The Apocalypse

By Ar040394

777K 37.5K 25.3K

What happens after the zombie apocalypse begins? survivors stick together and fend for themselves right, howe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
~Not an Update~
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Epilogue- Master plan
its me again
142k + sumn else

Chapter 48 -Final

11.1K 574 408
By Ar040394

The moment the vehicles came into view Scott rushed out and picked Ruth up, he hovered by her, tending the best he could to whatever injuries she sustained. The two of them lingered by the edge of the group, absorbed in their own little converstation, Jungkook was a little far off, taking care of whatever stray zombies that approached us and the rest of us were still deciding on seating and where we should place the body.

"I'll be back," I absentmindedly told them and made my way to Ruth and Scott.

"Hey Scott, do you think I'll be able to steal her for a moment,"

He looked at her, she nodded and then he did "Sure ...but try anything and I'll be the one snapping you in half,"

"Sure, sure," I brushed him off.

Scott left us and took my place with the other guys.

"Look, Ruth I apologise for doubting you,"

"Don't mention it," she awkwardly laughed, scratching the side of her head "I would have been suspicious of me too,"

"Thanks for ...everything you did for us today. Friends?" I held my hand out but she ignored it entirely and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Friends." She hummed.

She broke the hug and we rejoined the group that now included Jungkook as well.


I still clung onto him in the front of the pick-up truck even after he fell asleep against the window.

After the whole near-death scare I'm not letting go, just nope.

Sean drove in silence, there was no one else in the vehicle but us ...and a body bag on the backseat.

"You still think I tried killing you?"

I shrugged, inching away from him.

I'm never using rock-paper-scissors to decide seating again.

"you really like him don't you, you even cried,"

Oh god, here we go, the uncomfortable small talk.

"I cry when happy," I dryly replied.

"You rarely did before,"

"There wasn't much to be happy about,"

Things grew quiet until he decided to speak again.

"Anyhow, I'm happy for you and Junglebook,"

My eyes scanned him, there was no sass or sarcasm in his words and he looked genuine ...I suppose.

"Jungkook." I corrected him, attempting to atleast sound a little less repulsed by Sean.

He hummed in response and silence crept back in and stayed there throughout the rest of the car ride.

And that was pretty much it, life continued on, the with the absence of Clarissa the addition of 7 new faces.

-4 months later-

"Noo noo noo Namjoon! Did you break another one of the little toy guns I gave you for practice,"

He looked at the grey and orange plastic bits in his hand and back up to me with a half-smile.

"How angry would you be if I did?"

"Thats the fourth one this week and its only Tuesday!" I threw my hands up in exasperation.

4 months, its been 4 months since all the drama died down but training them and teaching them English (with Namjoons help) has probably aged me 4 years.

"(Y/n)-ah?" Jimins voice chimes in "do I do it like this?" He asks flailing the knives about in one hand and using his other to throw them at the dummy.

"Jimin DON'T twirl them in your fingers like that, it's not safe,"

Before I could go over and take the knives away from his tiny hands the sound of bodies falling to the ground and various swear words echoing through the training field caused me to whirl in the other direction.

At the other end Jin and Tae were really going at each other, rolling around, throttling and thrashing about.

Oh no.

I jumped over Yoongi who was taking a nap on the grass and made my way to the other two.

"Guys use your words,"

"Were just playing (y/n)," Taehyung replied and gave me a boxy smile as he essentially straddled Jins ribacage. Jin used that fraction of a second to go for his younger members throat and switch the position so that now he had the upperhand.

"Yea don't worry about us," Jin assured me this time before the two went at it again.


Hoseok was out under the morning sun, practicing with nun-chucks, we found a pair when we raided a halloween costume shop a few days ago and he fell in love with them.

My eyes search around for the 7th member, no sign of him. Hm, he must still be sleeping ....or maybe something happened to him.

No, no. Nothing could have happened I'm just paranoid after the whole thinking he had his face eaten off incident.

"Namjoon I'm going to go wake Jungkook up and bring him here, he's late,"

He looks up from trying to smoosh two pieces of the broken gun together and nods.

I enter my house just as Sean and my uncle were about to exit.

"Hey," Sean timidly waved.

"Hey, Sean,"

Things between us are still extremely awkward but I guess ...I don't hate him that much. With the absence of Clarissa and Alice to round the gang up things in terms of mending the friendship between us was moving at a snails pace ...but atleast it was moving.

