Hyperdimension Neptunia: Thir...

Por SomeDudeOnline

426 6 0

After seeing plenty of Gamindustri's sights and meetings its locals, Bios went to Planeptune with her older s... Más

Character Profiles Vol.5
Chapter: 5
Character Profiles Vol.6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter: 6

41 1 0
Por SomeDudeOnline

Chapter 6


An hour had passed since I ran out of Planeptune's capital. I had to cross over two rivers, I used Light step twice to do so. Monsters that were heading to the same place came in my way, but I was able to kill most of them. I noticed something, however. They were all spread out and had stopped moving near the final destination. My intuition had taken me to a brown mountain area, next to that was a huge heart-shaped lake with an island in the middle.

I was stopped in the wasteland before the mountain. I remember running over the border of this environment, only to find an army of machine monsters in my way. I stopped to look at whatever was behind them. I could feel a big presence. Despite its size, I couldn't immediately see it, machines were flying in front of it. Out came cheap metal placed over each other, they were melting into each other, over and over again to create thick and bulky plates. He walked out with feet like an elephant's. Its head had gatling guns, laser beams, flamethrowers, and could even shoot out electricity magic.

I knew, it was him. So I asked him, "What are you doing here? Weren't you back there?"
He responded, with red lights coming from his head, stacked on top of his thick metal body, "Sending info: I was unable to kill them, even after an hour. more friends arrived. My body is still there, fighting. But without my core in it, its defeat is inevitable. That be as it may, I saw no signal of the Key, Bios, being there. I calculated that the only reason you would go out alone, was because you have learned of our plan. I have switched my Operating system to another device."

I nearly gulped before responding with a sour face, "You are scarier than Red Ring in a way. Calm, calculative, but most importantly, I can't figure out how to destroy you permanently. I have little understanding of computers, let stand machines like you."
"I am at liberty to give you some tip. I only die when I decide to. Destroy my operating system? I can copy it, including my memory. Destroy the Bios on which I boot up? I'll take a different Bios to boot myself up. My original name was, unpronounceable. Topl+sto=2timX2:kopielife∞. Code name: Infinity.", it explained it to me.

"Fear, is a feeling, irrational. Once the God of Death is summoned, robots and humans can co-exist without any feelings from the past. I will be there to rebuilt it. The end of everything, allows for a new world, born out of nothing. Like reinstalling a hard drive, the world will be rid of viruses, and from a fresh new beginning, at high speed, there will be a better new world...This is the system we are out to create. It's nothing personal, false goddess. I consider you pretty smart.", he was telling me, as if I should feel sad or something.
"I will have to stop you. Monster fusion, ninety-percent complete. If, Bios, were allowed into the cave, chance of victory, ten percent, chance of victory with friends, 99,9999999%.", to what he said there, I looked determined, more than ever, as I replied, "I will go through. I won't let this world end. You think it's filled with viruses? Then, as a goddess, I will rid of them, right now."
I did say that to sound cool, but I really couldn't waste time with him. I can't beat him like this, I would need to find a way to pass by him.

But with his superior calculations, he probably knows every trick I could think of. Especially in our last fight. If there were one silver-lining, this was the perfect time to test out my new blade. I materialized it. it was a white sword made of chromium. It was long, but widened out at its point. Its handle was wrapped in red tape, its guard was golden with red lining and had blue gems inside the round ends. Also in the middle of the handle and guards was a blue gem. Around the handle were mini blade-formed metal bars that were representing the colors of the rainbow.

I had this one custom made. It only cost me all my allowance, even if it was worth it, it made me a little sad seeing all of my money in the fire.
On the other hand, when an M13 flew my way and I was able to easily cut it in half, I knew I made the right decision. My blade was able to deflect beams shot on me, it kept clean no matter what, the metal was sturdy despite its thin looking form. I was able to even cut through magical attacks. After doing a bunch of jumps and flips, cutting the monsters away, one metal freak tried to grind a war-axe on me. I stepped aside and pushed my sword against him. I could cut him, but there was something else I wanted to test. With the flat end of the sword, I sent him flying into the air.

I spun my sword around me with my fingers before holding it in front of me and looking at it.
"Perfect. I now have a sword that matched me new strength.", I thought with a satisfied grin.
"Reconsideration: Sending robots at targets will make target stronger via level up by killing them. Alternate solution, fight one-on-one. Chance of victory, 95%.", I heard out of the group of machines.
I looked at the army, only to see that Blue Screen had already moved.

I felt something heavy slicing the wind behind me. Fortunately for me, I had already casted Light Step on me. I moved far away, seeing a fist fly in the place I was formerly at. I stopped sliding backwards over the ground. I looked at him, he had changed form. A bunch of arms came from his main body, some helped him stand up straight.
"Battle mode active. Fist, missed. Conclusion: She can detect me in ways other than her five senses. Stealth mode ineffective.", he stated.
He wasn't lying. He didn't look particularly fast. Just bulky, armed with dozens of weapons.

One of such weapons were thick red beams that could burn through a steel wall. however, I held my blade in front of them, they simply were deflected off my sword.
"Analysis. Blade made of Chromium detected. Small enchantments detected. Magic resisted by fifty percent, lasers ineffective, thirty percent change to backfire. Switching to other weaponry.", I heard from him. He seemed to have calculated that before it came out of its mouth, for he had already prepared the gatling guns. I made a mad dash out of there, the bullets penetrated the ground below my feet. I knew he would try multiple times to calculate where I would go, so I had to be careful too. Sometimes, I had to used Light step to move out of the way.

At some point, I predicted what he was going to do instead of the other way around. I knew he would shoot further ahead to where I was going to move, so I stopped, focused on him, and then, I used Light Step to pass through him. It was difficult to cross such a distance with one jump, but I was able to swing my blade as I went through him, and even if it was clumsily done, I managed to land on the ground safe and sound. I turned my head behind me to look at one of his two arms that had a thick fists attached to a bulky forearms that were more than half the size of myself. I sliced it off.

Albeit, he could regenerate it in the next second. I jumped towards him and tried to strike him, he blocked me with his arm. After I bounced back, I noticed a scratch. With my weapon, I was strong enough to slightly damage such a strong foe. But I couldn't feel good about myself all day, when I thrusted my blade towards him, he activated some kind of energy barrier that even by blade couldn't pierce. Just like most modern weaponry, I had no idea how that shield of energy worked. I assumed nothing could crush it. Not that I had time to think about it anyways, he shot a flamethrower at me, followed by icicles summoned from the air.

With Light Step, I jumped back quite a distance so that none of it could hit me. As the same time, he had launched a bunch of missiles from his body. They blew up behind me the millisecond I jumped forward. I avoided more by jumping to the side, than I turned around and jumped in the opposite direction to dodge more. I zigzagged close to the monster, but eventually, he let a few rockets blew up in front of where I had stopped my Light Step movement.

I was expecting rockets or gunfire, but then I sensed something heavy flying my way. I jumped aside and turned to look, a fist came out of the dust cloud made by the missiles. I noticed the black limb attached to this brick of an arm, he stretched it at least a few hundred meters. I wanted to jump away as I noticed something odd with the thick metal, but I was already too late. It exploded close enough to me to send me flying. I could feel slight stinging pain in my arms and legs, a bit of skin on my face got burned as well, but at least I got out of it soon enough for me to still be doing fine.

I roughly landed on my two feet and with a strained and panicked face, I looked over to where Blue Screen was. I noticed he was gone, so he was using stealth mode. Or so, I had thought. When I used the wind to feel, I knew something was coming my way from the sky, tearing apart the air itself. He somehow flew high and pulled his limbs and head into its main body, all so that he could fly straight at me like a comet. It wasn't difficult to avoid him crashing into the ground, but the moment I was in the air, with him on the ground, he shot a fist at me from his main body. I slowed down to the speed of a normal person as long as I wasn't touching the ground, and with precise calculations, he was able to punch me with a stretched out arm just before my feet reached the surface.

I held my sword in front of me, but the impact made me feel like my soul was exiting my body. after hovering over the ground, I ended up falling on my back with my eyes closed.
As I opened them, I saw an arm far above me. It was heading right down onto me, I was certain he had swung it that high into the air. I could only Roll over just enough for it the crash next to me.

The wind blowing from its impact actually helped me get up slightly. I was only touching the ground with one hand and foot, but that was enough for me to avoid his next slamming attack. Before the arm could crash into me, I used Light Step to clumsily move away. I now understood how much I had improved with it, from that awkward position, I was able to readjust myself to, at light speed. Before I knew it, a barrage of dark spheres and beam were fired at me from machine monster that had gotten near Blue Screen. I was slicing the balls in half, and deflected the beams, but one of them eventually used thunderbolt magic.

It felt like all the nerves in my body flared up into nothingness, luckily this feeling was only there for a few seconds. I was able to stop myself from collapsing by holding onto be blade, of which is plunged into the ground. I looked at the enemies. I think I could win, but I would be too late and too exhausted to fight the real boss behind them.
My serious face was broken, baffled I raised my head, as I felt something in the wind. It whirled around an object like a whirlpool whilst said object was slicing through the air. The weird part was, said object was in the shape of a human.

In the next second, it flew past me. I looked at her, red hair in twin tails, a white and grey clothing, this girl flew with her leg towards the enemy forces. The wind blew the weak monsters aside and away as her foot collided against Blue Screen, with enough strength to make him budge. Blue Screen let his monsters fire all kinds of projectiles at her, bet she just jumped off him whilst screaming in this megaphone. He tried to punch her with an exploding arm, but it for some reason, he stopped midway. I could feel the trembling from the monster due to the soundwaves, it was interrupting them.

She landed near a rock formation that was close to me. She stood on top, with her Megaphone held above her shoulder, and the other hand in her sides, acting cool.
Consider my breath taken, it was hard to be able to even say, "Who...Are you...?"
She raised a finger in the air and said, "Listen up you guys!", in a strong voice, she talked to them as she pointed the finger at the enemies, "My name is Uzume Tennouboshi! And I won't allow anyone of you to continue operating. Consider yourselves bricked!!"
"I don't know if that line was cool, but she sure was confident!!", I thought as I looked at her like she was the holy savior.

"Detected. CPU of Planeptune, Uzume Tennouboshi. Threat level: Very High. Sound proof materials in building body advised.", Blue Screen's little analysis thingy said so out loud.
"Hey, making a cool introduction like that gets downplayed if you announce who I am.", Uzume playfully complained at him.
In the meantime, a monster was sneaking my way, hiding out in the open. Uzume saw it too and jumped onto it, squashing it under the impact of her landing. It seemed some machines flew towards the crushed robot the moment her feet left the rock she was on. That calculative monster...

Either way, she avoided a tackle of a machine, and punched it sky high afterwards. As it blew up in the air, Uzume had to dodge a beam from another machine to her left. After she jumped out of the beam's way, she leapt over to the machine before thrusting her fist against it, sending it into the ground.

