The Republic and The Rebellion

By KeeganWilburn

582 27 7

Order 66 was just ordered and two Jedi Padawans are in a fight to live with some old friends helping them, as... More

The Problem
New Friends
Joining the Rebellion
The Decision
The Plan
The Princess Prom
New Allegiances
Mystacor Part 2
Mystacor Part 3
Journey Ahead, Journey Behind

The Bet

51 2 0
By KeeganWilburn

I will not upload a chapter for either of my stories everyday now. I will try to but I will not always be able to, now that that is done. Onto the story.

As the large group entered the First One's Citadel Adora made a simple command that stopped the Citadel's defense systems before they started up, and attacking everyone.

"Light Hope, defense systems off of these people. They are my friends and are my ally's so set the defense systems off." Adora said quickly as they entered the Citadel. 

"Scanning, scanning. Scan completed. 14 new life forms added to the 'Ally' list of who can come in." Light Hope said as she appeared in the center of the room.

"Do we have a training arena in this place, one that could allow on lookers?" Adora asked curiously to Light Hope.

"We do indeed have a place that matches that description in the Citadel. Would you like me to prepare it for usage?" Light Hope asked.

"Yes please, and do we have a way to put whoever I am training against against the defenses of the Citadel as well as me?" Adora asked in a curious tone.

"The only way to do that is to have that person off of the ally list until when the training begins until it ends." Light Hope responded.

"Well then do that to the first person who walks into the arena after me." Adora said confidently, but as well being concerned for Keegan who would not know what was coming.

"Ok, and the way to the arena is now opening, just follow the floor that has a row of tiles down the center that are glowing. And what level would you like the defenses on?" Light Hope said as the way opened behind her.

"The hardest level you've got." Keegan spoke up as soon as she asked it.

"I hope you will be able to take that then." Light hope said staring Keegan down.

As they started walking down the hall leading towards the arena Angella asked a question that perked everyone's ears up to what the response would be.

"Keegan where is this blindfold you are planning to use?" Angella asked curiously, wondering when everyone would see it.

"Right here, would you like to make sure that you can't look through it or see anything with it on?" Keegan asked pulling out a black blindfold out of his belt holster.

"Sure" Angella answered, as he handed the blindfold to her.

As she put on the blindfold she could not see anything, and since the blindfold as well went over the ears she couldn't hear anything as well. Which she was curious about how the blindfold was able to do that so she took it off and asked her question.

"How come you can't hear anything when you put it on over your ears?" Angella asked which stopped everyone in their tracks looking at her and Keegan wondering if they heard her correctly.

"Because this blindfold was designed to only let you go off of your instincts and to trust the Force. As well to listen to the Force, so you can become one with the Force with the Force being with you." Keegan answered as if explaining why the blindfold was like this, was something he did everyday of his life.

"So you can use the Force like the Jedi of old that came here, interesting." Angella stated as she handed the blindfold back.

"Wait you gave her practically every advantage on you that we discussed in the castle, AND you were planning on giving her one more that none of us knew about until now?!?!." Bow asked fully shocked at this news.

"Well I knew about it, because I have trained with my own blindfold that is designed just like his." Jason replied casually.

"Wow, Keegan are you sure about this?" Adora asked, because she thought putting this much trust in this 'Force' was so absurd to her. So much so that she was tempted to walk them all out of there now to grab him a different blindfold.

"Yes, I am sure about this. For I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. As well the Force flows through every life form, and every object it is what binds us together." Keegan replied, saying what he remembered his master teaching him when he was just assigned as her Padawan.

"Ok then, let's go see him get destroyed by Adora/She-Ra and this Citadels defenses." Glimmer said excitedly, because she wanted to see his reaction when he is beaten.

So they kept up this small talk for a little bit longer as they walked down the hall, with the Clones throwing in their own opinions here and there. And soon after they reached the end of the hall, Light Hope emerged letting the spectators of the match know how to get up to the seats, with them all starting to place their bets on who will win and why. Light Hope  just waited there until they left and looked at Adora and Keegan before asking this one question.

"Why are you here now Master Jedi?" Light Hope asked shocking both Adora and Keegan, but Keegan got his composure back first and answered simply.

