Multiversal Heroes: Kingdom B...

By TheStarGod

638 44 36

The war rages on, and Jennifer's next ally attacks. Megabug has returned, and he has a brand new army of Rabb... More

Kingdom Battle
Plant Troubles
Banana Addict
Icy Storm
Spoopy Scares
City Concert
Midboss Mayhem
Final Fight

Sand And Ice

42 5 1
By TheStarGod

Collaborated with InfiniteLeJackal.

Megabug: ...Goddammit... They're pulling through... Shit... I better go talk to a few of my Corruptions...

Megabug flies down to Two of his Corruptions, them being Sandy and Blizzy. The Midboss is sitting on top of a tall building, with Blizzy looking down at everything below.

Sandy: See anything yet?

Blizzy: Not yet... But they'll be here... I know that for sure...

Sandy: I can't see as well as you. You're the sniper here.

Blizzy: Yeah, you'd be better if you didn't just charge into battle like you always do.

Sandy: Hey! You make up for it by sniping at our enemies from a great distance away. You handle the sniping, I handle the close-range explosions. It evens itself out. Not to mention I'm the tougher one.

Blizzy: Yeah, mmhmm, whatever.

Megabug: Corruptions.

Sandy: !

Blizzy: !

Megabug: I must talk with you two.

Sandy: Oh! Master Megabug!

Blizzy: To what do we owe to your unexpected visit?

Megabug: That group of heroes got passed a few of our friends. Pirabbid Plant and Rabbid Kong.

Sandy: >:O

Blizzy: >:O

Megabug: And you two will need some help.

Blizzy: Oooooh!

Sandy: Show us, show us!

Megabug picks up two Rabbids that were in hiding out of their hiding spot.

Rabbid 1: O~o

Rabbid: ...Bwa bwa... (...Well, shit...)

Megabug: *Strikes them with lightning*


The Rabbids become Corrupted, turning them into Pirabbid Plants.

Pirabbid Plant 1: Bwahahahahaha!

Pirabbid Plant 2: Bwaaaaaaagh!

Sandy: Ah, how nice!

Blizzy: Sweet! This should slow them down, or better yet, stop them!

Megabug: I'm counting on you. Do not fail me.

Sandy: You shall be pleased!

Blizzy: We will win!

Megabug nods and flies off.

Pirabbid Plant 1: ...Okay, what now?

Sandy: We wait. They will be here soon.

Blizzy: I'll be sniping at them.

Pirabbid Plant 2: Alright, guess we're waiting-


Blizzy: OOF!

Pirabbid Plant 1: BWAGH!

???: Haha!

???: Nice one!

Sandy: What the?! Hey! Come on out!

Four bloody bombs fly out of nowhere and hit the Midbosses.

Samdy: OOF!

Blizzy: OOF!

Pirabbid Plant 1: OOF!

Pirabbid Plant 2: OOF!

Snow: >:3

Sandy: The hell? A little wolf?

Luna: *Stomps on their heads*

Pirabbid Plant 2: Bwaaaagh!

Luna: Get out of here!

Snow: None of you belong here!

Blizzy: Run along, child. You could get very hurt.

Snow: *Unamused*

Luna: She's my daughter! She's not running from you!

Sandy: Child or not, Master Megabug has commanded us to take out ALL heroes!

Luna: Hmph, good luck with that!

Sandy/Blizzy: BWAAAH!

Pirrabid Plants: BWAAAGH!

Sandy throws a sand grenade at Luna and Snow. It explodes in their faces.

Luna: AH! *Holds her eyes*

Pirabbid Plant 1: *Shoots a fireball at Snow*

Snow: *Frontflips over it and throws a few blood shards at the Pirabbid Plant*

Pirabbid Plant 1: Bwagh!

Blizzy: *Jumps on top of a larger building*

Luna: Hey! Get down from there!

Blizzy: *Snipes down at Luna*

Luna: OOF!

Her head becomes frozen in ice.

Snow: Momma! D:

Pirabbid Plant 2: *Sets Snow's tail on fire*

Snow: AAAHHH!!! *Hops around*

The Pirabbid Plants starts laughing.

Luna: *Bashes her head on the ground, breaking the ice*

Blizzy: *Metal Gear Solid detected SFX*

Luna: YEET! *Throws her Sword of Hope at Blizzy*

Blizzy: *Ducks behind some cover*

Luna jumped up to Blizzy and caught her Sword of Hope.

