Thor: The Dark World(Book 2)

By ScarletWitch19

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In the aftermath of the Battle of New York, fourteen-year-old Kaitlyn Summers has been living in London. Afte... More

Chapter 1- The Aether Awakens
Chapter 2- Journey to Asgard
Chapter 3- Invasion of Asgard
Chapter 4- Into Eternity
Chapter 5- Escaping the Realm
Chapter 6- Svartalfheim
Chapter 8- The Convergence
Chapter 9- Can't Stay
Chapter 10- The Dream

Chapter 7- Earth

181 5 0
By ScarletWitch19

A storm was brewing in the distance. Thor and I got up and went to search for a nearby cave. Dust and wind blew through the air as Thor and I huddled together and found the entrance of the cave. We walk inside and I sat down on one of the hard rocks.

"He's going to unleash it. Not just on Asgard, or on a star. Malekith is going to destroy everything." I say.

"How?" Thor asks, taking a step closer to me. "Kaitlyn, how?"

"I saw him on Earth. Why would he go to Earth?" I ask.

"The Convergence."

"Oh, no. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether." I say.

"Then Malekith would've only found it that much sooner." Thor says.

"This is all my fault. I knew I shouldn't have gone inside that abandoned factory."


"Now we're trapped here."

Out of nowhere, loud metal rock music started to play and Thor and I looked at each other with confusion.

"It's not me." Thor says. I looked down at my jacket pocket and realized that it was my phone ringing. I cringe at the music that was playing on my phone.

"Sorry. I was going through a phase. Really need to change this ringtone." I answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Kaitlyn! Where are you? You haven't answered your phone! I've been trying to call and text you for days!" Will says over the phone.

"Will? Where are you?" I ask.

"I'm at home. I was calling again to make sure you were okay." Will says.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Everything's great. Never felt better, actually." I say. Putting the phone on speaker, I take the phone off my ear and was surprised to see the reception I was getting. I didn't think I would get any cell service down here. "Wow, this is amazing!"

"What's amazing? What are you talking about?" Will asks.

"How am I getting service here?"

"Service from where? Kaitlyn, where are you?"

"Will, I need you to listen to me. Whatever you do, do not hang up the phone." I say.

"I won't hang up the phone. Listen, something weird has been going on. Ever since we found that portal in that factory, I feel like more and more have been popping up. I found one the other day when I was cleaning my parents garage and accidentally dropped my basketball when it fell out one of the boxes." Will says. I look down on the ground to see a crushed soda can, some glass bottles, shoes and the basketball Will was talking about. The cans and the shoes were the same items Will and the kids used to throw down in the stairwell back at the abandoned factory.

"No way!" I say, bending down to pick up the basketball.

"Hello? Kaitlyn? Are you even listening?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Portals, strange occurrences. I'm listening." I turn to Thor. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" Thor asks as we go further down the cave.

"Who was that? Are you with Thor?" Will asks hearing Thor's voice over the phone.

"Yes. I went to Asgard, remember?" I say, my voice echoing inside the cave. "Over here."

"Are you in a tunnel? I'm losing you. Hello?" Will says, his voice crackling over the phone as Thor and I continue to walk deeper down the tunnel.

"Why are there so many shoes in here?" Thor asks looking down.

We walk through a portal and Thor and I find ourselves back in London and in the abandoned factory. It was night out and I stopped to look around at the familiar scenery. I hear a beep from my phone and look down to see a text from Will saying to come meet him at his house.

"Will wants us to meet him at his house. Think you could take me there?" I ask.

Thor nods and I climb onto his back.

"So, this new friend of yours. Is he your boyfriend?" Thor asks, giving me a serious look.

"Really?" I ask, rolling my eyes just as Thor took off flying.


We finally made it to Will's house. I knocked on the front door after I hopped off Thor's back and Will opens it. A concerned expression crosses his face when he notices how messy my hair and dress looked.

"What happened to you?" He asks.

"I'll explain, but do you have a new set of clothes I can change into?" I ask Will.

"Yeah, my sister Courtney might have something you could borrow. She's not home but I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Will says.

"Great, thanks." I say. "Oh, here's your basketball." I hand Will his basketball as Thor and I enter the living room.

Upon entering the living room, I stop to see Will's cousin Darcy working on her computer, a strange man and woman sitting on the couch looking at some papers and Dr. Erik Selvig sitting at the dining room table, writing down some notes.

"What's going on here?" I ask Will.

"Kaitlyn, you remember my cousin Darcy. I called her a few days ago and told her about what's been going on and she agreed to help." Will explains. "Turns out, she and Dr. Jane Foster have been running experiments here in London because of the strange readings they discovered."

"Kaitlyn? How wonderful. It's good to see you." Dr. Selvig says looking up and rising from his seat. He walks over to hug me and I look down to see that he wasn't wearing any pants. He notices the dress I was wearing. "You've been to Asgard."

"Why aren't you wearing any pants?" I ask him.

"Oh, he, uh...he says it helps him think." The man on the couch says. He had a British accent.

"Who are you?" I ask the man.

"My name is Ian. Ian Boothby. I'm Darcy's intern." Ian explains.

Thor turns to Dr. Selvig and gives him a concerned look. "Are you well, Erik?"

Dr. Selvig chuckles and stands awkwardly in front of Thor. "Your brother's not coming, is he?"

Thor gives Dr. Selvig a sad look. "Loki is dead."

"Oh, thank God!" Dr. Selvig sighs with relief. "I...I meant, I'm so sorry."

"Thank you." Dr. Selvig hugs Thor.

"What happened to him?" I ask, pointing to Dr. Selvig and turning to Will.

"Oh, after New York, Dr. Selvig went kind of crazy and was sent to a mental institution after causing a disturbance with the public." Will explains.

"So, it happened to him too?" I mumble to myself, giving Dr. Selvig a sad look

"Is Loki really dead?" Will asks. I ignore Will's question and walk up the stairs to get dressed.


Once I had changed, I join everyone at the dining room table and explained to them about what happened while I was in Asgard. "Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the Nine Realms are connecting."

"Amplifying the weapon's impact." Dr. Selvig explains. "For each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal."

"Yes, but the Alignment is only temporary." Thor says. "He must be in exactly the right place at the right time."

"Well, how do we know where that is?" Darcy asks.

"We follow the directions." Dr. Selvig gets up and grabbing a map, he places it on the dining room table. "This has happened before thousands of years ago, and the Ancients were there to see it. All the great constructions, the Mayans, the Chinese, the Egyptians. They made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map." I watch as Dr. Selvig grabs a ruler and starts drawing on the map. "Stonehenge, Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking" Dr. Selvig connects the lines to the center of the map.

"Greenwich?" Ian says.

"The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is going to go ballistic." Jane explains. "Increases and decreases in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is going to be torn apart."

Thor's hammer flies through the living room and he catches it.

"I better get my pants." Dr. Selvig mumbles.


A/N: The final battle with Malekith is quickly approaching. Also, Will is back! Yay! How are you guys liking him so far?

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