Living In Harmony - Seaycee O...

بواسطة LuvSeaycee

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Oneshot book of Sean Lew and Kaycee Rice with stories that are based off of songs. المزيد

Be Alright (Lyric Inspired)
Double Date

A Different Way (Lyric Inspired)

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بواسطة LuvSeaycee

A/N - Part two of a oneshot inspired by the song A Different Way by Lauv. (Lyrics in italics)

A Week Later

Today is Amelia and I's two year anniversary and I am nervous yet excited at the same time. I got a reservation at this really nice restaurant, I hope she likes it. She told me a couple days prior that I wouldn't need to pick her up so after I got ready, I went to the restaurant.

Since it's our two year anniversary, I got her a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers, sunflowers, and in the middle, a heartfelt note. I put a lot of time and effort into writing the note and getting the reservation so I really hope she likes it.

I arrived at the restaurant and I didn't expect it to be this fancy. Of course I have seen pictures and reviews but I never actually expected it to look so elegant. I walked inside and looked around. I look at the dining area to see many tables filled with people in nice suits and dresses laughing and enjoying their food, waiters swiftly making their way around the restaurant to attend to the next table, and a grand chandelier with many large crystals.

After observing everything around me, I surprisingly couldn't find Amelia. Eventually, I was greeted by the receptionist. "Name for the reservation?"

"Sean Lew," I reply.

"Table for two?" they asked partially confused, probably because I wasn't with anyone.

"Yes. My girlfriend is just running a bit late."

"Okay, follow me." They led me to a table then I had a seat and set the flowers off to the side.

A couple minutes later, the waiter shows up. "Hello, I will be your waiter for the night," they smile. "Would you like anything to drink?" They ask as they pour water into the glasses on the table.

"May I have some tea?"

"Of course." The waiter leaves to get my drink and I start to wonder about Amelia. She is normally never late to things like this, I guess she may be taking her time to get ready.

A few minutes later, the waiter arrives with my tea. "I'm sorry but if you don't mind me asking, what is the occasion?" the waiter curiously asked, setting down my tea.

"It is me and my girlfriend's two year anniversary and I wanted to make it special," I smile.

"Glad that we get to be a part of this special celebration," the waiter congratulates happily. "She must be a very lucky girl. This restaurant is the best in town. It's difficult to get a reservation so I'm glad that you got one."

"Yeah," I say happily. "I had to get this reservation a month ago because I wanted this moment to be perfect."

"I am delighted. Now would you like to wait for your girlfriend or would you like to order now?"

"I will just wait until my girlfriend gets here, thank you."

"Okay, call me over when you need me." I smile and nod as they walk away.

After waiting for a bit, I sent Amelia a text about dinner. An hour later I get a response.

Sorry I left you waiting for so long but I can't make it
I am so sorry
Can you come over tomorrow morning?
I need to talk to you

See you tomorrow
Love you

After that I never got a response. I was slightly upset because of how long it took me to plan this but now, I don't know what to do. The waiter must have seen the look on my face because they went to my table and asked, "is your girlfriend coming anytime soon?"

"No," I say disappointed.

"Don't let this bring you down," they reassure me. "I know how hard it is to get a reservation here so to be honest, I would recommend asking someone else to join you for this dinner."

"That's a good idea. Thank you so much."

"No problem, just call me when you need me."


Right after they left, I immediately knew who I could invite for this dinner.

Fifteen minutes later, I see the girl who would always be there for me. I see her walking towards my table. She is wearing one of her beautiful dresses but to be honest, she looks amazing in any dress she wears. Her natural curls frame her face and she has her bright smile that lights up the room.

"Hey Kayc!" I say happily as I stand up and hug her. "Sorry for calling you super late but thank you for coming."

"Of course, Shamu!" Kaycee said cheerfully, sitting across from me. "Thanks for the dinner!"

"No problem. Let's eat! Oh wait," we both laugh.

The Next Day

I went to Amelia's house the next afternoon with the sunflowers and note I was supposed to give her yesterday. I knock on her front door, with the flowers in hand, and she opens the door. I notice a frown on her face.

"Hey Sean," she greets me as she lets me in and guides me to her living room.