Blizzy: *Shoots a Reaction Shot at Luna*

Luna: *Jumps over it and stabs Blizzy*

Blizzy: Bah!

Luna: Down you go! *Kicks Blizzy off the building*

Blizzy creates a small icy tornado and gently lands on the ground.

Luna: Shit...

A fireball suddenly hits Luna, setting her hoodie on fire.

Luna: AH! *Pulls it off and quickly extinguishes the fire*

Pirabbid Plant 1: *Fires more fireballs at Luna*

Luna quickly jumps over the fireballs and swings her sword at the Pirabbid Plant.

Pirabbid Plant 2: *Dodges her slashes*

Blizzy climbs to the top of another building and snipes at Luna.

Luna: Not this time! *Kicks it back*

Blizzy: Bwa! *Dodges it*

Back with Snow...

Snow: Grrr...

Pirabbid Plant 2: *Shoots a fireball at Snow*

Snow: *Jumps over it*

Sandy: *Slams into Snow*

Snow: OOF!

Sandy: Bwaaah!

Pirabbid Plant 2: *Shoots three fireballs at Snow*

Snow gets up and summons a wall of solid blood in front of her.

Pirabbid Plant 2: Bwagh!

Snow: *Engineer voice* Nope.

Unfortunately, Snow's blood shield still isn't that durable yet. Sandy easily breaks through it with a sand grenade.

Snow: EEP!


Snow: *Growls*

Pirabbid Plant 2 hits Snow with a fireball, setting her clothes on fire.

Snow: AH! *Jumps into a puddle of blood*

Sandy: Who the hell uses blood as a weapon? That's disgusting AF.

Snow: Your face is disgusting as (Bleep!)

Sandy: >:o


Sandy: SHUT THE F*** UP!

Luna: ... :D

Blizzy: ...Wow, you let your kid cuss? That's bad parenting.

Luna: No, I'm giggling cus your friend got owned by a child.

Blizzy: Still. Bad parenting.

Luna: *Throws her Sword of Hope into Blizzy's face*

Blizzy: BWAH!

Sandy: *Throws a sand grenade into Snow's face*

Snow: DX

Sandy: *Slams into Snow*

Snow: OW!

Pirabbid Plant 2: *Sets Snow on fire (again)*

Snow: AAAHHHH!!!

Sandy: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Burn, you worthless little shit!

Snow: . . . *Melts and disappears*

Sandy: Bwah?

Pirabbid Plant 2: Beh?

WF Snow appears behind Sandy and rams a blood sword through his chest.

Sandy: BWAH!

Blizzy: BRO! *Snipes at Snow*

WF Snow: *Kicks Sandy in front of the ice*

Sandy: *Head freezes*

Blizzy: Oh, shit!

Pirabbid Plant 2: BWARGH! *Shoots tons of fireballs at WF Snow*

WF Snow dodges them and obliterates Sandy's head. ...Mistake. Sandy dies and turns into partical effects, as they fly into the Megabug Rift and power it up.

WF Snow: Grrr...

Blizzy: ...You killed my brother... But at the same time... YOU JUST HELPED OUR MASTER! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Luna: Alright, shut up! *Rams her sword into the back of Blizzy's head, knocking him out*

Blizzy: ...

Pirabbid Plants: BWARGH!

Luna: Get out of here or I'll turn you both into salad and rabbit stew!

Pirabbid Plants: ... *They start chuckling... Then they lose it* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- *Heavy voice* NO!

The Pirabbid Plants team up and shoot tons of fireballs into the air, then the fireballs rain down from the sky.

Luna: ...

The fireballs are falling too fast to dodge.

WF Snow: *Quickly stabs both Pirabbid Plants*

Pirabbid Plant 1: Bwargh!

Pirabbid Plant 2: *Slams his staff on Snow's head, knocking her out*

WF Snow: ... *Powers down*

Luna: SNOW!

Pirabbid Plants: *They laugh and high-five*

Luna: *Grabs Snow and Blizzy, and flies off*

The Pirabbid Plants shoot fast AF fireballs at Luna, shooting her down from the sky.

