Remnant's Red Eyed Corruption

By CameronKiller535

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Female Samurai Reader x RWBY Harem RWBY Belongs to Roosterteeth More

Chapter 1: Red Eyed Corruption
Chapter 2: Corruptions Start
Chapter 3: Trials PT.1
Chapter 4: Trials PT.2
Chapter 6: Memories Of Pain
Chapter 7: Forever Falls
Chapter 8: Isolated
Chapter 9: White Fang Infiltration
Chapter 10: Chance Meeting
Volume 2 Bio
Chapter 11: The New Semester
Chapter 12: Planning For A Wild Night
Chapter 13: Night Of Investigation Pt.1
Fear and Precautions
Chapter 14: Night Of Investigation Pt.2
Chapter 15: Obsessions Toll
Enemy Bio
Accidental Publish
Chapter 16: Broken
Chapter 17: Dance
Chapter 18: First Assignment
Chapter 19: Mountain Glenn
Chapter 20: Cause Of Suffering
Chapter 21: Path For Balance
Chapter 22: Faltering Blade
Chapter 23: Diverging Path
Chapter 24: A Spirits Wish 18+
Chapter 25: White Rose Love
Chapter 26: First Club Experience
Volume 3 Bio
Chapter 27: Vytal Beginning
Chapter 28: Kingdoms Brawl
Chapter 29: Unexpected Arrivals
Chapter 30: Guidance
Chapter 31: Temper

Chapter 5: Concept Of Teamwork

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By CameronKiller535

3rd Person POV:

The scene starts off with a young girl wearing a red dress with the distinct feature of demonic horns walking in nature seemingly lost.

She continues to walk as the path seemingly has no end in sight until the girl falls to her knees looking up at the sky until the view is blocked out by a grown women wearing a black dress with the same demonic horns as the young girl.

The woman reaches her hand out to the young girl, who stares at her in awe as she reaches for the woman's hand until everything goes white.


I feel my eyes open as I stare at the ceiling and reach my hand out despite knowing I'll never reach that woman.

Y/N: (That dream again...)

Katsune: (Master...)

I look down to see Katsune laying next to me looking at me with a worried expression.

Katsune: (Are you okay?)

Y/N: (I'm fine...)

I start patting her head as she gets closer to me as we stay cuddled up together for what feels like at least twenty minutes.

I look around the room to see Team RWBY are still asleep, I check my scroll to see the time is 5:30am meaning we all have three hours before we have to leave for class.

Katsune: (Was it that dream again?)

Y/N: (Yeah...)

I get up and stretch a bit to rid myself of the slight soreness for my left arm before heading into the bathroom and showering up and trying on the school uniform.

Y/N: (Is this really necessary?)

Katsune: (I think it suits you)

Y/N: (Maybe...)

I walk out of the bathroom and see Kurome alongside my bag as I strap the sheath on my bag and insert the blade into it.

Katsune: (You think the teachers are gonna be okay with you having your weapon out all the time?)

Y/N: (Professor Ozpin has already seen first hand what happens if he tried to seperate me from Kurome, I think he understands my reasons)

I check my scroll once again to see that only thirty minutes has passed.

Y/N: (Now, what to do for the next two hours?)

I look down at my bag and start to unpack pulling out my sword cleaning kit, some snacks, and three spare outfits alongside my battle attire.

Katsune: (We should get you more clothes)

Y/N: (Right...)

I fold my clothes putting them into a neat stack placing my cleaning case to the side.

Y/N: (Now to my locker...)

I walk out from the sleeping area to the living room as I see my locker is lined up with theirs and place all my stuff in there.

(Only image I got for Beacons Dorm Room Layout)

Katsune: (What are you gonna do now?)

Y/N: (Guess we can look around more of the Campus before heading back to class)

I grab my backpack and head out making my way to the courtyard as I suddenly feel a presence behind me attempting to grab Kurome.

I grab their hand and turn to see it was Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Impressive response time.

Y/N: (letting go of his hand) Professor?

Ozpin: Excuse my actions Ms.L/N I was simply curious about your attachment with your weapon.