A few more machines gathered just a few dozen meters away from her. They were charging magical attacks, but she stopped them, only be screaming in her megaphone. I had never thought someone could use a Megaphone in battle. I thought I had seen everything. Since I am fortunate enough to be able to feel the wind, I could kind of understand what happened. The sound shook the air so hard, it made the machines tremble, even from inside. This disrupted some of their systems, I think.
Uzume proceeded to hold the megaphone in two hands and threw her head on it as she screamed even louder, creating soundwaves thick enough to be visible, they did actual physical damage to the machine enemies and blew them up.

Striking a cool pose, she asked me, without looking back, "You're Bios, right? Don't worry. I've come here to help you.", she sounded nice and I could feel a bit of energy from her tone of voice.
"Um...How do you know me? And why are you helping me?", I asked her, I was the kind of person who took everything with a grain of salt.
"I had come late to the party. I'm an CPU of Planeptune. As an agent of coolness, I must say, you're quite gutsy to go all the way over here on your own.", she said as she looked at me with a smile
"I needed to get to a cave further ahead without being noticed. Something inside is powering up to fight us with terrible strength.", I explained the situation to her.

"I see. So basically. I have to beat up the guy in front here to let you through right?", she asked me.
Well. Even if it was a simplified answer, her fighting that thing would help me run, so yeah.
Blue Screen had gathered an army of robots in the meantime and send it over to us saying, "Uzume must be taken out with haste. Priority, stop threats from advancing further."
Uzume cracked her knuckles while saying, "Think that's going to stop me?"
as monsters were coming close to her, she ran forward whilst wildly throwing punches. Her fists were rapidly thrown with such strength, they disappeared and looked like she was firing orange beams from multiple gatling guns behind her back.

Through hundreds of monsters she ran, as her fists blew them in the air despite being thrown straight ahead. A clear line was made between monsters as she raged through them. "Dream Combo", was the name of this special move. It didn't take long for her to reach Blue Screen.
He held his barrier up, and yet, somehow, her fists were still pushing him. The barrier was lighting up from all the fists hitting against it. All the while she screamed, "ORA ORA ORA!!", she kept punching for one more second before stopping to unleash her final punch. Her last Punch was thrown with such a heavy thrust, it broke through the barrier, and send Blue screen sliding over the ground.

Rocks were flying into the air as Blue Screen elephant feet were digging into the ground as he was blown a hundred meters away. After that, he managed to stop himself, but the force that the attack unleashed had exploded into a bright orange X that shoved giant rocks out of the ground near him.
"Thank you Uzume!", I said as I passed by her using Light step, although, my SP had run dry right after that jump. Whilst running I looked back at the fight.
"You're tough, aren't you. I bet Gearsy would think you're cool. I'll show you, I'm, way cooler.", she said before holding a crystalized power symbol on top of her hand. It spun around as it floated on her hand whilst she shouted, "Share Crystal!" She absorbed the Share crystal, causing a tower of light.

That could only mean that she was transforming.
The light covered her body as her clothes tore off into light. The light that used to be her cloths proceeded to merge into a new outfit whilst orange energy swirled around her back. The light on her body turned into a white outfit that was split near the end revealing orange panties, speaking of revealing, she had a blue window of thin cloth kind of showing her side-breasts a little. This was visible alongside her materialized wings, they looked like plastic wings shaped similarly like that of a butterfly's, albeit, with slightly more round curves.

She rolled up her twin tails a bit as the head piece materialized. What looked like a nurse cap held her hair together, upon materialization, her hair turned a light orange. As the light was fading, she opened her blue eyes with a grin. She dropped her foot down onto the ground as she materialized a wheeled boot, her shoe parts were parts of a roller skate. She went over the ground as she materialized her second roller skate. She skated to a slope, she went up it holding her right arm onto the roller skates. As if the light had come from the roller skate, a white glove was materializing over her arm, after it went over her elbow, metal pieces that looked like a knee caps from a piece of leg armor was attached.

Soaring over the air from above the slope as white and orange curved metal plates have materialized on her sides, she rotated around and stuck her other hand out, after her left arm gained a glove, a shield was materialized on her disk-like wristband. The orange shield came out of from a white disk. This replaced the usual shoulder parts. She rolled back onto the ground before doing a spin and jumping up high whilst throwing her hand into the air. A Megaphone dropped down for her to catch. After she grabbed it, she stroke a cutesy salute pose loudly announcing herself, "Orange Heart!"
Loud noises blasted in her vicinity as heavy sound waves flew from her.

"You little robotsies have been bad, huh? I'll have to punish you~", she spoke like someone using UwU speak.
I stopped for a bit to look, I couldn't believe it as I thought, "Did she suddenly become a different person? Are all Planeptune CPUs like that? I just hope none of them turn out to be scary or anything. Like, go mad with punishment and what not." I went back to running after.
A bunch of robots surrounded her as she was transforming, but it was fine. As if she charged herself with strength, she let out a shockwave by pulling her arm from the air to her side. After a dash, she jumped towards the robot with her feet emitting an orange energy.

She flew through the robot army and broke Blue Screen's barrier before giving him an explosive kick to the chest. From there, she went up in the air and screamed, "Dream Roar" into the megaphone. Her screams were strong enough to destroy the ground beneath him as big rocks flew out that impaled robots or blew them away. Thin plating was tearing off of Blue Screen himself from the loud screech that Uzume had unleashed.

In the meantime, I felt a warhead come my way through the wind. I jumped as high as I could, never actually done that before, so I went up about ten meters into the air, avoiding the explosion, but almost stumbling over after landing on my feet. I looked up and saw machines with jet boosters behind their metal wings come my way from the back. He had hid them in the fight against Uzume, beneath the ground where I couldn't feel them. Along with that were flying monsters that were coming down towards me.

The ones in the air were beyond my feeling's reach at the time.
It wasn't difficult avoiding their explosives and projectiles at the time, they were too far away. However, if they were to get close to me, I might be overwhelmed. I tried to feel what Uzume was doing, I could feel she wasn't moving, perhaps she was looking at me, who was in trouble.
But Blue Screen wouldn't just let her, he tried to smash her, but his aim was off, letting her avoid his stretched out arm with ease. But it was sloppily aimed on purpose, it would just blow up a second after crashing into the ground.

Uzume flew high into the air to counterbalance the blast wind from the explosion. Another arm was headed her way, but judging from the trembling air, she stopped it using her Megaphone. While she stunned Blue Screen, she quickly flew over to him to punch its vulnerable head. It shattered, but just as always, he regenerated it with ease.
He opened fire on Uzume, missiles, lasers, gatling guns, and even his flamethrower was fired at her. Although she guarded all of it with her shield, it wouldn't stop the after effects of those attacks from hurting her, and their force was enough to make her fly backwards.

After the barrage ended, I could sense something was transmitted to her wrist. She pointed her finger in the air, and I managed to hear her call out, "The Umio Heaven!!"
I felt five objects in a V formation flying my way. The monsters had gotten close to me, the ones that were up high in the air were not even a kilometer high now. I figured I should get out of the way. A weak explosion magic didn't cost any SP, so, I did something risky once again. I materialized a spear, then, I jumped, And I finished my action off my stabbing it into the ground and unleashing an explosion barely strong enough to get me ahead of those machines.

I looked up in the sky and saw...Flying fishes with jets and human faces...Above the robots. I would've stared at it confusingly if I didn't need to run away from the upcoming barrage.
The fished killed all the machines near me by dropping a bunch of bombs on them. Afterwards, they did a U-turn and kamikazed right into Blue Screen. With one big explosion in the background, I saw Uzume do a salute for the fallen fishmen jets...Whatever they were.
However, it wasn't done yet. A fist flew out of the dust from the explosion, it was stopped by Uzume's screaming into the Megaphone. Her scream blew the dust away.

I don't know what Blue Screen was saying, but he gathered all of his arms together and made a drill twice the size of a her.
Annoyed, Uzume threw her Megaphone away, saying something, probably in an irritated tone considering her body language. An orange tornado of light spun around her arm, forming her own drill. The two Drills were pushed against one another. Uzume's body was shaking, her breath was ragged, but eventually, she drilled through Blue Screen's drill, cracking it into hundreds of pieces after she screamed, "SPIRAL DREAM!!"
She didn't stop there, she even created a hole in his main body as she went through him.

Behind his back, she turned around and let the residue of her attack blow up in the shape of an orange planet of light with six rings.
Blue Screen was shattered into a million pieces. They flew all over the other machine monsters.
But even from that point, electricity dragged all of those parts together with a bunch of robots, and there it was, a newly made body with Blue Screen's 'OS', or whatever his soul was. That was the last bit I knew of this fight. I got far away enough to be out of his range. I could feel two human shaped things heading Uzume's way before that, my mind was on that, "I hope she will be okay."

To get to the exact place Red Ring was in, I simply had to follow a few footsteps heading up a slope. It went high up towards the mountainy area. From the lack of foot prints, I'd say this slope was here to get a few monsters that he couldn't walk towards him. I found his cave and headed inside. A short passageway led to a big hollow room within this top of the mountain area. Light only came from the entrance and was enough to see him partially.
"So you have arrived, "Key" of Lowee. I must say, I am impressed. You have improved so much", I heard him talk in a calm voice as a human body, on top of some indescribable organic thing, raised his head to eye me.

The organic thing kind of looked like a giant three trunk made of flash, many tentacles dug into the ground underneath. The human body's arms were stuck in some walls of flesh that also had tentacles coming out of them.
I pointed my blade at him and said, "As a CPU candidate, I order you to stop."
"You know about it, huh? My bio-fusion evolution. I don't see why I should stop? Just a little more, and I'll become the strongest thing in the world. And with that, I can kill you, and fulfill this world's destiny.", he told me.

He took one hand out of a flash wall and made a hand gesture as he said, "I do apologize, however. My prior behavior to you has been...Uncivilized. It's nothing personal. I simply want to wipe the world clean so it gets to be born anew, more beautiful than the last. If it survives for too long, it will just die without being able to be reborn.", was the nonsense that come out of his mouth.
"You were so angry back then...You were also going to do...things I don't know with your tentacles...", I told him, letting out a bit of my resentment in my tone of voice.
He kind of sounded ashamed as he looked down and made a, "Uh...", sound.

I made myself sound sad and talked as if I was talking to a criminal who murdered my mom using the words, "You said you were going to "Guro" me...What does that mean...?", I asked him. Also, don't look that up, was the answer I often was given.
He just said with an apologizing tone, "I feel deeply sorry about that. I can't control my personality when using these forms. Whenever I use a tentacle form, I seem to turn into a giant pervert. Please, don't take me for one."
With a deadpan look, I bluntly asked, "Aren't you using tentacles now?"
"They are convenient, okay? Rubbery so that they can stretch anywhere, lots of range, can grab anything.", he told me.
I didn't really care anymore, but I enjoyed making him feel bad, so I continued judging him, "They can grab anything alright. I experienced it firsthand..."
"Oi! I didn't go that far, did I?!", he lost his composure.

