Carpe Noctem (DRARRY)

Da HeartBandages

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"Working together? With Potter? Not a chance in the goddamn world." Draco Malfoy has a secret. Harry Potter i... Altro

Chapter 1- Not Gay Not Gay Not Gay Not Gay Not
Chapter 2- Try To Be Civil, He Says (Mhm, Yeah, Sure.... Maybe)
Chapter 3- Hate Kisses Because Obviously We Hate Each Other
Chapter 4- This Isn't A Sickfic.... I Swear
Chapter 5- You're Kissing The Wrong Dude, Dude
Chapter 6- The Aftermath (Co-Starring Wine)
Chaper 7- Murder Would Be A Solution For This Chapter
Chapter 8- Daddy Issues
Chapter 9- Queers and Fears (and Stan)
Chapter 10- Draco Is Impulsive
Chapter 11- Maraschino Cherries and Comas and, Well, General Sadness
Chapter 12- Harry Dons A Murder Frisbee
Chapter 13- Ron The Magical Girl, Also A Castle
Chapter 14- Carpe Noctem
Bonus: Author's Notes

Epilogue/ Smut, You Demon Children

638 24 345
Da HeartBandages


Epilogue/ Smut, You Demon Children

~Nobody's POV~

Hogwarts was upended in the days that followed. The security was increased nearly tenfold, seeing as a murderer was able to slip through with only an ageing potion and a particularly lovely disposition. Dumbledore swore he had nothing to do with it, but the Ministry took him to court anyway. Naturally, Dumbledore got away scot-free.

The Losian had mysteriously disappeared as soon as Robin and Kais were gone, which was convenient for everyone involved. The ministry didn't have to file a report, and Ron's mother didn't have to disclose her finding spell. Ron and Hermionie were so deep inside the caverns that they needed to call someone to get out- and Dumbledore was happy to oblige.

Speaking of Ron and Hermionie, they had finally gotten out of the awkward pining phase, and Ron had asked her out. Hermionie, of course, said yes... Although the date happened to be a simple walk around the courtyards. Neither of them were very badly hurt, although Ron spent a day in the hospital wing anyway.

And Harry? Well, Harry wasn't easy to kill.

The doctors were, understandably, worried. He had fallen down onto hard rock, hitting his head and getting a bad concussion. His head was bleeding, but they said nothing vital had been hurt. The threat of a coma or infection still loomed over them for that first day, which Ron and Hermionie spent at Harry's bedside.

Madam Pomfrey soon announced that he would make a full recovery, and as the complicated cocktail of painkillers and sedatives were eased off, he awoke.


~Harry's POV~

The windows were open, a slight cold breeze flirting with the edges of Harry's white bedsheet. Morning light shone on everything with a soft yellow tinge, bringing warmth into the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey drifted through the room, fluffing pillows and checking in with a few students. When she noticed Harry's eyes fluttering open, she went over to his bed and poured him a cup of water.

"Hey. You're awake, I see." She smiled a bit, though her eyes didn't show any mirth.

Harry licked his dry lips and reached for the glass of water, mouth fuzzy with waking. After taking a few swallows, he put on his glasses and watched the room sharpen. "How long have I been out?"

"Twelve years." Madam deadpanned, and horror broke in his stomach before she laughed to herself. "I'm kidding. About three days. You have quite a few visitors waiting to see you..."

Throughout the next hour, Harry was visited by Dumbledore, Ron, Hermionie, Seamus, the Weasley twins, Luna, and a multitude of others. They all left gifts; there was the candy, of course, but also a muggle yo-yo, a wooden horse, and sixteen tiny green army soldiers that moved and talked to each other. Although this was undoubtedly entertaining, he didn't see the one person he hoped to see the most.


Of course, he didn't see Draco- the image of his lover's body still hung in the back of Harry's brain, dampening any happiness that this might've brought him. He destroyed the villains, sure, but for what cost? Draco was dead.

Draco was dead.

Madam Pomfrey reentered the room, looking exhausted in the very specific world-weary adult way. "You have one more visitor, Mister Potter. I'll be in my office if you need anything."

Harry sighed slightly, although he was thankful for all the guests. They kept his mind off of grief- and there was a lot of that. It was a stone settled in his stomach. It exhausted him and weighed him down as he searched the door for the next visitor. He sat up against his pillows.

There was a soft knock on the doorframe and an annoyed "Come in!" From Madam Pomfrey before he entered.

It was like seeing a ghost.

