My Stupid Husband

By Cweety_Vkook

5.6K 220 68

As though daily cramping and food cravings weren't enough problems for a pregnant Taehyung, that stupid, obli... More

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Stupid Husband

3.1K 179 68
By Cweety_Vkook

I'm sorry again and this is Only One shot.. Please tell me after reading this how you like it purplers💜❤

Enjoy the story ❤

The first thing Taehyung notices when his husband gets home is the strong smell of perfume. With a wrinkled nose, he says nothing and thinks calmly through his hormone-crazy mind. That was the first sign.

“Welcome back,” he greets passively and cringes when Jungkook attacks his face with kisses.

“I got you Stawberry shortcake!” Jungkook tells him and entwines their hands to sit them at the couch. “How's Kookie Junior doing?”

Taehyung greedily grabs the box and let's Jungkook's large palms trail across his bulging belly.
“He's kicking a lot,” he says as he puts a glossy strawberry to his lips.

Jungkook laughs. “He'll surely be a handful once he's born.”

“I'll have to take care of two babies then,” Taehyung deadpans and lets Jungkook whine into his shoulder.

The iffy fragrance was stronger than ever and with his hyper-sensitive nose, had him crinkling his nose once more. “What's that smell on you?” Taehyung asks, pushing Jungkook away with one hand and covering his nose with another.

“Smell?” Jungkook blinks, confused. He pulls his white dress shirt and takes a sniff, chuckles. “Must be a coworker. Sorry, babe. I'll take a shower now. Is your nose okay?”

Taehyung huffs at the question, finding it humorous and stupid at the same time. “Just go shower already,” he shoos, swatting his hands.

Jungkook pouts but gets off the couch anyways. “I'll think about you in the shower,” he says.
Taehyung doesn't know whether dramatically or pervertedly.

He rolls his eyes anyways and pulls that idiot husband of his down for a kiss.


The next time something happens again, Taehyung has an inkling that it isn't a coincidence.

Each time Jungkook comes home, the perfume seems to get stronger. With what was a pungent floral scent before became an unbearable thing that Taehyung outright refused to look at him until he bathed.

So, Jungkook resorted to having showers straight home from work, because he couldn't exactly pinpoint said coworker and tell them to tune down on the perfume as Taehyung had suggested in a more.. mature manner.

And the problem arises one day, during one of said showers when Taehyung is lazily picking out the nuts from the chocolate bar and almost gives up to just eat the whole thing whole.

He curses and makes note to read the packaging label next time so he wouldn't bite into one of those unholy devil seeds on accident in the future.

The television was blaring on some stupid love dialogue which Taehyung would have been crying to if he wasn't about to from the fucking nuts in his chocolate.

Then out of nowhere, the phone next to the chocolate-peanuts vibrates and rings loudly, and then a couple more times and Taehyung hisses from the loud ringtone.

He picks up the phone with his chocolatey fingers to check which motherfucker is double (multiple) texting Jungkook at this hour but before he even turns the thing on, the phone vibrates again and Taehyung stares blankly at the messages.

Yoon Emi : You're so funny, Kook!

Yoon Emi : I wish you were my boyfriend LOL.

Yoon Emi : You should leave your wife for me ;)

Yoon Emi : Haha just kidding!

Yoon Emi : ❤❤❤

Taehyung knows that that's probably some friendly joking, he should know. Jungkook is friendly, after all.

He blames it all on the pregnancy. Hormones were making him feel everything at once, hurt and jealousy especially.

Jungkook’s phone is pushed back onto the table and he doesn't bother wiping off the chocolate stains. If he wasn't pregnant, he'd have been horrified but he is and doesn't linger on that thought.

His husband comes out not minutes after and falls in place next to Taehyung. He rests his ear on his stomach and Taehyung lets him.

“Haha, I can feel him kicking,” Jungkook comments, rubbing the spots.

“Hm,” Taehyung hums, eyes glaring into the television where the female lead cries for her love to come back.

“What's wrong?” Jungkook asks, sitting up.

He looks at Taehyung's unhappy face and then at the chocolate mess on the table. He laughs to himself at Taehyung's dirty fingers. “Do you want me to buy a plain one?”

Taehyung scoffs as Jungkook takes his hands into his mouth, sucking on the sweetness. “Tomorrow.”

“You're so cute, baby,” Jungkook says, kissing from his palm to his arm.

He rolls his eyes. “You're so annoying,” he replies.

