NES Godzilla: Rise from the A...

By BitterSweetWorkshop

901 12 10

It has been years since the player had been on the NES Godzilla game, years of his death. The monsters had no... More

The Red Rising
A War was Brought
The Hellbeast Scar

A Helping Hand

230 3 0
By BitterSweetWorkshop

With the one warning they were given, they knew that Red was back and he had a thirst for blood and vengence. Knowing about what happened years ago, they knew fighting him was going to be difficult.

How he came back from death was no longer a question on their minds, they needed to focus on the battle they are about to face. They knew for a fact this one was going to be longer than the last time with Zachary...

They then realized... they were gonna need all the help they could get... they we in need of a helping hand.

°¤{Mothra's POV}¤°
I flew across the skies as I stared down at the ground below me. My current task was to make sure all the creatures were safely secured during this time of terror. We weren't gonna risk losing lives in the process of our battle, though we all knew... creatures would get hurt... or killed in the process.

Looking below me, I saw no one in any sort of danger, if anything nobody was out of their homes. That's good.

I turned around flew back to our headquaters where the rest of the group stayed to plan something out for Red. We... didn't have any ideas, we were in desparate need of help by this point.

It scares me, we haven't fought Red and we were already having doubts on whether we could defeat him.

I arrived at the headquaters and left to the room where everyone was gathered.

"Any ideas?" I asked, catching their attention. They all shook their heads, I sighed and sat down to try and help.

We all sat in silence for what felt like hours until Acacius stood up.

"Zach!" He yelled.

I tilted my head. Zach? What could he do to help us? He's a human with no powers and little strength, what could he do?

"What can he do?" I asked.

"He helped me defeat Red last time! If we can somehow bring him here, he can help us defeat Red again!" Acacius explained.

I nodded and waited for the others response.

"He was a big help last time, it wouldn't hurt to try," I said, happily.

Solomon sighed,"If he's our last hope... then... I agree." Solomon said.

Anguirus nodded.

"Are you sure? He may have helped us out, but he's still a human. Humans are fragile, if he gets hurt... we might not be able to save him." Godzilla said.

Melissa nodded,"I know Zach, he can take on any challenge." Melissa said.

Godzilla sighed,"Alright, any ideas how to bring him back?" He asked.

Anguirus nodded,"I know one way." He said.



°¤{Zachary's POV}¤°
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned in annoyance,"Oh my goodness, shut up!" I yelled.

I got out of bed and chose to get dressed.

I looked outside and noticed something shining in the ground.

"What the?" I asked, running outside. I got outside and ran to the shining object and... it was a orb of some sort.

Confused as I was... it was almost like... as if I was in a trance, I was compeled from walking away.

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of it.


I blacked out.



"Zach! Wake up!" I heard a voice call out.

I sat up,"I'M UP! I'm u- wait... what the f- ACK!" I shouted. I fell backwards on the ground as someone pushed me to the ground.

"Zach! You're okay! I though for a second the teleportation was too much and killed you!" I heard a familiar voice say. She sounded... familiar.

"Melissa?" I asked. The person pulled away and... it was her.

Melissa smiled,"Forgotten me already?" She asked, still smiling. I felt tears dwell in my eyes. I couldn't believe it! She is standing in front of me! Well and alive!

I hugged her.

"Aaaawwww!" I heard someone exclaimed. I turned and saw... Mothra?

I thought for a moment. How could Mothra be real if... wait.

"Where am I?" I asked, looking around. This wasn't the town, nor anything that could've came from where I was before.

"He's alive? That's good, he's probably our last chance of getting rid of him." I heard another voice say. I turned to be met with... Godzilla and standing next to him were... Solomon, Angiurus, and Acacius.

Now I know I'm defenitely not home.

"Alive?" I asked, confused by his words.

Mothra giggled,"I guess we should start explaining, you already know who we are, so no need for an introduction." Mothra explained.

"We'll explain on the way, we need to get moving before... he gets here." Acacius said, motioning me up.

"What's going on? How did I get here? Why am I here? Where is here?" I asked, confused.

"Slow down! Geez! You got here because we managed to find a way to send a teleporb to your world, you're here because we need you're help, and you are in one of the many worlds, to be specific... Pathos." Anguirus explained.

"You didn't answer my first question, what's going on?" I asked, concerned.

Mothra sighed,"We wanted to explain when we got to base, but I guess it's best if we tell you now." Mothra said, upset.

"Red is back... and stronger than before." Acacius explained, mumbling the last few words.

