expire / huijae


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"I'M ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU, FOR YOU..." in their world, everyone has an expiration date. but, it seemed like ... More



311 34 17

The next morning, Huijun made his way into his first period and found Minjae in his seat already. Scurrying over to the boy, he plops down next to him and rests his backpack on one of the table legs. "Morning," Huijun greets, the blonde who scans him with a confused look ignored his words and waits for the teacher's instructions. Huijun, confused by his non-verbal response internally questions why Minjae had looked at him in such a way. Once the bell rang and class became in session, they were continuing the same packets from yesterday - this time there was more work.

Huijun pokes Minjae with his pencil, "You didn't say good morning?"

"Why should I?" As he replies back to brunette with attitude, he focuses on the work in front of him and tried to continue on with the assignment. "Stop poking me."

"Why are you acting weird?" Huijun examines the way Minjae spoke and how his posture was odd to the eye. He knew Minjae usually slouched in class or his back either replicated a banana as sitting straight wasn't his forte. "Did you hit your head while sleeping last night?"

Minjae puts down his pencil, turning his head over to Huijun he raises a brow. "Look, you're bothering me and if you keep it up I'm gonna have to tell the teacher." Shortly, he lifts up his sleeves and he gets back to work. Huijun, who watched him do this subtle action caught the sight of his empty right wrist. There was no date, the bold ink that was supposed to cover that part was no longer there.

"What the hell..." He shortly mutters to himself, Huijun suddenly lickd his thumb and grabs Minjae's wrist. The boy who had no clue what was occurring, only watched in fear as he felt a damp liquid glide across his skin. As Huijun rubbed the surface, his skin became pink from the abrasive action he practiced. "What are you doing weirdo?" He questions lowly, not wanting to grab attention. "did you really just wipe my skin with your saliva?"

"Minjae..." Huijun whispers, "where's your date?"

"My date?" He repeats, unsure of what the boy was talking about. Minjae pulls his arms into his chest and holds it, "what are you talking about?"

"Is that why you were acting weird? Is that why you wanted to do all those things yesterday!" Huijun finally was able to connect the dots, he points to the bruises that still paint Minjae's skin, "y-you caught me yesterday when I fell multiple times. You told me to sit next to you today in math, do you not remember?"

"I'm sorry..." Minjae shortly glances over to Huijun's paper to catch his name, "Huijun...I don't know what you're talking about."

Huijun felt his heart sink into his stomach, did he hear that correctly? More of see - Minjae had to glance over to get his name. "You lied to me..." Huijun mutters, his hands fall into his lap and he clutches onto his slacks. The brunette tries his best to not cry in front of the boy who barely knew his first name, "I guess...this is a punishment for not telling you mine."

Minjae only listens, not understanding any of the gibberish leaving his mouth. Huijun lifts up his right sleeve, his left hand peels the bandaid that has covered his date for eternity. He gives Minjae a bittersweet smile, the same one that the blonde gave him yesterday before parting with him. "Guess I'll be joining you soon, I didn't think I'd receive this twist..." He shortly mutters.

The new Minjae still has no clue what's going on, until he took a glance at his left hand. On his palm, written in black marker that faded from his morning routine caught his attention.

'check your notes, let no huijun read them!'

Huijun? The tiny voice in his mind repeats, he turns to the brunette next to him and taps the boy. He shows him his palm, "Are you No Huijun?"

Huijun nods, "I am."

Minjae shortly removes his phone from his pocket and unlocks it. Directing the device to his notes, there was a listed folder that was titled, 'when the time comes.' He opens it as it was the only one present. There the first note was directed to 'No Huijun'. "I think I wanted you to see this." The blonde hands him the device and Huijun takes it into his hand.

minjae - time: 10:23 p.m.

huijun!! so, if you're reading this the time has basically came and I'm sorry for not telling you the truth. when I first entered high school, I didn't think I'd meet anyone that special - i've had people tell me that nobody during the four years of hell really stays so I thought lying about my date wouldn't be such a big deal. that was until I met you, the oddly looking smarty pants no huijun in my history class freshman year! who could've known my terrible instincts would have reluctantly picked my best friend (: yep, didn't see that one coming. I felt a bit - well really guilty for not telling you the truth. I just didn't know how! I told you twenty-sixty, when in reality I was going to be brainwashed two years later. I just hope you don't hate me, you can slap and punch my new self just don't hate me! I have a lot to say to you, but since I can't I'll say it here.

huijun, I should have said this a bit earlier and the forehead kiss wasn't supposed to be friendly. well, it is friendly but I wanted it to have a more romantic feel! I'm just bad at these types of things, being seventeen and feelings are a bit hard you know? anyways, back on to the real news, I...actually caught feelings for you. now I don't know exactly when! I just knew the way I saw you wasn't anywhere near just friends. I'm sorry for having to tell you this way, I just - was too late. but, no huijun I just want you to know that even though our memories together have expired in my mind. in this folder, I noted down each memory of us together in this sacred place. so please, each day during math when I walk in and sit down next to you, remind myself to read them - please do this for me. to me, you're not someone just passing by in my head, you're staying forever.

I hope your due date isn't soon, because if that's why you were feeling so down, do the same so we can try and keep everything about us.

love, your song minjae ♡

Huijun tried his best to keep back his tears, but he couldn't once he got to the second paragraph. He redirects himself to the list of memories Minjae had wrote down, reading each one he tried to keep his sniffles down as people began to stare,

'our history project'

'our first time hanging out'

'out first sleepover'

'rollerskating trip'

'rollerskating (again)'

'photos of huijun'

"I think the past me liked you a lot." Minjae shortly comments as he glanced at the screen, "did I confess?"

Huijun shakes his head, "No...you said you were too late."

"I can't say I'm sorry," Minjae admits, "cause I don't feel sorry."

"It's okay..." Huijun reassures, he hands the phone back to Minjae. Instead of doing his assignment, he opens up his phone and directs himself to his notes. Knowing that his date was coming soon, he wanted to do the same as Minjae. "look, Minjae. On Friday, my time will come. I want you to set a reminder to check my notes, okay? Also, when you get the time read the memories your past self wrote down."

Minjae nods his head, "Yeah, okay."

There, Huijun begins to type down his letter and tries his best to recall each moment he had with Minjae. He poured his heart into each note, being detailed so they both could try and envision things clearly.

Though they were unaware both of their expiration dates were soon, that didn't stop the duo from including one another in each other's lives.

A simple date wouldn't keep them apart.

created: june 30th
ended: july 1st
wah! hello if you have made it
this far I'd like to thank you for
reading this short story of mine. I
found it in my drafts and it was
originally a woochan story but I
wanted to switch things up and
go for a more underrated group so
(: yup! I have a lot of drafts that
I could stir up into short stories so
maybe i'll create a few more in the
future when I have the inspiration to. anyways
I hope you enjoyed this story and
thank you for supporting me! I hope
you have a great day/night, please keep
yourselves safe and healthy

much love ! ♥︎

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