Luna: WHOA! *Opens a portal below and falls through it*

Pirabbid Plants: BWARGH! *They follow*

Luna: *Lays Snow down on a mattress*

Blizzy: ... *Starts waking up*

Luna: Oi! *Stamps her foot on his head*

Blizzy: Bwa...! *Shoots ice in her face*

Luna: *Ducks and kicks Blizzy right in the ding dongles*

Blizzy: OOF!!!

Pirabbid Plants: BWARGH!

The Pirabbid Plants spray fire like a flamethrower on Luna.

Luna: *Flies into the air and slams her feet down on the Pirabbid Plants*

Pirabbid Plants: Bwagh!

Blizzy: *Shoots more ice at Luna*

Luna: *Jumps over the ice and stabs him in the ding dongles*


Luna: *Punches him in the face, knocking him out*

Blizzy: ...

Pirabbid Plants: BWARGH!

Luna: ...

The Pirabbid Plants get ready to attack... When the rest of the heroes run into the scene.

Luna: :o

Jen: HAH! Shoots ice at the Pirabbid Plants, freezing their heads

Pirabbid Plants: Muffled BWA yelling

Luna: :D

Snow is still knocked out.

Luna: Snow...

Snow: ...


Pirabbid Plants: !!!

Luna: Huh?

Cristina and Jacqueline charge at the Pirabbid Plants and start overwhelming them.

Luna: Heh heh.

Cristina: YEAH!

Jacqueline: WHOO!


The Pirabbid Plants get knocked out.

Boss music fades away.

Jacqueline: ...And that's a wrap!

Cristina: For these two. Blizzy's right here. Nice fighting, Luna! Did Snow help you?

Luna: Yeah.

Cristina: *Looks around* ...Uhhh, where's Sandy?

Luna: I don't know...

Turco: We saw some partical effects fly into that Megabug Rift just a few minutes ago... Did... Did Sandy...?

Luna: *Shrugs*

Crystal: Uh oh... If Sandy died... Then Megabug just got more powerful...

Infinite: Oof...

Snow starts to wake up.

Luna: Snow!

Snow: Ngh...

Luna: You okay?

Snow: *Dizzy* Agh... What hit me...?

Snow: Oh... Ngh... I can't see straight... Are there... Four Grandpa Infinites...?

Infinite: No.

Snow: Ohhh...

The mini washing machine activates, sucking Blizzy and the Pirabbid Plants into it.

Smesh: There. Captured.

Infinite: Yep.

Snow: *Tries to stand up, but falls back down* Oof...!

Luna: Rest, Snow...

Snow: Okay, Momma...

Luna: What now?

Jen: Wrap Snow up in a blanket. We could use yours and her help in this Kingdom Battle. Of course, Snow will have to recover from her dizziness.

Snow: Ngh...

Flame: *Walks over* Guys? I don't mean to alarm you, but...

Turco: Huh?

Flame: ...Something has killed a small amount of Corruptions.

Turco: Oh, goddammit...

Flame: I ain't sure what, though-

Infinite: It's Molten Valanche for sure.

Turco: That Stonian?

Infinite: Yeah.

Cristina: Damn it... Megabug's getting more powerful...

Flame: ...I did find THIS, though. It... Could be effective.

Crystal: What is it?

Flame: *Holds up a small tube, there's a golden liquid in it*

Turco: ?

Flame: It's some gold that leaked off Valanche's hand. I think we could use this to our advantage and possibly create a weapon or something to coat the Corruptions in gold.

Turco: Ah...

Jen: Wow.

Flame: Anyways, let's get back to work, and if you see Valanche, get him away and stop him from killing the Corruptions.

Turco: Damn right.

Crystal: Big bro, wanna join us?

Flame: Of course, lil' sis.

Turco: Sweet!

???: Don't forget me, sweetie!

Flame: Jane?

Jane: *Appears in a flash of fire*

Flame: Heya.

Jane: *Kisses Flame*

Flame: *Kisses back*

Jen: Aww...

They separate for air.

Cristina: Alright, let's go. My Game Gauntlet is detecting the next boss in the Frozen Wastelands.

Flame: Okay.

Luna wraps Snow up in a blanket, and the group of heroes takes off towards the Frozen Wastelands.

(...About goddamn time this chapter comes out. Sorry for putting it on hold. Laziness and being uninspired got in the way. Sorry 'bout dat.)

(Anyways, another Midboss defeated!)

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