Her Revenge (BFB Poison AU)[D...

By CorrupTixx

32.9K 457 503

After a long time in EXIT, Pencil found herself getting very bored and annoyed in it. She wanted to escape... More

Hi Everyone!
Chapter Two: Pillow
Chapter Three: Death P.A.C.T.
Chapter Four: Four and X
Chapter Five: The Poison
Chapter Six: Today... Is the Day...
Chapter Seven: X....?
Chapter Eight: New Rooms
Chapter Nine: Locked Up
Chapter Ten: You're Back?
Chapter Eleven: Back in a Forest
Chapter Twelve: Staying Behind
Chapter Thirteen: The Pilars
Chapter Fourteen: Climb Up

Chapter One: The Exitors

3.6K 43 15
By CorrupTixx





Noises are the main things you hear in the EXIT. It's very boring, especially when all you can do is math worksheets from your weird blue alien host. Teacher? Who knows. At least X don't bring punishments to us. The worst thing is that I was the first one here, I was here since episode two. I had to suffer this longer than the rest. Now that Match got eliminated, I have someone I like to talk to here. Finally. Its annoying when you have to hear Liy and Stapy argue every once in a while. Leafy was here but she was lucky enough to leave. Braceletey is here too, all she does is talk about IceCube and draw her all the time. Nothing interesting about that.

"Ugh... This is so boringgg" I sigh.

"Pencil that's all you've said the entire time you've been here." A voice beside me speaks up. Liy. She's been here for a while too. She's the only one who had been close to getting us out. Her plans could have worked, only if Four didn't block the door in the back of the classroom with cones and boarded wood.

"I know that, and its true."

"Like, yeah Pence-Pence! If only we were like, able to escape somehow."

"Well, I tried my best with the door. Too bad Four blocked it. Who knows what he'll do if we try and move it."

"What? The worst he could do is screech us. I've grown a tolerance or something for it."

"Whatever Pencil. You haven't heard the screech since episode 1! And its very annoying, I dont care if its not directly at me. Besides, what if he has something worse? He could possibly kill us!"

"Yeah but we'll be recovered so.....?"


How could she possibly forget recovery? Not even half of the Exitors  would be here right now if recovery wasnt possible.

Why are we even stuck in here anyway? Like, we could just be in the TLC or the LOL. Wait, darn they must have been sucked up by Black Hole or something. The EXIT is so much more boring than them though. We could do whatever we wanted besides escaping, now we have to do stupid math that all equals four and STILL can't escape. Ugh. What if we just left through the front door anyway? Four hasn't been here in the EXIT for awhile, so why would he come now?

"Guys, what if we just like, I dont know, leave through the front door? Why would Four come back just for that anyway?"

"I still want to see what's behind that door though, Pencil!",

"What if nothing's there? Then we would just be wasting our time trying to figure out something that's worthless!"

"Dear Diary..."

A scratchy voice in the middle row of desks speaks out. Its Loser. He's very smart! I'll ask him!

"Hey Loser- Do you think we should exit through the front door?"

"blabbelaah ...I think you should... blahablablah-"

"See Liy, Loser wants to leave through the better way!"

"Loser don't count! Just cause you have the opinion of a celebrity, doesn't mean everyone wants to go with it!"

"Guys, I think you should stop fighting." 8-ball replies in our conversation.

"What do you think 8-ball?!" I'm yelling at this point.

"I dont care which way we go, as long as I get out of here."

"Yeah, Liy. All of us want to get out of here quick. The best way is to go through the front door!"

"... Fine."

Yes! Finally she agreed. Now we can leave. But first.... I need to grab something.


"Alright everyone, are we ready to go?" I ask, not like as if we needed to gather things. We didn't bring anything, only I did.

"YEP!" Braceletey yells excitedly.
"I want to get out soon as possible to see ICECUBE AGAIN!"

"We get it." Stapy leaves as a rude remark.

"Aw seriously?" David comments. I forgot about David.

"Anyway Pence-Pence, let's like, get going.

I open the door and...

Nothing happened.
Thank goodness! Now we can leave and... Woah...

I look up to find these really tall Four-shapped things. Are they... Trees? I never noticed these when I came here. I dont think they were here before either. I step out and gosh it feels better to step here than in that classroom of Four's. I keep walking forward and I can see a sign in the distance. I walk closer to it and it says, "The Fourest" huh. So I was right. These things are Fours version of trees. Except, why are they inside him? Strange. I look around with the others. Apparently 8-ball found Four's mouth from here! Is that how we can escape? We can try. I began to climb on one of the four-shaped trees, except, I can't grasp on it good, so I fall. Ouch.


I look behind me and see Braceletey admiring the posters she made for Ice Cube. She must have dropped some or put them there on purpose before she entered the exit. They are in line, so I wouldn't doubt she put them there for if IceCube got eliminated.
I kept thinking, if we can't climb them, how are we going to get out? Another way to make me more angry.

"Hey Pence-Pence!" I look around and Match was standing behind me.
"Have you tried climbing these weird like, Four things? They're really like, slippery!" (A/N: NOT CANON THAT THEY WERE!! its just like that for the story!)
"I have tried, but no luck."

"I know right! Ive tried so many times, but I always just like, fell off."

"So then what do we like, do Match?"

"I dont know!"

The ground starts shaking. Match loses her balance and trips, so I hold on to her, like how a good alliance leader would.
Four must be screeching on the outside world. But, it's never done this before. After a few seconds the ground stops shaking. But then there's screaming above us. It gets louder and louder, like its getting closer and then-


A contestant fell. Who was it? Why are they here? Who's team are they on? We run over to them and its...


Hah its the end of this c h a p t e r-
I'm pretty sure its obvious on who the contestant is.
I'm not showing the designs just yet since, well, its like the ones in the original bfb. Nothing changed. Hh
I tried to make the first official chapter lengthy and idk how that came out-

So uh ye! Hope you liked this chapter!

firey plushh-

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