"The will of the Force brought me and my companions here." Keegan replied and Light Hope just gave a nod.

"Good luck then to both you Master Jedi, and you Adora/She-Ra the Princess of Power." Light Hope said and then she disappeared.

(On the stands)

"So Perfuma, Mermista, Tony, Seahawk, Hunter, and Tech are rooting for Keegan. While Echo, Crosshair, Bow, Glimmer, and Angella are rooting for Adora." Jason said as they all finished placing their bet as to who would win. The end result was that everyone who bet for Keegan agreed that if they lost then, they would admit to She-Ra being the best fighter in all of the Rebellion. But if the people betting for Adora lost they would claim Keegan as the best fighter in the Rebellion.

"Who are you and Wrecker rooting for?" Echo asked

"I am rooting for Keegan." Jason said which didn't surprise most of them, except for Seahawk. 

"I'm just here to watch them fight, because I missed them fight when we first met." Wrecker said leaning back preparing to watch the fight.

"You do remember Keegan saying that he did not really even fight her, remember?" Bow asked, but then realized that Wrecker was not in the war room at that time.

"I don't care they are duking it out now and I want to watch, now be quiet they are walking out into the arena." Wrecker said watching them slowly appear on the arena floor.

(Back on the arena floor.)

"Would you like a simulation battle field to take up the arena floor or would you rather that not be the case?" Light Hope asked over the speakers in the arena as they neared the center of the arena. 

"Sure." Adora said as she prepared herself for the fight.

"Battle simulation ready, can you both please go to opposite sides of the room. The battle will start once you are on opposite sides and once Keegan has his blindfold on. And once Adora has turned into She-Ra" Light Hope said over the speakers.

So Keegan walked over to the other side of the arena and turned around putting the blindfold on as he turned around. Not knowing if Adora had reached the other side of the arena yet.

"I am one with the Force and the Force is with me." Keegan said confidently before he heard Light Hope's voice over the speakers.

"Simulation begin. Keegan is now taken off of the ally list until the battle is over." Light Hope said over the speakers. Which Adora's reaction was turning on Jason's lightsaber and running through the now ever shifting arena simulation.

'I hope he doesn't hurt himself during this, because he is blindfolded.' She-Ra thought as one of the Citadels giant spider defenses joined behind her in going through the maze.

As soon as Keegan heard that the simulation had started he ignited his lightsaber and held the first defense position for lightsaber combat.

(Back at the spectators.)

"This will be a challenge for She-Ra, but even more of a challenge for Keegan." Angella said looking at the everchanging landscape with Adora running through it.

"Not if he keeps on standing there like a animal frozen by fear." Bow said looking at Keegan just standing there with his lightsaber ignited.

"Wait for it." Jason said, right before Keegan started running at a wall.

As Keegan was running at the wall the wall opened up to let out one giant spider come running at Keegan, who was still blindfolded. But was trusting the Force the whole time wile mumbling the same phrase since before he heard Light Hope's voice over the speaker.

"How did he know that would happe-" Gimmer started before being shushed, by Wrecker who was watching the whole battle with interest.

Keegan jumped over the front of the spider, with landing on the top of it, and with one quick motion he spun his lightsaber in a circle under him and cutting straight through the giant spider and he fell out the bottom right after his lightsaber's tip did. As he ran out from where he was he stopped and sat on his legs in a meditation position, while turning off his lightsaber. Waiting for Adora to turn the bend that was right in front of him. As She-Ra turned the bend at full speed she was instantly thrown into deflecting Keegan's blows that he was sending her way, as well as hitting his robes once cutting a piece off but not able to hit him. As she was then deflecting his blows again, she noticed that he was not hitting her open spots with his lightsaber, but she thought nothing of it as he started sending a whole different array of strikes with jumping around her and attacking. Hitting her slightly once of twice but he hit her so slightly so that it would not cause too deep of a wound.

"Wow, I'm shocked that she is on full defense now. Not even trying to hit him because of how fast he is attacking." Angella said, as she noticed that he was going to be on defense soon because of the two other giant spiders slowly coming for him from two different angles.

