it open, and shoved Savannah over the threshold.

"Because, my dear little Alpha, you just found out I killed Alpha Bastien."

She gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. Then, a giggle escaped despite her best efforts. He had to be joking. Everything he said was so funny, and the way his eyes crinkled as he looked down at her with amusement was so cute. He was so adorable, and she just wanted to reach up and pat the sun streaked hair on his head. It would definitely be as soft as a puppy's fur, or maybe even a chicken's feathers.

Maybe, just maybe, it would be silky like the rabbit costume she used to wear when Cale and Justin came over to play dress ups when they were all little pups. Cale nearly died from fright the first time she put it on, and Justin couldn't stop laughing for a whole week after as he replayed the reaction over and over on his camera.

Zion swung the door shut behind them, the loud thud snapping Savannah from her reverie. He locked it, then with a predatory gleam in his gorgeous eyes, he backed her against the wall.

The corners of his mouth lifted in a trace of a smirk. "And now, Alpha Savannah, I have you right where I want you."

Anybody else freaked out by Zion's words?! Just what does he have in mind?😏😏

Hope you all enjoyed this crazy chapter, and you probably have lots of advice for our ridiculous young Alpha 😂

The songs mentioned are 'Made to Love' by TobyMac, and 'Ignite' by Alan Walker & K-391.

Enjoy your weekend :)

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