Your Secret's Safe With Me

By ithinkikindayaknow

25.9K 819 359

Another role play between @LibbyLou814 and I. (She's Nini and I'm Ricky, and we fill in for the rest). Nini S... More

Chapter 1: 42
Chapter 2: Dress Shopping
Chapter 3: Chloe
Chapter 4: Party Time
Chapter 5: "defending" Nini
Chapter 7: You Hurt Her
Chapter 8: The Real Ricky
Chapter 9: He's excited to see me!
Chapter 10: Honesty: Part 1
Chapter 11: Honesty: Part 2
Chapter 12: Five Guys
Chapter 13: Glasses Ricky
Chapter 14: Titanic
Chapter 15: Don't. Hurt. Nini.
Chapter 16: Baking Date
Chapter 17: Ej's οΏΌSuspicious
Chapter 18: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 19: Monster
Chapter 20: Chloe's Dance Show
Chapter 21: I'm Ricky Bowen
οΏΌ Epilogue
Bonus Chapters!
BC 1: Johanna
BC 2: Your Secerts Safe with Me
Hiding Behind Hatred

Chapter 6: Why do you hate me?

993 36 15
By ithinkikindayaknow

**Time Skip* It's Monday (the next day). The weekend is finally over. Nini's been ignoring Gina all day. They just got out of their last class and Nini's at her locker.*
Gina: Nini! Please talk to me!
Nini: Fine, I want an explanation
Gina: And I wish I could give you one. I don't remember anything really from the party. I remember getting there and that's about it. I woke up at freaking Ej Caswell's house and the only other person their was Ej himself. I'm scared I did something like with him but I don't know and I'm kinda freaking out. But right now I'm worried about you. Did you get home okay? Did anything happen? Have you talked to Finnick? Are you okay?
Nini: I'm fine or whatever, but frankly I'm still upset with you. You force me to go to this party, and then leave me for your dose of booze and boys? What the Hell Gina? And Ej, really?!
Gina: I know I'm so so sorry it was so stupid of me to do what I did. And god I hate myself for weather I may or may not have done it with Ej. But seriously Nini, please talk to me. Did you get home okay? Who drive you? Did you call an Uber?
Nini: No, Finnick didn't want me taking an Uber but I made it home slightly okay
Gina: what do you mean by-
Mazzara: Nini! Please come see me in my classroom
Nini: Look Gina, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later or something *I walk away*
Gina: Please call me!