"Well...Uh...", he tried to regain his composure and think of a way to make it up to me, after thinking for a bit, he told me, "Someone as clever as you might appreciate some info for an apology, right? Shall I tell you how this all works? You're going to die anyway, so I might as well tell you. You see, in my dimension, I used to be a bio-engineer. As you may assume, experiments go wrong. The world was likely to end because of some infinitely evolving creatures. And other horror stories you can think of. So I thought about it, what if I could control those creatures by becoming them? It certainly wasn't an easy task. We had to capture one of those creatures. They couldn't be killed, nor could we contain them for long, for they would just evolve to break free."

He continued his story as he grit his fist, "Then, it hit me. There was one thing they couldn't fully evolve to, as it wasn't necessary with their strength. They were intelligent, but not conscious. There was no sense of being within their minds. Because of that, I figured I needed to take over their brain. I sent my brain waves directly into the core of their being, without conscience, I managed to take over its body. Alas, it seemed that its intelligence fused with mine, making me a little...Aggressive. I killed most of my assistants within that thing's body. On the other hand, the result was worth it. I could control its level of evolution and regeneration, But more importantly, I could extract its core."

He shoved his hand back into the flesh wall and continued speaking, "I ended up fusing my own heart with its core. If I wasn't careful, it could've acted like a parasite and took me over. Did you know the heart has brain cells? Thinking of that, I removed my brain using the creature's body and used it to recreate my heart and its core into one. Some slight changes in my body occurred, but I gained this power. I could sent my brainwaves onto another core and transmit my consciousness. With the core in my heart, I could gather dead things and regenerate them to a point where I could fuse genes from other creatures. I saved my planet from the monsters by killing and absorbing them. And you know what happened next? The sun blew up and scorched my dimension anyway!"

As he started to sound more mad, he finished his story with, "Why did the sun blow up? Because of those creatures, we couldn't pay attention. But apparently, the huge rise in the population, and therefore, the huge number of deaths caused a gas to form that could travel even through space. Like a spark touching gas, the sun blew up, just like that! Both because of the huge number of living creatures, and the death! But I was fine. I shielded myself in the huge pile of monsters I created.

As long as I was inside another body, I needed no oxygen, nor could cold and heat bother me. And if my main body was used as a core, the body of the monster I am in is even stronger! The only thing I needed to make more cores was by killing life, Human, animal, and monsters all the same. Unfortunately, I could only be conscious in one body at a time."

"So that means that, if I kill his main body here, he will die permanently.", I thought.
"You don't seem shocked. You figured it out didn't you? Killing my main body does mean that I can't transmit my conscience anymore. And even if I could transmit it to another core, without the heart, my brainwaves gets reduced to nothingness, making that body braindead. It would just rampage and then get killed by you goddesses. But don't waste your determination. You'll find I'm quite tough.", he boasted.

Flesh covered him as he made a makeshift body saying, "With my regeneration and alteration of genetics, you can never strike me down!"
His voice grew more grouchy, he sounded more and more like a real monster.
His main body was inside of an torso with no head. Its face was like that of a helmet with yellow glowing eyes stuck on his chest, big arms grew from his main body. On his smooth top and shoulders grew leaves, You could even see entire bushes with small trees sticking out on top of his body and behind his back.

He pulled his fist back whilst his muscles were making a noise similar to the noise of leather being torn in half. As if fired from a shotgun, the fist flew my way. But I only stared at it calmly before gently leaping to my right, letting it pass me as a heavy wind blew. I held my sword tightly.
I could sense the fist going up behind me, and tentacles spawned out of it and was thrusted my way. Without changing where I looked, I jumped into the air and let it go under me. I rotated, preparing for a heavy slash. When I landed on the ground, I had sliced the arm and tentacles off.

As I heard them fall onto the ground behind me, he pulled his arm back and regenerated it whilst saying, "It seems you have improved your offensiveness. But can you take all my attacks and get to me?", he was mocking me.
More tentacles were send my way, but he was clearly not taking me seriously, I didn't even need to use Light Step. Jumping a bit whilst advancing and cutting any tentacle that came my was all I had to do. Sometimes he tried to entangle me in a web of tentacles, but that actually helped me, I could cut through some of them whilst jumping on and off of the ones behind me. Tentacles could come from anywhere as his lower body had them grown underground, they even came out of the walls and the ceiling.

At one point, a tentacle was passing me by, so I stuck my sword through it and was slicing it in half whilst I continued running. I knew he could still feel pain inside that thing, and I saw that he often didn't react well to it, even if it was minor. I could feel air escape through cracks in the walla and ceiling, I knew where the next batch of tentacles would come from. After I finished my sword swing, I stood still. All the tentacles went over me or passed me by as I stood between dozens of them. I could still hear a muffled voice say, "WHAT?!!", probably not expecting me to predict where every tentacle would be. This wasn't entirely as I had planned, but it was fine. I just had to cut through tentacles that was in my way and jump to the highest one.

From there, I could simply launch myself towards Red Ring, and so I did.
"All right...I can finish him in one shot if this works. So please...Think of it. A light bursting out into a blade, a flowing light cutting through his flesh and disintegrating the surroundings...", I was thinking as I gripped my blade with stern a stern grip and closed eyes as I tried to imagine a powerful attack.
"Light Swing!!", I yelled, but when I swung my blade at him, only "Flash Drive", a level 2 magical attack from a sword slash was used, which didn't do a lot of damage. His body kind of jiggled as he shrugged me off. he tried to smash me under his fist, but I stepped to the side after my feet landed on the ground and didn't get hit. In the next instant, I had jumped to him and said, "Thunder Edge!", as I cut him and generated a bolt of lightning to see if it would work.

"I thought you would, but don't understand why you think to try out if I had the same weakness?", he said as I looked perplexed. I saw something flare up behind him. The trees growing on his back flamed up as they somehow absorbed the thunderbolt.
"Now that you lit my cells on fire, I can use them, and regenerate them afterwards. Take this, Rubber Flame!", he boasted as he threw a fiery punch my way, flames swirling around it.
"Ice Edge!", I said as I casted ice magic to dwindle the flames before the fist could reach me.
I used my blade to stop it from hitting me directly, but I could still feel the weight as it brought me near the entrance of the cave, I almost hit the wall.

After I forced myself to land heavily onto the ground, I could feel numerous cracks being made into the wall and ceiling. He wanted me here.
"Try to escape this one.", He said as hundreds of tentacles were shot my way, at high speed with no gap to go through. This was where I used my Light step. I had a bunch of SP chargers saved up just for this fight.
At Light speed, before the tentacles could turn me into kebab, I tried to slice him as I went through him. However, it would appear he had a countermeasure for that. Probably out of paranoia from the sun blowing up, he had protected his body from light. Normally, I just reflect myself like light off a mirror, meaning I could pass through certain things, but his body wasn't one of those things.

I stopped in front of him and slashed him with an upper swing. Dark red goo came from his body, so it did do some damage, I'd think.
"I suppose I should've given my colleagues more credit, indeed you Keys and goddesses are pesky little threats. How did you get so strong and fast?", he looked at me like a dictator looked at a soldier who accidentally got mud on his shoes.
My eyes lowered as I saw wind fly off of something below me. It was his fist that was flung at me before I knew it. It shoved me all the way up against the ceiling quite a bit away from the monster himself.

I couldn't tell what it really did to me, but the pain from that crash into the ceiling took at least half an hour to not feel anymore. But that wasn't the problem, right after his fist left me to slowly fall from the ceiling, he had launched his tentacles at me. At high speed, the tentacles were thrusted against me, hitting me against the ceiling over and over again with rocks tumbling down near me.
I grit me teeth, opened my eyes with blurry vision, and desperately tried to make one of my legs move. I could barely hold a foot over the ceiling, but when a tentacle graced my leg, it helped me put my foot on the ceiling. Using Light Step, I made it out of the rush of tentacles.

My landing couldn't be graceful. I had to go through the tentacles, meaning I needed to use a lot of power. To stop myself from crashing into the ground, I used my magic resistant sword by holding its point at the ground, when it dug into it, I slowly fell with my knees holding on to my Blade's grip.
Everything stung a little, but I felt fine enough to stand and calmly pull my blade out of the ground.
I held its edge in front of my eyes before pointing it at my enemy who asked me, "What is with that calm look on your face? As if you think we're on equal levels."
"It seems leveling up raises your defenses quite a bit.", I humbly bragged before elaborating,

"In our first fight, those kinds of attacks stunned me and hurt me so much. Now, the worst they can do is bruise me slightly."
"Hoho. I see. Then, how about I just crack your little bones?", he said before coating his arm in some kind of steel. I saw a sonic boom as he thrusted it at me at Super Sonic Speed.
But no matter how fast, once I've stepped away, no speed could reach me. I watched his arms go by, giving me a weird feeling. No matter what he threw at me, attacks I had trouble keeping up with now looked like they were in slow motion as they passed me by.

"This is not simply leveling up, is it? Your speed is insane! What kind of Bio engineering would I need to do to get to that level? You're starting to frustrate me!!", He rambled as he threw his tentacles and fist at me at Mach speeds. I could see silhouettes of light from me hopping all over the place. This rush of attacks reminded me of Vert's spear skills, such rapid blows fired from sonic booms creating this weird machine gun fire that included firework noises, and I dodged every single one of them.

In between certain jumps, I had used my bow and arrow to fire off arrows, thanks to him coating his tentacles and arms in steal, they bounces off easier.
A storm of arrows that that would later combine as I fire a bunch of light arrows, I like to call this, "Shooting Star Arrow." I shot three Light arrows whilst the other arrows bounced their way towards his main body. They eventually combined together and blew up in his face. besides a few burn wounds, it didn't hurt him much, but it stopped him from attacking.

I jumped up right beneath the ceiling whilst materializing a steel spear, at the same time, I heard him grumble, "You think I can only Iron Coat my limbs? It's hard, but I can endow my entire body with steel!"
I noticed a purple-greyish color on his front. Didn't matter, when I pushed the back of the spear with my foot, it just shot right through him at light speed. I could see my spear sticking into the ground through a hole in his body, but that wasn't what I wanted.
"His main body wasn't there? I aimed in the middle. Can he move it?", I wondered. It actually kind freaked me out.

I was dropping down towards him. Hit put a bunch of tentacles over his front and used them as a shield whilst the trees around him began to glow. A green light from the trees went over his shield as he said, "Even with that skill, it's still magic! With this, I should be able to block anything you do just fine!"
He wouldn't have guessed that I could use my axe as long as I am dropping down, would he?
I was rolling in mid-air whilst going down, just to increase the force of my next swing.

Just before my face could reach the tentacles, I had materialized my steel axe. I knew it would be strong enough to bash through his metal, the tentacles were cut apart, as for me, I stood in front of him with a part of my axe cleaved through his main body, he can probably see the edge of my axe inside. And yet again, he mocked me, "Unexpected achievement as this is, what does it matter to me that you have such an insignificant weapon inside me? Any damage you do is too little and can be regenerated within seconds."

