lowercase lament

By tisiclem

916 217 2

a collection of poems, not bound by rules, nor themes, nor length. little pieces of everything, strung togeth... More

she and i
you made me
open your eyes
waiting for the abandoned
he knows
and the dead girl
please no
and never look back
again and again
oh, senorita
the girl
it's been a decade
damn is it easy
you, i want
re; she deserves better (than you)
re; give her back
the problem
we're the same
a great king
you're like me too
i can't cry
please no
what a fool
him and her and them
re; reflection
a misconception
disobeying orders
a meaning behind a pair of eyes
simple maths
the fake side
8 years
do it yourself
ha ha
i don't know the truth
anger's reasons
hearing sadness
i hope this is true
stop laughing, i get it
it's 1 in the morning
that's when my heart dropped
with my naked eyes
the difference a day makes
i try not to think about you
are you really surprised?
hey, look! this rhymes
why do i keep forgetting you?
my fear became real
(please tell me) i'm overreacting
she'll never leave
a reasonable fear, i assure you
if you're not real, why am i in love with you?
mirrors are bitches anyway
a thing i like (and hate) to do
a nice thing to hope for
the day of testing
waking up to you
i feel bad for you
this is tiring
don't call me a liar even if it's true
perfect is bullshit
my eyes
the king has strict rules

it always leads back to you

9 3 0
By tisiclem

you make me hate what i love

that's how much control you have over me

you don't even realise it

what you're doing to me

i've always feared that i'll become you

yet somehow that doesn't stop me from becoming you

fearing the worst doesn't stop the worst from coming

why is it that i fear becoming you

yet love you at once?

your love for me

sickens me

no one should love me that much

not me, never me

loving me will only hurt you

is it horrible that your heartbreak brings me relief?


i find myself thinking

"now you understand,

now you'll stay away"

i really hope you'll stay away

i'm not worth it

i leave behind nothing to this world

so why should anyone put in any effort?

"a human being's desire,"

i read

"it's to never be forgotten

that part makes me blink

the next part makes me never blink

"that is why we write our names

in a foggy mirror."

or on a school desk

or when we think of anything to write

i will be forgotten

i don't affect the world

(if i do,

it won't be due to my kindness)

history won't write my name down

i bring nothing to no one

if i am equal to nothing

then why am i here?

i am the same as nothingness

i am nothingness

i am nothing

and no one should love nothing

no one should worry over nothing

no one should care

not about nothing

nothing is not worth it

(isn't that a real doozy?)

i once read a story

about a girl in a red

"i'm just a substitute,"

she said

she lived in the end

i didn't like that ending

i didn't agree with it

with how she let go of that knife

i will live

but i will not be alive

for to be alive is to be remembered

and i am too worthless for that

the least i can do

is make you hate me

the least i can do

is drive you away

i remember feeling this

i remember always feeling this


i always feel like this

but it's never this extreme

(not always)

i remember that girl

and i remember wanting to be her

but people would notice

if i do what i wish

they'll notice

and ask me what's wrong

and if i tell them

they'll think that i'm wrong

(they'll try to fix me

i don't want to be fixed)

a dear friend of mine reads this

i'll tell her to stop

she'll say the same things

they all keep saying the same things

one year ago i wrote to myself

in a place where only i would look,

"you're still drowning

aren't you?"

i think she's laughing

my past self that is

she's laughing because it's funny

and because it hurts

she knows this will happen

that this will never go away

she'll never stop laughing

i keep hearing her laugh

every day
every second
every everything

she keeps laughing

she sees


she sees what's about to happen

she can't do anything about it

(trust me

she tried)

(for eternity

she tried)

(and she'll keep trying

she's trying even now)

(i'm trying)

but it won't help

inevitable is irreversable

she and i

we have one thing in common

we see our future

and glimpses of everyone else's

and we try to change it

(heh, as if we're powerful enough)

(as if we have any power at all)

("notice how it all is a mess,"

she's whispering right now)

("notice how this is
ever so slowly
turning into chaos?")

i lied

she isn't from the past
she's just me

and yet she's a stranger

and unknown

(i hear people say things

before they say them)

(wow this really is a mess

"a chaotic beauty"

wouldn't you agree?

