Hush, Little Penguin

By Uniquedoll602

26.7K 471 376

We all know that Peso is shy. But, have you ever wondered why? When the truth about Peso's father gets out,Th... More

Shy Little Penguin
Baby Shopping
Little Octonaut
Love is Not a Crime
Baby of the Team
Durably Diapered
Permanently Precious
Happiness Comes in All Colors
The Playtime Treatment
Daddy's Little Princess
You Like What You Like
A Best Friend is a Bear
Not a Normal Penguin
Little Friends
Happy Birthday
A New Friend
A New Friend 2
Small Can Change The World
Sick and Toyed
You've Got A Friend In Me
Fond Memories
Christmas Cheer
A Little Bit Of Family
ABC's: Are Being Children
B Is For Brave
Playing House
Sweets For Soap and Softness💖
✨🎄The Happiest Holiday 🎁🧸
Blood Relation💀
🎃Treats for Treats🧧
Mother Love💖
Father and Son
Teddy Bear
A Mother Hen...and Her Chick
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
Simple Things
When You've Got To Wear Your Bunny Pajamas
Beach Baby
Missing Means More
School In Neverland
School In Wonderland
Little School
When Penguins Fly
Baby's First Zoo Trip
Soon To Be A Chapter

Sick and Toyed 2

389 12 13
By Uniquedoll602

Peso was sent straight to the children's ward the moment he arrived. Barnacles watched as his son was wheeled away on a bed, looking like he'd already died. His eyes were closed, and there was a cloth on his forehead. He had rings around his eyes and beak, and he was read in the face, slowly turning pale.

Inkling's tentacle found it's way onto his shoulder again, and tugged him out of his thoughts. The octopus gently led the distraught polar bear to another room where he could rest.

Peso wrapped his flippers around Snow Bear, grateful to have something familiar with him. The movement of the bed was oddly soothing, the same way it was when he was in his stroller, smoothly rolling along, feeling the ground underneath him, smooth or bumpy, passing by.

Now, if only these people would stop talking so loudly...

"How's his fever?"

"It's gone up a couple degrees."

"That's worse for a penguin, right?"

"Get your head out of the clouds!"

"How soon can we have the meds here?"

Peso was brought into a large room, where it was incredibly noisy. There were children all over. Most of them were playing, or watching TV. Peso moaned, and held his head.

"Sorry, sweetie." The main nurse, Celly, apologized. "This is where children who aren't contagious or too sick anymore come to play." She wheeled him into another room, filled with beds. The door shut softly, and the noise became muffled. peso felt a little better.

"This is the children's ward, Peso. You'll have lots of friends here to keep you company." Peso glanced up, before lying back down. His vision was a little blurry.

He was moved into another bed, with his name on it. he heard whimpering. There was a little girl beside him, who looked about as sick as he was. He noticed Nurse Celly giving her a sorrowful glance.

"You'll have to take lots of medicine, Peso." She informed him. "Luckily, your condition isn't contagious. But, you'll be here for a while."

And so it was. Peso stayed in the hospital for about two weeks, taking medicines that didn't seem to help.

One day, he finally felt well enough to eat more, and have a cup of juice. But, the next day, he was sick again.

His headache had let up a little, though. His face looked better. And his throat wasn't always so dry.

"He's made progress." The nurse informed the Octonauts. "But, he seems to be getting worse in some ways. He's got a mass in his stomach." Kwazii nudged Dashi. "What's a mass?"

"I'll tell you later."

"We've also detected some chemicals in his body." The nurse went on. "They seem to be combating his recovery." Barnacles' paws curled into fists.

The past had caught up to them

Koni was still bound and determined to ruin his son's life.

"That was his father." Tweak grumbled, because one of them had to say it, no matter how much it pained to do so. "He pumped drugs into Peso's system for fun."

Nurse Celly's lips curled, but she didn't say anything. "Peso will need to have surgery. It should be a small operation. Just to clear up some of those drugs. Then, the treatment will start working." She sighed, muttering something about 'some kids being luckier than others.'

Barnacles was allowed to see Peso. The little penguin seemed calmer, just knowing he was there, and settled in. Snow Bear was by his side, loyal as ever.

But, he looked a little worse. His fur was more matted than before, and he had remnants of sickness on him. Barnacles, though, took no notice of this, and sat with Peso for a while, explaining the situation.

That night, Peso couldn't sleep. He glanced over at the empty cot next to him. He'd heard the nurses talking.

The same sickness that plagued him had taken the life of the little girl that once laid in that cot.

Peso rolled over, and tried to go to sleep. This time, it was more than sickness keeping him up. It was fear. And hatred. His father was still tormenting him...

And being a medic meant he knew the stakes. Fear gripped at him. He just wanted to be home...

Snow Bear, as if sensing his friend's distress, flopped over, resting against Peso's head. The little penguin held him close, knowing Snow Bear was beside him for good. It was so nice to have company...

He fell fast asleep, holding Snow Bear tighter than ever, remembering all those tough times  Snow Bear had gotten him through...

Snow Bear stayed beside Peso for the surgery. He felt sick and dirty, but so happy, because he knew Peso was getting better.

