In a Father's Embrace

By Dawning_Despair

64.7K 2K 497

A hobbit OC story. Thorin took in an abandoned elf maid, Thranduil's daughter, disowned for loving a common... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

5.3K 151 27
By Dawning_Despair

Thraya grew into a very talented warrior. She had the natural grace of an elf combined with the deadly vicious dwarven fighting style. But due to her early birth, her growth was forever stunted. She never grew above her father's chin.

She knew Thorin wasn't her father biologically. He had never tried to hide her past from her. Not even the part that her grandfather was Thranduil. She never cared. She was happy now with Thorin and the colony in the Blue Mountains. She was an expert craftsman and a rather beautiful young girl.

But she kept to herself. Not being overly fond of the confines of stone halls, she spent most of her time in the forests of the mountain. Very few of the other dwarves knew of her existence. Balin was close to her, a grandfatherly figure, and the young nephews of Thorin had been her friends in her childhood, though she had not seen them in a very long time.

She spent much of her time training in the woods, sometimes with her father, but mostly on her own.

Our tale begins on a fine evening. Thorin went to find his heart's daughter, following the sounds of her singing, punctuated by the occasional curse or complaint.

He chuckled to himself. So she's practicing with her bow, he thought. While she was skilled enough to take down her target, she was always frustrated that she was not as proficient as most of her kind.

"Nathith," he called, stepping into 'her' clearing.

"Oh, hello, father!" she chirped genially before releasing another arrow. It embedded itself in the second ring of her hand-painted target eliciting another Khuzdul curse under her breath. She slung her bow over her shoulder and unbuckled the quiver strap around her waist. "Is there something you need?"

"No, dear. I just have something important to tell you. Here." He collected the arrows from the target and shook out the carelessly discarded cloak. "Do you remember the tales I told you of Erebor?"

Thraya nodded enthusiastically. "Those were always my favorites, Adad."

"Well, we have a chance to reclaim our home of yore. I am gathering a company to take back the mountains."

Thraya's face split into a wide grin. "Oh, father, that's wonderful! I can't wait to see it! Be sure to send for me the moment you secure your home! I'll be waiting eagerly."

"Thraya, what do you mean?"

"Oh, I'll be fine here. Don't worry about me! But I do want to see the halls of Erebor. So send for me once you can."

"Thraya, I want you to come with me. Do you think I would leave you behind?"

This news took a second for her to process. "I am...surprised, father. I mean, I know I can handle myself, and I would love the adventure, would allow me? wouldn't be ashamed of your kinsfolk finding out about me?"

Thorin placed a well-worn hand on her shoulder. "Thraya, why would you say that? How could I ever be ashamed of you?"

"Well, not ashamed, exactly," she said with a slight laugh. " dwarrow are judgmental people. And not overly fond of elves. I don't mind, you know. I never have, but I know how protective you got when your nephews teased me for my obviously elven traits."

Thorin rolled his eyes and took the quiver from her, leading her back to their home. "Well, I was prepared to fight anyone who took issue with you, but if you can stand it, so shall I."

Thraya wrapped her arm around her father's back and rested her head on his arm. "Good. Now when do we leave?"

"We will be separated for the first part of the journey. You shall go with Balin to our rendezvous. I must meet with the envoys of the other kingdoms, but I will not be far behind you. Is that alright?"

Thraya nodded. "Balin is good company. But I'll miss you."

"I am setting out for the meeting at Erid Luin tomorrow at first light. You have a few more days."

"Alright. Have fun with the envoys."

Thorin chuckled. "You know I never do. As far as dwarves go, diplomacy is never a strong suit and the envoys are always a pain."

"Ah, so this is why you want me on the quest? So that there is someone capable of holding a civil conversation?"

Thorin chuckled and flicked one of her braids into her face. "Actually, that's what Balin is for. I want you there because you're my daughter and I would hate to go however long this venture will take without you by my side. You are too dear to me. And a fearsome warrior."

"Oh, stop. Who else is going to be in this company?"

"Thirteen of the dwarves from this city, including some that haven't been here for a while, Gandalf the Grey and a burglar the wizard chose. Don't worry, you don't have to talk to them. You can just stay with me and my nephews and ignore all the others. And who knows? Maybe they'll grow on you."

"Your nephews?"

"Yes. You remember Fili and Kili?"

"Do I? They're the best! They'll be coming too?"

"Aye, that they will. Try not to kill them."

Thraya chuckled. "Oh, this will be fun!"

Nathith: Daughter [Khuzdul]

Adad: Father [Khuzdul]

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