dear juggie ā˜¼ jarchie

De mooniesirius

9.9K 255 302

The cocky Archie Andrews writes the inconsequential Jughead Jones a letter each year that he knows him, but h... Mais

Upcoming Fanfiction
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ā˜¼ fifteen ā˜¼ (SAPRISE SHAWTYY)

213 5 5
De mooniesirius

september 2011
fifteen years old

"You know you've gotta stop hogging Jug all to yourself, me and Reggie have to see him too." Betty said as her and Archie walked down the greenway next to their neighborhood.

"You know you guys can go get on a train to visit him as well." Archie snickered kicking a rock.

"Yup and you'll just come right along with us. But seriously though how are things going? I mean is it awkward or anything? Do you feel any tension? If you do feel tension is it at least SEXUAL?" Betty bumped her side with his wiggling her eyebrows.

"There is no tension whatsoever which means nothing sexual. Sorry Betts."

"You know there doesn't have to be tension to feel anything sexual."

"Betty I don't know how I feel towards him. My emotions are very bipolar. One minute I'll be with him having the time of my life and then the next I'll be sleeping in his bed thinking of how much he let me down at the beginning of the year. I really gotta let that go." Archie looked ahead of them and remembered how him Jughead Betty and Reggie took this same path to get to the lake previous times before.

"Wait so like were you guys sleeping together?"

"Out of everything I said that's what you heard?"

"This information is crucial."

"No we don't sleep in the same bed. Whenever I visit he lets me sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the air mattress." Archie said kicking the same rock as they walk.

"What?! You guys aren't even sleeping together?"

"It's not like we're a couple about to divorce Betty it's not that big of a deal."

"Whatever Arch I just hope that you regain your senses" Betty said twiddling with her hands.

"You think I shouldn't have gone back?" Archie said actually considering that maybe going back wasn't the best idea.

"No I mean I hope you regain your SEXUAL sens-"

"Oh my god Betty drop it!" Archie exclaimed.

"I'm sorry I just miss when you used to lust over him and tell me abo-"

"BETTY! SHUSH! Not here! You're being too loud!"

"Yes because all the trees are gonna come alive and talk shit about how you once had a wet dre-"

"Okay seriously stop I get it!" Archie said huffing getting off the path to go back to his house. He was annoyed and didn't wanna walk with her back to his house. Ever since March he's seen Jughead 3 times. Each time has been better since the previous. It's a lot easier to talk openly with him now. He learned Jughead ended up doing online school until the end of June. He's gonna be attending a high school that's apparently better than Riverdale high. Archie was kind of jealous. He didn't feel the hype for Riverdale high that he used to feel.

Some may argue that archie still wanting to be friends with Jughead is foolish but truly he is over the incident. With him and Jughead becoming closer why would he feel any different towards the situation. He had a couple classes with Clint but they didn't talk and he never saw Ridge again.

Archie was looking forward for later this afternoon though. He would be boarding the train to visit Jughead again. He was interested in learning about what Jugheads new school was like.

Archie walked into his house to find it empty. His parents had been on a vacation for the weekend. Archie told them he would be staying at Reggie's house. He's surprised his parents have believed that lie for this long.

Archie walked upstairs to his room to collect his things to start heading down to the station. He figured he'd get a head start considering he had nothing else to do.


The train ride was the same. He had his head resting on the window watching as everything started to slowly change from Riverdale to Rosewood.

Archie started to think and wonder if Jughead felt lost. Rosewood wasn't for him and Archie knew that. He could tell by the way he talked about it. He always knew when Jughead was lying. He tilts his head away from Archie as he speaks because he doesn't want to see the "I know you're lying" look on Archie's face.

Archie still didn't mind, even if it was a lie he was just happy Jughead was talking to him now like old times.


Archie eventually got there and went to the same flower shop he always goes to and picks out the same yellow flowers as he does every single time. He walks down the street to Jugheads apartment building and gets on the elevator. As he steps into the elevator the same butterflies from the previous 3 times fill his stomach.

He walks down the hall and suddenly they go away. He sees Jughead leaning against the wall waiting for him. Archie couldn't help but smile and feel giddy inside and thanks the lighting for being so bad that it hides his blush.

Jughead smiles a bit at the flowers and takes them. "Why thank you Mr Man"

Archie smiled back. "How's school going? You're not online anymore right?"