Y/N: You've already seen what happens if I get seperated from it.

Y/N: It's either I find my way to it or it finds it way back to me.

Ozpin: I see...Are you adjusting to your time at Beacon?

Y/N: It feels more...peaceful then what I'm used to.

Ozpin: Considering your daily life style it's to be expected.

Y/N: Yeah...

Ozpin: Why are you alone out here without your team?

Y/N: I have a habit of waking up early and I didn't want to bother them.

Y/N: (I don't want to bother them at all)

Ozpin: I see...well I'll let you be on your way.

Y/N: Thank you Professor.

I start to walk away to Professor Port class until I hear Ozpin again.

Ozpin: One last thing Ms.L/N, you may see yourself as a curse and don't want to let others in out of fear for their safety.

Ozpin: However you can't continue life constantly closing yourself off from others otherwise you'll find yourself losing something crucial.

Y/N: ("Something crucial"...?)

Y/N: I'll...take your advice into consideration.

Ozpin: That's all I ask of you.

I turn away and head my way to class.

Katsune: (What do you think he meant by that?)

Y/N: (I don't know...but he seemed to be talking from experience)

I finally make it to class seeing no other students were in the class with Professor Port writing up notes on the different types of Grimm.

Y/N: Professor Port?

Port: Ah, Ms.L/N of Team Akame a pleasure to have you.

Y/N: Did I come here too early?

Port: No, No you're fine class will start in thirty minutes.

Port: Find yourself a seat and I'll give you a small preview of what today's lesson will bring.

Y/N: Yes, sir.

I find myself an empty spot at the top left corner that hopefully won't attract too much attention to me.

Port: Now, We'll be going over the many types of Grimm you'll face in the near future.

Y/N: I see...

Port: I even got two specimens for any volunteers that wish to test their metal against them.

Y/N: Understood.

The class bell rings as more students enter in the room finding their seats.

Katsune: (What happened to the others?)

As if on cue both Team RWBY and JNPR burst into the room.

Ruby & Jaune: Made it!

Y/N: (Maybe I should've stayed in longer...)


Port: Monsters! Deeeemons...Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!

I take some notes and compare them to what my village has told me as I look around to see what the others were doing as I see Yang and Blake are paying attention while Weiss is getting irritated by Ruby sleeping in class with the rest remaining silent at Port's joke.

Port: Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world!

Port: Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses...

I see him wink at me and then at Yang.

Katsune: (No one winks at my master except me!)

Y/N: (Katsune...)

Katsune: (Hmph...)

Port: Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!

Random Student: (raises his fist) Ayyyy-yep!

We all look up at him as he sits back down in embarrassment.

Port: That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy..

I stop listening to his rambling as I notice Weiss staring at Ruby drawing on a paper as I try to see if Port's story is finished.

Port: ...Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter', he told me..

I turn back to Weiss and Ruby as she shows a drawing of Port in a ball-with-limbs-and-a-head with stink lines coming off from him with his named changed to "Professor Poop" underneath.

Ruby then blows a quick raspberry causing Blake and Yang laugh, but makes Weiss even more annoyed.

Katsune: (She's losing it)

Y/N: (Yeah...This is actually pretty new to me)

Y/N: (The village didn't really hold any classes mainly just training and then we would study alone at home)

Y/N: (I never really experienced playing in a classroom and making jokes about the teachers)

Katsune: (Are you jealous of them?)

Y/N: (A little but I'm happy that I'm having some experience with it now)

Port: Ah-heh-hem!

My attention is then drawn back to Port.

Port: In the end, the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!

He takes a bow as if he just done it.

Katsune: (Didn't the same thing happen at our village?)

Y/N: (Yeah, whenever our village warriors achieved a great feat or accomplished something of great honor they would receive a new blade and blessing from the elder)

Katsune: (You think you'll ever get one?)

Y/N: (Not in a hundred lifetimes)

I bring my attention back to Port.

Port: The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honorable!

I turn to see Ruby is balancing an apple on a book with her pencil held only by her finger while making a silly face.