Nini: *I walk into the classroom* Hey Mr. Mazzara, what did you- why is he here?
Mazzara: As the president of key club and one of our best students... you are being assigned to tutor this young man.
Ricky: I'm sorry what?
Nini: What?!
Mazzara: Ricky, as we were just discussing, you are practically.... well not practically... you are failing almost all of your classes. At this rate you will not graduate, let alone pass 11th grade. I think it would be best for you to have a tutor and I think Nini will be able to help you a lot. She already volunteers to help many other of my students so I think it would be best for you to get help from her.
Nini: With all due respect, I just can't tutor Ricky... I mean he's such a- *coughs* I mean it would take a lot of time out of my schedule if I had to tutor someone after school
Mazzara: I can't force you, but you are key clubs president and it's a responsibility of yours. You can use my classroom or go wherever but I'm requiring 5 hours a week for Ricky. Weather you want that to be an hour a day or only meet certain days.... it's up to you two. Ricky's been taken out of the basketball team for the rest of the semester so he'll have plenty of time on his hands.
Nini: Fine, when do we start?
Mazzara: like I said, you can do it whatever days you want but I need 5 hours logged by next Monday
Mazzara: well I need to head to a teachers meeting. Feel free to stay in here for today. You'll have the room to yourselfs *leaves*
Nini: Soo...
Ricky: *rolls eyes* I don't need your help
Nini: Well I'm required to help you so can you at least be civil and deal with the fact that you're gonna need to do some actual work for once in your life
Ricky: oh god I'm soooo scared *rolls eyes again*
Nini: I'm just trying to help you. I don't wanna sit and fight, so can you just stop being a jerk?
Ricky: fine. *I sit down at a desk* so what do you like do my homework for me?
Nini: No, I help you with the homework. I'm not doing it for you, that's cheating Ricky
Ricky: yeah but we could finish faster if you just did it
Nini: The point is for me to help you through the problems that you don't understand so you can learn what you need to do. So I'm not doing it for you
Ricky: then you're in for a long hour *mumbles* and so am I
Nini: *takes a deep breath* So, what do you need help with first?
Ricky: you nervous or something *laughs*
Nini: No, I'm trying to remain calm so that I don't flip out on you
Ricky: you should of tried that Saturday night then. Looked like you were about ready to kill me
Nini: Can we just do the work? That way you can leave and go do... whatever you do after school
Ricky: well it's not basketball anymore
Nini: Well I'm sorry to hear that your poor decisions lead you to be kicked off your own team
Ricky: here *I shove you my paper* number one I guess
Nini: Okay, so do you know what this question is talking about?
Ricky: physics
Nini: Can you be more specific about it?
Ricky: well it's asking to solve using acceleration....
Nini: So I want you to try first before I help you
Ricky: fine *I write on the paper "I don't want your help"* Did I do it right?
Nini: Oh 100% correct. I'm beyond proud of you! *rolls eyes*
Ricky: so are we done here?
Nini: No, your homework is more than just one problem
Ricky: that's just it. Your the problem. Can't we just ask for me to have a different tutor?
Nini: Ricky, I'm not going to turn down tutoring you just because we both don't like one another. I was told by a teacher to help you, so I'm setting my differences aside and trying my best here. I would love if you could put in some effort too
Ricky: could I ask you something
Nini: Um I guess?
Ricky: why do you hate me so much?
Nini: Uh- we should probably get back to the um physics homework. Number two, what happens wh-
Ricky: why are you ignoring the question. There's gotta be reason it's so easy for you to yell at me and get on my nerves
Nini: Because right now I'm supposed to be tutoring you. This isn't us hanging out or free time, I'm supposed to be teaching you so can we get back to the work?
Ricky: just tell me so we can focus
Nini: What does this have to do with us focusing?
Ricky: cause then I'll stop asking
Nini: No, if you want an answer you'll have to ask me outside of our sessions
Ricky: you want to talk to me outside this?
Nini: If it'll get you to work with me then I'll talk to you
Ricky: why do you hate me
Nini: Ricky, you know what I said, not on tutoring time
Ricky: fine. In exactly one hour you have to tell me why you hate me and why yelling at me like the other night made you feel better
Nini: Uh okay. So, I know I said we were moving onto the next question, but can you please try number one again?
Ricky: I don't know how but I'm sure miss 100 does so why can't you just show me
Nini: Can you please not call me that?
Ricky: I don't know I'm pretty proud of that nickname
Nini: Well, I don't appreciate you calling me that so please just stop
Ricky: Not only are you freakishly smart and show it's off rudely, your so fu*king controlling... and you wonder why no one likes you
Nini: I understand you're pissed off that you have to be tutored by the person you hate the most, but being an ass to me when all I'm trying to do is help is completely unnecessary.
Ricky: then help me. Show me how to do the 1st one
Nini: *I explain the problem and write down the answer* Do you think you can try the second one?
Ricky: I'm not a child why are you talking to me like that?
Nini: I- I was just asking. Sorry I offended you
Ricky: good god did I just offend you?
Nini: Just shut up and try the next problem. There, is that grown up enough for you?
Ricky: much better. *I just write a bunch of numbers*
Nini: Ricky, I need you to actually try
Ricky: that was me actually trying
Nini: No it wasn't Ricky, do I need to help you again?
Ricky: no I got it *I decide to do the 1st part right to make me look a bit less stupid*
Nini: Hey, look who's improving! You finally did something correct for once!
Ricky: yay *rolls eyes*

*we spend the rest of the hour doing these questions. Ricky doesn't show anymore improvement and keeps spitting smart remarks*

Nini: Well, that was... the exact opposite of fun
Ricky: why do you hate me?
Nini: No, "thanks for helping sorry I was a jerk the whole time?"
Ricky: *mocks you* thanks for helping sorry YOU were a jerk the whole time
Nini: You know what, I'm leaving *I stand up*
Ricky: *I stand up* I think I figured out why you won't answer my question
Nini: Why Ricky, enlighten me
Ricky: because you don't hate me. Everyone likes me... they like a failing student like I am. Every girl wants me and your just one of them. You just make yourself look all though cause your the fu*king nerd who everyone hates.
Nini: Why are you such a brat! And why would you think I like a piece of shit like you?! God you're so full of yourself. Everyone praises you for being such an arrogant asshole and every girl falls for you because of it! You're a complete jerk, you disrespect everyone you come across, your ego is the size of the world, and you just had to make fun of me for being smart. Just like everyone else in this god damn school. *starts to tear up* So congrats Ricky, I hope you feel so good about yourself. I hope that you go tell all of your friends that you made Miss 100 cry because you made fun of her biggest insecurity. Is this gonna help you sleep at night? Hurting people? Golly gee I'm so glad I could help. I hope you're just bursting at the seams with happiness Ricky.
Ricky: *I just stare* *way to go Ricky. "Just be nicer to her" guess I didn't have it in me* I- I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow *I walk out of the room*
Nini: *I walk out of the room and walk to the choir room. I walk into the empty room and take a seat at the piano*
Nini: *sings*
my throat is closing up
and my eyes are getting glossy
when my voice starts to strain
and it's getting kinda blurry
oh my emotions
are causing commotions
as I
to cry
call me a wimp
tell me I'm over emotional
say I'm overreacting
and I'll continue to go
let the tears continue stream
my heart will rip at the seams
as I
to cry
Jenn: Nini?

The song is by the one and only Libby... I'm low key jealous but it's fine.
Anyway, so stuff was said. Nini's pretty upset about it and of course Ricky continued to be the jerk he was. But now they get to deal with each other 5 hours after school each week... fun.
Looks like Jenn's comin Nini's way. Is Nini gonna tell her it's her step son? Ugh, this is stressful.
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