Wicked Game (OUAT Peter Pan F...

By AwakenAtlantis

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!!!Undergoing Editing!!! *previously known as The Red Queen Effect* "It's strange what desires could make foo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Sneak Peak at Book 2: When Their Was No Magic

Chapter 7

258 4 6
By AwakenAtlantis

When I was finally able to regain consciousness, the first thing that I noticed was that the sky was made of wood. The once grainy ground that I had previously been lying on was now replaced with rope that was covered in cloth and swung from side to side. Confusion had clouded my thoughts because I could have sworn that I was outside and near the ocean, so how did I get inside? I vaguely remember hearing the voices of a male and female and for a brief moment feeling weightless, but beyond that there was nothing else that I could recall. Perhaps that moment of weightlessness was someone carrying me, and they brought me-

"Oh, thank goodness your awake, welcome to our treehouse." A female voice, the one that I remembered hearing before losing consciousness, interrupted my thoughts.

I heard a grunt before a male voice pitched in, "My treehouse."




"Mine" I had turned my head to the right to find a girl with long, wavy black hair wearing a worn blue dress with white sleeves and an apron. She stood next to a male with short cropped brown hair who looked like he was getting annoyed by the second as he leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. I was hesitant to speak up because they might have been one of those creatures that I had ran into in the forest but to be honest they looked like a bickering couple.

The girl had been carrying a basket full of apples which she had switched to carrying on one hip and held with one hand as she jabbed her index finger of her other hand into the guy's chest before saying, "Listen you naked mole rat, you are barely here as it is, you are lucky I'm even referring to this place as ours."

He rolled his eyes before crossing his arms and retorting with, "Listen you annoying seagull, I built this place way before you even got here so technically this place is mine, not yours."

I attempted to speak but before I even got a word out I was interrupted by the girl, " Okay look, I know that you're still upset with me about that thing we don't like to talk about, but-"

"That thing we don't like to talk about was five years ago. Oddly enough, there are other reasons why I'm upset with you right now."

"So, you don't hate me?"

"No" She gave a breath of relief before he countered with, "I despise you, there is a difference." And with that she punched him in the shoulder. When she turned away from him, he looked away and scrunched his face as he rubbed the spot where she punched him.

The girl's attention was back on me once more and I was finally able to see her whole face. Her eyes were a soft brown, almost like melted chocolate, which held mystery and a bit of anger but also kindness. She had a chiseled jawline and although she had a friendly air to her, I had no doubt that she could instantly turn cold and murderous. I could feel myself shaking a bit and my heart pounding furiously in my chest as I thought about those beasts in the village and thought that these two people in front of me might be one of those beasts. "Pardon me, I didn't introduce myself, my name is Ravenna and this rat- "She gestured to her friend over her shoulder who scoffed and rolled his eyes as she continued, "Is my friend Kingsley."

Friend seemed like a relatively loose term to describe the dynamic between the two of them. It was more like they tolerated one another from time to time and even then, he didn't look like the friendly type.

Kingsley stood off to the side with his arms crossed as his baby blue eyes glaring daggers into the back of her head. He also supported a chiseled jaw but, whereas Ravenna appeared gentle, he came off as intimidating and gave off this air of nonchalance and anger. His lips were pursed and downturned in anger which added to his menacing appearance. He wore a puffy white shirt and a black vest over it with black breeches and knee-high boots to match.

Kingsley's eyes had darted from the back of Ravenna's head to my face the deep scowl on his face never once dropped as he haughtily informed me, "Your Majesty or Your Highness would do just fine."

"Or your royal pain in the- "

"Ah ah ah, now what was it that you were saying outside earlier Ravenna? To watch my language. Don't you think you should do the same, you know set an example since we have a guest in 'our' treehouse."

Ravenna slowly turned to glare at him, "Why don't you go and make yourself useful by making sure that a certain someone doesn't come knocking at our doorstep."

"Gladly" He sarcastically replied, Kingsley looked back at me and saluted before turning and sauntering out of the treehouse.

"Thank goodness he's gone." She whispered before looking back at me, "I'm sorry, I don't think I've gotten your name."