Port: A true Huntsman must be dependable!

Ruby fell asleep again as Weiss gets more irritated.

Port: A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!

Ruby starts picking her nose as Weiss gets more and more angry.

Port: So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

Weiss: (still angry, she raises her hand) I do, sir!

Port: Well, then, let's find out!

Port: I have gathered two specimens for this exercise! Now who else would like to volunteer?

No one raises their hands.

Port: How about you Ms.L/N?

Y/N: Me?

Port: You already have your weapon out why not put it to use?

Y/N: I see...Understood sir.

Port: Gather your gear and face your opponents!

Weiss takes her leave as I walk down and walk to the center of the class.

Y/N: No need.

I unsheathe my sword and get into a stance.

Port: Very well then...

He pulls out his battle axe aiming the blade at the lock of one of the big cages as he slices it open where I only see a suit of armor.

Y/N: (A knight?)

Suddenly the visor starts to glow a bright red as the suit individual pieces float in the air and reassembling as the Grimm let's out a screech sounding like metal clashing against each other as a sword erupts from its arm.

Y/N: (An Arma Gigas?!)

Port: How fitting! A true battle of blades!

Y/N: (I need to destroy its shell and take out the real thing within)

Port: Begin!

I run at it full speed as it retaliates raising its blade for a downward slash as I raise my blade to parry the blow knocking his weapon upward as I then use my Semblance to enhance Kurome before stabbing the Gigas directly in its chest as I take out my blade with the Gigas blood pouring out from the wound as I then sheathe my sword and quickly draw it out unleashing a barrage of slashes in one quick motion.

The Grimm remains motionless appearing uneffected until my slashes finally set in as the armor completely shatters into pieces as the Gigas true form is disintegrated from the many sword swings.

I swing my blade to the ground removing the Grimm blood from it as I sheathe Kurome and look at Professor Port for his report.

Y/N: Um, Professor?

I see his expression of pure shock as I can actually see his eyes.

Y/N: Professor?

Port: Oh! Um...Yes quite the extraordinary display Ms.L/N.

Y/N: (Bowing) Thank you sir.

I walk away passing Weiss as I take her position.

Y/N: I wish you luck.

She nods back at me before walking to the center readying Myrtenaster.

Yang: (raising her fist) Goooo, Weiss!

Blake: (waving a small flag saying RWBY) Fight well!

Ruby: Yeah, represent Teeeeam RWBY!

Weiss: (lowering her sword and looking over at her) Ruby! I'm trying to focus!

Ruby: (looking sheepish) Oh, um... Sorry...

Port: Allllright! (next to the cage, pulling out Blowhard) "Let the match... begin!

He swings down and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk inside, which immediately charges at Weiss.

Weiss uses Myrtenaster to deflect its attack and roll to the side, readying herself for its next move. The Grimm stands a distance away from its enemy, studying her.

Katsune: (It's smarter than it looks)

Y/N: (Most predators always study their prey before attacking)

Port: Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?

Ruby: Hang in there, Weiss!

She then speeds towards it, sticking her blade straight at its skull until they meet and Myrtenaster is trapped in the beast's tusks.

Weiss keeps a hold of her hilt as she gets tossed around continuing to struggle to get her weapon back.

Port: Bold, new approach. I like it!

Ruby: Come on, Weiss, show it who's boss!

Weiss turns to glare at Ruby, only for the Boarbatusk to turn its head and rip the sword from her grip.

It lands a few feet away from her as the Boarbatusk knocks her back with its tusk.

Port: Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?

Weiss looks up just in time to see the Boarbatusk charge again, rolling out of the way just in time to avoid getting trampled and make it crash into a desk.

Y/N: (She needs to hit its weak spot on its belly)

Ruby: Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armor underneath-

Weiss: (turning to Ruby) Stop telling me what to do!

I look at Ruby as she looks down saddened.

The Boarbatusk leaps into the air and rolls into a ball, spinning rapidly in the air and landing on the ground, consistently gaining speed until it launches itself at Weiss.