"Well, you don't resist magic from inside, do you?", Despite not sounding like it, it was a genuine question. I looked above to see his eyes look down at me in fear. Most likely because he saw the metal of my axe shine in white light.
"Explosion!!", I yelled before jumping away from my axe. I shred its body with an explosion. It wasn't big or anything, but enough for me to see the eyes of his main body inside.
Swiftly, I shot an arrow aimed for his eye, but he stopped it by grabbing it with a tentacle.
As I landed on my feet, he asked me, "Do you think you're cunning or something?"

He was about to impale me into the ground with a bunch of tentacles, so I did a back flip jump away, which was what he wanted. Right as I jumped, he launched a fist my way.
I had to try something. With light magic, I hovered the palm of my hand over my blade.
After landing on the ground, I held my blade in front of me and said, "Light Slash!"
I was hoping that the glowing light on my blade would burst out, but instead, when the fist came, it split in two upon touching the blade, the two halves violently collided with the cave's walls.

I looked at my sword thinking, "It's the same a my Light Step. It reflected the object it touched like a light on a mirror, but rather than simply reflecting it, it made the thing split in two at light speed."
It was a level three enchantment. I decided to name it, "Mirror Blade"
He pulled his arm back and shot many tentacles my way, but it didn't matter anymore.
With one step at the speed of light, and the swing of a sword that could split everything as if a space manipulating mirror had gone through them, I stood in front of him again, with my sword having swiped its tentacles off.

He tried to slam me with his fists, but I jumped over it. He was cunning as well, he did that only to slow me down enough to entangle each of my limb with a tentacle.
"This reminds me of something? You needed help last time, or so I recall. Your friend isn't coming, and you don't seem strong enough to break out.", he said as he was slowly crushing me.
It hurt, and it was scary, but this time, I didn't stop just because I was afraid.
I kept pushing and pulling with my limbs. It hurt a lot, but eventually, My foot could barely touch a bit of his flesh. Allowing me to warp away at high speed.

Because of his body's anti-magic properties, he stopped me from uncontrollably flying through the air. With my blade held up high, as I was going down, I sliced through him.
I saw his true self between the body that was split in half by my "Mirror Blade"
He looked at me with his teeth grinding, but I only saw this for a few seconds, because his body returned to normal right after. I thought regeneration couldn't do that.
With a dumbstruck face, I was thinking that my Mirror Blade was still based off of a stat of mine, probably the strength stat, meaning that it can only temporarily split things far stronger than me.

Fueled by a fiery combustion, a fist of metal pushed me in the air before knocking me against the ceiling. From the ceiling, I was bounced against the ground near the cave's opening.
I struggled trying to stand up. My clothes were ragged, I could see a bruise in the front of my leg above my foot. I used my blade to help me get up, I wasn't looking in front of me until a second later. Its tentacles and fists were flying my way, I wasn't able to react in time.

However, I felt the wind behind me being blocked my two figures.
"La Delphinus!", I heard as a big beam of light towered in front of me, blocking the fists and tentacles on the right by evaporating them.
"Compa's Heart Attack, Desu!", I heard from my left as a heard shaped projectile ravaged through the tentacles on the left. IF and Compa had followed me here. They stood beside me.
"You sure took on a dangerous task on your own, huh?", I heard from IF.
"Are you okay? Children shouldn't go out on their own, desu!", I heard from Compa.

"What are you two doing here?", I asked them.
"Everyone is worried about you, Bios, desu.", Compa told me before IF could explain,
"Basically, I noticed you were gone. While the others were fighting, we picked a time to run after you. I messaged the others that you were gone when we were already on our way. We helped out Uzume a bit, but that dang robot keeps getting revived. And this guy here seems to be able to send mindless creatures our way. They were pretty weak, however."

"Humans? You think you can defeat a bio-engineering feat such as this body? I have the ultimate life form coming up, and you think you mere girlies can take me on? Training, level ups? Who cares. Humans like you are limited, but my body, it can become a wall no living being can break through! Not even the divine!", He said as if he felt insulted. Maybe, he felt humans were just inferior and should just shut up.
Compa and IF did indeed stop talking, but only to make a mad dash towards him.
Despite Tentacles flying at them, they were able to avoid them. Compa stood behind IF to rapidly fire off magical shots of light at tentacles whilst IF was cutting them down.

IF easily advanced near his main body, but Compa was lacking behind. I moved over to her, and then I asked, "Would you like me to send you over there with IF?"
After one, "Huh?", I used my hand's light magic to send her over to the monster's front.
She almost stumbled over after moving, but I suppose she was able to manage after hearing a loud crash from tentacles as IF jumped over them. Hight in the air, IF called out to Compa.
Compa jumped to her right before turning over to IF above her, dodging some tentacles in the process.

From a magical circle on her weapon, IF fired a purple beam. In reaction to that, Compa shot a heart shaped magical projectile back. The two attacks collided against each other through Red Ring, and in the next two seconds, they would burst out into a beam of darkness and a light-pink-ish beam of light.
This was their formation skill, powerful enough to shred through this monster.

As they were backing off, the lights shining into the cave from holes in the walls and ceiling made by its tentacles shone on his main body as he stood on top of a tree trunk of flesh.
We could clearly see his human body. But it looked mutated. Wild Orange hair, a muscly body with red veins as if some thick blood veins were attached on the outside of his body. He only wore torn white pants. He smiled to us, looking at us with red eyes.
"It's finished...", he said before tentacles covered him as he build a tower of flesh.

The tower of flesh bloomed like a flower, revealing a new body. The tree trunk under him dug out a little from the ground and was transforming slightly. Big arms and tentacles came from the tree trunk. On top of it was a lean humanoid body. Most of his legs were stuck inside the trunk, but he still wore something over his humanoid lower body, what looked like a cloth, was actually metal plating with glowing lights and a demonic model of a face, it seemed to be an active piece of technology. He waved his two arms around his body and grew four more.

His six arms all had wires attached to them that went towards his back and over his side towards the robotic metal over his lower body. Each arm had metal bracelets on them. The arms in the middle wielded nothing, the palms were held together more often than not. But his upper right arm carried a sword, his upper left arm had an axe, his lower right arm wielded a spear and his lower left arm a mace. He had no neck, but a head with three faces that could rotate around. A happy face, a sad one, and an angry one.

"Bear witness to my ultimate creation. And this isn't even its true form! A being that rules over all. The three rulers of the world pale in comparison to its beauty. A perfect body with style and might. I call it, "The one above all, Asura Kaibukemono." I spit, even at divinity.", he was speaking as limb looking things were coming from his shoulders, sides, and the tree trunk. The limbs had heads attached to them, each face represented a type of monster. A dragon head, a canine's head, a whale's head, a bird's head, a robotic head, the head of a mouse, the head of a dogoo, the face of an invader, the head of a skeleton, the head of a flower fairy and the head of a spider.

His sad face took the front as he said, "Now, let me show you something cool."
His fists and tentacles were thrust at us, but this time, they combined together, creating an upper body similar to that of an Ancient Dragon.
This had taken us by surprise, it just formed in the matter of seconds, and right in front of us too!
Compa and IF jumped away before it could slam them between its claws, as for me, I jumped above it. That didn't keep me save, however, it just shot a burst of flames at me, with the only reason it not hurting much being my magic resisting sword.

The hot pain of the flames flying next to me made it difficult, but with a heaving swing of my sword, I blew the fire out. I could've let it pass, it would hurt less, but this gave me the opportunity to cleave the dragon figure in half whilst yelling, "Mirror Blade!"
I barely caught IF and Compa looking at me before they turned around to the monster.
IF ran at it.

When I landed onto the ground, I noticed a Light being flashed from the robotic head.
My eyes widened in anticipation before I jumped to my right with enough strength to make me spin rapidly in mid-air. He used the Thunderbolt spell and rained lightning on where I stood.
The moment I landed on my right foot, I watched IF as I tried to position myself better.
A spider-like body was formed above her with spider webs surrounding it. Its webbings were shot at IF, but she simply set them and that body aflame with, "Demon Summon"
However, the moment its body faded away, a body of a flower creature with a girl's upper body was revealed behind it. It seemed to release some kind of stunning spore.

IF was paralyzed, she couldn't move, all the while that thing moved closer to her.
Just in time, a Syringe was thrown into it, as it screeched Comap leapt over to it and applied some kind of liquid that melted the body. She was able to cure IF of her paralysis.
IF happily thanked her, however, I myself wasn't feeling so secure as I saw the dragon head breath a bit of fire before moving its head around. I saw it before, I knew what it meant.
I moved at light speed towards them, once I got close, I grabbed them, and then, I moved further ahead as a fire ball was shot right behind us that blew up in a bright explosion.

With not much time to spare, I had to stand ready for his next attack. My sword was in its sheath, since I needed both hands to grab Compa and IF. A body of a huge wolf ran from my left arm. I dodged his bite with a side jump. I quickly followed that up by hopping to its side and punching it with all of my strength. It got pushed back and made a roaring noise, confirming to me that it works. After a rush of fists I kicked it away. Whatever was made up of that wolf defused and returned to Red Ring.

IF and Compa stood firm once more. IF ran forward whilst it prepared to strike her with tentacles and fists.
Compa was flowing with pink light before shouting, "Arcane Shell!", and shooting a big ball of white light right beneath the ceiling of the cave.
After a pulse, the orb of light had tiny beams raining down onto the fists, tentacles and even Red Ring himself. It was tearing the tentacles apart and it looked like as if it did some damage to the main body.

After the rain, he formed a bird-like creature to stop IF in her tracks, but Compa's attack had yet to be finished. The orb of light burst into into a beam that disintegrated the bird thing. From the fading light jumped IF with poison claws.
As she went down to slice Red Ring's chest, she yelled, "Venom Edge!!"
She was scared however, when she heard him ask, "Why do you think that, just because it works on my tentacles and fake monster bodies, that'll work on the Asura body?"

A tentacle was flung at her, its tip got shaped in the head of a wolf, it bit her foot, and as it grappled onto it with its teeth, he shook IF before flinging her away. After her back slid over the ground, she stood back up, simultaneously, Compa called out to her as she ran her way.
Whilst Compa healed IF with her healing magic, IF held her Katars in the air.

"Even if you won't get poisoned. I've created a new move that works as long as said poison is inside you!", IF stated as a purple glow came from her weapons. Her arms were shaking, it was hard to move them together. She was about to do it as she shouted, "Veno-", but she was cut off by Compa yelling, "Iffy! Above you!"
"What the hell is abov-". IF was about to complain, but after she looked up, she was speechless. All of us looked at it in horror. A giant whale like body was thrown right at us. IF and Compa could barely drag themselves off the ground before it landed, however, its weight was not the issue.
When it landed, a tsunami engulfed the two, as for me, I tried to avoid it by jumping, but he shot a gust of wind above me from its bird mouth that pushed me into the water.

Anticipating a magical attack, I managed to get to the ground and stab my blade into it. In the next moment, everything was frozen. Even though I'm used to cold weather, and despite my sword resisting magic by fifty percent, I shivered from the painful cold as I can see layers of ice over my body. I wasn't feeling any better from the thick ice surrounding me. However, I had something for this situation. With a ragged voice, I shouted, "Hot Edge!", As I took the sword out of the ground and swung it upwards. I made a flame appear in front of me that melted the ice and warmed me up a little.

