A Hero That Stole 14 Broken H...

By Wonder-Ivy04

27.6K 1.4K 452

This is a story. It's a well-known story throughout the ages of time. A story about a famous hero that came f... More

Characters 2
Characters 3
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Sweet Sixteen
Question for readers
Chapter 4: Contact
Not a Chapter.
Not a Chapter.
Chapter 5: Rescue part 1.
Chapter 5: Rescue part 2.
Not a update. 😥
Chapter 6: Recovery and Surprise part 1
Chapter 6: Recovery and Surprise part 2
Chapter 7:Double Blessings Part 1 🎄⛄
Chapter 7: Double Blessings Part 2 🎄⛄
Authors note
Chapter 8: Secrets and Decisions part 1
Chapter 8: Secrets and Decisions part 2
Chapter 8: Secrets and Decisions part 3
Authors note 😢
Chapter 9: Memories and Moving Part 1
Authors note 😢
Chapter 9: Memories and Moving Part 2
Authors Note!!!!!!! 🎉🎉
Author's note
Chapter 10: First Meeting Part 1
Author's note
Authors Note

Chapter 3: Sang's Survival

1.3K 94 2
By Wonder-Ivy04

Sang's Pov.

I open my eyes from my slumber. It is dark inside my fortress. The sun Rao on the Phantom Zone never leaves the planet. Thanks to a program built into my fortress created by my father Jor-El. I can adjust the lighting inside the fortress on the control panel to be able to sleep or have my father Jor-El do it through voice command. The fortress has a sliding panel at the top of the ceiling. When closed no light comes through.

When the panels are opened the sun comes through the hole. The light reflects off the crystals. Then the light bounces off the crystals down a path guided down to the control room. The light surrounds the control room by bouncing in different directions of the crystals above my head. I think the earth reference is like a light bouncing off a mirror with a certain direction for the light to go. Each crystal placed and correlates for a given direction.

I sit up from the hard crystal bed I've slept on ever since I was 5 amzeto pass birth. (amzet: 1 year, lorax: 1 month, wolu: 1 hour, zetyar: 1 day, and fanff is 1 week in Kryptonian. "o" means the plural form of the word in Kryptonian. She knows earth and Kryptonian language.)

I begin rubbing my eyes. "Okay Father, turn on the lights." The fortress begins to engulf the room. I get up to go over to the control panel across the room. I press a crystal on the side corner of the panel. It opens a hidden hole in the wall. I hide my prized possessions inside there. I have my pink communication device.

It was given to me from my parents. It's a communication device to communicate and seek out my brother. I send out a signal every day to my brother Kal-El ever since I was 7 amzeto pass birth. I'm now 16 amzeto pass birth. One day my brother will find me and rescue me. The next item is my blanket from my spaceship. It came from Krypton given by my parents.

I have a few clothes I made from leaves, vines, and fur from a small creature that lives here. It's an herbivore. The creature is about the size I believe called a baby bear cub. It's not too big. The creature is called by Kryptonians here an Orycotombatid. My father Jor-El built a program set up for me to learn Earth languages, customs, cultures and histories. I also learned about plants and animals too. I wanted to know everything I can. He built the program for us to learn how to survive on Earth. Even though we were babies sent out. It was built in to teach us everything about our new home and the home we lost. It didn't matter the age we were able to build our fortress or even if separated from each other. We had safe place to go.

For instance, in my case I was separated from my brother sent here to the Phantom Zone. I crashed on the edge of a mountain base. I was alone for 8 woluo before someone found me. This planet has nothing but dangerous plants and animals everywhere. There are only a few nonthreatening species for medicinal herbs or plant eating animals. Along with criminals living here exiled from Krypton with no powers. It was nothing but a miracle I was found by one good person and taken care of. Raya is my guardian. She found me when I was a baby.

She was my father Jor-El's assistant back on Krypton. She helped build the crystal Fortress with my father and my communication device along with my brother Kal-El's. She taught me how to work everything inside my fortress. My father Jor-El sent her here to save her when our planet Krypton was going to be destroyed. She crashed close to where I crashed. She landed here 2 fanffo before Krpton exploded. She was there at our birth a fanff before Father sent her away. She was surprised to find me here on Phantom Zone.

If she seen me come to the Phantom Zone, we know other Kryptonians did as well. Raya was able to take me back to her hide out in the mountains. It was a cave on the side of the mountain behind plants that move when touched but move back down after a few dendaro (minutes). Raya had to go back for my ship after she had me settled. They could not find my ship and know I'm here. She took care of me and we would hide until the search parties finally stopped. Raya had to hide me inside the cave to gather food and water for us. She had a cloaking device father gave to her to hide us inside the cave. It was like there was not a hole just rock and just the plants growing down shielding us.

Raya also looked for Kal-El's ship or signs of him coming towards the planet each time she went out. It wasn't until a lorax (month) gone by Raya stopped looking. It was not until I was 5 amzeto pass birth the search parties stopped, and we didn't have to run anymore. She found a safe place to build the fortress on top of the mountain. She accessed the memory crystal from my spaceship then placed it into the control panel inside the fortress. She learned what happened to me and to my brother Kal-El.

The creature Orycotombatid. It's a mixture between as the earth animals called a jack rabbit and a wombat. The creature has a head like a wombat with a squatty nose and mouth. The ears are long as a jack rabbit. The creature is round and big in the middle. The fur is soft and smooth at the back half and the top short fur and little ruff. The animal's feet are long and slender in the back and thick and stubby and short in the front. It eats around the bottom of the mountain. The meats tough but good. Thanks to Raya and my father's program I learned how to have survival techniques. I make traps for the creature and use the skin for clothes. There's not much food sources on the Phantom Zone. Most of the animals or planets are either poisonous or will eat you.