His eyes were grey, icy; shadows hung underneath. That was what Harry noticed first- like bruises, outlining the almond shapes. Messy blonde hair that was stiff with product, but hands had run through it nervously. Black Hogwarts robes hung on an underfed figure, the green tie wrinkled and lopsided.

Draco smiled, showing off his pearly white fangs, and that's when Harry started to cry.

He knew what he was doing, none of this what? I'm crying?? Bullshit. Lips trembling, eyes blinking erratically, he stared at the boy who was supposed to be dead.

"Um... I'm... Not dead?" Draco said, his smile falling nervously. He was so uncomfortable, it was comical... Although it was obvious he had been worried. Normal Draco would be more immaculate, but each wrinkle in his clothing and each lock of hair out of place told so much.

Harry laughed through his tears. "I can see that. And I'm glad."

Draco coughed at that, gravitating slowly closer as if he wasn't sure it was okay. Harry eventually got tired of this dancing-around sort of way of moving and pulled him closer with some force. The other boy froze up for a second before melting against Harry's half-sitting-up body. It was a bit uncomfortable, but neither minded.

Harry found himself running his hands across Draco's arms repeatedly to make sure he wasn't just an illusion. Draco buried his head in Harry's shoulder, climbing up onto the side of the bed carefully to make sure he didn't hurt his boyfriend. The two moved slowly, each believing the other to be fragile and not wanting them to break.

They were okay. They were okay.


Later, the thin leather journal with no title at all was found near The Losian. It was said to be Kais' Horcrux, likely the only thing tying him to this world until another twisted villain decided to resurrect him. It was promptly destroyed.

The man murdered in the courtyard had no ties to either villain except that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was used for the making of the Horcrux. His name was Taylor Osane, and he had been missing for roughly three months. His family (including a sister, a brother, and a pregnant wife) had simply assumed he had been taken by Voldemort; which was a good guess in these troubling times. It was getting worse with each passing day; Voldemort was gaining followers.

Thanks to this incident, the school was let out for winter break a few days earlier.

Loud chatter and bustle crowded the halls as children took their time streaming out the doors. Prefects tried in vain to keep them organised and herd them in tidy groups, but they (of course) refused. In the end, almost everyone was crowded onto the train. Including Harry, surprisingly.

There was one loose end left to tie up.

A few days prior, he had received a letter in the beak of Lupin's barn owl, Hickory. The letter was carefully stamped with a red wax seal, and Harry had to snicker. Lupin always did like to be a bit dramatic with the unimportant things, although he would fervently deny it if you accused him of this.

Inside of the envelope was a creamy yellow paper, surprisingly high-quality. Where Lupin had managed to acquire it, Harry had no idea, but he read the messy-yet-graceful ink scrawl to himself quickly.


Hello! I hate that we've been so out of contact... Forgive me. Perhaps you would do us the favour of visiting for Christmas? You're welcome to bring your friends! We have quite enough room... And If you want to bring your boyfriend, that's fine as well.


Right underneath it was a chicken-scratch writing in brown coloured pencil; so obviously Sirius that it made Harry grin. It was squeezed between Lupin's note and the edge of the paper, becoming smaller at the edges so he could fit in whole words.

Hello, my boy! Please visit us at Christmas break... Unless you have something more important to do. The walls are mostly soundproof... Wink wink, if you know what I mean. (If you don't, I'm insinuating that you and Draco might have sex). We have presents! And if that won't lure you, I'll be there... Your favourite marauder! (Don't tell Remus I said that).

From Sirius

He turned it over and scrambled in his pockets for a pencil, eventually coming up with a half-chewed one that was very probably not his. Harry shrugged and balanced the paper on his knee to write on.

I'd be honoured! I'll ask Ron and Hermionie... And Draco (Sirius, if you talk about sex with him, I will actually murder you). You're at the Black house, right? Cool. I'll be coming soon :)


Hickory had waited patiently this whole time, sitting upon Harry's shoulder and from time to time affectionately nipping at his ear. Hedwig chirped from inside her cage, rustling her feathers jealously. Harry gave the letter back to the barn owl after paper-clipping it closed.

Hickory took the letter and flew over to Hedwig, bumping his head with hers in greeting before flying away in a whorl of brown feathers. Harry took Hedwig from her cage and pet her feathers as she nipped at him a bit harder than usual. She was a jealous little thing; Harry spoke to her gently as she continued to bite at his ear.

"Hey, don't worry. You'll always be my favourite feathered friend."

Hedwig buried her head into his armpit.