Jungkook laughs and embraces Taehyung, peppering his face with kisses. “You love me.”


He's cheating!” Jimin gasps.

“He's not. ”

Jimin narrows his eyes. “But the perfume—“

“His coworkers. He's surrounded by hundreds of people daily.”

“Then the texts—“

“Friendly. Bantering.” Taehyung says firmly.

“What friendly texts end with ‘I love you’?” Jimin exclaims.

“It's one-sided.”

“She puts heart emojis! Who does that to their coworkers?”

Taehyung shrugs but a part of him is agreeing with Jimin.

“Okay, explain the button sewing on his shirt that time.”

“... His coworker offered to help because it fell out.”

“You're in denial. What about the cute post-its you always find laying about? Tell me it's not a coincidence that the post-it notes have hearts printed all over with an ‘I love you’ in three different languages!” Jimin cries, frustrated by his best friend.

“And what about the notes  written on them! We should go out for dinner after, ” he repeats one of the notes Taehyung had told him before.

Taehyung frowns. “Jungkook wouldn't cheat. He's too stupid to.”

“Stupid doesn't mean anything,” he sing songs.

He rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean. Jungkook's not the type.”

“You guys are highschool sweethearts. You've been together for so many years that he might've grown bored but,” Jimin hums in thought, “you have a point. This all seems very one-sided. You should talk to him.”

“Hell no,”Taehyung scoffs. Even pregnant and going crazy from emotions, he still withheld his pride.

“Tae..” Jimin persists. “It's not good for the baby if you keep worrying like this.”

“I'm not worrying,” Taehyung says stubbornly.

“Okay. Still, talk to him.”

He does. That night as they lay in bed, Jungkook’s arms clinging onto him the way it reminds Taehyung of a koala.


“Yes, my beautiful, angelic Tae?”

Taehyung snorts with a smile. “Don't call me that.”

“As you wish, my precious queen.”

He rolls his eyes in amusement. “I'm not a queen.”

“You are to me!”

“You're so gross and cheesy,” Taehyung tells him and finds it hard to breach upon the subject now.

“You love me.” Jungkook says in his neck.

“Hm,” he answers and pauses. “Jungkook?”

“What is it?” he had his hands on Taehyung's stomach, touching and stroking.

“Who's Yoon Emi?” Taehyung asks and curses himself right after because he sounds so insecure and stupid.

The hands stop moving. “Emi? My coworker. Why?”

Taehyung wants to ask more, tell him to never talk to Yoon Emi ever again. But that was his pregnant side talking and he definitely wasn't as pathetic to do something like that.

Instead a, “Do you love me?” comes out surprising the both of them.

“What? Of course I do, Tae. What's going on?”

“Nothing,” he says but Jungkook doesn't believe him.

“Tae, I don't know what's up with you but I love you,” his hand rubs circles on Taehyung’s stomach, “and our child. We'll be a happy family, won't we?”

“Yes,” Taehyung whispers.

Jungkook turns his head back to kiss him on the lips. His hand edges lower.. lower.. below the bump and slips into Taehyung's underwear.

“Do you want to...?” Jungkook asks.

Taehyung replies with a wet kiss and the rest of their night is filled with sweet lovemaking.


Taehyung is sure of it. After a couple more days of.. whatever it is that's continuing, Taehyung is finally sure.

Someone's picking a fight with him.

From the non-subtle hints of girlish items and flirty notes scattered about for him to find, there was so much his pregnant self could take.

So when he finds a prominent, bright red lipstick mark on one of Jungkook's favourite work shirts as he did the laundry one day, he flips, storms right up to Jungkook and throws the dirtied thing right at him.

“What is that?” Taehyung hisses, hormones taking over.

Jungkook frowns in confusion and brings up the perfume stenched shirt. “What is what?” he asks in return.

“See for yourself,” Taehyung answers with coldly.

He does and finds the stain at the junction right below the collar. He sputters, stands and words come out in a fumbled fashion.

“Shut up,” Taehyung says, jealousy burning within him as he rests his folded arms on his swollen belly.

“Tae, baby, it's not what you think,” Jungkook was quick to take Taehyung's hands in his.

“I know,” Taehyung replies. “You're too Stupid to cheat.”

Jungkook blinks and huffs a laugh. “I've only got eyes for you.”

“But you still let someone else... touch you.” He’s being unfair, he knows that but knowing doesn't stop the feeling of annoyance of some girl lusting over a married man.