I gasped before responding, "Oh it's...." but I paused before I could tell her my real name. I didn't know if I could trust her or not to give her my real name or if I should just continue using the name Juliet. So far, she hasn't done anything that could be considered dangerous or mistrustful. In fact, she was kind enough to help me and bandage up my feet, or at least that was what I assumed she did. However, after experiencing a life-or-death situation at the hands of complete strangers, I just couldn't give her my name.

She must have witnessed the conflict I was having because she immediately responded with, "Don't worry about your safety here, trust me, if you stay with Kingsley and I then you will be well protected. And if you don't want to reveal your name right now that is fine, but I have to call you some- "

"It's Juliet." I quickly responded, noting the slight hoarseness in my voice.

"Juliet" She parroted, nodding her head, "That is a beautiful name. Well, like I said, you are safe here and with us. This treehouse was enchanted so that anything that is not invited in, stays out." She had turned away and placed the basket of apples on top of a trunk before bending down and rummaging through one of the many other trunks that they had.

I nodded my head before something had occurred to me. The castle was miles away from the nearest ocean, and the "village" was much closer to the castle as opposed to the ocean. But when I look out of the window of the treehouse, all I could see was trees, however, I could have sworn I could hear the crashing of waves somewhere off in the distance. Not to mention that there was a slight salty smell, although that could have been me since I do remember the ocean water's cool and gentle touch. But I just wonder, "Where is here exactly?"

She stopped whatever it was that she was doing and turned her head towards me with a gentle smile plastered onto her face, "You're on the island known as Neverland."

"I'm in Neverland!"


Ravenna was kind enough to loan me some of her clothes so that I could change out of my dirty mop of a dress. I was thankful for that because not only was I freezing but the dress was practically torn to shreds from those creatures and the bottom of the dress was signed by the iron shoes. I was glad to be rid of that reminder but when I look down at my bandaged feet all I could think about is that moment. But I was thankful that Ravenna was the type of person who loved to talk because it took my mind away from that nightmare of a memory.

She had taken the liberty to explain what had happened before I had arrived on Neverland to when they had found me on the beach. Apparently, she was the very same raven that I was following in the woods in the Enchanted Forest but had disappeared to go deal with this 'Pan' person. Fortunately, she did not know what had happened to me with those Beasts of the Light, but she had an idea of what went on.

She had also taken the time to inform me as to who Kingsley really was. He was The Mouse King who once possessed part of Neverland and lived peacefully with the natives before Pan and his group decided that they were going to take Neverland for themselves. As she was explaining who Kingsley was and his title, she made sure that she would say some insults out loud to make sure that Kingsley, who stood outside the door, was listening. With each insult that she gave a huff followed or a groan of annoyance.

At one point she was explain to me his kingdom before she shouted over her shoulder, "But he clearly doesn't know how to be a king since he gave up part of Neverland to a group of little boys."

After that Kingsley swung the front door open, "If you don't shut up now, I'll hand you to Pan myself." He threatened.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh please, you can barely lift a stick with those tiny arms."

He wanted to say more but instead he just opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before growling and slamming the front door closed. After that there bickering had ceased, if only for a moment.

Ravenna had also told me something that I have never thought about before. There were some things that mother had left out when she had told me the story of the Beasts of the Light and what they had done to the girl within the tale. She had claimed that the Beasts disguised themselves as villagers to lure their prey and that they were the most dangerous. While that was true, Ravenna had also gone on to explain that not all creatures don disguises or prey on humans. She said that it was a common practice that parents would tell their children stories like that for them to behave but there was no such creature or a specific group of creatures that were named 'Beasts of the Light' since most creatures roam during the daylight hours anyway.

She had also gone on to explain that not all creatures were bad, using herself and Kingsley as an example, but not all creatures were good. And it didn't matter if they were light or dark wandering creatures because they were all the same. However, she did point out that creatures who do wander around during the daytime were less dangerous as opposed to the creatures that lurk in the dark. The example that she used was this 'Pan' person.