Later, he finally worked up the courage to ask his friends- what if they said no? It was a bit of a silly fear because he would have the time of his life even if they did... But anxiety still pricked at his stomach.

That's why he put it off until the last second; the night before the train left. Yes, it was stupid to procrastinate, but...

"Ron!" He yelled a bit louder than he meant to, and his friend jumped from the couch in the Gryffindor common.


Harry flushed a bit, embarrassed. "Eh, sorry. I was just meaning to ask... Would you want to come with me to Padfoot and Lupin's house for Christmas break?" At this Harry paused before turning to Hermionie. "You, too."

His two friends looked at him with the exact same confused stare- it was comical, how alike they looked.

"Uh, mate," Ron stuttered, blinking, "You do realize that the train's leaving tomorrow, right?!"

"Yeah..." He muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Hermione threw herself at him in a giant hug. "Wonderful! I've always wanted to go to the Black house! Imagine the history!" She paused for only a moment, her expression changing from joyous to mischievous. "Ah, will Draco be coming? I do hope you aren't too loud, some of us need to sleep-"

"Hermione!" Harry screeched, pushing her off gently and hurling a Gryffindor crest-emblazoned pillow at her. His face was slowly turning a redder hue. She laughed.

Ron lay sprawled across the couch, grinning at them both. "You know, she isn't wrong..."

At this Harry groaned. "Why do you hate me..." He was smiling, though, and his blush wasn't fading anytime soon. Why did everyone keep saying that they would have sex? I mean... If Draco asked, he wouldn't say no, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN HE'LL ASK.

Harry's cheeks became even redder at his thoughts, and he turned to busy himself with picking up the pillows, pressing the cool backs of his hands to his cheeks. "So, you're both coming?"

A chorus of "Hell yeah!" and "Yep!!" Came from the two, although Harry wasn't sure who said what- as his back was turned. That was that sorted out... But when would he ask Draco? It was already a bit too late to be roaming the corridors.

"Guys?" Harry murmured, setting the pillow on the couch before collapsing onto it. "I haven't... Erm, I haven't asked Draco yet...?"

Hermione sighed. "What do you mean you haven't asked him yet? It's the end of the year. You can't possibly be serious..." She studied Harry's expression, then pinched the bridge of her nose with an incredulous, humourless laugh. "You're serious, aren't you."

It wasn't a question. Harry nodded anyway, sheepish in his expression and nervous shrugging of the shoulders.

"Harry, you have to ask him! Right now, if you're ever going to. Go on! You have your invisibility cloak, right? Nobody'll know." Ron said, getting up from the couch and bouncing on the balls of his feet. He was obviously more excited for this than Harry (who was so nervous he thought he was going to throw up).

"Uh, I can't exactly infiltrate the Slytherin common, Ron. I tried that last time, and it didn't-"

"You what?" The redhead interrupted, going completely still. Right. He doesn't know about... Erm, the time Hermionie and I got drunk.

"..... Nothing. Anyway, the point is, it didn't work. Maybe I'll just ask him in the morning...?" Harry stuttered his way through the sentence, half-hoping that his friends would just give up.

He knew himself and Draco to be impulsive, so if they ended up alone in a sound-proof bedroom, well... Some very non-child-friendly things would happen. Not that Harry wasn't looking forward to that a teensy bit...

Maybe a little bit more than a teensy bit. And that's what scared him.

Ron piped up. "In the morning, they'll be no time to pack. You have to ask him now."

Harry's stomach filled with butterflies for a moment, making him feel foolish. Butterflies? What am I, ten? "I can just... Er, not bring him?"

Hermionie ran a hand through her bushy hair. "You are not leaving your boyfriend here. Didn't his father kick him out? It'll be his first Christmas without them. Therefore, you are not leaving him. No arguments." At this, she paused and looked at him strangely. "You didn't forget, did you?!"

Harry froze. He had forgotten about that. "No, I remembered. It was a, erm, joke. Anyway, it's just a little bit nerve-wracking to ask him, y' know?" Only a half-lie... He was nervous to ask Draco. Much easier to pull off than a whole one- and Harry had learned a lot about lying by living with the Dursleys his whole life.

Thankfully, Hermionie nodded sympathetically. She didn't seem to catch his fibbing. "Right. Well, I'll come with you, if you want?" Harry nodded, still a bit embarrassed.

Later, after grabbing Harry's invisibility cloak and having a few heart-stopping run-ins with Neville (he was sleepwalking) they were successfully travelling down the hallways. Harry remembered where the Slytherin common was from the Polyjuice incident in the second year, and from the drunken incident.