I had to quickly jump away, for the melted ice would drench me in water. Desperately, I would dive back towards the huge block of ice as I was melting it screaming, "Hot Edge" over and over again.
"Hot Edge!" "Hot Edge!!" "HOT EDGE!!" I kept yelling, desperately looking for Compa and IF.
I think I saw them through the ice. I carefully dug out the ice around them. Instead of using hot edge, I enchanted my blade with the fire element. Carefully, I held it round their bodies and let some of the hot water that came from the molten Ice thaw them out.
I grabbed them before they could collapse on the ground, I saw their eyes slowly opening.

I felt truly relieved, it was an unknown feeling to me, but there was a feeling I often did get, when there was no time take in the moment, because the enemy was still there. I let the two sit on their knees as I saw a big laser from the robot head fired at us. I stood in front of them and held the flat side of my sword in front of me, deflecting the lazer.
"Your sword can deflect lasers. It can resist magic. What more can it do?", he said, sounding tired of it all.
I remember looking angrily at him. I felt disgusted by his battle tactics, even if they made sense.

"It can also...CUT YOU!!", I said before launching myself at him holding my sword next to my shoulder. I noticed that he quickly rotated his head, now his smiling face was in the front.
With a horizontal swing, I made a clean cut between his head and body, or at least, that's what should've happened. As if I hit my sword against a titanium wall, it did nothing to him.
I looked aghast at him with my eyes opened widely. I saw his smile deepen. With a smug face, he told me, "Well. It seems it can't do that, at least."
My sword was brushed aside by the rotating of his head, this time, his angry face was in the front.

With his middle right arm, he punched me up against the ceiling, nearly making me gag. I found it odd that his weak looking arm did so much. But it didn't matter, I just had to strike him down.
He stopped my sword with a horizontal swing of his own. I noticed his blade was pulsating. I knew that the second I touched his sword, I was in danger. I made his blade slide over mine as I ducked so that his swing would go over me. As my eyes were on the ceiling, I saw one clean cut right through it, light coming out of the split.

I stared at it for a bit, knowing now that his angry face gave him a huge boost in power. Then his happy face would be a huge boost in defense. His sad face was probably for regeneration and changing his body whenever he pleases at a fast rate. I leaned my head forward as I looked at him.
This demon thrust his spear it me. Despite his arm only moving once, I saw a mirage of a hundred spear thrusts fly my way. I felt like I got stabbed by the air all over my body a hundred of times before being launched away. I was able to land on the ground with my heels, but after sliding over it, I ended up falling on my butt.

It didn't stop me, however, I still felt pretty angry. After quickly standing up, I ran at him.
He wouldn't let me advance, making me stop with his next attack. He flung his mace into the ground and with an instant, an orb of spikes appeared near me. I could only look at it for a second before it burst out, stopping me whilst I guarded myself using my arm. It hurt quite a bit, though, it was more annoying. The needles would only stick into me for a minute, then they fell off and the pain was mostly gone.
He wasn't done showing off, He grinded his axe into the ground, causing it to shake.

The shaking ground unleashed big spikes of earth out of the ground, I saw IF and Compa jumping around trying to avoid that and also the spikes that fell from the ceiling. I was barely out of range.
I was starting to feel a little better, however, I looked at Compa and IF and noticed Compa using healing magic on me. In the meantime, IF had gone onto the attack.
She jumped high into the air as she shouted, "La Delphinus Burst!", as she waved a hand with green towards Red Ring.
His body got engulfed in Green flames. It didn't matter, I already saw his head rotate.

I saw two blinking lights within the fire before the flames split apart, revealing it doing no damage to the guy as it smiled at us, enjoying our scared looks.
Compa threw her syringe in the air, letting IF kick it towards him. IF landed next to Compa as the syringe was stabbed into the dude. But no matter what, in his absolute defense form, nothing harmed him. He gave a sadistic smile before turning over to his angry face. He then, grabbed the syringe, and made a sonic boom as he chucked it back at Compa.

I knew IF couldn't react in time to save Compa, even though she was trying to. I used Light Step to get under the Syringe, with my leg, I shot it onto the air. I jumped after it, whilst both me and the syringe were in the air, I stepped on it to move towards Red Ring. I could feel Compa having caught the Syringe afterwards. Whilst flying over to Red Ring, I had materialized a hammer.

After doing some flipping maneuvers, I kicked the hammer at light speed at his head thinking, "Can you block this?!"
He used his happy face, and yes indeed, he can block it. The hammer just bounced off.
After a click of my tongue, he looked at me and mocked me whilst making a shield of tentacles, "You still think you can harm me? You won't even be able to cut off a pinkie, let stand these..."
I took that as a challenge, so I grabbed my blade as I did a front flip to the tentacles, with the force of my flip, I tried to vertically split them in half, only for them to block my blade.

He spread the tentacles wide open to push my blade back, it shook me a little, but I had to keep focused, I saw that he had thrown a fist covered in purple metal with a few white metal plating.
Flames and bullets came from exhaust ports on his arms, and he threw a few tentacles at me right after. I held my right arm in front of me and materialized a shield. A literal explosive fury of fists and tentacles pushed me through the air as he shot them onto me shield. Eventually, my feet reached the ground as my shield was still taking a pounding. It was hard holding onto it whilst his blows pushed me over the ground. He finished his rush of attacks by hitting my shield with all tentacles and the fist at once, creating a minor explosion of flames.

Compa and IF called out to me, but I poked my head over my shield, showing that I was fine.
"What? What is that shield made out of?", He sounded like he found a glitch in reality.
"It's made out of Nintendium.", I told him as I held my white shield with red patterns and outlining.
"What kind of bullshi-", I stopped listening to him to look at my shield and think, "I am so glad I invested the rest of my savings in this shield. I would've been broken if it weren't for this thing. Just holding onto it taking those attacks have made my right arm sore. I think I heard a bone crack..."

"Compa!", I hear IF shout before the two ran at Red Ring. It kind of felt like they did it for me.
He switched over to his sad face to send tentacles and fists their way, but IF cut them down with spinning and flipping maneuvers after she said, "Heaven Demon!"
His quick response was using the body of a dragon to attack IF, but Compa had already jumped over IF and was about to stab the dragon. Her eyes were closed to gather courage as she stabbed the syringe into its head and melted it with the liquid inside.

After advancing further, he turned his head to the angry face before slamming his axe into the ground. The two had to move away to avoid getting skewered by rock formation shooting out of the ground. Compa managed to get out of range, but IF was launched into the air. It thrusted its spear at her, however, IF was quite swift in deflecting most of its attacks. As for Compa, she tried to run further, but he stopped her with its spiked ball. Compa's syringe blocked a lot of needles that got shot at her from a nearby ball of needles.

The two weren't done yet and tried to go even further, not that he would allow it. He switched over to his sad face and let a Giant Dogoo body, slime and all, fall onto the two. The two jumped back out of its way, but some of the slime still got onto them. I noticed their movements stiffening from the slime. And if that weren't enough, two beams of magic was fired from its eyes.

Each beam hit them respectively, with their weapons only blocking the tiniest bit of damage. The two were pushed back quite a distance as their feet slid over the ground. For its next trick, from the mouse's head, a body of a witch was formed. With a snap of the fingers, she swapped me with the two of them, then she fired a barrage of dark balls at me. And besides that, a bunch of tentacles and fists were coming my way. That's fine, I could handle that at least. With Light Step and Mirror Blade, it was like a hundred clones of me cut off everything Red Ring Made within a few seconds, and right after, I shot a bunch of light arrows at him.

He went over to his happy face again to block them, but that didn't discourage me as I ran over at him with red, yellow, blue, green, and white lights surrounding my blade.
"Rainbow Lancer!", I said with as strong of a voice as I could muster whilst thrusting the blade with all of the elements I could use. I thought it was my most successful attack yet, and even that, wasn't enough. The flares of my sword, and also, my spirit dwindled into nothingness. He smiled as me as he said, "Hehe...There's nothing you can do. Even without absolute defense, with that being your most destructive attack, you never stood a chance from the beginning."

I couldn't despair over this either, I had to jump back, to my right as he swung his sword vertically at me with an angry face. The ground beneath me had gained a deep rift. My feet had to move off the ground once more, for her did another horizontal swing towards me. After I jumped halfway his body length, the bird head near him shot a small tornado at me that blasted me into the air.
"And now...Key. You shall die.", He said as he gathered all the heads together, magical lights being charged in their mouths. The dragon had fire, the bird wind, the machine electricity, the whale had ice, the mouse had darkness, the dogoo had light, and the others had different elements that weren't used often.

The palms of his middle hands had stopped being held together, he made a triangle form with his fingers that charged a none elemental beam.
"Let me show you the power of the perfect being. Bio-Divine Smite!", he said as I got closer and closer to dropping to the ground. I held my right arm in front of me before he emitted this enormous beam. A bright orange-ish beam combined from all of the elements the head shot out and the energy within his middle hands. I would've died if it weren't for my shield. I ended up near the entrance of the cave, not being able to see or hear a thing until the beam had subsided.

Smoke came off of me. My ears were ringing, only able to pick up, "Bios!!", until a little later. I guess the smoke cleared rather soon. They probably saw my shield, because Red Ring was whining, "You're still alive? You're such a pain, do you know that?"
I couldn't say anything back. I might've survived, but in no condition to do anything. My shield had shattered. My skin seemed burned. Everything hurt, it was hard to see. I think My right arm was almost broken, and I felt like most of my bones had cracks in them now.
IF and Compa had moved in front of me. They tried to protect me, using their strongest attacks.

"EXE Drive Skill!! Apocalypse Nova!!", IF screamed as she shot about a hundred blue sharp projectiles at Red Ring, despite having Perfect Defense on, they didn't bounce off. With a glowing light in her hand, she thrusted her Katar against Red Ring while she landed on him, this caused a huge pillar of blue light to erupt, even creating a bit of a crater near Red Ring. After she jumped away from him, a light was being charged in her hand. With one of heavy downwards swing, the light in her hand disappeared. In the next second, a giant blue slash had cut Red Ring nearly in half.
"WHAT?!!", he exclaimed his surprise quite loudly, not believing his defense could be cut like this.

"EXE Drive Skill! Bread Crumbs, desu!!", Compa said whilst she twirled around with the syringe with pink light that looked like a bunch of flower petals dancing around her. She seemed to get dizzy and fall on her butt. Once she did so, a big pink beam was fired from her syringe. It blew up below the ceiling like fire work in the shape of a heart. The energy that made up the hear pattern rained down onto Red Ring, stunning him as Compa blew a kiss of energy at him. once it touched him, a surge of energy surrounded him, giving him the signals of death before it blew up into a giant pink flame pillar of energy.