"Who is Pan, anyway?" I had asked her as she had removed the bandages from my feet and began applying a paste onto the burns. I flinched a bit from the pain but instantly relaxed as the balms cooling effects began to seep into the wound.

"Hopefully, someone that you will never meet." She replied.

"Is he that bad?"

She sighed, "Pan is someone who is used to getting his way, no matter what the cost is. He tends to use the Lost Boys as a means of ruling the island and every inhabitant within it, bringing terror to those who are unsuspecting and simply claiming that 'it's just a game.'"

"So, he's a king?"

"Not quite, there is no such thing as rulers or royalty on Neverland, but he most definitely acts like he is one." I nodded my head, but it seemed like she wasn't finished yet. She stopped bandaging my foot and looked up at me. Within that moment I saw the kindness leave her eyes and instead seriousness and what looked like a bit of fear had taken its place. "Whatever you do, do not step out of this treehouse. And if you do, try your hardest to not be spotted by the Lost Boys or Pan."


She gulped before taking a deep breath and letting it out, "From experience, he will punish you severely, but he will make a game out of it first, he loves himself a good game."

Ravenna had rolled up the sleeve of her dress and showed me a long and jagged scar running from her hand all the way to her shoulder. I gasped, "He did that to you?"

She shook her head before explaining, "He ordered his Lost Boys to do this and this isn't the only scar that I have. Once the game becomes boring for him, he would order his Lost Boys to finish it at once and to use any method necessary."

"Is this why I have to stay away?"

She nodded her head, "Until Kingsley and I have found a way for you to get off the island- "

"I thought that there was no way off of the island?"

She looked at me in confusion for a second before asking, "How did you know that?"

I wanted to tell her that Peter had told me about it, but something told me that I should refrain from mentioning him. So instead, I told her, "Stories that someone had told me."

Ravenna nodded her head slowly, not really believing what I was telling her, but she never pushed on about it. Instead she continued, "Well, until we find a way to get you off the island, we have to keep you out of sight. No doubt that Pan already sensed that someone new is on the island so he might already be looking to see who it is. However, I don't think that it would be good to confirm his suspicions."

"Where is she?" We suddenly both heard a voice ask, its familiar foreign accent floating into my ears, but I can't recall who it is or from where I have heard it.

Ravenna cursed as she quickly finished wrapping up my feet, "Who the chicken?" we heard Kingsley ask him.

Ravenna glared at the door before muttering under her breath, "Imma get back at that stupid weasel." before picking me up and looking all around the room, deciding that the piles of trunks in the corner of the room would do. She quietly ran all the way to the trunks and set me down on the floor. Removing all the small trunks on top to get the large empty one on the bottom. She opened it up and then turned to me, whispering, "Do you think that you can climb in?" I nodded my head before she gestured towards the trunk. A carefully and as quietly as I could I climbed in, holding in my winces and groans as I settled down in the trunk. Before she could close the lid, she whispered, "We'll try to get rid of him as quickly as we can but in the meantime try to make as little noise as possible." I nodded my head before she closed the lid and I was shrouded in darkness, save for the small stream of light from the keyhole.

I could hear her moving things back onto the trunk before the door busted open and footsteps marched in. maneuvering myself as quietly as I could to the keyhole, I took a peek but the only thing that I could see was a small portion of Ravenna's blue skirt and white apron in my view.

"Pan, don't you know that it is rude not to knock." I heard Ravenna scold him before placing another thing on top of the trunk that I was on.

"Don't you know that is rude to keep things from me." He retorted, the tone in his voice sounded like he was not only irritated but also a bit amused. If what Ravenna said to Kingsley was true then he knew that I was here on the island, but does he know that I am with them?

"I have no idea what you are talking about." She said and moved away to stand closer towards Kingsley.

I gasped in shock at what I was looking at before covering my mouth with my hands to keep any other noise from escaping. There was no conceivable way that it was him. The same green patched outfit minus the cape, he held himself with the same confidence as when he was at the ball, and he had that familiar messy light brown hair and forest green eyes. The only difference was that this time I was able to see him without his mask.


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