Hermionie shifted next to him, still nervous from breaking the rules. Ron couldn't come, as the cloak only fit two people... And besides, Harry wasn't sure his friend would enjoy seeing him and Draco sucking face.

Their steps echoed, making Harry cringe every time. Mrs Norris, thankfully, wasn't around... Although he wasn't sure how long that would last. Each sound made Hermionie jump... She was tenser than Harry. After all, breaking the rules wasn't her thing, unless it was 'absolutely necessary'. And apparently, this was absolutely necessary.

The ceiling was waterlogged, and water kept seeping through the stones. Moaning Myrtle must've overflowed the toilets again, and Harry tried not to think about what was in the water as it dripped into his hair.

After a short time, they reached the dungeons, the air growing colder by the second. The cloak didn't offer much comfort, but thankfully, they hadn't yet changed into pyjamas. When they got to the Slytherin common, memories flooded Harry's brain, and Hermionie smirked before pretending to kick the door.

Uncomfortable, Harry just stood there until Hermionie pushed him forward. He knocked, three times. Softly, but loud enough to be heard. The two stood there for a time before a girl answered the door. The first thing Harry noticed was her lipstick- matte, dark red, and rather smeared at the left side as if she licked her mouth. Her short black bob of hair was in a tiny ponytail at the nape of her neck. It took him a second to realize- this was Pansy.

He carefully took the cloak off, and Pansy raised an eyebrow, unsurprised. "Draco's somewhere in here. I'll go get him- stay here." She sounded extremely exhausted and slightly hostile like she expected them to attack if she let them into the common. As she retreated into the Slytherin dorms, a muffled scream of "where the FUCK is my hairbrush?!" escaped before the door closed and it was cut off. Harry tried not to laugh.

It was only a few moments before a flustered Draco was pushed out the door and into Harry's arms. It was unexpected, sure, but not at all unwelcome. Draco, upon seeing them, smiled. The smile lit up the room, made Harry's heart do a weird little jig. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Why are you here?" Draco asked, extracting himself from Harry's arms gently.

Harry pouted playfully, planning to tease Draco to a state of ultimate annoyance. "What? Can't I visit my boyfriend~?"

Hermionie took this as a cue to talk to Draco herself. "Well, actually, Harry was going to ask you to go with him for Christmas break. He'll be staying with Professor Lupin, and... Er, his godfather, who is married to Lupin, so... Oh! Yeah, and Ron will be there too. So will I."

Her explanation was a bit jumbled, a bit unclear, but Draco got the general gist. "Ugh, finally, I was wondering when you would ask." Malfoy turned to Harry, stepping a bit closer and looking him straight in the eyes. "Yes. I will."

Harry couldn't help thinking that Draco's face was very close, and his lips were very nice looking. And that they hadn't kissed in a while. So, placing his hands at the nape of Draco's neck, he pulled him in and pressed his lips to his boyfriend's.

Draco didn't even tense up. He was expecting this, that little shit. Harry felt Draco's fingers making their way up his shoulders to settle in his hair, tangling the messy black strands up and pulling them ever so slightly. Harry licked Draco's bottom lip, and the other boy opened his mouth. Their tongues went out to meet each other, and soon it was a full-blown make-out session.

Thankfully, Hermionie cleared her throat before Harry's hands could creep to Draco's shirt collar and his lips to Draco's neck... And further, although he didn't think anybody would appreciate the two having sex in the hallway. Not that it would happen.

"Anyway, gays- erm, guys..." She smirked, the mistake obviously not accidental. "I'm going to go back to the dorm. If you guys wanna do the nasty, got some advice- not here, please. Not in the hallway." Hermione shivered, holding back a satisfied smile as Harry reluctantly stepped back from Draco. Draco untangled his hands from Harry's hair. She turned and began to walk away.

Just as Harry was following, someone grabbed him by the wrist. Draco. His long, nimble fingers wrapped around Harry's hand, and as he turned around, confused, lips were aggressively pressed to his in a sort of lengthy peck. It only lasted a few seconds, and then his boyfriend pulled away, a flush crawling up his neck.

"Just a goodbye kiss," Draco explained, the blush infecting his cheeks in charming red blooms. Harry smiled, something light inside his chest. And then he pulled Draco to him in his own 'goodbye kiss'.