"Sooo, did you hear Ruth and Scott are getting married!" My uncle cheered, while clapping his own hands to lift the mood.

"Oh uhm ..well congrats to them," I quickly mumbled, trying to squeeze past.

Of course I was happy for the two, but right now my priority was making sure Jungkook was okay. He's hardly ever late for anything.

"Soooo, whens your wedding?" My uncle hollered.

I stopped dead in my tracks, choking on my own saliva. He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend, I doubt theres going to be a wedding anytime soon.

"I'll get married after you do," I finger gunned my perpetually single uncle "Nice talking to you, gotta go,"


I knock on his bedroom door. He still slept with his other members... excluding the few sleepovers he's had in my room.

No response, I enter anyway and find a big lump curled up in blankets on the second bed.

"Gguk," I softly called out.

Theres a slight annoyed hum.

I sat on the edge of the bed, peeling the blanket off his face.

"Gguk, it's morning now,"

"No," he mumbles, eyes still closed and his now long hair splayed out all over his face.

I shook his shoulders and even bounced on the side of his bed to further annoy him "Gguk, you have a supply run later. You need to wake up,"

Another annoyed hum escaped from him and an eye slowly peeled open.

Just as I thought I was making progress he flopped over onto his other side and buried himself in blankets again.

Thats it. I tried being nice.

I rip the blankets off him, his body lightly shivered from the sudden slap of cold air. His head whipped back, an innocent little pout and big doe eyes on full display.

Nuh-uh, he knows my weaknesses. Im not falling victim to it today.

"Get your butt out of this bed or else," I threathened, throwing the blanket off and proudly kneeling over him.

In an instant things were the other way around. My back now hit the bed, and he hovered over me, noses touching.

"Or else?" He challenged. The innocence vanished, his teeth now played with his lip. That combined with the messy disheveled hair will be the death of me.

Jimin pov:

Of course instead of continuing the training like (y/n) would have hoped for instead we all secretly followed her from behind.

Gguk said he planned to ask her soon, but he hasn't yet and no one wants to miss the moment.

Now, everyone had their ears pressed against Jungkooks room door, all listening in.

"You don't think Gguk ...did it do you?" Taehyung skeptically asks to which earned some annoyed shushes from the hyungs.

"I give them my full blessings," Hoseok hyung whispered.

"I don't care what they do or didn't do, it just better not be on my bed or Gguk will sleep in the toilet bowl tonight," Jin hyung whispered back.

"I dont think they did it," Namjoon hyungs eyes narrow as he further pressed his cupped ear against the wall.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Theres no noise." He deadpanned.

...of course he would know.

Your POV:

A smirk spread across his face.

"I'll call Jin?" I mindlessly guessed, my brain couldn't function anymore.

His head leaned down, lips quickly pressed against mine before he retracted "ddaeng,"

"I'll hit you?"

Once again his lips lightly pecked mine and he shook his head. I whined slightly, my head lifting itself off the bed to follow his lips but he pulled further away, shaking his head.

"Why not? I want my morning kisses," I complained.

"I have something to ask you first,"

I urged him to continue with my eyes.

"Now that we understand each other better-er," he nervously looked to the door and then at me "Would you officially be mine?"

Everything else melted away my lips grew numb.

"Yes." My reply came out barely audible.

Lips came crashing onto mine.

"Yes," I mumbled into the kiss, he flipped us over, breaking away once to get our shirts off. His hands went to my back, fingers working to free the clasp of-


The door slammed open and 6 men tumbled in, on top of one another.

Jungkook stopped at once, sitting up to hide my shirtless self with his body.

His head turned behind to face them, while his body never budged, protectively holding me out of sight.

"Hyungs?" He almost seethed, his jaw clenched slightly.

Like ...I would be mad but honestly angry Jungkook is ...I mean as long as its not me he's angry at ...he's a whole damn meal.

"Congra-chu-lation Ggukie," Jimin nervously chuckled.

"Yea, we hope you have a wonderful time together as a couple," Namjoon added and they all nodded along.

"A wonderful time not on my bed!" Jin yelled from the back of the crowd.

"Hyungs, leave please," Jungkook frustratedly sighed, rolling his shoulders back.

The 6 men pick themselves up and off the floor and in a chaotic flurry left the room, atleast being nice enough to shut the door.


"Now, where were we?"

(The end)

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