His body was torn apart, his main body was visible...and yet. He chuckled. As his sad face was falling near his main body, he said, "I am impressed...But...", his sad face blinked in light. And after we blinked, he regenerated his whole body.
"I told you...I am perfect. Even if you bust through my defense, I'll just heal it up!!", he said before a howl of the wolf head blew the two away. It also made my vision worse, and as far as I could see, he had send this purple fists and tentacles with robotic parts my way. I gritted my teeth feeling I wasn't able to do anything again.

Then, I heard the sound of a Megaphone.
I felt like I was shaken awake as I heard a loud voice scream, "DON'T GIVE UP!!"
It stopped the fists and tentacles, not only that, but the sound waves themselves hurt them.
I looked back and saw a girl with red hair. I knew her, it was Uzume.
It was apparent that IF and Compa could move again. With a green light charging into her hand, IF waved it at me and said, "Green Noah!!"
It was healing magic that made me feel much better. My body wasn't entirely healed, but I could see and hear just fine.

Uzume walked past me, at the same time, I asked her with a shaky voice, "Uzume, what are you doing here?"
"There was no way that bastard was going to go down. Nepsy, Gearsy, and Vertsy have taken the liberty of fighting him. It's kind of crazy out there. But I felt like I had to go to you, I promised to protect you after all, Biosy.", Uzume said as she looked back at me with a smirk.
"Biosy...?", I wanted to properly ask her what that meant, but that was all that came out of me.
"It's your nickname. All my friends have them.", she said before looking at Red Ring and telling me, "You've had it rough against him, huh? And you still continued no matter what. You're not even alive for a year. Don't worry. With me here, there is no freaking way we can lose! "

"I understand you confidence, goddess. But your divinity matters not to me, a being handcrafted to be perfect. To be above everything, your divinity matters not.", Red Ring bragged.
"Divinity? Perfect being? The hell is that? I don't care about any of that crap. You're hurting my friends. And there's not a damn thing that will stop me from beating you.", Uzume declared.
Just after her speech, a bright light shone from her, it was probably visible from outside the cave, and after it faded, Orange Heart was here.
"I'm going to beat you silly.", and there she goes from her cool speech to talking in a cutesy tone.

He put hit angry face on as he launched tentacles and fists her way. Uzume didn't waver for a second. She straight up ran at them throwing her own fists at a supersonic level. With such force and speed, it was like hundreds of orange beams followed her as she moved forward, breaking the tentacles and fists in her way. Figuring his attacks were not doing it, he switched to his sad face and send a wolf over to her, but Uzume, with all of her strength, threw one heavy punch back at that wolf, its body tore into pieces and flew back as a heavy wind destroyed some nearby tentacles.

However, he wasn't one for only direct attacks. Red Ring tried to drop a whale on her too, but Usume simply jumped to it with an orange energy forming a drill around her right first.
The whale's flesh was twisted before its body was minced, as Uzume was above its destroyed body, a dragon showed up from below her. It shot a flamethrower out of its mouth, but Uzume just dive kicked through the flames, not caring about the pain. Okay, that wasn't true, she kind of made a whining noise, but she sounded more annoyed than hurt. He kicked the dragon in the head, making it crash onto the ground. Utilizing the force of that same kick, she went back up into the air.

More bodies tried to fire projectiles at her, but with one mighty scream in her Mega Phone, she crushed their bodies with air pressure caused by the sound waves. A robot body with a blade was formed to face her, but she just avoided its strike before jumping on it to punch it in the face. A bat was flown her way and was about to use her own kind of skill aimed at her back, but while she holding onto the robot, she overcame the bat with her won screams.

Whilst Compa was healing me, I was looking at this crazy fight that had gotten weirder by Uzume's bizarre fighting style. While still being healed, IF crouched on her knee next to me to talk, "You're smarter than you let on, I think. So, I'm sure you noticed it, right? His weakness."
"It's the EXE Drive Skill, am I correct?", I asked for confirmation.
"Yeah. No attack hurt him besides our EXE Drive skills. These skills give us such a boost in power whilst using it, it's surreal. He might be the perfect being, but these EXE Drive Skills can go beyond the limits of what a being can do.", IF was telling me.

"It's kind of funny then, isn't it? He worried so much trying to make himself the perfect creature. In the end, if he had just trained and created a strong EXE Drive skill, he probably would've been more of a threat.", I said my thoughts out loud, as if I couldn't really think anymore.
"If you can say something like that, than I'm sure you'll be of help. EXE Drive Skills can be made with others. Will you be a part of a new skill, made by me, Compa, and yourself?", IF asked me.

"If that will make me stronger, than I'm interested. Also, if you promise me to aim for his sad face, I'll do whatever you want.", I told her. Though, I actually sounded a bit unconfident.
"His sad face?", IF asked.
"Yeah. Each face gives him a certain power. His sad face allows him to generate and regenerate. If you destroy that first, he can't recover as quickly.", I said before standing up.
"Wuh...Bios, you shouldn't stand up yet, desu. I'm not done, desu!", Compa told me trying to hold me back.
"I feel a little pain when moving. But I'm fine. I don't want to bother you anymore.", I responded.

"Well, either way. We have to take him out together. Stand between us.", IF told me.
I had my eyes closed as they stood by my sides.
"Formation Skills usually are just created when our bonds are deep enough. There's no need for preparations at that point. However, we still have to get that with you, Bios. So for now, try to get your breath in sync with ours. Try to feel what we feel. Stay calm. Think of our fighting styles as one. And trust us.", IF told me.
"Don't worry, desu! Me and Iffy trust you completely, desu.", Compa said.

After focusing a while, everything went dark and silent. I could only hear their heartbeats. Imaginations of all the things we could do came to mind. And the one vision in which we beat this guy, whether fantasy or reality, that was the one I focused on. Once I opened my eyes, I told them, "Okay." I noticed all three of us had some kind of raging aura around us.
"Move forward!", IF shouted before the two of us went on ahead. I heard some kind of light being charged in the back. The barrage of thousands icicles probably came from her syringe.

Red Ring certainly tried to stop us, I could feel Uzume having flown back to watch us go. Tentacles came our way, but with fast spinning movements, me and IF cut them apart. I used Light step more often and sometimes moved IF with that technique. Eventually, IF threw a bunch of Katars into the air that burst out into blue energy projectiles as sharp as arrows, they made Swiss cheese out of the tentacles, and together with Compa's icicles, they forced Red Ring into Absolute Defense.

With light in the palm of my hand, I moved IF over to Red Ring himself, just a millisecond before shooting an arrow that burst out into a thousand arrows. With the wind, I stepped onto my barrage of arrows that I moved up with the wind, so that I could jumo above Red Ring and shoot have my arrows arc downwards on him. just as I went into the air, IF had charged new katers with light before rapidly spinning up from Red Ring, cutting a bit of his flesh before reaching my height. When she did that, her previous barrage was directed upwards, clashing against my arrows and breaking the icicles Compa had fired. The icicles broke out into balls of Light that gathered above us.

As our arrows and projectiles stopped, I held my sword to my side, and IF held her Katars together.
He tried to stop us, creating a bunch of flesh monsters, but Uzume flew at them and yelled, "I won't let you. EXE Drive Skill!! Special Dream Combo!!", with an orange light, she shouted into the megaphone, causing explosions of orange that destroyed the flesh monsters.

A white sun was made out of the light orbs, shining upon us. I could feel its warmth. I felt so much strength. I couldn't help but be overcome with glee, "Is this the power of the EXE Drive? It feels amazing. I can do anything!", and with that, by blade erupted in white light, whilst IF's katars burst into black-purple energy of darkness.
"I won't let you!!", He put on an angry face, to try and punch us as quickly as possible, but Uzume EXE Drive skill had just begun, she threw the Megaphone into the air and just send her fist flying, the orange gusts of her punches themselves were harming Red Ring, shoving his arms out of our way.

Whilst the white orb of light fell upon us, IF and myself struck Red Ring down with our blades of energy, all the while with IF yelling, "Take this! Paradise and Hell Smite!!"
IF should never name an attack ever again. But no matter, it was powerful enough to cut through Red Ring. A giant black and white explosion was made with many energy spikes coming out of it. When we jumped away, we saw his sad face come off. His arms were cut off by me and IF, a lot of his skin got ruptured.
"I won't let you destroy this body!!", Red Ring yelled as he gathered a bunch of heads together to do his beam attack again.

Uzume caught her Megaphone that dropped back down on her, she stated that, "Uzume will give you a new dream!", whilst two loudspeakers made of orange energy formed to her sides.
Red Ring screamed as he fired its beam, but it was hold back by another beam, sent from Uzume's speakers as she yelled in her Megaphone, "BLOW AWAY!!"
The Beam clash looked rough, but with one more scream and push, the beam Uzume made overtook Red Ring's. His absolute Defense was able to take it, but Uzume wasn't done. She flew forward with her fist. "Spiraling Dream!!", she screamed before punching Red Ring against a wall.

The moment he was between the fist and wall, his body was lighting up from the inside. Uzume dashed back whilst his body just imploded, nearly to smithereens. You could see Skin tissues flying everywhere, whilst his main body looked like he got just punched in the gut. Uzume stood in front of him, with a satisfied grin. But something felt off, Red Ring's frown also turned into a grin.
What more did he have? He raised his hands and grabbed the angry face saying, "You lose, goddess."
A fist knocked Uzume back towards the entrance. When Uzume wanted to fly back, she just landed on the ground, her face going from angry to confused. She looked as her hands as she looked like she felt sick.

After a moan, she returned to her normal form.
"What the hell...? Virus?", Uzume said. Virus was an ailment that stopped us from transforming.
"Why did you think I made a special face for Vader enemies?", Red Ring asked as his angry face melted away.

"Whatever. I don't need to transform to take you out now!", Uzume boasted, still looking pissed.
"Oh no...You misunderstand. I was perfect, yet I missed two things. One, was share energy. Now I have it, thanks to you, goddess.", he told us, his grin deepening.
"What? You mean...?", Uzume gained a shocked look on her face.

"But you haven't gained anything else, have you? You're still missing something!", IF claimed.
"Yes...There was one more thing needed for true perfection...ME", he said as he twitched his eyes.
From his back grew two giant arms. He stabbed them through his belly, to our shock and disgust.

I could feel cold sweat drip as he smiled at us before being taken over by limbs of flesh. It was like he was consumed into an orb of flesh. The flesh got rougher and rougher, feathers and scales were growing on it. A giant arm broke through the wall of flesh and became part of it, the arm wasn't like anything before. black and dark red. Armor-like scales were on this arm, its hand also looked like a human hand and a dragon claw merged into one.

As his flesh turned red it was like this ball of flesh stretched out and got taller whilst it grew feet below. They were absolutely round, but had human feet, but next to the human feet were paws. It had this dark-blue-ish natural armor with black scales. Its legs weren't as big as its arms, but you could tell that they had enough strength to let him stand up straight no matter what form he took. As the flesh was stretching further and further, a head in the shape of a human popped out, with holes for a mouth, eyes and ears. The eyes were subdued by two hands, so were his ears, and in the end, also his mouth. And yet, we heard a howl. It came from part of the flesh opening up, teeth visible inside as the head of a beast was formed with the subdued head on top of his back.