After they parted, Draco kissed him again. It would've gone on for a while, endless goodbye kisses just for the sake of a kiss, but Harry pulled away. His cheeks were a light red, and he blinked rapidly to try and rouse himself from the daze of adrenaline kissing tended to give you.

"Draco, I have to go..." The boy murmured, but Draco continued to stubbornly press little kisses over Harry's face. Harry pushed him away gently, a smile taking over his face. "Bye, loser."

Draco pouted, but a grin of his own soon overtook it. "Hasta la vista, bastard."


The next day, everyone streamed out of the train onto platform 9 3/4, clamouring and saying goodbyes as they found their parents. Ron and Hermionie were lagging a bit behind Harry, and Pansy had pushed through the crowd to whisper in Draco's ear, grinning, while the boy flushed.

Harry figured he wasn't needed in these interactions and decided to try and find Sirius and Lupin. Through the crowd, Harry could hardly see anything, and Hedwig chirped indignantly from her cage. Sure, it would be difficult to find them, but it was better than watching Ron and Hermionie fawn over each other. He suppressed a gag.

Someone jostled him, almost knocking his cart out of his hands. Everything seemed to be getting louder by the moment. He decided to go back to the group; through this crowd finding his godfather would be impossible. However, the moment he turned back, more people had spilt into the station. Ron and Hermionie were nowhere to be found. A child sobbed from Harry's right. Movement and sound all around, everyone touching him.

Harry began to panic.

At first, it was just the telltale fluttering of tiny butterflies tickling his ribs, gently coaxing him towards a safer place. Hello, it murmured, you might want to go somewhere else.

Hedwig screeched in her cage, irritated. Harry swallowed down his emotions and pushed through the crowd, even though he wasn't exactly sure where he was going. He lost all sense of direction, and Hedwig was growing louder and louder as the rest of the station did, too.

Razors started to replace the butterfly's wings, cutting at the edges of everything. Blood leaked from his lungs, and Harry had to breathe faster and faster to get oxygen into them. He was dying. Each breath stuttered. Where was the exit? Where were his friends? Lupin? Sirius? He was dying.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder, and he flinched away. Harry's breath came even faster now, because who was it, and he was already spiralling into a frozen panic when the someone spoke.

"Harry?" They spoke softly. Not Hermionie, or Draco. Not Ron, although it was a man's voice. Harry turned to fully take in the speaker and was relieved to see a familiar face. Scars crisscrossed his pale skin, and thin brown hair speckled with grey brought out startlingly green eyes.


The professor placed one hand on Harry's back and looked in his bag with the other. Harry's breathing was starting to calm when Lupin placed a square of chocolate into his hand.

"Works for everything, not just dementor attacks. I always carry a few bars around. Go on, eat it- Sirius insisted on coming, I hope you don't mind."

Harry felt the chocolate start to melt in his fingers as he looked at Lupin incredulously. Sirius was still thought of as a villain by pretty much the entire wizarding world; why the hell would Lupin bring him to the Hogwarts train station?!

As a shaggy black dog came into view from behind Lupin and almost knocked over Harry, it all became clear. His muddy paws left prints on Harry's only clean white shirt, but Harry was too overjoyed to really mind.

Sirius jumped down quickly, inspected Harry's shirt, and Harry swore he saw the black dog grin. Of course it was Sirius who found a way to make his dog face grin. Probably to seduce Lupin while they were both in canine forms... Or something.

Harry slipped the chocolate into his mouth, for a few reasons. One, because it was chocolate. Two, it was melting. And three, because he was sort of worried Sirius would try to eat it and get sick.

"I'm glad you found me," Harry told them. Hedwig had quieted down, although she still puffed her feathers out warily.

Lupin nodded, a slight smile upon his lips. "We're glad, too. If we hadn't, then you might've been having a panic attack in the middle of a crowd... Not fun. I can tell you from experience."

Harry only had a vague sense of what a panic attack was; they didn't teach about that stuff much in any school, even Hogwarts. Even so, he didn't want to ask and make himself look stupid, so he just nodded awkwardly instead.

Flanked by his family- or the closest he had to such- Harry made his way to find his friends. They were right where Harry had left them, and embarrassingly close. If the crowd had shifted just a bit more, then they would've been in plain sight.

With a chorus of polite greetings and "I like your dog!"s, they made their way out of the station. A creature with wrinkled skin that looked like a remarkably short troll was monitoring how many students went out at a time, waiting intervals between small groups. Last year, muggles were a bit suspicious when suddenly a crowd of pubescent wizards appeared in the middle of the station without warning.