"I hate it there Arch." Jughead said as he put the flowers in a vase in the apartment then walked out closing the door behind him. "It's just not for me. The school is high class in its own prestigious way and the kids there just follow every social stereotype. There's no one there that's actually themself."

"Except you I suppose." Archie said locking his arm with Jugheads as they walked back to the elevator.

"It's not like Riverdale you know? At least when I walked into Riverdale High I felt like I had a place. Rosewood High has deprived any of that feeling from me."

"You still have a place there you know. You can just move in with me."

"Archie I can't, my dad has business here."

"What? Drug dealing? Gang shit that doesn't help you get a living and that won't matter in 5 years?"

"Arch you don't know that."

"Jug he is in a GANG! What else do people do in gangs?"

The elevator door opened and Jughead tugged Archie out with him. "I just don't want to look at my dad like that."

"Well you better start looking at him like that Jug because it's what he's becoming. You told me sometimes he doesn't come home for days."

"Yah and? I just whip myself up some Mac and cheese for 4 days in a row and I'm all set. I've got the tv too. Free porn whenever I want." Jughead said as they walked out of the elevator.

Archie shoved Jughead away from him to Jugheads amusement.

Jughead, still amused, walked by Archie's side along the sidewalk.

"Jughead do you watch porn?"

"No it was only a joke."

"Why not?"

"Am I supposed to?"

"You're a hormonal fifteen year old boy I'd expect you do."

"Jeezus are my hormones that noticeable or are you just extremely observant."

"I've always been observant especially when it comes to you if you haven't noticed."

"Ah yes I forgot you're writing that Jughead Jones x Reader fanfiction because you know all about me and the sweet nothings that come with me."

Archie snorted. "I can't write, and even if I did it wouldn't be about you."

"You don't need to sugarcoat it or anything." Jughead said sarcastically.

The two "friends" walked up the hill that overlooked the small town and sat under a tree.



"What do you think of people having sex?"

"Oh don't even get me started." Jughead crossed his legs and leaned his elbows on his knees. "The white suburban mom, Pam who lives above me, is totally cheating on her husband and having an affair with the maintenance worker. I know it's him because when I leave for school the husband leaves as well and the maintenance guy goes upstairs. I get home from school at like 2:15 and by that point I sit in my room and I hear the moans and the bed squeaking and all the horrible noises that follow. It's not the husband, he works at a hospital, no way is he home. And right when I walk out at 8 o'clock to go get a pizza the husband comes up and the maintenance guy comes down."

Archie blinked. "You really are THIS bored."

Jughead shrugs but gives him a nod.

"That doesn't answer my question do you feel about it?"

"Considering I've never had it I guess I can't form an opinion."

Archie pushed on. "Okay but like the THOUGHT of sex". Archie realized he could not get more obvious 5 minutes ago but decided why stop now.

"You're so cute Arch. You're pestering me about how I feel about a man shoving his dick into a girls ass."

"I can't ask you anything can I"

"You can ask. But with a trashmouth like mine you may not always get the answer you want."

The two continued their walk. They crossed the street in order to get to the arcade. It was kind of hidden in a way that you had to walk through two buildings and go down the stairs that led to the door of the arcade. Anyone would think it's sketchy but it really was a cute little place. A little ice cream shop was attached to it as well. They got ice cream first. Bad idea. They ended up getting it on some of the games. One of them would say something and the other would laugh absentmindedly tipping their ice cream to the side. The other would then playfully slap the other for making a mess, making their ice cream drip as well.

The arcade games were all the vintage ones like Pac Man, Street Master, Galaga, Donkey Kong, and Dig Dug. Archie and Jughead were familiar with these games. When they were little and their dads were friends, they would take them and Jellybean to the arcade they used to go to when they were teens. Surprisingly Fred and FP played more of the games than the kids did.

They both didn't speak out loud about it but they were both reminiscing in their heads about those simple days whilst playing the arcade games.

"Where to next?" Archie asked as they went up the stairs leading out of the arcade.

"We'll keep walking until you see something you wanna do" Jughead said nudging him.

Archie nodded in response and led the way but keeping close beside Jughead. Their hands kept brushing together.