The other two giant spiders rushed at Keegan at the same time, but he simply jumped up and cut off one of the spiders heads as he landed on it's neck. But because he was tired he was a hair too slow to avoid all of the other spider's web so he was stuck to the wall as She-Ra and the spider moved towards him almost confident that Keegan was down so she stated smugly.

"Do you give up?" She-Ra asked as she looked at the blindfolded boy all caught up in the spider's web.

"Never, besides I've got one last trick up my sleeve." Keegan said with a smirk on his face.

He then proceeded to Force throw the web off of him and towards the spider pinning it to the ground. He then rushed the spider and cut it's head off as he then turned to the now shocked She-Ra.

"Wow, I did not know you can do that with the Force" Angella said looking at the battle intently curious about what else people can do with the Force.

(On the arena floor)

"Do you yield?" Keegan asked as She-Ra looked at him shocked, that he still had his blindfold on as well.

"I am tempted to but I am still up to battling it out just me and you without any of these simulations." She-Ra said trying to hold up the lightsaber in a defensive position but is uncertain of what he will do.

"I am still up for battling it out as well, but both you and I know that the other is tired. So why don't we both yield and see what their reaction is?" Keegan asked tiredly but is willing to fight if she truly didn't want to settle this a different time.

"Sure, but I will want a rematch somewhere you choose so you don't destroy all of our defenses again." She-Ra said teasing him as she turned back into Adora.

"Light Hope, we both agree to make it a tie. Announce it to the others, please." Keegan said.

"It is a tie, both Keegan and Adora Yielded at the same time" Light Hope said over the speakers in the arena.

Keegan then took off the blindfold and looked at his surroundings.

"Wow, I didn't think that what I cut through was that small. I expected what was on your side was bigger." Keegan said.

"What did you mean by you expected bigger?" Adora asked as they stared to slowly walk to the exit that had opened up after Adora had yielded.

"I mean I expected the things to be taller and stronger with more speed, not with the only speed being from the webs that they shot. And I only know that those moved fast because of the speed which I needed to move, but I didn't move fast enough so I was hit with the web." Keegan said.

"The giant spiders were moving really, really fast Keegan." Angella said as the group exited the stairs to the spectators seats. And everyone with her agreed by nodding their heads.

"I was not expecting you to be so agile, with both your attacks and running speed. But I am hoping that you two do it without the simulation, as well as without putting Keegan against others as well." Perfuma said respectfully as she walked with the group down the hall.

"Hey I was prepared to take her down if she wanted to fully settle it, but I wanted to make a compromise to see if she wanted to stop because of how tired we both are. Besides I would have went all out on her if she didn't agree to it." Keegan said in a tired tone.

"I don't think I have seen you move that fast outside of fighting Commando Droids." Tony said as they walked.

"Are you good Commander? Your vitals are much, much higher than they were before we meet the queen." Tech said looking at his bio-scanner.

"Yea Tech I'm fine." Keegan said as he looked at the worried Clone.

"I was as well not expecting such a speedy battle between us. But I am glad we can do it a  different time, so it is a bit more fair so you are not outnumbered." Adora said. 

"Well as you said earlier we will do it a different place so I don't destroy all of this places defenses." Keegan said

"Yea but you get to pick the place though." Adora said back with a smug look on her face.

"So Jason, I thought you would have been meditating. Not coming to a fight to settle who is a better fighter." Angella asked.

"I wanted to see Keegan defeat Adora in a battle. Although I was not expecting him to be fighting spiders as well as Adora. I expected robots, or soldiers, not a spider that was a robot." Jason said simply, getting some nods in agreement.

"What is it with you guys and always expecting a type of robot?" Mermista asked confused.

"Well our war was mostly fought against what us Clones call Clankers, but they are just robots." Echo answered.

"That is so cool." Seahawk said wanting to be apart of the conversation.

"" Hunter said in a weary tone, all the Clones remembering how many clones have supposedly died in the Clone War.

"Lets just hurry back to the castle, and get something to eat. That fight was not as good as I expected from the giant blonde." Wrecker said wanting to change the subject.

"Ok, hey do you guys want help repairing your ship?" Glimmer said following Wreckers lead of changing the subject.