As they walked, conversation pleasantly settled and Harry watched his friends grin. Draco closed his eyes in a laugh, Lupin raised his eyebrow in amusement, and Hermionie wrinkled her nose.

Harry couldn't help but feel happy, too.


And that's how they got to the current situation. Harry and Draco stood inside their bedroom at the Black house, at nearly eleven-thirty at night, staring at the single bed.

Somehow, Harry hadn't thought about this. He had contemplated the idea of sex, of course, but the notion of a single bed had been completely neglected.

The tension was palpable. You could touch it, coddle it, but it just wouldn't go away. Harry couldn't quite decide if it was the general type of tension, or the sexual kind- although he would've preferred the latter.

"Uh," Draco said, raising his eyebrows, "There's only one bed."

Harry snorted, and moved to sit on the edge of it. "What? I hadn't noticed." His voice was exaggeratedly sarcastic, and Draco rolled his eyes.

"No, I mean... Are we really going to share a bed? You better not try something funny, Potter."

"And what if I do?" Harry smirked, raising his eyebrows in his best 'handsome rogue' impression. Maybe it worked because a slight blush dusted Draco's cheeks.

He didn't answer.

The room was somewhat small, filled with the clutter of books and the look of a half-assed cleaning job. It smelled like earl grey tea and roses, along with the unmistakable scent of lemon cleanser spray. The bed was covered with a thin red comforter and thinner yellow-orange sheets. Gryffindor pride, apparently. Harry collapsed onto it and nearly got swallowed up by the mattress.

Then he got an idea. It was all in good fun, of course, and he definitely wouldn't force Draco into anything... However, it did present the opportunity to tease his boyfriend, and that was something Harry wouldn't give up.

"Hey, Draco~..." Harry murmured seductively, laying on his side in a classic porn-magazine-cover pose. One hand holding up his head, the other on his hip. It was meant to be comical and was definitely taken as such.

Draco grinned and jumped onto the bed, the mattress squeaking a bit. At this, he laughed. "Been a long time since I jumped on a bed." Harry raised a playful eyebrow at the boy and relaxed from his awkward pose. He pulled Draco close and licked his lips.

"Hey. I want to show you something..." Harry murmured into his ear. Draco visibly went red, and Harry felt him shiver. Yep, this boy was a bottom. No question about it- and it was a bit evil to take advantage of it, but who was stopping him? He had no impulse control, anyway.

Draco swallowed. "Uh... Okay?" He squeaked. Harry tried not to laugh.

The mattress squeaked once more as Harry jumped off the bed. He grabbed Draco's pale hand and tugged him across the room. Holding back a grin, he pressed his lips together and swung open the door, racing down the stairs. He couldn't see Draco's face, but knew it would be puzzled- to say the very least.

The stairs creaked, and Harry let out a tiny, immature giggle. Draco snorted from behind him. There didn't seem to be a reason for it. When they reached Harry's destination, Draco couldn't hold in a gasp.

It was the Black's living room, and in the corner stood a Christmas tree. The pine green branches reached out like beckoning arms, each needle soft and scenting the room with spiralling notes of forest. Strings of lights were hung haphazardly around the tree, and it looked like someone had trouble reaching the top of the tree to place the crooked golden star. A dark blue blanket with tiny specks of yellow sewn into it was wrapped around the base... Light bounced off of everything, creating a gentle glow that told of chocolate and oranges and Christmas pudding.

The rest of the room was dark. He smelled the chocolate box-mix cake that Sirius had almost burnt, and the peppermint frosting Hermionie used to 'fix it up'. From a faraway room, someone was singing The Holly and the Ivy. Harry couldn't stop himself from grinning- this was glaringly different than Christmas at the Dursley's.

From behind him, Harry heard sniffling, and turned.

There was Draco Malfoy, his blonde hair shining pleasantly in the golden light, blue eyes brimming with tears that he was rapidly wiping away with the sleeve of his shirt. When he looked up, his eyelashes were damp. The second he saw Harry, a smile bit at his cheeks, and then a grin. He was laughing, and sort of crying, too, and Harry almost cried himself.

Oh my god, this boy is so precious. So precious. Harry hadn't before thought of how hard it must've been for Draco as well- what with his father kicking him out of the house, he must not have been very well-loved. Harry decided then and there that he would love the everloving shit out of Draco Malfoy.

It took a while, but eventually, the two tore themselves from the Christmas scene of bright lights and wrapping-papered boxes. Draco's good mood was evident, and Harry was a bit sorry for the other boy. Sure, Harry had it bad, but Draco did too.

