One Shots - TH - HO

By calliebode

102K 1.1K 127

This is my book of one shots for Tom Holland, and Haz Osterfield. All chapters are separate stories and all w... More

•Before you go•
•choose me•
•Good Boy•
•It's You•
•Just For A Night•
•More Than A Night•
•Match Made In Hell•
•Pretty Girl•
•Just Like Me•

•Already Gone•

6.5K 68 9
By calliebode

Summary: you and Tom have been dating for three years, but it's just getting to hard with his career.

Warnings- absolute angst. You might cry.

You light the candles sitting on the table, and make sure all the place settings are perfect. Tonight you made a beautiful dinner to surprise Tom with when he gets home. He's been away filming for three months and you finally get to see him tonight.
Your's and Tom's relationship started three years ago while bungee jumping together. You two had been best friends since high school, and always secretly liked each other. Just as you were about to jump off, you blurted out that you were in love with him, afraid of dying without telling him. Although you two didn't die, and that one second of blurting out your biggest secret in a panic got you your lovely boyfriend.
Ever since he graduated high school, he's been off filming for Spiderman, and a whole other group of movies. He's quickly become one of the most famous actors, and it's been a strain on your relationship to say the least. He comes home a couple times a year, and on holidays, but that's about it. He flies you out when he can, but even when he flies you out he's too busy working to be with you. You can barely get a text back from him on a daily basis.
You're one hundred percent supportive, and love that he's living his dream, but you really do miss when it was just the two of you. No managers planning out the next year of his life, no last minuet flights to leave you for months on end, and no having to share your boyfriend with millions of people.
You dim the lights, making the dining room impossibly even more romantic. You text him, asking if he will be home soon. He has drivers so you don't have to pick him up, even though you really wanted to.
Tonight will be perfect. You'll eat dinner together, get caught up and enjoy each other's company. Then you will have a fun night. You even bought a cute new lingerie set in his favorite color. He's going to love it.
You wait a bit longer, starting to get worried. He's not answering his calls or texts.. so you call Harrison to see if he's heard from him.
"Hey!" He answers, obviously a little intoxicated.
"Hey, have you heard from Tom? He's not answering his phone." You ask.
"He's at the pub with us! Just having a couple drinks then he will be there. Gotta go!" And with that, he hangs up the phone.
You can't help but feel anger rise in you. All this hard work put into making him an amazing dinner and he can't even call to tell you he's going out with the guys first? He couldn't in the very least tell you he got off the plane safely?
You kick off your shoes, and plop down onto the couch in your beautiful silk dress that Tom loves so much. What a waste. Your perfect night, gone.
A few drinks must have turned into many, because three hours pass and he still isn't here. You rest your eyes, laying down. How could he be so careless..
Soon, you hear the front door open and you sit up quickly.
Toms eyes land on you, dressed up all pretty for him, then to the table that's set so beautifully with candles and flowers.
"Baby.." he sighs, walking towards you.
"You could have at least called." You say, and he sits down next to you.
"I'm sorry I just got busy with the guys, then my phone died." He explains. "If I would have known you were planning something I would have come home instantly."
"That's the thing Tom." You sigh. "You should want to come home to me first. Wether I'm planning something or not.. don't you love me?"
"Of course I love you." He shakes his head.
"Why do you always hang out with your friends when you're home then?" You ask.
"I hang out with you too, I make sure I see both of you." He says but it's just not true.
"You spend way more time with your friends than me. They're always the first ones you see when you get home. I haven't gotten a night with you in months, and I put so much work into tonight just for you to go get drunk with Haz." You say.
"The world doesn't revolve around you Y/N."
Tom knew he probably had a few too many drinks, but he just wants you to calm down and enjoy the rest of the night with him. He's here now..
"I know the world doesn't revolve around me." You say, slightly hurt by his words.
"Then why can't you just let it go?" He asks.
"Because you don't love me as much as I love you. It's hurts me." You say and he scoffs.
"Don't pull that on me. You don't get to make me feel bad for seeing my friends."
"It just wouldn't hurt to prioritize me every once in a while.." you say quietly.
Tom stands from his spot, not even able to listen to your words. He works months on end, not getting to see family, friends, anyone. He bought your guises dream house and buys everything you ask for. He takes care of you, what more could you possibly want?!
"Your problem isn't me. It's that you're so spoiled that you can't handle when it's not all about you." He spits.
His words hit your heart like knives. You know Tom spoils you.. you've never asked for it, he's always just done it.
"I don't give a shit about your money, or the things you buy me. I just want you, Tom. I want you to pay attention to me." You plead.
"Jesus Christ Y/N it feels like your drowning me. You're always fucking there. Texting me, calling me, then when I get home you want me with you all the time! It's exhausting being your boyfriend!" He raises his voice.
"Tom. You are drunk." You say, your voice cracking as a tear slips your eye.
"A drunk mind speaks a sober heart." He states, making you have to turn away from him. You can't even look him in the face right now.. he's not himself. He's never spoken to you like this before.
"Well if you're so sick of me why don't you just break up with me then?" You ask.
He stays silent, just standing there. You look back to him with tears in your eyes. How could he not say anything? No reassurance, not one word.
"I need to go." You choke out, standing up and grabbing your phone and your car keys.
"You can't just leave." He says.
"Yes. I can. I'm just a burden to you anyways." You say, walking out the door, slamming it behind you.
