Beauty & the Wolf

By RexySaurusRex

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⚠️ Mature Language ⚠️Mature Scenes "You're just a princess, and I'm bad for you. You don't want a guy like me... More



188 6 8
By RexySaurusRex

Everything is silent as my paws thud against the damp earth. I'm in wolf form, but Astaria is nowhere to be found. I can't hear her, the empty void is back again. My heart races in my chest, my mouth is parted revealing my saliva soaked tongue. I'm running faster, faster, until everything is a blur. Fear is coursing through my veins, I know I have to keep running or something bad will happen, I feel it.

I let out a small yelp as pain spreads up my leg, coming from my front paw. I trip over a fallen log and go tumbling across the forest floor. There's pain creeping across my whole body, pressure on my back as a kneecap is pressed deeply into my spine. "Hello again."

I jump up suddenly, my breathing in short puffs as I grip the soft duvet around me. My hair is matted to my forehead, sweat beads form rivers down my temples. Astaria?? I call out, eager. Hoping she hadn't actually left me. Yes Rain? Are you okay? She asks, her voice full of concern. Yes..I'm okay. Did you- were you able to see that dream? Were you there? I wondered why she couldn't speak to me, why I was alone and how I was able to feel that emptiness again.

Yes I was there, you are safe now. Don't be worried. She comforts, I see her in my mind now; curled on her side still in her resting position. Why weren't you there? What happened? I questioned sitting up on my bed, throwing my legs over so that my feet touch the plush carpet.

I don't know, but know that I am here and you are safe. Why don't we go freshen up and have some breakfast, yeah? I caught my reflection in the mirror as I sat perched on the comfy mattress, my hair was a wreck and I had dark circles forming under my eyes from a night of restless sleep.

That's a good idea, thank you for being there for me Astaria.

You're welcome, Rain. My stomach let out a monstrous growl as I stared blankly at my cream colored walls. Yeah, breakfast sounds nice right about now. I agreed.

The cool water washed away the horrors of the night before, bringing a sense of refreshment to my clammy face and neck. I took a better look at my appearance in the bathroom mirror; remnants of my makeup were smudged across my eyelids, gold and blue eye shadow was smeared across my cheek.

I hadn't met my mate. Why hadn't I met him? Did the Moon Goddess not think I was ready? Does she know that the pressure is on to find him so that we can be crowned King and Queen? The events from the night before came flooding back as I leaned myself against the marble sink.

He could have been there right? I could have maybe overlooked him with all of the emotions and rush of meeting you for the first time, with my first shift and everything maybe I just didn't see him. What if he noticed me and didn't come forward Astaria?? My mind was in a panic, there were so many wolves at the Ceremony, why wasn't he there?

Rain listen to me, calm down. Breathe in, breathe out. So much has happened in the past twenty four hours you need to take a few moments to rest and allow yourself to catch up. Your mate was not at the Ceremony, if he was you would have smelled him. We have bigger issues to attend to at the moment. I think you should go get some breakfast and talk to your father first and foremost, maybe he can answer your questions. Fluffing her tail, she sat up on her rump and tilted her head.

She was right I did need to breathe, overreacting never helps in any situation. Okay. I'll go get some breakfast. My eyes lingered on the mirror at my reflection. I really do look exhausted. I reached in the drawer and pulled out a washcloth, wetting it under the cool water of the faucet. The pressure under my swollen eyes brought some relief to the tightness of my skin.

After wiping away the remainder of my makeup, I searched through my wardrobe for something comfortable to wear. I was in no mood to doll myself up today and I felt like I deserved a break from the "princess" attire. I settled on some dark grey sweats and a plain blue t-shirt. I removed my hair tie from my hair and ran my fingers through it, throwing it back into a messy bun. I grabbed a pair of ankle socks from my drawer and stopped to take in my appearance.

Much better.

I turned to head downstairs but was greeted by a knock at my door. "Come in!" I sang happily, even if I did have reason to be upset or offset today I couldn't let anyone know. I had to show everyone I was capable of being the next queen.

"Oh you're dressed already?" Sonya stepped into the doorway, crossing her arms and leaning against the oak frame.