Harry changed from his jeans and tee into a flannel set of pyjamas with a quick comment of "Let me just slip into something more comfortable," which made Draco snort. They changed in different rooms and afterwards switched off the lights.

Their backs were against each other, facing different ways in the sudden dark. The light and sharpness of the scene before was so shocking, it took Harry a few minutes to fully comprehend where he was.

The dark. The thin red comforter, papery and soft, reminded Harry of hospital sheets. Draco was in the same bed as him, and he wasn't doing anything.

Where was his Gryffindor confidence now? He could fight a basilisk, but not his own heart- which was currently beating about five times faster than it should. Draco Malfoy was in the same bed as him. Fuck.

What to do? He was so beautiful, and this was probably Harry's only chance to, well... Have sex with him. Draco was falling asleep, he was sure of it. Maybe he would start a conversation. But a flirty one. What to say?

Then, thankfully, Harry had an idea.

He turned over, so he was spooning Draco, and whispered in his ear- just to make sure he was awake. "Draco...?"

Evidently, he was awake, from the sudden jump. Oops. Maybe Harry had shocked him. "What is it?" His voice was sort of shivery and quiet, a bit nervous- was he already turned on? What was with him? Was his kink, like, whispers in his ear?

"You seemed to be expecting something different when I suggested showing you something. Would Draco Malfoy, perhaps, be thinking of something... Scandalous?" Harry laughed breathily, trying to keep quiet- it was after midnight now, after all.

Draco turned to face Harry and licked his lips nervously. "No..." It was something in his tone, or perhaps on his face, that told Harry it was a lie.

The black-haired boy smirked, bringing his face closer, so their noses were brushing and their lips were only millimetres apart. "You sure?"


-Third POV-


From there, the tension only rose. A whispered conversation made solely up of teasing and seductive murmurs ensued, until Draco pulled Harry in by the collar of his shirt and kissed him right on the mouth. It was a bit rougher than it might've been, but he reciprocated anyway.

Harry parted his lips and licked at Draco's bottom one until the other boy opened. Their tongues went peeping out to meet each other, licking and parting lips and connecting and kissing.

Draco kept trying to pull Harry even closer, pressing gently at the nape of his neck and tangling his hands in the soft hair there. Harry's fingers, meanwhile, made tingling trails down his back and traced the lines of his hips.

They moved in unison, just kissing at first, and then Harry moved down his neck, pausing at Draco's jawline and licking there. It would've been disgusting if it wasn't so hot; Draco had to bite his lip to keep in a strangled sound. Harry smirked up at the other boy, dragging his lips a bit lower before pausing.

"Are hickeys fine?"

Draco nodded, eager for Harry to touch him more, kiss him more. A buzzing started right between his thighs, and his stomach was fluttering pleasantly and urgently. Harry kissed down his neck softly, pausing at his collarbone to suck. There was a little pain in it, but if he said it didn't turn him on he would be lying.

Harry started on a different hickey, and Draco's breath caught. Something was different. The buzzing crawled up and pooled in his chest, making its way out in a tiny whimper that Draco couldn't quite hold in.

More sucking, a bit of wetness- was he licking- and Draco had come to a conclusion. He was hard. He grabbed Harry's hair, hoping the other wouldn't mind, and turned his head to the side as more sounds tried to slip out. Harry hummed pleasantly, the vibrations against Draco's neck something else to rile him up. God, could he just speed up??

Harry's hands brought themselves to the top button of Draco's shirt and looked up at him. "Is this okay?"

Draco groaned and pressed closer to Harry, looking him straight in the eye. He was too turned on to be worried about his ego. "Just take off my shirt already, Potter..." His voice whined a bit at the end, and Harry's eyes widened with a slight blush.

He took it off achingly slow, and then removed his own pyjama shirt. The cold touched Draco's hot skin, and fucking god, he was hard.

Harry pressed Draco's back against the bed and moved on top of him. He straddled his boyfriend's hips and splayed his hands upon Draco's chest. They were both having a hard time holding back from just doing it already.

Harry's weight on his waist made Draco want to moan. He was practically rubbing his dick by rocking back and forth with indecision. Thankfully, he was able to keep his sounds in- until Harry sat up completely and his whole weight was on Draco.

"Agn-!" Draco moaned rather loudly, throwing his head to the side. Harry bit his lip, stiffening, and then sank lower onto Draco, rubbing purposefully. He was teasing. That fucking asshole.