"We would most certainly need help getting the parts we need to repair it. After that the more people who know what they are doing that help, the better." Tech said.

"Well our friend Entrapta knows more about technology and machines than any of the rest of us." Glimmer said.

"Sure, we can use all of the help we can get. So we are not always walking where we need to go." Echo said.

"Well don't take apart the ship without letting me or Jason know what you are taking out of it before hand." Keegan said as Bright Moon came into view.

"The chiefs will prepare any food to those who want it, just let them know what you want." Angella said as they neared the main doors.

"Thank you for your hospitality your Majesty." Keegan, and Jason said at the same time.

(Back at the Hoard)

"Sir, we have gotten news that there is more than one Jedi in Etheria, but that there are two. And the commoners are celebrating them now joining the Rebellion." Kyle said approaching Mesuvius.

"So I am luckier than I thought, go retrieve Commander Catra and tell her I want to see her." Mesuvius said with his back to Kyle.

"Yes sir, right away sir." Kyle said before turning and running out the door to go find Catra.

Kyle ran to the Cadet Ward to go see if Catra was in there. When he didn't find her there he found Lonnie but she didn't know where she was. He ran around for another five minutes and found out from Shadow Weaver that Catra now had her own quarters. But Kyle didn't find that out without Shadow Weaver cussing and throwing things (because she was still mad about not being able to harass Catra's self worth anymore). After a few more cusses thrown at him and Catra she told him where Catra's quarters were. And he hurried out of there not wanting Shadow Weaver to throw something at him or do anything to him that she used to do to Catra.

"Commander Catra, Mesuvius wants to see you to talk about the news he has gotten about the Jedi." Kyle said out of breath, since he had run around half of The Fright Zone to find out where she was.

"I will be right there." Catra said moving off of her bed, that used to be hers in the Cadet Ward. She then left her room and slowly followed Kyle to where Mesuvius was.

"You wanted to talk to me about our Jedi problem?" Catra said as she entered the room.

"Yes, we don't just have one Jedi we have two. I suspected that from what I was feeling in the Force but this news from one of the Cadets, who went into town undercover in the nearest town confirmed it for me." Mesuvius said as He turned around to face Catra.

"So what, there are two Jedi now? That is great, just great." Catra said as sarcastically as she could.

"Actually it is great Catra, at least it is for me. You on the other hand might get a newer, lighter weapon out of it. But that is the extent for what you get out of there being two Jedi." Mesuvius said as he looked Catra in the eye.

"So then why is it so good for you, but not for me?" Catra asked curiously.

"Because the Jedi had a old enemy they were called the Sith. The Sith were last seen here centuries before the Jedi arrived. But the Sith still left a few objects behind that are of some use even now. But I must kill a Jedi to be able to find where the Sith hid their artifacts." Mesuvius explained, but could tell that Catra was not fully following.

"So what, you have to kill a Jedi to be able to find something that in centuries old? What could still work after centuries of being hidden?" Catra asked confused why he would want something so old.

"I have a map that would show me where the old artifacts are, but for that I have to become a Sith myself. Which means I have to kill a Jedi, and I as well need the same Jedi's blood to cover the map with to show the way to the artifacts that they have hidden."  Mesuvius said unamused by Catra and all of her questions.

"So what you are going to kill two Jedi on your own? One of them have a sword that cut through our tanks as if they were wooden, and the other I never saw so I don't know if the other has a weapon like that or not." Catra said unconvinced that one person could take down two Jedi on their own.

"Well I would imagine that they both would since Jedi and Sith used to have weapons like that, and so did their apprentices." Mesuvius said as he turned around to look at the two maps on his desk.

On of the maps was a normal map of Etheria, but the other had the same outlines of the edge of the land of Etheria with some untranslatable text on the side, but was blank other than that.

"What type of text is that? And do you have a weapon like the old Sith and the Jedi?" Catra asked as she walked around to look at his desk.