(that sounds cool, doesn't it?))

i sometimes predict the future

that's not the issue

the issue is that i keep having hope

thinking i can change it

or at least make people see it too

(they never do)

i keep trying to explain

and they keep ignoring me

they don't get it

(i think i'm starting to accept that they never will)

oh, how i wish to be the girl in red

only my fate won't end like hers

her ending is wrong

empty even

mine will satisfy me

(that is if i ever am brave enough to make my own end)

my dear friend

if she ever reads this

i fear she'll be like the rest

greatly disturbed

"don't lose hope,"

she keeps telling me

i love her for that

i love her hope

but she's not me

no one is me

but me

i fear it's all coming back

what happened in the past

it's happening now

and it'll continue to happen

and again
and again

and over
and over

(editing this will be a bitch)

(ha ha, i'm being meta
don't look at me like that)


i see you

you are me

and i see you





which will it be?

which version will you be?

(oh, wow

this is a mess)

(oh, wow

i am a mess)

(hey, look

isn't that funny)

i fear they'll read this

and ask me what it means

i know i'll deny
and lie
and smile
and one day die

i know me

i know my fate

(or at least i think i do

at least i know some of it)

i am at peace with it

but they will never be

i don't remember a time

where i don't want to die

(yeah, i said it

i finally fucking said it)

the feeling changes

but it never disappears

sometimes it's close

sometimes it's far

it's like the rain

the way it shifts constantly

from drizzling
to pouring
to lightly tapping
(almost like a clock's tick tock)
to nothing


i came up with a better methapor)

or better yet

like the sun

sometimes it's hidden
sometimes it shines
sometimes it hides
sometimes it dies

(it doesn't make sense

i'm sticking to it)

but it never disappears

it's always there

even when i can't see it

and isn't it funny

that i compare this to the sun

(a toxicity that's too rational

to an icon of happiness)

i'm sick

i think it's why i'm writing this

why isn't there an "in vinos veritas"

but for illness?

in sickness

there is truth

in sickness

the camel's back breaks

in sickness

the dam breaks

in sickness

there is no lie

in sickness

all should be revealed

(we're too distressed about the sickness to be distressed over everything else)

(nothing matters but the pain)

everything is escaping me

i wish to stop typing

(i should've typed "written

that sounds better)

i fear more words will pour out of me

when i close my eyes

they keep appearing that way

when i long for it the least


i sound so old-timey)

my brother once told me

that i keep changing

"it's like you're a shapeshifter,"

he said (not really)

"you keep changing

you're never the same

from the way you move
to the way you speak
to your personality
to your everything

it's kind of strange,"

he said (definitely not)

if you're not me

you'll look deeper

analyse each word

figure out what they mean


i advice you

you'll never know

only i will know

because that's it with art

you stare into blankness

and conjure something into it

something familiar

something that means something

they'll never know

that nothing's there

it makes me laugh

(i'm always laughing
and i hear her laughing
the her that is me
she's close to me
so close i can hear my ears ringing)

(my ears will never stop ringing

she'll never stop laughing)

what matters to them the most about art

is the part that's nothing

(i won't remember what i deleted

or will i?)

(i think i will

otherwise i am more sick than i thought)

(will i remember what i mean by that?)

(i'm already starting to forget)

(my mind is fuzzy)

(the clock is ticking)

(where was i going with this?)

the secret to art

is to leave nothingness in them

leave pieces of nothingness

for them to fill in

never let anything be concrete

always leave it to their interpretations

(i'm forgetting

i'll forget this too)

there should be a nice end to this

there isn't

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