By glory7991

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By glory7991


After coming back from Isaac's office, I couldn't concentrate on work.

I can't believe that Isaac was with me when I needed someone. But I am still worried whether Isaac will accept me after knowing I can't communicate with my wolf even after shifting.

My body began to tremble when I thought about that. What if he refuse to accept me just because I couldn't connect with my wolf?

I drank some coffee to calm down, and started to work.

After sometime, Isaac came out of his office.

"We'll be leaving to Paris for 3 days, you have to be in the airport tomorrow around 4 in the morning" Isaac said and left. Paris? It's good to explore places when the company pays for you. I'll never be able to travel around with my salary.

With these thoughts, I cheered up for the trip.

But all my enthusiasm went down the drain, when I saw Ms.Jonathan tagging along.

I could see how much Isaac loved and cared for Dora, but it hurts me to see it. Then there is Aiden, I don't know whom Dora loves.....

After finishing the official work, we had time to visit different places. The city of love has great places to visit and shop.

This evening Isaac brought me out as soon as Aiden and Dora left for a date.

Now I am sitting in a restaurant with Isaac.

"Why are we here?" I asked Isaac while looking around the restaurant.

"Aiden took Amour on a date and he will not appreciate two lightbulbs tagging along and I'll be bored of I stay in the hotel" Isaac said calmly while cutting the steak.

"Are you fine with Mr.Aiden taking Dora on a date?" I asked looking at him weirdly.

"Ofcourse not, I don't want Armour to date him... Of all the men in the world she chose him? Him? I'd rather she choose anyone else other than him" he said stabbing the steak. I bet he is thinking of stabbing Aiden instead of the steak.

"So your only concern is this? Aiden? Not Dora dating?" I asked again.

Isaac nodded.

"I don't understand you Isaac, you stay with Dora and from others perspective you both behave as if you guys are dating but Aiden is dating her.... I am so confused" I asked him while holding my head.

Isaac stopped eating and looked at me seriously.

"Baby, Amour is like my family but definitely not a lover or girlfriend... I have the responsibility to take care of her when her parents died. If not do you think Aiden could get someone whom I am interested in? " Isaac said. Makes sense, but they're closeness is what irks me.

"Baby are you jealous? Don't worry I've never been intimate with her as much as I was with you" Isaac said holding my hands.

"What nonsense!!! You slept with her yesterday I saw it" I angrily pointed at him. This bastard is trying to trick me.

"Baby... I was there for almost an hour, we just slept nothing more or nothing less..... Just like how parents accompany their kids. She'll have nightmares sometimes, so I'll accompany her. Have you ever seen me even kissing her lips?" Isaac questioned. No I've never seen them kissing on their lips.

"Look I know how people think, but I swear, me and Amour don't have that kind of relationship, I see her as my family, she was there when my parents passed away. She was a glimmer of hope I had when I didn't have a reason to live.... But you on the other hand, you are my other half nobody compares to you....I would protect Amour when she has a problem because I see and love her like my family.... I will also protect you because you are the person I love not just because your my mate" Isaac said looking straight into my eyes.

I was struggling to decide, whether to believe him or not.

As if knowing my thoughts, he continued

"How did you get to work as my secretary?" Isaac questioned.

"Ofcourse you would have done something to make me work for you" I said rolling my eyes.

"No, I didn't do it....it was Amour, she searched for you and put you next to me when she knows nothing about werewolves or mates....she knew that I love you" he said.

I was stunned to know that it was Dora whom made me take this job. A woman would never ever place another woman next to his man.

"I don't know what to say.... just give me some time okay?" I asked Isaac. I don't know whether I am taking the right decision or not.

"Take your time, no matter what decision you take I'll respect it" he said and waved the waiter for bill.

Coming out of the hotel, we started to walk towards the Eiffel tower.

"Shall we go to the top?" Isaac asked pointing towards the Eiffel tower.

"No, I just want to look it from here" I said and looked at the tower.

"What do you see when you see the tower Isaac?" I questioned looking at the sparkling tower.

"It's a symbol of love,where many people propose to their loved ones" Isaac stated.

"Actually, it was designed as a centerpiece of the 1889 world fair in Paris to commerate the French revolution and show-off France's mechanical prowess. It was not even meant to stay this long....it was meant to be temporary.
Even Hitler ordered this to be destroyed but that did not happen... because it was meant to stay this long.... Now it is a symbol of this country and a place where many confess their love, a tower which was meant to be temporary, now holds a special place in most of the people's life,
When I was in a very bad situation in my life,
I read an article of Eiffel tower, the last line of the article was, 'If it is meant to be even Hitler could not destroy it' it gave me hope at that time. I wanted to be strong and useful like this tower so that none could destroy me. That's the reason I wanted to look at the tower, so thank you for bringing me here" I said and looked at Isaac who was stunned.

"I don't know what you've been through in the past, but hereafter I'll be there to help you to overcome your problems" he said and hugged me.

I smiled looking at the magnificent sparkling tower.


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