It was sickening to watch, but Snow Bear knew his purpose: stay by Peso's side.

But toys don't last forever. How much longer would he by Peso's side?

'Peso? You can wake up now.' Peso's eyes fluttered open. He carefully sat up, but cringed and laid back down.

The operation was a success. The drugs had been cleared of Peso's system, and the treatment was working. But, now he felt dizzy, and he still hurt all over. He laid back down and closed his eyes.

"Let's let him sleep." Nurse Celly instructed Barnacles. "The more he sleeps the better." She caught sight of Snow Bear and sighed, picking him up. Barnacles cringed, seeing Snow Bears state. "We'll have to give him a wash."

"We already did." Nurse Celly informed him. "He still has remnants of illness plaguing him. If he can't be disinfected, Peso might get sick all over again." Barnacles brows furrowed. "You can disinfect him...right?"

"Well try." Celly sighed. She knew how much this little toy meant to Peso. A friend. A family heirloom. Someone who had been loyal to him, comforting him through thick and thin.

She carried Snow Bear away, where a vat of disinfectant chemicals waited. Snow Bear's cleaning would be hard and thorough.

"NO." Barnacles stated firmly. The last time Peso had been at the hospital, he'd been permanently diapered. He wasn't about to let this visit go wrong as well.

"I'm sorry." The doctor sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. "Snow Bear contains to many germs, chemical remnants and infectants. We couldn't clean him."

"Did you TRY?"

"Yes. It only got worse. The chemicals and disinfectants mixed together."

Barnacles sighed. "Need I remind you how much that toy meant to my son?" 'Not again.' He inwardly moaned. 'Not another loss.'

"I'm sorry, sir." The doctor stated, genuinely. "We did everything we could think of. TWICE. Snow Bear had to be burned."

Barnacles felt his heart clench. Peso would be devastated. That was his favorite toy. His mother's favorite toy. His grandmother had made it herself!

The doctor left. Barnacles wished he hadn't. He wished the doctor were still here, so he could yell at him, let out all his anger and sadness. Snow Bear had basically been a member of the family. Now he was gone.

Peso would hate life forever, because he'd lost his best friend.

"No,." Peso sobbed, suddenly wishing he was still sick. "No. You're lying." Barnacles held him tight. "Peso I'm so sorry. I've already done the best I can." 'Shouldn't have lost my temper.' He thought ruefully, remembering the black eye he'd given the doctor who'd ordered Snow Bear's death.

Normally he wouldn't have done that. But the doctor had made yet another careless mistake.

'For goodness sake, it's just a toy. Go buy another one.'

Barnacles glanced down at the bag by his feet. He had gotten Peso a new toy, like the doctor said, but no one could replace Snow Bear.

"We got you some things." He coaxed, picking up the bag. They'd each gotten Peso a present, to celebrate his getting well.

"I don't want anything." Peso sniffled, wiping his eyes. Barnacles sat down next to him. "I know you miss Snow Bear. We all do. And I know no one can replace him." he nuzzled Peso's head. The child had been crying for ages now. "But, we couldn't resist. We still want you to feel better, Peso." He reached in, and picked up a book. "Inkling found a nice book you might like. Shellington got you a plush jellyfish." he chuckled. "Remember when he got stuck in that jellyfish bloom?"

Peso shrugged, still sad.

Dashi had gotten him a nice stuffed orca, and Tweak found a puppy plush. Kwazii got Peso a toy sea turtle with an eye patch and pirate's hat.

"This belonged to my cousin." Barnacles explained. "he's been through a lot, just like you have. He sent it to me, because he thought you'd enjoy it." He pulled out a familiar cowboy, and placed it in Peso's flippers. The penguin looked down at it, still sad.

Barnacles glanced at the teddy bear the nurses gave to Peso. A hospital bear, they called it. It was brown and fluffy, with golden eyes. it had a bow tie.

It was not Snow Bear.

He left Peso alone for a while, hoping to give him some space. Peso glanced at the presents. He was grateful, but he still missed Snow Bear.

He looked at the Woody doll in his flippers, and gave it  a squeeze. It started to play; 'You've got a friend in me. You've got a friend in me. You've got troubles; I got'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. We'll stick together, see it through, cause you've got a friend in me.'

Peso smiled a little, before the frown re-appeared. He placed Woody down with the other toys, and laid down, looking at them for a moment. Without thinking, he found himself holding Woody again.

He wasn't letting anyone take this one from him.

Peso looked around, clutching Woody close. There was a boy two beds down getting a blood transfusion. A girl was rolling around the floor in a go-cart. One girl and her brother shared a bed across from Peso, holding hands. Boy, did they look pale. They were also hooked up to IV's. The boy had an oxygen mask.

"You're my favorite deputy." Peso glanced down. He'd accidentally pulled Woody's string.

A little smile graced Peso's lips, but the sadness was still there.

Woody would take care of him.

Peso held tight to Woody when he was alone in the playroom. He played silently on his bed with his new toys, and read his book.

Snow Bear stayed in his mind. But, somehow, Woody's presence made it easier to bare.

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