You get in your car, wiping your eyes as it's starts, trying to clear your vision to drive. You back out of the driveway, and make your way to Harrisons. You know you should go somewhere else, but you have no one else. Haz is your best friend just as much as he is Toms. You can't be mad with him, he didn't know about your plans tonight.
"What's going on Y/N is everything okay?" Haz questions, concern laced on his face as he sees you standing outside his door in tears.
"I just- I needed to get out of there.. he's being so awful." You cry, finally allowing yourself to break down now that you're at a safe place.
"Come on." He sighs, bringing you inside and shutting the door. "Tuwaine can you go get some sweats and a T-shirt please."
Tuwaine scurries off to Haz's room and you two sit on the couch. You explain to Haz what happened, and everything Tom said to you. He can't help but feel terrible, like he's partly to blame.
"He's just drunk and stupid right now.. he didn't mean any of it. He loves you.." Haz tries to comfort you.
"I don't know Haz.. I think we may be getting to a point where it's time to break things off. It just hasn't been the same.. he's not excited to see me anymore.. he doesn't want to be around me anymore." You say.
"Y/N, if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that you and Tom are meant to be together forever. He had a tough couple of weeks filming, he's been super stressed out with all the press and shit. That's all it is. It's not about you, I promise.."
after talking it through a bit, you change into some comfortable clothes and go to the guest room. You just want to fall asleep and forget everything that happened tonight.
After sleeping only a few short hours, you wake up with puffy eyes and a stuffy nose. All the crying really did get to you. You sit up in the bed, and grab a tissue to blow your nose. Today is going to be difficult because Tom won't be drunk anymore, and he's going to want to talk.
Tom wakes up on the couch where he passed out last night. The memories of last night quickly flood his brain and he sighs, running his hands down his face.
"How could I say that shit.." he mutters to himself as he looks around the room, seeing the dining room table still set up from last night, and your heels sitting on the ground by the couch.
He's never been so angry with himself, and he swears to himself in this very moment that he'll never go out to the pub with the boys again if that's what it takes to make things better with you. Had he just stopped a few drinks earlier.. maybe those words wouldn't have left his mouth.
He gets up, putting on his shoes, not bothering to get ready whatsoever. He just needs to see you and make everything better.
You sit downstairs with Haz drinking a cup of tea. There's a knock on the front door and you instantly know exactly who it is.
"I don't want to talk to him." You say.
"Okay.." Haz nods, getting up and walking to the door.
He opens it only enough so that Tom can see into the living room and not the kitchen where you're sat at the dining table.
"Hey mate, Y/N is here isn't she?" You hear Tom ask.
"Yeah but she's sleeping." Haz says.
"I know for a fact she's not. She wakes up at the same time every single morning. Just let me talk to her, I fucked up." He says.
"Yeah. You really did." Haz nods. "She cried all night."
Haz thinks of you like a little sister, and he's very protective over you, even if he has to protect you from his best friend.
"Please. I need to fix it.." Tom pleads.
You get up from your spot, walking over to Haz.
"It's okay.." you say.
"You sure?" Haz asks and you nod.
He moves from the door, and you come into Toms sight. Even puffy eyed and tired your face is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
"Baby I'm so so sorry." He says, going to hug you but you back up from him. Concern laces his eyes and he frowns.
"You don't get to touch me after what was said last night." You say lowly, as Haz leaves the room to give you two some privacy.
"I didn't mean any of it." He says.
"You didn't? Are you sure? Cause you definitely didn't say it for no reason." You state.
"I was just talking out of my ass.. I had a rough week and I took it out on you. That was wrong and I will never ever do it again. I swear." He says.
"I asked you why you haven't broken up with me..and you said nothing. Absolutely nothing." You say, feeling the pain from last night erupt in you again.
"I don't know why I didn't say anything.. I love you so much please Y/N please hear what I'm saying. I love you more than anything." He shakes his head, reaching his hand out to take yours, but you don't return the gesture.
"What can I do to fix this?" He asks.
"It wasn't just last night Tom.." you say with a crack in your voice. "It's been months now.. you ignore my calls. You barely text more than a sentence. I'm lonely Tom.."
Those words stabbed through Toms heart like a knife. He's been so caught up in his own shit that he didn't realize how hard of a time you've been having. Of course you're lonely. He's off filming with all of his friends, busy with people morning to night. But you're here, alone, all the time. He couldn't even be bothered to call you every night.. all he can wonder is how could he be such a shitty boyfriend?
"I'm going to do better." He says.
"No.. you're not." You cry lightly.
"Y/N listen to me." He says, his hand running down your cheek, wiping your tears away. "I'm going to fix this. I swear."
"You're only saying that because this feels like the end.. but you won't. As soon as I forgive you and we start over it's just going to get worse and worse.." you explain. "You're hurting me, Tom."
"Please.." he pleads.
"I can't keep allowing myself to be hurt. You don't love me like you use to.. and everything you said last night Tom, this cant keep going." You say.
"I will never speak to you like that again. I promise." He now has tears welling in his eyes too.
"It's not working.. we're not working Tom.." you shake your head, resting it into his chest just to feel his heart beat one more time.
"Don't leave me.." he cries, holding you close. This can't be the last time he gets to hold you, and stroke your hair. It can't. "This can't be the end."
You pull your head from his chest, looking into those chocolate brown eyes that use to make your heart flutter.
"It is though...goodbye Tom."

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