"Yes, should I still be in bed?" I joked, testing her mood.

"No I'm glad you're a step ahead of me, keep it that way. We've got a big day ahead of us." She leaned down, taking my sneakers in her hand and tossed them to me.

Catching them in mid-air, I groaned internally. This wasn't a good sign.

"Put them on let's go. No time to waste, Rain." She turned fluidly and walked out into the hallway, waiting for me to follow her.

She seems intense today. Astaria chimed in.

Yeah she usually gets like this when she's under pressure. I tied the laces of my sneakers and stepped into the hallway to find Sonya and a few other guards standing on either side of my door. "Morning gentleman, how was your evening?" I questioned them, most ranged from 30-40 years of age. They were pretty attractive men but still intimidating, as they should be.

"Quite well Princess Rain, thank you for asking. How was yours if I may ask?" Jasen asked, sending me a broad smile.

"No time for pleasantries Jasen, we have much to do today." Sonya scolded, her hand resting on her hip.

"Yes ma'am, sorry Sonya." He sent her an apologetic smile and turned to chat with the other guards. It was funny to watch the male guards interact with her, she was small but they knew not to cross her. I think most of them, if not all of them, are afraid of her.

"Alright let's go." She began walking down the hallway, her black leather boots thudding softly on the carpet; just as they had the night before. I followed beside her, my footfalls in sync with hers.

Our journey to the kitchen was silent, I could hear laughter from the dining hall as we exited the elevator. I had forgotten to check the clock as I got ready so I wasn't sure what time it actually was. Judging from the activity through the castle it was between nine and ten a.m., breakfast was usually served at eight a.m but most of our pack didn't emerge from their rooms until later.

The dining hall was full of life as our pack devoured their breakfast and chatted among themselves. Their voices silenced upon my entrance, heads bowed to show respect to their princess. "Good morning everyone!" I greeted them with a bright smile and a nod to show appreciation for their respect.

"Why don't you find somewhere to sit and I will make your plate." Sonya didn't give me any time to respond as she turned and headed towards the kitchen.

She's not intense or anything. Astaria joked, her tail thumping softly in the hollow walls of my mind.

Definitely not Sonya. I returned her playfulness, Where should we sit? My eyes traveled across the bustling room. Half the pack or more were here, one could say we were passionate about our meals. I could feel Astaria peeking through my eyes, a soft purr left her lips as she glanced around at our pack, a pack that we would guide together with our mate.

Such an odd question for me, I'm not familiar with our pack yet. Maybe you should introduce me to some of the wolves our age? I could feel her want and need to mingle with our pack.

Thats a wonderful idea. I could feel her smiling sheepishly, even princess wolves were allowed to be shy sometimes.

I took another long look through the dining hall and found a table with some friendly faces, the wolves seated at the table were all in my class and I had trained with a few of them who aimed to be warriors one day.

"Hey guys!" I greeted happily, they all returned my smile with their own and a small nod to acknowledge my rank. "Hi Rain! Would you like to join us?" Stella asked, she was a year younger than me but her brother Tullan was my age.

"That would be wonderful, thank you." I studied the young girl, her blonde hair spiraled across her shoulders and upper back, natural lowlights peeked through her curls. Her broad smile traveled across her face and met her chocolate eyes that seemed to sparkle with invitation. I had seen her often but we always kept our conversations short and friendly.

"Rain this is Ember, Octavius, Reed, and Willow." Stella's introduction was short and sweet, she pointed out each of them as she called their names.

"Nice to meet you all, I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" I questioned cautiously, despite the fact that we had all grown up together I didn't really make friends with the kids my age. It also doesn't help that schooling is different for royalty, the equivalent to home schooling in the human world. Aside from our meals and celebrations I didn't mingle much with our pack.

"Not at all," Ember was the first to speak, "I'm Ember, this is my mate Octavius." They were quite the pair. Embers eyes matched her name, light brown with flames of gold dancing around her irises. Her hair was muddy brown, styled into a cute bob that framed her oval face. Octavius was lanky, his eyes a hunter green, curls of dark brown hair placed intricately atop his head. His lips formed a nervous smile as he sent a wave.

