Creating new errors (Hunterve...

By SomeSpy

130K 6.3K 3.1K

Error, a God of destruction. Always having to do what was necessary to keep everything in check. Though, not... More

It ends, and begins.
The Next day
Hunter joins the party.
Quick, short tension
Day's end
Informative & A day with Hunter
To try, yet abort.
Later on,
An answer
A surprise,
Issues? Maybe.
Time off
A Glitch's time.
To another place.
Failed attempt
Cold end
Final status.
Second Book


2.4K 158 33
By SomeSpy

Error perked up, as if a scenario just happened. Seems like things are picking up even more back at his place.

He can't waste time anymore.

"Nightmare. Do you mind if everyone heads back to the mansion right now? I need to talk about something important. Too important." He spoke up, Nightmare looks at him confused "What? Is there something wrong? I guess we could? If the others would agree." He shrugged.

"That's a yes then. Do you mind contacting the others then?" He told him. Nightmare eyed him confused still "Error, is something wrong? If it's important, you can tell me." He said. Error nodded "I am going to tell you g-guys. You too Hunter. Come along." He nudges him.

Hunter looks up from his phone "Wha?" He says, taking a sip off his soda. Nightmare scoffed "That's your seventh cup of soda already. Aren't you going to get an ache or something?" He tells him, Hunter chuckled "Nope. I'm a storm survivor. Nothing's getting through this." He pats his chest. Nightmare snorted "Right. Anyways," he took his phone out of his pocket.

"Dust? Hello? Oh. Need you and Horror to head back to the mansion. Error said it was important. What? Blue spiked the punch at your side? And Horror is drunk? Blue too?! Oh fuck off." He hangs up. Error looks at him waiting for an answer.

"Just as you heard. The two are off until the party ends. Can't it wait?" Nightmare looked like he pouted. Error chuckled "N-No. It can't." He answered. Hunter raises a finger "Uh, what is it even about for me to even be involved? Also, mansion...?" He asked.

"You'll all be surprised when I tell you."

Both Nightmare and Hunter were not getting what he was trying to say.

"So, do I get to tell you two only or what?" Error says, Hunter shrugged "Sure? I'm all ears. Even if I don't have them." He giggled. Nightmare snorted "Sure sure. Say it then."

Error stood up "Do you guys mind if we talk about this back at the mansion? I feel uncomfortable saying it in public." He suggested, Hunter nodded slowly and Nightmare did the same "Sure. I guess Killer gets to hitch a ride with Horror and Dust."

"Hey, guys!" Ink walked up to the trio, Hunter perks up looking at him. Watching him warily. Nightmare waved at him a bit annoyed "What do you want?" He muttered. Ink chuckled "Oh nothing, it's just that your unit, Dust. Is being jumped on by Blue. And you know me. I don't want to interrupt something like that."

"Interrupt what?"

Ink turns to Error and smiled "Heya Error. You having a good time? Who's the other guy next to you?" He says, Error nodded glancing down "Yeah... I'm okay, I-Ink... That's Hunter, new Lieutenant." He mumbled. Ink awed "Really? Damn. Been awhile since a new officer appeared." He grinned. Hunter widened his eyes before he suddenly had his gun out, pointed at Ink.

"Woah! What's that for?" Ink backed off, his hands up defensively. Nightmare raises an eyebrow at him as Error places a hand on his arm, trying to make him lower it "Hunter? What's going o-on?"

Hunter shook his head "... So this is Ink..." He gripped his gun tightly, his finger on the trigger. He was tempted to shoot him right about now.

"Fuck is going on with you? Do you even know who Ink is?" Nightmare stared at his sidearm, he knows that he might fire. Ink looked nervous.

Hunter kept his gun up at him as he was about to speak up.

"Look, I don't know what you do. But I know what you did. Error mumbled something as I was bringing him to my truck the day I found him. I heard your name. He mentioned something on why you had to do it to him. I assume you're the one who did all that to Error." Hunter sneered.

Nightmare's eye went dark. Error froze, and Ink tensed "Wha?! I didn't do anything! Listen, if Error was mumbling that, then I do not know one clue to why! I didn't--'' A summoned tentacle took ahold of Ink's neck, pinning him to the ground forcibly "And you say you didn't have anything to do with his disappearance." His tone was full of anger, Error stood up with a hand out "N-Nightmare, wait!" He was cut off, a tentacle keeping him back. Hunter lowered his gun, watching the two.

"If you're still scared about him doing anything, don't be. I'll kill this fucker right now."

"W...Wait... I d-didn't... Do... A thing to him...!" Ink choked out, trying his best to pull the tentacle off him. His other hand was trying to reach his paintbrush to try and blind Nightmare so he would back off. Hunter places his hands on Error's shoulders "Look, what he said. If he was threatening you about telling, it's not going to work. Not with us around." He told him.

Error shook his head, raising his fingers at Nightmare "It's not going to work, because y-you don't understand, that's why!" He tied him up, pulling him away from the artist. Ink gasped standing up slowly "... I'm telling you...! I didn't do jack fucking shit to him! Why're you so over your head about this?! Error please explain to him now. I'm in a bad mood now..." He caresses his neck.

Nightmare struggled "What are you doing?! Let me go!" He yelled, Hunter stared at them. Error shook his head again "No, I'm not letting you go until you calm down!" He responded, making Nightmare stop "I promised I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, how am I supposed to fulfill that, huh?!" He added, glaring at Ink. Error eased up hearing that.

His Nightmare said something similar to that.

"It's because I didn't hurt him, asshat!" Ink remarked, still holding his neck. Nightmare struggled even more "I'll kill you!" He tried striking a tentacle towards him, but strings held it behind him.

"Is... something going on?"

All four turned to who asked, it was Dream. He looked concerned and worried as he looked at Nightmare "Brother...? What's wrong...?" He mumbled. Error looks up at him and nodded "Everything is alright, he just needs to c-calm down..." He tells him.

Dream crossed his arms, "Brother, please. Calm down..." He said, frowning. Nightmare blinked, glaring at Ink one more time before his tentacles slowly disappeared "Fine..."

Dream sighed "What did you do now, Ink?" He turns to him and Ink scoffed "I didn't do anything. apparently, when Error was being rescued, He mumbled something about me being the cause of his injuries." He glances at Hunter.

"Well Error's not exactly denying what I said whatsoever, didn't he?" Hunter retorted, Ink rolled his eyes "Still, I didn't do it."

Error took a deep breathe, looking down "... Can we just... Head back? I wanna e-explain things to you two..." He motioned both Nightmare and Hunter as he walked away, the strings now releasing Nightmare.

He stood up, and was about to lunge at Ink once more but didn't seeing Error. He hissed pointing at him "You better watch the fuck out. Next time you come close to him, don't expect me to hold back. If Error doesn't have an excuse or an explanation, the two of our divisions? Done. I want nothing to do with you unless it's from Dream." He turned, following Error.

Hunter glared at Ink, doing the same as he followed along.

When the three left, Dream could only look at Ink concerned "Are you okay? You have a bit of a bruise on your neck..." He mentioned, Ink places a hand on the spot and hissed "He didn't hold back at all... I didn't do anything..." He says.

"Take a seat, I have some gauze here just in case..."

"... Thanks Dream."

. . .

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