His body had been formed, but it was hard to describe. Red flesh, black scales, and it looked like some of his Dark-blue bone structure was on the outside holding his body up. His rear extended beyond his legs slightly, robotic parts were at the end of his rear. He had a tail that was mechanically enhanced. Tree roots came from his feet for some reason. His neck had gills, fins were on his sides, back, and his arms and legs could generate them as well. On his back were mechanical parts as well, wings were stationed inside his back. A bit of black cloth was pastured all over his form, especially noticeable on his thighs and shoulders. He had two goat horns on his dragon looking face. On some random body parts were black feathers with red accents, and at some spots, he had grey hide.

The cave felt like it was about to cave in as he leaned his right arm on the wall whilst standing up. As he took the stance of a wolf, he growled, "Chimerabaku Nue."
His roars let out the stench of a Biohazard, and he looked like he came from that game series too.
In the face of that, Uzume moved forward with a serious look. She asked him, "You think you can beat us like that? By turning yourself into a monster?"
"What are you without your divinity, goddess? A spoiled brat, that's all! I am the perfect being! The ultimate life-form created from my hard work! You were born perfect. Without that perfection of the divine...What good can you do?", he told her.

Uzume closed her eyes and shook her head before looking at him without giving off a single sense of hesitation and told him, "I am Uzume Tennouboshi! I already told you. I don't care about that crap! Even after the flesh melts off my bones, I will fight for my friends!"
"She's a bit of an edgy person in her normal form, huh?", was what I thought. But amusingly, it kind of gave me the feeling that everything will be fine.
With that, I stood next to her. Carried my blade over my head before pointing it at Red Ring.
"Aren't you scared, Key? I want to personally make you suffer after all you've done.", he growled.

"You do scare me...But I only came this far fighting you because I didn't let it get to me anymore. No matter the situation, I will make it out of here. Together.", telling him that filled me with a bit of courage, false or otherwise.
"Well then. Let me show you a slice of hell that was my dimension!", he said before thrusting the fist our way, despite its armor scales and rough skin, still stretched it our way like rubber. Uzume and myself avoided it by distancing ourselves with a jump and letting the fist past us. But then we noticed it stopped near Compa and IF. We looked at it funny as the fist just opened up, the outer parts were held up by these squares of metal bars with some kind of energy running through them.

I guess Uzume thought it was going to explode, so she screamed at it with the megaphone as hard as she could. I saw sparks fly, keeping the flaming energy from escaping the arm. Despite that, it raged ad raged before setting off a minor chain of explosions. They were weak, only able to push us away.
More tentacles came out way, but Uzume could stop them with her screaming. Whilst she did so, I jumped over them.
As I went down onto Red Ring, I tried to strike him down with my, "Mirror Blade!"
But it did nothing. My sword pretty much bounced back a tad, maybe it gave him a scratch.
I was looking at him thinking the word, "Impossible", over and over again. My eyes were shaking so much, I couldn't even tell a fist was headed my way until it hit me.

He pulled his fist all the way back and punched me, it felt like I got hit by claws too. The punch sent my flying like a cannon ball. I could feel the bodies of two people grab me from behind holding me forward in order to stop me from shooting out the cave. I had my eyes closed, but once I opened them, I knew IF and Compa were holding me. I could see two tracks into the ground that looked like a tank rode over here at sonic speed. Their feet must be hurting.

I think he numbed my sense of pain with that punch. As I was feeling miserable in the hands of those two, I saw Uzume continue her fight. That thing dug his claws into his chest before opening his chest and releasing some kind of tube that turned into a monster.
He first tried to poison Uzume using a giant spider, but Uzume punched it to pieces, to our surprise, from her left, he made a flower-like monster appear that stunned her using spores.
Again from his chest, he made a dragon appear, it just formed in a second.
I could hear Uzume shout to herself, "Move move move move move MOVE!!!", before jumping up high in the air, avoiding its claws. However, the dragon breathed a flamethrower at us in the next instance.

I saw Uzume look back with a frown as the flames came our way. IF let go of me and stood in front of us to take the heat. The fire spread out from touching her. I don't know how she was directing it away from us, but she bore its pain alone. After it burned her, she just breathed in and out heavily whilst saying, "Don't worry. I'm all right."
Whilst Compa was lecturing her about how dangerous it was, Uzume screamed "You Bastard!!", into her megaphone, destroying the body of the dragon. The leftover of its body just turned into a giant dogoo that was flung her way.

Uzume dropped with her feet onto the Dogoo, kicking the Dogoo away and pushing herself further up into the air. She did that so she could reach Red Ring's face. It was amazing to see that she could knock his face over with a heavy punch. She had to planted her feet down its shoulder to keep her balance, but within that moment, tentacles came her way that turned into a giant wolf. Uzume jumped off and destroyed it with a scream in the Mega Phone. Its destroyed leftovers were returned to tiny tentacles that stretched passed Uzume, after that, they went above her and created a new monster.

Uzume was following the tentacles with an anxious looking gaze, and then, up from Uzume came a golem-like creature that slammed her into the ground. She seemed in pain, but after she bounced off the ground, she opened her eyes and looked determined to continue. And she better, the golem turned into a whale and used it to create giant icicles that dropped down towards Uzume.
Uzume leapt around them, barely getting hit by the after effects of the attacks that froze the surroundings and shot smaller spikes of Ice. After her last leap, she jumped towards the whale, who had been turned into a big bird that flew her way.

It screamed similar sound waves that Uzume fired off her Megaphone, but as Uzume demonstrated, hers were more effective. It didn't hurt the bird, but it overtook its own sound and seemed to confuse it. Allowing Uzume to push herself over it after grappling its head. On top of the bird, she launched herself to Red Ring. He held her fist ready as orange energy spun around it like a drill. She yelled loudly as she got close to him, until that drill got grabbed by his hand, that is.

Its hand seemed to have been scratched when it was being held against Uzume's drill, but it eventually broke through, allowing him to hold Uzume's hand. Uzume was going to do something about it, but she suddenly screamed in agony. I set a step away from Compa and IF to take a closer look, the palm of its hand and its fingers had turned into mouths with sharp teeth. Whilst it was chomping on Uzume, Red Ring pulled her up before throwing her away onto the ground.
IF tried to shoot him with a gun whilst it was relishing in his own strength. The flesh didn't even bounce the bullets off, neither did the scales. It got absorbed into it.

"Come now. I am far above that.", He said with a smile before lights flashed from his body. With Light Step, I moved Compa away as thunderbolts came our way. I wanted to help IF too, but figured she could take a hit. I wasn't able to stop the thunderbolt from hitting her, but I could get her next to Compa to get healed. I had to move right after, he fired a beam from his tail as well. Its beam ran through the ground before it was pointed outr way. I rushed in front of it and reflected it back at him with my blade.

The beam penetrated him, but he could heal himself up in a second, so it didn't matter.
The area of the ground that was shot by the beam blew up in light, I avoided it as I heard, "That little light speed thing you do is quite annoying..."
I didn't mind what he said, I just shot an arrow at him. After he absorbed it, he sounded irritated saying, "You really think arrows can work despite bullets being absorbed?! Now you annoy me for multiple reasons!! I WILL BREAK YOUR LEGS!!"

In a rush of tentacles and fists that were seen before, I evaded every one of them whilst firing arrows into its arms, legs, and sides. They were all absorbed.
At some point, he stopped thrusting attacks my way, making me think I could head over to him.
I was wrong, with a smile, he said, "Think I haven't figured out your use of magic?", as the cloths on his body waved. And in a sudden, everything got a lot darker. It felt like I was in slow-motion as balls of darkness appeared all over the place. When they blew up, I was shot into the air. At the same time that my back touched the ground, I heard him say, "Since you use light magic, I can use dark magic to counter it. With everything becoming dark, your movement gets absorbed into nothingness. And in return, I can make spheres of shadows that will blow up in your face."

While I struggled to lean my upper body forward, barely saw IF and Compa ran by me.
Shouting certain lines that amounted to not letting me get hurt. Tentacles and fists were send their way, but IF blew them away with a "Demon Inferno!!", the explosion stopped them, but a tornado of flames swallowed its body parts. Compa burned its eyes with some liquid she shot out of her syringe. As he writhed, rockets were launched out of its back that blew up against IF and Compa. They could tank them, not that it mattered, his eyes were healed right after. His arms bulked up, the bulk up travelled through his shoulder. I got it. He was pumping air through his body, it had swollen his neck.

When it was in its mouth, it shot a compressed sphere of wind at the two. When it connected, a big tornado was created that cracked the nearby earth. I saw the two soar over me. When I was about to pull myself up to a sitting position, I heard the two drop on the ground far behind me. I saw Uzume step forward in front of me. It was her turn, I supposed. She ran forward, out of her Mega Phone, she shot a sphere of green wind. The gust that blew out from that sphere should've distracted him. I thought that was Uzume's plan as she dived over the wind blowing at Red Ring. But then, he aimed its tail at Uzume, and the top part was shot at her like a rocket. It blew her near the corner of the cave before exploding.

He shrugged the wind off with the wings that came from his back. As he was about to blow us away with a heavy wind created by a single flap of his wing, the feathers of his wings were fired at us like a machine gun's bullets. I knew Uzume could stop them, but Compa and IF seemed too exhausted and pained to move. I took this to motivate me to stand up, enchant my

feet with light, and move in front of them to deflect every feather that came their way. With me being able to see at the speed of light, It wasn't too difficult, just tiring.
After breathing heavily for what felt like, five seconds, I put my attention on him. I ran towards him whilst materializing a spear in my hand. I let my spear hover over the ground by letting it go before doing a spin in which I kicked the spear with my Light emitting foot.

At Light Speed, the spear went through his body, making a hole. I could tell his main body wasn't completely merged with this beast. I saw nothing resembling it, he must be moving it around to keep it save. With that in mind, I moved forward at Light Speed. Using my feet, I spun around in front of him. Using every little SP I had, I was rotating around at light Speed. After a few second, I swung an axe at the left side of his belly.
"Explosion!!", I yelled as the axe I dug into his skin before creating a marvelous explosion that blew off his side.

That damage was neglectable, but it was the only thing I could do. Even if it gave my hand pain from its heat. I felt like I had to do it. I felt sick, but I had to toughed up, for he didn't take any time to attempt to crush me between tentacles. I jumped away, but as I did, the tentacles turned into wolf mouths. With slight movements in the air, I could dodge most of them, however, one of them sunk their teeth into my leg. As it grabbed onto me, it shook me around like a toy before throwing me onto the ground. After it did so, Light illuminated from the inside of its throat. As it shook around, I knew what it was doing.

With Light step from my leg that still worked, I awkwardly moved forward as a fireball made a giant explosion behind me. The heat on my back was irritating, and the pain I could feel in my leg was so bad, it felt like a hammer was crushing it if I did so much as tilt it.
With no way to move, he seemed to have decided to finish me off. He opened his chest, and from it, glowed a light.
"This is where your share energy goes to, goddess! Killing the friends you claim to so care about!"
I could feel in the wind that the three of them in the back were opening their mouths widely, unfortunately, a horrible ringing in my ears stopped me from hearing them.