The town was quiet. The sun was setting and the street lamps had just started to come on. Archie looked in the windows of the stores as they walked by and would occasionally see a person with a cup of coffee reading a book, or a person madly typing on their computer, two people laughing while absentmindedly touching each other. As they walked on the streets they'd pass by a man talking angrily on the phone giving him a shove on the shoulder as he passed, two children pressed up against the window of a toy shop, a couple cuddled close together on a bench, a man who looked as if he was living his best life striding past by them. And all these people, archie couldn't help but wonder.

How could they not stare at Jughead as he walked past them.

Archie looked at Jughead. The colors of the warm colored sky were painted in his eyes, the neck of the hand me down burgundy sweater he was wearing was stretched out exposing his shoulder, the denim jacket he had been wearing was slipped down to his elbows as it was still a little bit warm out for it to be too cold, his jeans were a little bit short for him and Archie could see the mismatched socks on his feet slightly covered by vans. And his hair. His jet black hair. Something that Archie would be able to pick out in a room full of people. And those eyes those green eyes that were staring right into his brown ones-oh shit.


"Jug?" Archie said snapping back into reality.

"You hear that?"

You mean the sound of my screaming because you're so goddamn beautiful? "Hear what?"

Jughead stopped walking as did Archie. Then Archie could hear the soft sound of 80s music. "We walked so far we landed in the 80s?" Archie chuckled.

"Cmon goober I think I know where it's coming from" Jughead said grabbing Archie's hand dragging him along.

Grabbing. Archie's. Hand.

It was small but Archie was on cloud 9. He hoped the place was a little ways away because he was not ready to let go of Jugheads hand.

The sound started to become more clear and Archie recognized the song as "Is this love" by whitesnake. Jughead pulled Archie into a cafe which had, of all things, a dance floor in the corner of the room and on the mini stage was a jukebox playing out the sweet tune. On the dance floor were two couples swaying softly with their arms wrapped around their loved one. Jughead felt this wasn't their place to be.

Archie felt Jugheads hand slipping from his but he squeezed it in order to make him stay. "Don't let go of my hand now, it appears fate has brought us to a dance."

Jughead chuckled. "I can't dance Arch and neither can you so let's save ourselves the embarrassment-"

"Any excuse to not dance with me Cmon Jug we'll make a fool of ourselves together." Archie said dragging Jughead to the floor.

Jughead had a sheepish smile on his face as they stood facing each other.

Archie, trying to make things less awkward started to shimmy his shoulders as he got closer to Jughead while winking at him.

Jughead laughed and grabbed Archie's hands and looked into his eyes. "I'm guessing we should copy one of these professionals" Jughead said nodding towards the two couples.

"Alright who do you wanna be the girl or the guy" Archie leaned in whispering to him.

"I dunno but that guy with the blonde hair is a stud muffin for sure and I bet he's got some goody in his pants." Jughead whispered back leaning his head against Archie's cheek, both of them failing at not being obvious for staring so intently at the blonde man with his wife.

"You're not confident enough with yourself to even call yourself a stud muffin therefore I'll be the guy and you be my pretty lady." Archie said looking at the couple one more time than placing his hands on Jugheads waist.

Jughead stared at Archie with a look that Archie has never seen before.

"There's uh..there's this feeling in my chest that I can't explain." Jughead spoke softly.

"Well there's this feeling I'm getting called embarrassment now put your hands on me so I don't look like an idiot." Archie huffed. Where is all this boldness coming from and how long will it be staying is what I would like to know.

Jughead, seemingly relaxed now, rests his hands over Archie's shoulder blades giving him a giddy smile. "You're always an idiot"

"I suppose so"

It was awkward at first. They were kind of far away from each other and were stumbling over each other's feet. The two couples even watched them with amusement.

But as they drowned each other's racing thoughts out with talks of anything and everything they found themselves moving closer together.

Jughead had his head leaned against Archie's shoulder, Archie's head leaning against Jugheads.


"Yah Jug?" Archie said trying to maintain his smile.

"You know how you asked me about sex earlier?"

"Yah Jug."

"This" Jughead said holding onto Archie tighter. "Has to be a million times better than any man sticking his dick in a woman's ass."


Welp here's the long awaited chapter!

I think this ones my least favorite one idk. I promise things will start getting better as the story goes on! Hopefully it'll peak your interests more.

Hope you're all having a lovely night/morning/evening wherever you are


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