"Wait?! Back again!? What do you mean!?" I asked, worried. I thought Acacius killed him! How can you come back from death!? This doesn't make sense!

"We don't know the answer to that yet, but... he's back and that's all we know." Godzilla explained.

"We brought you here because you helped us out tremendously last time! We're hoping you can help us again." Melissa said.

"What!? We- YOU won last time because atleast I was in a diffrent world and he was in a screen and because Melissa managed to fight him off long enough for Acacius to come around!" I yelled.

"You're doubting your own strength, Zach..." Melissa said.

"If it weren't for you, we would all still be suffering right now... or worse, but you saved us and we eternally grateful for that." Melissa said, reassuringly.

"Plus, you survived being teleported here." Anguirus explained.

I looked to him,"What do you mean by 'survived'?" I asked, concerned by his choice of words.

Melissa chuckled nervously,"Well, the teleporb is the strongest kind of teleporter that uses a whole lot of magic to get to diffreng worlds. Humans aren'g that strong and.. the chances of you dying in the process were not too far off." Melissa explained quickly.

My eyes widen,"I could've died before I got here!?" I yelled, shocked.

"You are willing to risk my life!?" I yelled.

"It's for the sake of all monsters, plus you lived, you'll be fine." Acacius explained.

"Zach, please! If we don't stop Red, the possibilities are endless! He could kill everyone in these worlds!" Melissa explained, paniced.

"What she's trying to say, because Red is back, we were not prepared for anything, so the possibilities are endless. What he brought with him is beyond our understanding and so we might not be able to stop him. We are asking you if you are willing to help us." Godzilla explained.

I nodded,"I am but..."

"But nothing! You helped Acacius when he first came here... there is nothing that can stop you." Melissa said, reassuringly.

I smiled,"Thanks." I said.

"Great!" Mothra shouted, happily.

We walked for a few hours until we finally got to first base.

"We're here! Welcome to first base... or our headquaters, we still haven't decided." Melissa said.

I chuckled. The place was huge, I mean... what was I excpecting? They are monsters... well sorta.

"Heads up!" Anguirus yelled. I turned to be met with a plank of wood... flying towards me!?

"AAH!" I screamed, ducking,"What the heck was that about!?" I yelled.

Anguirus chuckled,"Just testing your reflexes. You're quick, but not smart. What if Melissa was behind you? She would've gotten hit instead because you ducked. That is a coward's way out." Anguirus explained.

I felt... pressured.

"Okay Ang, he just got here a few hours ago, let him rest and get used to his surroundings first before training." Godzilla said.

Anguirus looked at him,"We don't have time! What if he doesn't get used to his surroundings fast enough and Red is already here!? We don't know how much longer before he strikes again!" Anguirus explained.

"It's better than pressuring him." Mothra explained.

"Red could strike at any moment, it's best if we start now." Anguirus explained, grabbing a plank of wood.

Melissa sighed,"It's up to Zach if he wants to start now." Melissa explained, looking at my direction.

"No pressure, Zach." Melissa said, reassuringly.

I sighed and nodded. Anguirus seemed pleased with this response,"Great, get him into his training suit and we can start." Anguirus explained, walking upstairs.

Godzilla sighed,"Alrighty then." Godzilla explained, worried.

Mothra smiled reassuringly, which seemed to calm him down a bit.

I followed Anguirus upstairs as Melissa did the same. He lead me to a room with training equipment. Equipment such as fighting dummies, punching bags, long wooden sticks, fake arrows, and so on.

I stared at the equipment as I had never seen a room like this, let alone this much stuff in it.

"Here's your suit, get dressed, and we'll start." Anguirus said, passing me a suit. I nodded and left to another room to change.

As I got changed, I kept hearing whispers everywhere... like someone was in here with me. I turned around, but no one was there.

I tried to shake the feeling off as paranoia and keep changing, but the feeling was strong and I knew I wasn't alone in the room.

I got finished changing and walked towards the door... but I stopped. I couldn't move, like someone or something was holding me in place.

"So, they are really that desparate, huh?" I heard a familiar voice say, menacingly.

I know that voice... and I wish I didn't.

"Show yourself, Red!" I demanded, furiously.

Red chuckled,"Aaww, the human thinks he can defeat me? How adorable." He said. His voice was everywhere but he was no where in the room with me. I felt his voice get louder and louder as the room got darker and darker. I still couldn't see him!

He was nowhere, yet was somehow taunting me?!

