comfort for the cold is hot...

By giveneaknife

30.2K 1K 652

takes place after the war was won and zuko was crowned firelord. sokka feels as if something is missing withi... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 4

2.9K 109 59
By giveneaknife

Iroh had walked in to wake up his nephew, he had seen his nephew and his old friend in bed together, cuddling with each other.

zuko shot up once he realized his uncle had walked in a frantically tried to explain

"uncle!? i promise it's not what it looks like! i was just having a nightmare then sokka came and helped and i uh i didn't wanna be alone so he just stayed here with me and i know how uncomfortable the chairs are so i told him to la-" zuko began speaking so fast he was barely processing what he was saying till finally his uncle placed a hand in front of his face and stopped him.

Much to Zukos surprise his uncle didn't care, he just continued with what he was going to say that day and woke sokka without any questions or confusion.

"what in the..." zuko said almost stunned.

"look zuko i came in here last night because you screamed and i wanted to make sure you were okay and you tol-" sukko said frantically before being cut off

"no not that, i remember last night. i mean my uncle." zuko said still looking shocked.

Zuko hadn't know what had happened and sokka was quite confused as well. all sokka knew was that iroh had woken him up and told them about breakfast.

"He... he didn't care!" Zuko said with a small smile

"i mean why would he?" sokka said still not knowing what was going on

"i-i was sleeping in bed with another man! my uncle didn't care that i had just slept in the same bed with a guy?!" Zuko said after standing up and happily beaming at sokka.

"and that's such a good this because...?" sokka said STILL confused

"my father would have been furious and i for what would've been burnt again, spirit knows what he would do to you." zuko said

"why is this such a good thing tho i still don't get it" sokka said now sitting upright looking directly into zuko eyes.

"Because that means i can da-" zuko cut himself off. he couldn't believe what he almost allowed himself to say, and for one he was still questioning it himself.

was i about to say i could DATE sokka?! no, no way. that's insane he's my best friend and besides sokka just lost suki there's no way there's any chance there. wait why am i thinking of having a chance!? SPIRITS ZUKO STOP!

zuko was suddenly snapped back into reality by a voice that he loved to hear more then he should.

"Because you can what zuko?" sokka said confused as to why zuko was just staring into his eyes, not that he didn't like he he was just confused.

"because i cannnnnnnnmm umm i cannn.... do any thing  with out my uncle caring" zuko sais as fast as he could without sokka being more suspicious.

sokka raised his usual eyebrow when like he dose when he questions something

"What i'm telling the truth." zuko said raising his hand to his head in defense.

"mmmmhhhhhmmmm sureeeee you wereeee" sokka said with his usual 'i know you're lying but you're clearly not gonna tell me so i'll just look at you weird' type of look.

"okay now go get dressed for breakfast and be there in 5 minutes. if you get lost just yell MARCO i'll find you." zuko said laughing.

"okay fine" sokka said walking back to his room. "But just know i'll find out sooner or later what you were gonna say" he yelled while opening his door

"Yaaaa sure you will!" zuko said smirking at the door.

the boys headed to breakfast where they found iroh sitting waiting all ready. both the boys were two to be asked a bazillion questions but none came, everyone just...ate. in fact there was almost not talking.

"sokka," iroh said breaking the silence " when would you like a nice cup of tea and a talk?" iroh asked sokka

sokka of course was in the middle of stuffing his face when he just gave iroh a gaze and held up a finger telling him to give him a minute.

"in about and hour if that works with you." sokka said muffled by the food that was still in his covered mouth.

"that works fine with me." iroh said with a smile. "till then i will go take a nice nap" iroh said before leaving the room with only the two boys in it now.

"after i have tea with your uncle we could work on our bending together?" sokka asked zukko braking the awkward silence that overflowed the room

"oh, what.. i mean ya ya ya that works." zuko said zoning back to reality.

what had he been thinking?? sokka asked himself

the vibe in the room was odd but not unpleasant. i was kind of like when you are with someone you're super close to but the house or room is quite and you're not sure how loud to talk.



both boys stated and stopped at the same time

"oh, go ahead-"

"oh, go ahead-"

both boys said yet AGAIN

"okay i'll go firsts. sorry about coming into your room last night, i just heard you screams i got worry that you were hurt or someone had kidnapped you or broke in or something. just all the worst scenarios flooded my mind so me being me i got up and ran to check on you. i'm sorry" sokka said touching the back of his neck and looking down

"it's fine sokka, you were just worried that's all it not a reason to be sorry. If anyone should be sorry it's me, i made you sleep in the same bed as me just cause of a stupid nightmare that wasn't even real."zuko said with his hand on his forehead

"you're fine to have been scared some nightmares are really realistic. And if i was uncomfortable in the bed with you i would've left it" sokka assured zuko

"i guess you're right but i still got us in the mess this morning." zuko said doubting he had a justified cause to sokka sleeping in the same bed as him

"zuko, that wasn't a mess, if it was it would've been a lot worse and we wouldn't be talking right now." sokka reassured zuko.

"i guess you're right" zuko said with a playful annoyance.

"oh, so you wanna play that game?" sokka said smirking at zuko

sokka began bumping zuko a shoulder back and for then eventually sokka hit so hard that zuko had fallen over.

Both boys began laughing hysterically at the mistake and when sokka stood to help zuko up he had tripped and just barely caught himself before he fell on zuko but not soon enough to avoid their faces getting extremely close.

the boys say there for a minute looking into each other's eyes sokka occasionally glimpsing at zuko s lips on 'accident'.

sokka felt the urge right then and there to just kiss him, he just wanted to fall on him and kiss him.

zuko wanted nothing more then to lean in and kiss sokka, he wanted to kiss him and roll him over so zuko was just barely hovering above him, but he didn't wanna take the chance of what would happen.

suddenly both their thoughts were interrupted when a maid walked in to let sokka know iroh was reading for him. sokka lept of of zuko as fast as he could and zuko sat up-rite faster then ever before.

sokka had left the room and zuko had just flopped backwards onto the floor.

uhggg spirit i should've just kissed him, i wanted to so badly but uhgggg my stupid doubt took over. zuko thought to himself while rolling over

"hey iroh" sokka said walking into the room.

"hello sokka!" iroh said with a wide smile "what's been wrong with you lately you said you've been off?"

"well...yes, you see i.."


A//N: i don't know if it works but i think cliffhangers like this work but let me know if you'd be eager to read the next chapter with this cliffhanger. as always thank you for reading and remember to vote<3 i'm always open for improvements so just commet or message me any tips or constructive criticism

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