I grab a few clothes and my communication device to place them at my bed. I walk over to another side of the fortress where I keep my food supply. I have my provisions inside the basket I used to gather everything from outside. I made the basket from the plants that aren't poisonous like the Jue-Jue trees. They are so high up nothing can reach the top. They are gigantic with leaves as big as me. I had learned to climb to hide from predators moving around hunting. Most of the animals don't know how to climb. I learned from my fathers' program how kids climb trees on Earth. I used it to climb a Jue-Jue tree. The trick is to avoid the prickly needles around the base. It senses body heat and the needles move towards the heat.

The branches move almost like they are alive. Unless you have hands there's no way to climb a Jue-Jue tree. You must grab a branch that comes close enough to the ground then hold on until it takes you higher. Once you get close to another branch swing towards it. It's very hard and you must keep swinging branches until you reach the tree itself. But once you reach to the actual tree part; The branches all move to shield you by coming lower. It's like its alive. The Jue-Jue tree knows nothing can climb it. But if you make it then it feels a connection with you and thinks you're part of the tree itself. It lowers its inner branches around you and circles around engulfing you with its leaves. The outer branches keep moving in all directions. I seek shelter sometimes When a predator I can hear is close by.

The basket is made from the leaves that have fallen from a Jue-Jue tree. Toughest vines in all the trees here. I look inside and see that I am low on food. I take out the remaining food and place it to the side on the floor; then hurried to change clothes. Next, I walk over to place my communication device in place to send out my distress signal for Kal-El to find me. I walk over to grab my bag that's made from Orycotombatid skin and vines and the basket that I made. I move out quietly from the entrance.

I looked everywhere around me for predators and danger. I remember yesterday I had to go retrieve some water from one of the streams further past the base of the mountain. Its like 2 miles from the mountain base. Two Zoners were searching for food close by. They saw me and tried to attack me. I ran as fast as I could. I tried searching for a Jue-Jue tree but I didn't see any. They probably would have seen me anyway. I saw a Wabaju tree ahead of me. I looked behind me and didn't see the Zoners.

I ran faster to the Wabaju tree to hide. This tree has a tiny hole that is slimy and filled with a mucus sap from the tree itself. The stench is putrid worst than animal droppings. I was tiny enough to slide into the hole and watch the outside. The smell from the tree helped me cover my scent where the Zoners couldn't track me. I waited and watched for the Zoners to approach. The slimy mucus covered every inch of me going into places that's horrible beyond thought. I remained still the entire time. The Zoners could be heard close to the base of the tree. The voices are muffled and can't be made out. They ended up leaving back to where they came after 20 dendaro.

I slide out of the Wabaju tree and ran the rest of the way home. I I used the Jue-Jue leaves I had stored to clean the slimy mucus off me. I must be careful of being spotted. Zoners spotted me 5 amzeto ago when I was 11 amzeto pass birth. I went further down the mountain and Raya went mostly around the fortress for us both to gather food. A Zoner seen me. I was able to disappear in a Jue-Jue tree. I ran back to the fortress and told Raya. I couldn't go down the mountain anymore. Raya mostly went down where I stayed close by to the fortress.

One zetyar Raya went to gather more provisions and never came home. I know they captured her. It's been 7 loraxo since she's been here. They have been searching for me. I'm hoping Raya's alive. She made me promise her if she's ever captured to not come looking for her ever and to keep calling put for my brother Kal-El every zetyaro. We've been sending a signal every zetyaro since I've been 7 amzeto pass birth. Waiting for a rescue.

I walked quietly and quickly through the forest at the base of the mountain to where my traps are. I'm avoiding everything that can make noise. There is an Orycotombatid in my trap. I go to grab it and place into my bag. I tie the bag tight for the Orycotombatid to not escape. I look around for a familiar plant. I see it further up from me. I go towards the bush. It's a Rambutan bush and start picking the fruit. Its red and prickly looking. It has green fibers coming out of the outer skin. I must use a crystal to break it open. The outer skin is tough. The inner layer is smooth and gummy like. Its squishy and has a small hole covered at the top. Once squeezed juices pop out with a sweet watery taste. I finish picking the Rambutan and just as I am turn around to go back to my fortress, I step on some branches fallen. I stop and listen to make sure nobody heard me.

After few dendaro passed by, I didn't hear anything. I start heading back to my fortress a lot faster than I was before. Just as I get inside my fortress a sound is coming from the crystal mirror. I suddenly hear a voice "Sang-El are you there? This is your brother Kal-El. Speak to me sis." I'm frozen in place and could hardly breath. Am I dreaming is this really happening? Has Kal-El finally found me. I rush towards the crystal mirror and place my hand onto the mirror to speak. "Kal-El is that you. This is Sang-El. Praise Krypton I am saved. Thank you big brother for finding me." I couldn't help but cry for finally being saved.

I saw another author do this and I asked if I could borrow the idea.

If you don't know what you want to say then you can use the emoji system instead!

❤️ = I loved/enjoyed this
☁️ = This was so fluffy
🍭= How sweet
🥵/😝 = Sexy
😍🎊 = I'm screaming (basically key-board smashing internally)
🤗 = Too cute/My heart/This was adorable
💔 = This was sad
💣 = This was the bomb!

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