"You really thought that I was gone? Hah! Pathetic! All of you are so weak and helpless! You are no better than your girlfriend! You are just as weak as the others, if not worse! I am always here, Zach!" Red taunted.

By this point, the room was dark, so dark that it was avoid of all light. I couldn't see anything, but I could only hear Red as he kept talking.

"You are the least of my worries, it'll be easy taking you down... just like Melissa." Red teased, chuckling menacingly.

"You killed her! It was all you and I suffered the most! Aren't you done hurting them!? Hurting her!? I lost the person I ever loved and suffered years of guilt and shame! But YOU killed her! What is all of this for?! Satisfaction!?" I yelled.

Red chuckled,"Isn't it obvious by now? My trust was betrayed! HE betrayed ME, threw me aside like I was nothing, and joined THEM!! He never cared and now must pay!" Red yelled.

"It should've been obvious, but I guess you really are too stupid to understand that! It doesn't matter... because once I am finished with you and those other monsters, I will move to other worlds and start my reign there!" Red yelled.

I felt the room start to spin as my head began to hurt, the whispers were so loud... I couldn't hear my own thoughts.

"In the end, there is NOTHING you can do to stop me! Do you wanna know why!?" Red yelled. The room fell silent and it stopped spinning, I looked around for a bit and waited for something else to happen.

"Zach?" I jumped as I turned around and saw... Melissa, but she was human.

"You weirdo, are you hearing things again?" Melissa asked, giggling. I felt calm... but that feeling soon disappeared, as two red claws grabbed her and ripped her head off...

Her face was the exact face she made when she died... but her eyes were rolled back.

"Becuase you are too pathetic to do anything! You couldn't even save her, let alone yourself!" Red yelled. He laughed maniaclly as he held Melissa's head in one hand and her body in the other.

I felt enraged.

I ran to Red and punched him... or what I thought was him.

I heard glass shatter as my vision began to clear... I was back in the changing room with a bloody hand and a broken mirror stood in front of me.

"Zach, are you oka-" Melissa paused, as she stared at the mess that I made.

"I-I... I thought he... but he was!... Melissa!..." I stuttered, confused and scared by what happened.

"What happened!?" Acacius asked, concerned. I looked at him as he grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Red! He... Melissa! I-"

"Red?!... This is worse than I thought." Solomon said, holding his forhead.

"Okay! Solomon, you need to start talking! Ang, got get bandages for Zach!" Godzilla commanded. Anguirus nodded as he ran to get bandages.



"Red can have some sort of mental connection with Zach even if he is only in the game." Solomon explained.

"Yeah, I didn't notice." I said, sarcassticly.

"He might have messed with your head like he did with Melissa after you played the game, making it so he can speak to you through your mind and anytime." Solomon explained.

"Will this mess with his training?" Mothra asked. Solomon nodded,"If he can talk to him, yes... this will affect his training badly. Let's hope he doesn't plan on talking to him soon." Solomon said.

I looked down at my hand. I thought I saw him... I thought... Red is just messing with me... I won't let him.

My thoughts were interrupted when Melissa held my hand and smiled.

"It'll be fine." Melissa said, reassuringly.

"No, it won't be fine. This could cause a massive dent in the chances if taking Red down, if anything interferes with training, it can effect us greatly!" Anguirus shouted, making Melissa flinch.

"He just needs rest, he'll be fine in the morning." Melissa explained.

Mothra sighed,"Rest won't fix everything. Like Solomon said, he has the power to interfere with the minds of anyone, rest won't fix it." Mothra explained.

"We'll discuss this in the morning... everyone get some sleep. Melissa, show Zach to his room." Godzilla said, motioning everyone to leave.

Melissa nodded and motioned me to follow her.

"Well, this is the group for ya when it's under a lot of pressure... especially in situations like these." Melissa said.

I chuckled,"Never knew it could get this hecktic." I joked. Melissa giggled,"Trust me, you get used to it." Melissa said.

She showed me to my room and soon I was left alone. I sat on the bed and buried my face in my hands.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I asked myself, flopping backwards onto the bed.

I closed my eyes and tried reassuring myself everything is going to be fine.

I knew deep down that was a lie, but...

I sighed,"I just need some sleep." I thought.

I knew there was no way of convincing myself it was gonna be fine, but this was for the sake of these monsters... and Melissa. I defeated him once, I can do it again.


Finally done with this chapter! Boi! This was long! Well, I hope you liked it.

Taylor over and out.

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