A Dance of Lions and Snakes (...

Por ninaalvarez37

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Davina Lannister is the youngest child of Tywin Lannister. She is very loved by her father, which is why he l... Más

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Main Characters
Part I
Part II
Part III


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Por ninaalvarez37

We left Pentos's port last night, right before we left however a messenger boy came running and shouting for Toko. He was one of our new birds here in Pentos, gave him a letter and was on his way again. Immediately Toko handed it to me, but something in my gut told me to read it in my quarters, alone...

-- Oberyn has a third daughter, a two year old whose mother left her and went back to her home. Shortly after, a whore from right there in Sunspear gave birth to his fourth daughter five moons ago.--

Right now I'm on deck overlooking the vast and beautiful sea, what an incredible shade of blue it had this morning, talking to myself "For fucks sake woman, you should not be this bothered by the news, I mean you knew he was a whore. Besides I don't think for one second that he kept his end of the bargain, yet I have a fucking snake tattooed on my back... idiot, such and idiot."

It is going to take us a few more days to reach Tyrosh, but right now I don't want to be around anyone. I locked myself in my quarters, took out my journal and wrote about everything and nothing, all the time ignoring my friends pleads to tell them what is wrong, how in the fuck should I know... I mean I'm angry and hurt but, why?


Oberyn's POV

Tyene and Sarella, my newest beautiful daughters. Funny how the gods blessed me a whore of a man with four perfect daughters. Omara and Nymeria are already old enough to start their training in the art of war and death. My daughters may be precious to me but as bastards I have to make sure they can defend themselves when I'm not there.

What will my Flower think of them? Will she hate my daughters for being bastards? Will she accept them? Fuck why am I thinking about that, I don't give a flying fuck if she accepts them or not, right?

"FUCK!" I punched the wall closest to me, why is she in my head?! "Everything alright brother?" Doran walked in with Trystane by his side. "Yes brother everything is jus fucking bloody fantastic" I heard him usher Trystane out of the room. "Unfortunately for you little brother I know you all too well, come take a walk with me into the gardens" ugh fine.

Doran as usual, being his peaceful self waited for me to speak first as we walk through the gardens "I am just so frustrated brother, I have two new daughters, they are absolutely beautiful and get along perfectly with the other two... and yet all I can think about at night is her" and I don't know why. "Your daughters are beautiful, brother. They will grow up to be forces of nature like our dear sister... as for Davina Lannister being in your mind, do you think it could possibly be because you care for her?" what?!

"Are you mad?! Fuck no! I mean how could I possibly. Brother I'm worried about your mental health right now. Not only do I know her for a total of two days but she is also a gods damned Lannister" nonono never, Doran started laughing at me and I nearly punched him right there and then "What in the hells are you laughing about Doran?!"

The fucker kept laughing "Haha, I'm sorry brother but times like this I worry that you spend to much time fucking women and don't know shit about them... or yourself, and your feelings" what do feelings have to do with anything?! "What in the fuck are you rambling about?" feelings my arse.

He looked me straight in the eyes and said "Think about it, you care. You care for the girl because for some odd reason you write her letters every night" what the- "You seriously thought I don't see you in the gardens every night writing, one day I picked one up after you passed out from all the wine you had, and it read 'To my Flower' I'm assuming that is her because you never cared for your daughters' mothers they were just a good fuck" well no but- "You think of her because you care, and even though I know you will never admit it... you miss her and wait for her return. You are yearning for her, looking for the day you marry and you can't deny it, because you would be lying to yourself"

After my talk with Doran today, I cannot by any means fall asleep. I've been looking at the ceiling for hours! What if there is some truth in his words? What if- No, he is crazy, right? I could not possibly care for a Lannister girl how I know nothing about, other than the fact that she is a wonderful kisser, and her body fits perfectly under me... or how she is small but not too small, how she has that fire in her eyes, how she made me hard with her soft moans when I tattooed her, how she is a seductress in every possible way, or how she doesn't put sugar in her tea and still thinks it is sweet.... stop!

Fuck, I do care... now what?


Davina's POV

"Davi? It's Elyn, I brought you dinner" what, dinner? "Yeah, hold on let me get the lock" Elyn stepped in with a tray of food and wine, yes wine. "Thanks Elyn, I didn't even know it was late. I was so focused on by journal" fuck the journal, it was open and in the middle of my desk for her to see "Well let me see what did you draw, was it the Targaryen girl or - shit"

Shit indeed my friend, I don't even know why or how even but in my journal was an almost perfect portrait of Oberyn Martell "Elyn get the rest of the girls, I'm going crazy"

When everyone even got here, Brienne and I reconciled a week after the banquet. So now that I was surrounded by my best friends, I popped open my second bottle of wine "I have officially lost my mind... I don't know maybe all those years of following Cersie and my father have finally left me broken and downright deranged, slightly sadistic and you know; utterly fucked"

Brienne, took the bottle away from me and said "Alright Davi, be more specific. Why do you think you've gone crazy?" I'll show you why.

I got up to get my journal from my desk but everything was in a different place, shit I'm drunk "Hold on let me just see which of my desks is the real one... aja!" I stumbled back to my bed and plopped down to rest my head in Tayta's lap "I spent all day drawing Oberyn, because for some fucked up reason I was actually sad when Toko gave me the news that he has TWO new daughters."

Everyone went quite and Morgana being the voice of reason tonight, said "Elyn go to the kitchen, we are going to need more wine... ladies what we have in our hands is no other than a drunken woman in love"

LOVE?! "Fuck you Morgana! I'm not in love with Oberyn... Love doesn't even exist!"


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Stay tuned, there are more songs to be played.

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