A giant beam of light was shot my way. It was slightly yellow. It covered the entire cave, there was no way to move. In desperation, I used my last bit of SP for Mirror Blade. As I held my blade forward, holding my other hand against its back, the beam split apart upon hitting me. I could feel getting burned by it. It stunk, it produced a disturbing sound, my eyes were tearing up out of pain, it truly felt like I entered a hell. But I had to keep going, those in the back would get hit as well if I let the beam fire straight ahead. Instead, the corners of the cave got dug out by this giant beam. After a few seconds, the beam had finally dwindled.

As I was gasping for air and started to lose any kind of feeling, I heard him talk to me, "I must say, Key. You are quite durable. That was a nuclear beam, yet you still stand. I know its elements should still have burned you. How is the radiation? Do you goddesses resist it that well? Even so, I see you still feel it, don't you? No worries. I am done here. The end is here!"
And surely, to end it where it began, he shot tentacles at me at full power. If that weren't enough, the girls behind had to deal with its fist that had dug out of the ground.
Despite it seeming to be all over, I didn't fret. Especially when I heard, "Eternal Force Blizzard!"

A giant iceberg appeared in front of IF and Compa that froze the arms before shattering them into pieces. Right after that, a ball of magic flew by me, as it got close to the tentacles, it burst out in fireworks and incinerated them. I noticed Red Ring Flinch at my smile.
When I looked back, I saw them. My twin older sisters, transformed and standing next to the wall nearby the entrance. Rom and Ram had saved me. And they weren't alone. A silhouette was blocking the light, her footsteps echoed into the silent cave. I looked at Red Ring's displeased face smugly.
"Hey, look! Bios is hurt! Let's freeze him for an eternity, Rom!", Ram shouted.
"Un. But first...Let me heal you, Bios.", Rom said as she waved her wand around.
Not just her, but IF, Compa, and even Uzume were using healing magic on me.

I started to regain me nerves. I felt wide awake, my body felt light. I could still feel a bit of stiffness, but I could push through that.
"You bastard...If ya think you could get away with trying to kill my sister, YA BETTER BE PREPARED!! TORTURE WOULD BE A LUXERY COMPARED TO WHAT I'M ABOUT TO DO!!", were words echoed by the woman far in the back. Big Sis had entered the cave. She also pointed at me, though.
"Hey! Bios! Ya better not think some of my anger isn't aimed at you!! How dare you run off into danger! If you wanted to be in danger so much, ya sure as hell have gotten it!", she shouted at me with a red eye.

I didn't care too greatly, as much as I felt a little disheartened, one thing was true to me, in which I said, as I looked at her with a smile, "But...Big sis... I came here knowing...That you and big sisters Rom and Ram would come to save me."
In the moment that I could tell Big sis flinched from my response, the entire cave rumbled. Red Ring's laugh echoed through the cave.
"What is going on?", I heard Uzume say. Her question was quickly answered with, "You girls seem to think you've won now. But you know? What you see before you is NOT my perfect body. You're inside its mouth."

"It's mouth?", Rom asked as she confusingly twitched her head, Ram added that comment with, "What nonsense are you saying right now?", from Ram.
"Wait...You don't mean...", Uzume and IF seemed to have realized.
THE CAVE HAD STOOD UP FROM THE GROUND!! Not just the cave, but the entire mountain had grown legs, arms and whatnot.
"That's right! This is just the inside, and what you see is an internal body made to protect myself from outside invaders. Now that monster hunting is completed. MY towering body as humongous as a city, will destroy all that is known as Gaminudstri!!", he told us.

I could only imagine what it looked like, but it didn't matter, I just smiled at him.
"Whatever. I came here to crush the hell out of you, asshole. I will kill you, revive you and then kill you again!!", Bis sis told him.
Uzume stood next to her and said, "Yeah, let's do this!!"
Both of them were excited, but as I moved over to them, I had to break it to them, "Don't bother fighting him head on. He will just regenerate his body and inflict virus upon you."

Big sis looked at me like I was some kind of fake expert, but Uzume looked down and said, "She's right. I can't transform anymore because of that."
"Then what the hell do we do? Damn it!", big sis angrily shouted back.
I turned around to Red Ring and said, "We have to finish him with one attack."
Red Ring howled in laughter before asking, "What do you mean? You think you can just take me out like that? You think with her being here, you can win?!"
I nodded before telling him, "Yeah...We have already won...In fact.", before snapping my fingers.
"Especially now that you've increased your altitude. This will be easier. Thank you.", I said.

After he looked at me perplexed, a storm of arrows flew into the cave. Thousands of arrows flew his way. I had shot them before entering this cave, and now, redirected them back here.
Whilst he was distracted and his vision obstructed, I had told the rest of my plan.
When the storms of arrows faded, he had sent a rush of tentacles and explosives our way in a fit of rage. However, IF was already on the move. Her Katars burned up in big blades of fire.
"Flame Soul Dice!!", She shouted as she cut the tentacles up with her feet moving like they were hovering over the ground. Even if the tentacles combined into monsters, after one slash, she did a back flip away and let them all burn in a pillar of fire.

I ran towards her whilst giant tentacles were pushed through the wall of the cave, They were stopped by giant walls of ice made by Rom and Ram stabbing their wands into the ground shouting, "Ice Coffin!!", the walls created a straight path towards Red Ring. He still seemed confident, he was even saying, "You know I can regenerate, right?"
"You think...I shot arrows at you for no reason knowing you can just take them inside you? They're still inside your body, aren't they?", I told him. I saw his eyes blink as I asked, "Can you hear them sizzling inside your body? I am not as powerful with magic as my sisters. So I have to be crafty instead. I know how to slowdown the cast of a spell."

His eyes widened and gazed upon me as he screamed my name. His arms and legs were torn from inward explosions. I had cast explosions on those arrows.
Compa had hidden herself underground, in a tunnel made by this dumbass. IF's attack had scorched the ground, allowing her to dig herself out. She threw the syringe in the air above her, so that I could jump towards it and kick it in Red Ring's throat. I had learned poison, venom, and whatever else worked on his head. This stopped him from attacking us with that.

"Gefahrlichtern!", I heard big sister say as she created magical bullets of ice that she launched over at Rind Ring with a swing of her axe. The bullets did little damage, on the other hand, it distracted him, stopping him from regenerating. That happened right after Compa had thrown me into the air, after my feet left her hands, she dropped down clumsily. While in the air, I had grabbed my sword and held it next to the string of my bow. I shot my sword right into its chest.

Its tip stabbed into him, I was certain it was in deep enough to poke through his insides.
"DAMN YOU!!!", he cursed me out as he shot all kinds of robotic weapons my way, be that as it may, with Uzume here, it stood no chance. She used her EXE drive skill and shouted orange explosions at them, making them stop. He tried to summon monsters from his chest, but Uzume's fists were thrown at such a powerful and rapid paste, they were basically flying into him, knocking him back.
She stopped when I got near her, she let me land on her left leg before kicking me back up into the air with a back flip.

"I won't let you brats do as you please!!", he shouted as he fired his nuclear beam.
Uzume grabbed her Mega Phone and let two big orange speakers appear next to her. As she shouted, "DISAPPEAR!!", she fired off two beams that quickly overtook the nuclear beam. It went through his belly, he shouted in agony afterwards.
"Bis sis!! NOW!!", I yelled harder than I thought I could. Bis sis flew at me at top speed.

After a spin, it felt like all her speed was exchanged into strength as her axe flew in light.
"Umdrehen!!", she shouted as her axe touched my feet. I felt a cold white light behind me before being flung at him.
"Did you plan even this, Bios?! Did you know she was going to show up?! HOW DID YOU PLAN ALL OF THIS!!"
"I've learned from Rom and Ram that big sis can be overly protective. If I were gone, she would look for me at all costs. You think that little snap had brought those arrows your way? No, I had them fly over here as soon as you transformed again. And I knew you wouldn't bring your main body anywhere near danger. Including my arrows. With that explosion, I had forced your main body near your chests. With all of the other attacks, my sword is pointing at your heart isn't it?!", I had to speak up, talking was hard when shot at Super sonic speed.

To raise my spirits, I screamed before jabbing the hilt of my blade with my fist. I was shot right through Red Ring, the tip of my blade was stabbed into his heart as it pushed him out of the monstrous body. After I went through the body, I had grabbed my sword, and sliced his front with the tip of my blade. He was stunned from bewilderment, on the other hand, he still wasn't harmless.
When I went past him and was about to land, he turned around to me and shot the bones of his fingers into my right leg, disabling it. Gritting my teeth, I landed on the ground with my left leg.

As my gaze turned towards him, he showed me a face that looked both angry, and like it was laughing. Overblown with emotions, He shouted, "Don't think you've won!! Even if my heart is bleeding!! I will cut you down and get back inside that body before I die!!"
This told me I disabled his regeneration...But.
He stretched out his arm, and from his arm, blades mate of bones came out as he said, "I AM A GENIUS BIO ENGINEER WHO SAVED THE WORLD FROM COSMIC HORRORS!! YOU THINK I CAN'T FREELY USE MY BODY AS I PLEASE!! A LITTLE GIRL LIKE YOU CAN'T WIN!!!", he screamed.

I suppose that was his determination, breaking his body to ensure victory. As if I needed to do crazy experiments to do that. I wanted to show him, my determination.
"EXPLOSION!!", I shouted as I launched myself at him with an explosive jump done with my left leg.
We swung our blades at each other, one mess up spelled death.
I could feel some of my hairs cut as his blade went right over my head. I moved past him, with a swing of which I could feel something resisting it before I could let my blade push through. I was certain, I had sliced through his flesh, and afterwards, my blade only flew through the air, releasing a breeze with the last bit of my swipe.
I could hear the sound of two bodies dropping. I didn't look behind me, seeing him cut in half felt gross. As light shone on me from the broken cave, I fell face first onto the ground.

His monstrous body was melting away. And since the cave was violently shaking, This huge mountain of a body was about to fall.
"Bios!!", I could hear calls to my name.
"I think I can transform now. Go grab her! We'll get the other two out.", I heard before a pillar of light shone in front of me. Big sis flew away from the light pillar to grab me. She flew me out of the falling cave, Uzume held on to Compa as she flew out, and Rom and Ram held IF by her arms as they headed up into the sky. We saw the mountain fall and crumble onto the surface.

As we flew a littlefurther, I could see Neptune on the ground. She was still transformed, herfight probably just ended. She looked over and spotted us. She gave us a salutewhilst making a V sign with her fingers, quite impressive that. Uni and Nepgearwere there too. It seemed they had party tricks in their guns too, for theymade fireworks by shooting into the air. Whilst we looked satisfied into thesky, we could see two goddesses fly our way. They stopped letting us take agood look. Vert and Noire were staring at us. One of them smiling confidently,the other releasing a breath of relieve.
With everyone in high spirts, with the burn marks on the scorched earth beingblown away by the wind, it was clear. This was our victory.

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