polaroid ; lrh

By tiptoesluke

251K 8.9K 4.9K

❝are you taking a picture of me?❞ More

pinky promise
little j
car radio
after midnight
yours and mine
new years
8128 miles
graduation party
hi hi is this thing on??


6.2K 241 62
By tiptoesluke


it was getting pretty late.

by this time there were teens passed out on the floor, and bathrooms full of puking people.

i wasn't quite used to this since i spent my weekends locked in my bedroom.

somehow I managed to stay slightly sober.

I mean I might have had a couple bottles, but I was perfectly capable of walking on my own two feet.

and the whole party i was on edge, just waiting for ashton to come up and talk to me.

to be honest I was terrified of running into him in any moment.

he was probably off fucking an underclassman because that's just the type of person he is.

I found a large marble staircase that led to the upstairs, where im sure there were bedrooms full of hookups.

I thought for sure I would find claudia upstairs somewhere. it had been two hours since she left me and all I've done was drank alone by the pool.

and if I find out that Claudia is upstairs with some low life trying to get in her pants,

believe me I will flip.

i just wanted to go home at this point and sleep the weekend away.

the hallway was dark and long, almost as if it was endless. there were doors everywhere, which were more than likely bathrooms or bedrooms or studies.

I was wondering around, using my phones flashlight for guidance.

at the end of the hallway I heard a faint scream over the thumping music. it was more of a moan than a scream.

it was continuous and it wouldn't stop, it was driving insane and creeping me out at the same time.

I reached the final door at the end of the hallway where some noise was coming from and some thumps.

as I got closer to the door I held my short breath in. my hands were slightly shaking and I grasped onto the doorknob.

please don't be claudia please don't be claudia please don't be claudia.

I counted for a few seconds, hesitating to see what was behind the door. I pushed inwards but just let it open a crack.

the room was dimly lit with candles on the bedside table. this must have been the master bedroom,

or even better, Ashton's bedroom.

the bed was a king bed. the biggest bed I have ever laid eyes on.

and on that bed were two teenagers.

both were still clothed, yet the girl who was on the bottom. I watched closely to try and make out who the two were, thinking that it could quite possibly be Claudia.

the boy on top tore his face away from the girl and removed his own shirt. and that's when I realized who it was.

my eyes widened and my mouth fell.

no other than Ashton himself and on the bottom a girl in my Chemistry class.

at this moment i came to a complete blank. i knew exactly who this girl was, but for some reason i remember her stating that she was dating a boy outside of our school.

and she most definitely was not dating ashton.

"olivia?" a faint voice shouted from behind me, echoing down the hall.

"shit." i mumbled under my breath and tried my best to shut the door as quietly as possible.

my clumsy trembling hands lightly shut the door as my heart pounded in my chest.

hopefully the two in the bedroom didn't hear the nameless boy shout her name.

i spun around my heels to find a shadow of the boy walking closer to me. it was so dark in the hallway that I couldn't quite make out who it was.

my breath was short and my heart was racing. I had no where to go from here.

and the boy got closer and closer.

"excuse me," his voice was deep as his words slurred, "i'm looking for my girlfriend-"

and there he was.

i shook my head in disbelief of who was standing in front of me. i began backing up closer to the door.

it was polaroid boy.

his dark eyes scanned me up and down, standing in place, not saying another word.

why on earth was he here?

he did not smile when he saw me. his face with emotionless and he had veins popping out of his neck. his fists were clenched and his eyes were dark and sleep deprived.

he has been drinking.

"jade." he spoke my name, alcohol in his breath.

how did he remember my name?

"h-hi." my back pressed up against the door, guarding it with my life.

luke stepped closer to me, "i need to find my girlfriend, Olivia." his words were slurred as he stumbled upon his two feet, "i fucked up bad this time."

he kept repeating himself over and over again.

he looked so torn apart.


that was her name. and that was who was in the room with Ashton, cheating on Luke.

his dark eyes burned in mine, "i need to go in that door." his body pressed up against mine, trying to fight his way in.

i placed a hand on his chest, "you can't." i spoke up, trying to snap him out of this drunk trance he was in.

my eyes frantically gazed up into his, hoping i could find a little hope in this boy.

but he would not meet my gaze.

i didn't know this boy at all. he was practically a stranger to me.

it was fate, luck, maybe even a coincidence that he was at this party. but I just knew that he couldn't go into that room.

if he walked into that room it would be bad. it just wouldn't be safe. mostly because this boy was completely wasted right in front of my eyes.

im guessing him and his girlfriend, who I had no idea about, got in a fight. and for whatever reason she is cheating on him.

and I need to protect him from seeing that. and it doesn't matter if i don't know him.

"hey," I grabbed onto both of his shoulders, "look at me."

he let out a groan, "why can't I go in there, I need to go in there." he was speaking incredibly loud making me nervous.

i looked up at his face and grabbed hold of his cheeks, bringing him closer to my face.

"you just cannot go in there, do you hear me?" I searched his pretty blue eyes for some sympathy.

his eyes finally met with mine and he nodded, not even sure what he was agreeing too.

"take my hand." I stuck out a hand for him to grab but he ending up resting his head on my shoulder.

I guided the drunk boy down the hallway and into a room that had a door open, which signaled that it was not in use.

the room was large and had dim lighting from the few lights. I knew there was a light switch somewhere but I did not have time to look for it.

I brought him over to the queen bed and laid him down, his head on the pillows and his legs spread out.

I walked around and to the other side of the bed. I sat myself next to him, but not too close. I made sure he was laying on his side if anything were to happen.

he brought his legs up to his chest and cradled himself in his own two arms. his skin pale and he was shaking some.

this boy had way too much to drink.

I wanted so bad to comfort him. I wanted to make this pain he was feeling to away.

but it wasn't my place to. I didn't know this boy. I knew little things. he's the boy in the record shop.

I hesitantly reached my shaking hand out and ran my hand up and down his long back. he didn't even flinch at my touch, he shut his eyes.

and when his eyes shut, that's when my heart stopped beating.

"luke?" I reassured if he was fine.

a smile creased on his lips, "im right here, jade."

the sound of his voice speaking my name was lovely. he had a nice voice.

I let out a sigh of relief and let my guard down a little bit. I leaned against the headboard of the bed and rested my back. my hand was still running up and down his trembling body.

"d-do you want to talk about it?" I softly spoke, not knowing if that was the right thing to say.

this was all so weird and wrong. I knew of nothing of this boy, not even his last name, but I wanted him to be safe.

his eyes slowly opened as he gazed upwards at me, "if I don't talk about it then I don't have to face reality."

"you can't hold it inside." I looked at him with support.

I watched as his lips quivered and he swallowed harshly. "not tonight."

I kept my hand rested on his back to show him that I was still here, "if not now, when?"

his lips went into a pout and his eyes fluttered closed again, "luke is sleepy." his drunk baby voice came into play.

I giggled down at the mysterious boy and shook my head. and I repeated myself in my head,

who was this boy?

"get some sleep, polaroid boy." I began to rub his back to get the shaking to stop.

it was silent for some moments as he tried to relax. I even shut my eyes for some time, just wanting to go home with my friend.

"jade?" he spoke my name once more in his oh-so lovely accent.

"hmm?" I mumbled back to him.

"will you be here when I wake up?"

I couldn't help but smile, "don't worry about it."

he chuckled, "I have a girlfriend, I don't want her to get the wrong impression of us." the drunk talk came again.

this made my smile fade, causing me stare blankly into the dark. this boy was so loyal. he still cared about that girl though she treated him awful.

"goodnight, luke." I repeated,

finally remembering his name.



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