“I didn't know about it, I swear! It must have been an accident.” Jungkook cries, hands shaking.

“Whatever. Just stay away from her.” Taehyung orders selfishly.

But no matter how selfish, Jungkook complies. “I will,” he promises, wrapping his arms around Taehyung.

“Good.” Taehyung answers, but he doesn't breathe a sigh of relief. Not yet.


That’s the last straw, Taehyung decides because enough is enough and there was no way he'd let some whore pursue his oblivious husband.

And of course Taehyung knows his dear alpha would never cheat on him but in the words of his best friend, he had to set that homewrecking bitch in place.

It was a hot day. Taehyung was sweating through his clothes and it didn't help that the train was packed, for whatever reason.

Thankfully, some kind child gave up her seat for him and Taehyung would have smiled, if he smiles(he's pissed off). So instead, he settles for a thank you, and nods at the child's parents who beam in pride.

With one hand on his belly and the other grasping the lunchbox, he sits and his aching body thanks him.

The ride wasn't long, thankfully. At some point, a bearded old man makes some conservative comments to him about how omegas should stay at home but he doesn't even get to finish when Taehyung gives him a hard stare.

He would like to believe that alone was what shut him up but it probably had something to do with the whole cabin shooting him dirty looks and Taehyung was thankful for modern society’s open-mindedness.

So he gets off at his stop and again with the cursed walking in this hot damn weather that leaves him perspiring before he’s five minutes in.


There's some pregnant omega here,” Namjoon announces when he gets back to his seat.

“Pregnant omega...?” Seokjin repeats, unsure of anything his friend says.

Just then, said pregnant omega storms in and looks around and Yoongi almost falls when he catches sight of the blond.

“Ah, that's...” Yoongi mutters.

“Whoa, who's that? He looks scary!” Hoseok pipes in.

“... Jungkook's wife.” Yoongi says.

“What!” Namjoon and Hoseok exclaims at the same time.

“But he looks so scary and Jungkook always talks about how cute his wife is.. Are you sure that's him?” Hoseok asks.

Yoongi nods and thinks back to all the times Jungkook gushes over Taehyung.

“He's taller than I expected,” Seokjin comments.

“Let's call him over here!” Namjoon suggests and raises his hands before  Seokjin can stop him. “Hey! Kook’s wife, over here!”

Taehyung twitches, flips his head over to where an obnoxious manchild is screaming for his attention and marches right to them with an ominous glare.

“What,” he says and Hoseok shrinks behind Namjoon.

“Taehyung,” Yoongi greets. “Are you looking for Jungkook?”

“Yes,” he answers his husband's best friend. “I've something to give him.”

“I think he went with Emi to get some coffee,” Seokjin tells him helpfully, not missing the way his eyes darken.

Taehyung clicks his tongue and frowns deeper. “And where's that?”

“Down and turn right,” Seokjin says and pinches Namjoon before he says anything.

“Thank you,” he nods to them and turns to leave.

“Emi's gonna die.” Yoongi says indifferently to Seokjin.

“She is,” he agrees.

“What! What d’you mean?” Namjoon asks.

“Jungkook's wife is scary... I've never met such a scary omega.. He looks like he wants to murder us.” Hoseok mumbles to himself.


Turns out he didn't need to leave the area because right as he turned around, Jungkook appeared with a small brunette by his side.

“Tae!” he yells and rushes to his side. “Babe, what're you doing here? What's wrong?”

“You left your lunch at home,” Taehyung says plainly, feeling the scrutiny from Emi.

“What? But you don't—“

“Shut up,” Taehyung pushes the box into his hands and Jungkook exclaims happily, gathering him into a hug.

Taehyung doesn't push him away, doesn't mind the stares on them and instead locks eyes with the brunette behind them.

“You're so cute. I love you so much,” Jungkook coos, ignorant to the expression on Emi's face with each word.

“Hm,” Taehyung replies and lets Jungkook hold his hand.

“You shouldn't have came though...”

“You don't want me here?”

Jungkook gasps. “No! It just worries me that you're going about alone. What if something happens to you or the baby?” His hands brushes against the soft maternity clothes covering Taehyung's round stomach.

“Nothing's going to happen,” Taehyung tells him, deciding to leave out the incident with the old man before. “I go out alone all the time.”

“Only to convenient stores or coffee shops!”