"Nice to meet you both." I greeted as I claimed the open seat near the end of the table. I could feel a pair of eyes burning a hole into the side of my face, glancing around the small group my eyes met a pair of sparkling grey ones.

"How are things, Princess?" It was Reed, his voice raspy and laced with something I couldn't detect immediately. A smirk tugged at his lips.

I studied his grey eyes curiously, trying to decipher his hidden agenda. Stella and the group eyed me as I studied him, Are you going to answer him? Astarias voice was calm as usual, her ears relaxed and body language didn't show she was alarmed by this male.

"Things are well Reed, thank you for asking." My reply was sweet and wrapped nicely in a bow, I have a feeling he is well aware of what happened last night and may even know more than the others. Do you think he knows Roderick?

"So I'm going to ask since nobody else will, you haven't met your mate yet Rain?" Willows' voice was calm and intrigued, my eyes met her blue ones as she waited for my reply.

"I- I"

"Willow!" Stella loudly scolded, "You can't ask questions like that."

"It's just a question, Stella. I'm sure she doesn't mind, right princess?" Reed chimes in, that smirk still playing on his lips.

"No..I don't mind, I haven't found him yet but I'm sure it won't be long." Stella sent an apologetic smile before her eyes went cold and a glare was sent to Reed and Willow both.

"That's unfortunate, I'm sorry." Embers voice friendly, her eyes kind and trusting.

"It's okay." I replied, snaking my hand up to scratch my neck. "So what are you guys studying for?" My attempt to change the subject.

"Well Willow is studying magick and herbology, Octavius is studying to become a traveling doctor, Reed is hoping to become a part of the guard detail, Ember is into music and literature, and I'm currently studying the Oracles and their practices. I'm hoping to work with them when I'm older." Stella answers me with a broad smile.

"Wow, that's very interesting you guys. Octavius have you had the chance to work with a doctor yet?" I addressed the quiet boy.

"Yes I've been studying under the doctor from Emerald Moon's pack" His answer was simple, he fidgeted with his hands underneath the table. Ember placed her arm around his torso and touched her head to his shoulder. He visibly relaxed having contact with his mate, goosebumps covered his arms as she mindlessly stroked his arm with her fingers.

"There you are." Sonyas voice was stern, turning to face her I noticed small bags beginning to form under her eyes. She held my plate of breakfast in one hand while her other was perched on her hip. "Sorry to interrupt everyone, the princess has a very busy day."

"Right," I sent her a sheepish smile, "Everyone this is Sonya my guard, Sonya this is Ember, Octavius, Willow, Reed, and Stella. It was great to meet you all, we'll have to catch up again later." I stood to follow Sonya, sending them all a wave goodbye.

"Oh and Reed," my eyes met his icy ones, "If you're really interested in joining the guard detail, I highly suggest training under Sonya." I sent him a wink, he raised his eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak but closed it quickly, turning his attention back to the table.

"See you around, Rain!" Ember called out as Sonya and I walked away.

What a group. Astaria finally spoke, her face held a wolffish grin as her tail flopped softly in the walls of my mind.

No kidding, the girls seem nice. In fact, they all seem nice except Reed. There's something off about him.

I noticed that as well, should we tell someone? Her question was innocent but I could tell she was alarmed by his nature as well.

"Sonya what can you tell me about Reed?" I broke the silence as we sat, she placed my breakfast in front of me on the table.

"Not much, he's a quiet kid. He's been caught at the wrong place at the wrong time a few times but other than that he's always kept to himself. His parents are Allie and Brett; his mother works in the kitchen and his father is a hunter." Her eyes locked on to mine, full of curiosity. "Why?"

"I can't quite place it but there's something up with him. His aura is dark and offsetting." I took a bite of my French toast, chewing mindlessly. My eyes wondered over to the table where I sat minutes ago to meet the gaze of Reed. His signature smirk still danced on his lips as he stared at me.

Chapter 4 everyone! How do you feel about Reed? Do you think he has contact with Roderick or knows what he's up to?


Love you all!


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