"Hey, sit on the edge of the bed here." Harry murmured softly to his boyfriend. He complied once Harry slid off of him- both of their bulges were painfully obvious now. Harry slipped his fingers underneath Draco's waistband, looking up at him. "Can I..?"

As much as Draco appreciated him asking, he was far too impatient for all this speech stuff. "Yeah."

Soon his boxers were off, and Harry was kneeling on the ground in front of Draco, marvelling in the sight of another man. He placed his mouth at the tip of Draco's dick, opening ever so slowly. Draco let out a whimper.

Harry licked the tip, teasing, and then moved along the length. Finally, he took the whole thing into his mouth, hallowing his cheeks a bit. Draco took a hold of Harry's dark hair, tangling his fingers in it as he gasped with pleasure.

Harry hummed softly, bringing the whole of Draco's cock into his mouth, deep-throating him. His own hard-on was evident now, showing through the soft red pyjama pants, and it made Draco swallow thickly.

A knot began to gather in Draco's stomach, and Harry tasted the slick saltiness of precum. A moan, louder than he meant it to be, escaped Draco's mouth as Harry slid his mouth off of Draco's dick and cold air hit him. "Wh- why did you stop?" Draco panted.

Harry grinned. "Well, if it's okay, I wanted to go a little farther." Then he paused, smile fading. "If you want to, of course. We don't have to."

Draco licked his lips. Was this what he really wanted? To have sex with Harry Potter in a bed that smelled like roses and tea?

Yes, it sure as hell fucking was.

Harry slipped off his own pyjama pants, revealing basic white boxers and an impressive boner. He searched in the bedside tables for all the necessary things, and of course, in the drawer was a bottle of lube and a few condoms. Along with that, there was a note that Harry quickly skimmed over.

;) have fun- Sirius

He almost choked, but took the stuff anyway. He strolled over to the bed, taking off his boxers. It was a bit uncomfortable being this bare in front of Draco, but the fact that Draco was naked too offset that quite a bit.

Harry put some lube on his hands, and rubbed them together to warm it. Draco laid on the bed, playing with himself a little. Self-consciousness? That shit had flown out the window.

Harry approached the bed and laid on top of Draco- quite suddenly, too, so that Draco moaned. Harry propped himself up with one forearm to the side of his boyfriend's head, and touched Draco's ass gently with the tips of his fingers before putting his pointer finger slowly into Draco's hole.

The other boy winced slightly, and Harry waited a bit before adding a second finger and scissoring them. Draco was a moaning mess by the time Harry added a third finger, and was finally stretched out enough.

Harry positioned himself over Draco's hole, then slowly pushed in, pausing whenever Draco even gave a hint of pain. Eventually, his careful ways annoyed his boyfriend, who was impatient and shivering. "Just fucking do it."

Harry chuckled breathily before complying. Hissing in agony, Draco arched his back. They didn't move for a while until Draco nodded and Harry began to thrust into him. At first gently, then growing faster until he was slamming into Draco.

He hit a specific spot and Draco gasped, grabbing at his shoulders and scratching at Harry's back. Harry in turn aimed for that spot every time, both moaning with pleasure. Of course, this couldn't last forever, and knots started to build in their stomachs.

Draco came first, all over their chests with a loud gasping whine, digging his nails into Harry. The other boy thrust a few more times, riding out Draco's orgasm, before cumming himself.

He pulled out carefully, then removed the condom, tied it in a knot, and went to the bathroom to throw it away. When Harry came back, Draco was collapsed on the bed with a grin on his face.

"So? You liked it?" Harry asked, trying to keep back his own smile. He had just lost his virginity to the boy he loved the most in the world. Draco Malfoy. The boy who (hopefully, one day) he would call his husband.


Harry thought for a second before turning to Draco and grinning mischievously. "Wanna do it again?"

Draco laughed.

"Hell yes."


{{Theme song: Hatefuck by Cruel Youth}}

Words: 6,649 (whoops)

what happens in vegas stays in vegas. what happens in vegas stays in vegas. what happens in vegas stays in vegas. what happens in vegas stays in vegas. what happens in vegas stays in vegas. what happens in vegas stays in vegas. *chants aggressively* whAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS ST

I feel like grammarly is judging me, but like dude I need my smut scene to be grammatical okay *cries silently in the corner from lost innocence*

sorry if this was bad, it was my first smut scene :'/

also uh sorry if this story was bad, I know it's rushed and cheesy at parts but like shhh I'm still in middle school so you're not allowed to judge

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