Taehyung snorts in annoyance. “Fine, I got it. No long distance.” He promises but only because Jungkook was starting to annoy him.

“Okay, good. Come, I wanna introduce you to my friends!” Jungkook says and laces their hands.

Apparently Jungkook’s friendly enough to make friends with his coworkers. That was probably a normal thing, Taehyung thinks, just not for him.

He brings him to the four from earlier. “You already know Yoongi. That's Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok!”

“Hello, I'm Taehyung, Jungkook's wife.” Taehyung says politely.

“Wow, your belly is so big,” Hoseok comments and Taehyung wants to hit that little Red thing.

Seokjin distracts him before he does. “So, will it be a girl or a boy?”

“It's a boy. We're still deciding on a name so he's Kookie Junior for now,” Jungkook winks.

Yoongi almost snorts in sync with Taehyung but before another word is uttered, Emi cuts between Taehyung and Jungkook.

“Haha! You wouldn't want to PDA here, would you?” she says and Taehyung glares menacingly at her as he clasps his hand with his other. “I’m Yoon Emi, you’re Taehyung, right?”

He morphs his face into a forced smile when he catches sight of Jungkook's smiling like a bunny fool. His nose twitches in distaste of the familiar heavy scent of flowers. “Nice to meet you.”

“So, Taehyung, ” Emi starts with an unusual tooth-aching sweetness. “What do you work as?” Her eyes glinted devilishly and she grins like a hyena. “Or are you a housewife?” Her fingers gripped Jungkook’s bicep and she laughs fakely. “Poor Kookie having to burden himself.”

“What!” Jungkook intercepts before Taehyung could. He rushes to his side like some loyal dog and reconnects their hands. “My Tae isn’t a burden,” he laughs. “And if anything, he’s the one supporting me!”

Taehyung wants to roll his eyes but instead ignores him and counters Emi with a taste of his own honeyed tone. “I’m a surgeon,” he tells her sweetly. “but for now I’m on maternity leave. Though, I don’t think I’m burdening him. I take care of his needs every night.”

Emi openly gapes at him and everyone around them turns about ten shades darker, excluding Hoseok who hadn’t caught on yet.

“Lately, there’s been a pest,” Taehyung says casually. “It’s annoying, like a tiny little ant biting me in the side. I hope it goes away soon or I’ll have to get rid of it like all the others.”

“Tae, are you okay?” Jungkook asks and checks his face.

“I’m fine. Just a little tired,” he says. “I think I’ll take my leave now.”

“Wait! I’ll walk you out.”

“No need,” Taehyung says and nods to Jungkook’s friends who sat there stunned.


“Shut up,” he tells him and kisses the corner of his mouth. He didn’t have to look to feel Emi’s nervous look.

“Tae, I love you!” Jungkook shouts.

“Ah! Ah, I’ll go back as well,” Emi says hurriedly, her face resembling a cooked crab.

“My Tae is so cute...” Jungkook coos with a dreamy smile.

“Is he blind?” Hoseok whispers to Yoongi.

“He’s just really stupid.”


“Tae, baby! You should bring lunch for me every—“


“But you did today!” Jungkook pouts.

“So?” Taehyung snorts and traces his biceps.

“Okay, fine, don’t,” he huffs. “I don’t want anyone looking at my beautiful mate and crushing on him anyways.”

Taehyung almost laughs at the irony of the his words and sits to straddle on his lap. “Let’s have sex.”

“Whaaat! Now!?” Jungkook squawks.

“You don’t want to?”

“No! No! I do! I do!”


Soo, did you chase away the homewrecker?”

Taehyung hums and pokes at the shortcake.

Jimin laughs. “I’m gonna guess you went to his workplace, made some snarky subtle comments and left.”

“As usual.”

“Doesn’t it suck to have to chase away so many homewreckers?”

He shrugs. “Jungkook’s an idiot. He doesn’t notice this sort of thing.”

“Man, I bet everyone imagines him to have some cute, obedient omega as a wife. No one ever expects his wife to be so scary!” Jimin laughs even louder.

Taehyung clicks his tongue. “Shut up, Jimin.”

But he smiles because he’s right. No one ever expects a monster to come from the tales of the “adorable and beautiful Taehyung”.

End of the Story❤

It's my first Omegaverse fic and it's not actually full omega/alpha thing I know but I want to try it and want to write Omegaverse Taekook soon surely

Please take care of yourself purplers💜

Love you❤

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