"The text on this map is written in Sith, so only those taught it can read it. Unless you have a way to decipher it, and I have been taught it and have a way to decipher it. And no I don't have a lightsaber like the Jedi do, but I have a weapon that will not be cut by theirs the substance that it is called is Cortosis from what I have been taught. And I found it only because the Sith of old showed me where I could find this material after you made me aware of a Jedi being here in the first place." Mesuvius answered simply

"Wait, hold up. You said that Sith were here centuries before Jedi showed up, so HOW could they have taught you this?" Catra said convinced that he was crazy, because you can't speak to the dead.

"I use the side of the Force called the Dark Side. And few people have learned how to become immortal in the force in both the Jedi and the Sith. But the Sith have other ways of being immortal in the Force than the Jedi do. Now a Force user from either side can do the way the Jedi do, but to use the ones that the Sith use you must use the Dark Side for that." Mesuvius said trying to explain how he was taught by a Sith of old.

"Ok get to the point of this, and what do you mean by a Dark Side and a Light Side of this 'Force'?" Catra asked interested in the thought of immortality.

"The point is that a Sith kept herself alive for centuries to try to have the strongest apprentice that this planet could offer. And after many failed attempts and having to kill their other apprentices to get another one, they found me. And they trained me in the ways of the Dark Side but I can't be a Sith lord like my master was until I kill a Jedi." Mesuvius said before continuing. "She didn't want to use the Force to keep her body alive forever, but she did the same stuff that the Jedi did to keep themselves alive after they die, to live in the Cosmic Force." Mesuvius ended with tired of all the questions.

"Ok, so your master died and you can still contact her? And you never answered the end of my last question." Catra said getting annoyed with the history lesson but wanted to know how to be immortal so that she can rule the Horde and take over Etheria after she kills Hordak.

"She contacts me and sill teaches me through the Force. And the Light Side of the Force is the side that does not deal in anger or fear, most of them try to not use emotions at all as per they were taught is what my master told me. But the Dark Side uses one's hatred and pain, and suffering to make them stronger than the Light Side users. Some Jedi learned the Dark Side's powers but did not succumb to the Dark Side's temptations." Mesuvius answered giving Catra a look to not ask anymore questions, but she asked one anyway.

"How does one use the Force?" Catra asked simply, shocking Mesuvius by the straight forwardness of her question.

"Simple, you must be Force sensitive." Mesuvius answered while leaning against his desk.

"Well then, see if I am Force sensitive and teach me the ways of the Sith." Catra asked grinning wickedly.

(Back at Bright Moon)

Jason sat in his room meditating on a chair in his room, seeing different visions flashing in his mind. He opened his eyes suddenly feeling the presence of the Dark Sider that he saw in his visions, in Etheria.

'No there can't be a Sith here, we would have felt their presence as soon as we landed.' Jason thought to himself before thinking. 'But the evidence of one being here is now undeniable. There is a Sith here and I need to warn Keegan about their presence.' Jason thought as he got up from the chair and walked over to his door. But he felt a presence in his room not of a Force user so he looked around and saw a shadowy figure looming over him in the darkness, it disappeared as soon as he saw it.

"Keegan!" Jason said as he hurried out of his room, hoping his friend was still awake.

"Jason what's wrong?" Bow asked as he popped out of his room, from hearing Jason calling out in the hallway.

"Bow, I need to know where Keegan's room is this is urgent." Jason said looking Bow in the eye.

"Alright, his room is two doors down and to the left. His room is right next to Adora's and Glimmers is across the hall from him." Bow said hurriedly.

"Ok, thank you Bow." Jason called out as he ran towards his friends room. He tried the door handle but it would not budge so he knocked and after a few seconds he called his friends name out one more time. With no reply he unlocked the door with the Force and ran inside and he hoped he was not too late to save his friend from what was coming. As he turned on the light he was shocked from what he saw.

So this one was a bit harder to write because on one hand it was a bit more obvious on who was supposed to win the fight between Keegan and She-Ra, but I decided to scrap that and change it because I didn't want to have it be such a cut and dry answer of who was a better fighter. So I will be posting one chapter for either story every other day now which gives me a bit more time to write a chapter for one, or both stories. And I hope you liked how Adora can actually control the Citadel in this universe. I as well wanted to keep the Sith's name the same so that it is less confusing on the reader and me as the writer, hope you don't mind that. I hope you liked this chapter, and until next time. Bye

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