It comes closer and closer, but Weiss activates one of her blue-white circles and blocks the roll, leaping up into the now-black snowflake symbol and turning it blue again so she can drive the blade into the Boarbatusk's stomach.

Port: Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training!

Port: I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!

Weiss glares at Ruby before storming out of the classroom.

Jaune: (watching her leave) Sheesh, what's with her?


After finishing up all my homework and studying for the day I walk out to Beacon's balcony for some fresh air.

I lean at the railing to see the sun setting.

Katsune: (You think Ruby and Weiss are gonna be okay?)

Y/N: (I'm sure they'll make up... it's not really any of our business)

Katsune: (Yeah...)

I look down not really sure of my own words until I hear someone approaching me.

I turn to see Weiss looking around as if she's looking for someone.

Y/N: Weiss...?

Weiss: Huh? Oh, Hello Y/N.

Y/N: Is something wrong?

Weiss: I'm looking for Professor Port.

Y/N: Oh! He...left about an hour ago.

Weiss: (scoffs) Just great!

She turns away as I clench the railing before turning back to face her.

Y/N: Do you...want to tell me what's been bothering you?

She looks at me strangely as I look down in embarrassment before I hear her approach me and takes the spot next to me.

Weiss: I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to you about it.

Weiss: I'm upset because...I feel like I should've been team leader instead of Ruby.

Y/N: Why's that?

Weiss: You've seen how she's been! Completely immature, lazy, and no where near as exceptional as I am.

Y/N: Weiss...I know Ruby can be like that sometimes but with all due respect all that arrogance and pride makes you quite foolish.

Weiss: (angered) What?!

Y/N: Having pride in one's abilities is not a mistake but having too much pride to the point of ignoring others support and refusing to accept one's mistakes will only lead to...Death.

Weiss: H-How do you know?

Y/N: Back at my village there was a famous warrior that let his arrogance get the better of him, he was sent out on a mission to take down a group of bandits terrorizing other villages.

Y/N: He fought against them and won but he refused to have his body examined due to his pride and it led him to a very painful death as one of the bandits poisoned him without his knowing.

Y/N: If only he allowed the others to assist him then maybe he would've lived a better life.

Weiss: I see...

Y/N: Weiss I'm not saying your like him but with the way things are going you may end up at that same path.

Y/N: All I want to say to you is instead of being mad at what you don't have, cheerish what you do.

Y/N: Give Ruby another chance she already surprised us with her plan at the Initiation.

Y/N: So, I'm sure she'll surprise us again.

Weiss: I...think I understand what you mean.

Weiss: Thanks for the advice Y/N.

Y/N: (flustered) Y-Yeah...

She starts to take her leave before turning back at me.

Weiss: Y/N, could you tell me how tall you are?

Y/N: I'm 5'5, why do you ask?

Weiss: No reason.

She walks away as I stare at the sunset.

Katsune: (See that wasn't so bad)

Y/N: (I just did the only thing I could do)

Katsune: (You're too kind master)

I look down unsure of that's true before walking away and seeing more of Beacons campus before heading to the Dorm.

I make it to the door as I see Weiss walking out.

Y/N: Weiss...?

Weiss: Oh, Y/N I was actually about to go look for you.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Weiss: It's mothing! I-I just wanted to give you something as thanks for earlier.

She unlocks the door to the living room as I see a black futon in the corner.

Y/N: A futon?

Weiss: I wanted to give you something else to sleep on instead of the floor.

Y/N: It's really...for me?

Weiss: It's all yours.

Y/N: (Bowing trying to hide her blushing face) I'm really grateful! Is there anything I could do to pay you back?

Weiss: (flustered) I already told you that it was for earlier so you don't have to pay me back!

Weiss: Can you try it out?

Y/N: Yeah...

I lay on the futon feeling all kinds of softness and warmth.

Y/N: It's really nice...

Weiss: Then that's all I wanted to see.

Weiss: (walking out) I'm gonna go freshen up.

Y/N: Yeah...

She leaves as I lay on the futon grabbing a blanket as I feel my eyes slowly closing.

Y/N: (So warm~)

Chapter End

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