"Hey, these are the flowers and note I wanted to give you yesterday," I say as I hand her the sunflowers. She smiles wistfully and puts the flowers on the coffee table nearby.

"Yesterday you wanted to talk, is something wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Um, kind of," she replies anxiously as she sits on the couch.

I sit next to her and look at her, "you can tell me anything."

"Sean," she pauses looking to the floor, "we need to break up." I am in complete shock.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" I question. "I can be better, I promise."

She looks me in the eye. "No, you are great but," she glances in a different direction. "I know there is a certain person in your life that you prioritize over me. I know you can't change that because that is who you are."

"Who is it? Please tell me," I hold her hand and my eyes start to water. "I love you so much, just give me another chance, I can change." I squeeze her hand and she looks at me.

"I know you Lew," she looks at me as she rubs the back of my hand with her thumb. "You can say you will change but I know you will always choose her over me."

"I promise, I will change for you, just tell me who it is."

"I know you know who it is," she says as if it's the most obvious thing ever. "Describe Kaycee for me." I am slightly taken back by the mention of Kaycee.

"Well, she is just amazing." I look off into the distance, thinking of Kaycee. "She is so beautiful and she doesn't even know it." I smile at the thought of her. "She cares a lot about others, so much that she worries too much so I always try to calm her down. She is always there to take care of me whenever I am in need. She is one of the most kindhearted people I have ever met, there are just not enough words to describe how amazing Kaycee is."

"Okay," Amelia says and the smile on my face quickly fades remembering the situation. "I made my decision," Amelia declares. "I've seen how you treat her. Just last week, on the double date I saw how, on many occasions, you put her first. You were with her before the double date, you stayed with her the whole time Oliver left, you even caught her when she fell after the date, and so many more little things. You have always cared about her and I understand why. You love her," she said in an accepting way. "You should be with Kaycee."

I start to think about everything she told me. Yeah, Kaycee is beautiful, kindhearted, and so caring and can always somehow make me smile, even when I'm upset. I know I always have and always will care about her but do I really love her?

I realized that I got stuck in my head and got back to reality and looked at Amelia. "J-Just, before you make up your mind, read the note," I ask.

She reads the note and nods her head. "I'm sorry Sean but I know there is someone better for you. Don't worry, I will find someone that will love me the same as you love her," she smiles.

She gets up and picks up the flowers I gave her moments ago. "Did you think these were my favorite flowers?" she asks curiously looking at the flowers.

"Yeah, they're sunflowers. Are they not your favorite?" I say pointing to the flowers. "Didn't you tell me at the park while we were waiting in the rain?"

"That was Kaycee." I look to the floor sadly. "I'm sorry but I know it is for the best. I know you will be happier with her." She hands me the sunflowers.

"I'm sorry I wasn't happier with you."

"It's alright, I'll find someone someday."


I got home from Amelia's house and all of a sudden everything really hit me all at once. I am overcome with an emotion I can't really describe and I just let the tears stream down my face. I honestly don't know why I'm crying but it just feels right. Like, yeah I just broke up with Amelia but also do I really love Kaycee? If I do, I'm already too late. She's with Oliver now and I don't want to let my feelings affect them so I will just keep this to myself until the time's right.

I continue to think to myself until I hear my phone buzz. I pick up my phone to see that I am getting a call. I wipe my tears, clear my throat then answer. "Hello?"

"Hey Sean," I hear Kaycee's voice on the other side of the line. "Are you okay?"

"Yea-yeah, I'm fine," I lie. "What's up?"

"I am coming over."

"No, I'm fine, you don't ha-" she ends the call.

Kaycee Pov

I arrived at Sean's house. When I called him earlier, I could tell that he wasn't feeling like himself. I knew he would need me so I went over to his house. I knocked on the Lew's front door and Miya let me in and I went up the stairs into Sean's room. I approach his bedroom door and slowly walk in. When I entered the room, I saw Sean laying on his bed with his back facing the door.

"Hey Sean," I say quietly as I slowly walk up to his bed. "I know something is wrong. Please talk to me whenever you're ready." I sit on the side of his bed and rub his shoulder as I wait for him to respond.

A couple of minutes pass then I hear Sean take a deep breath and he sits up on his bed. I saw the red in his eyes, it looked like he was crying.

"Amelia broke up with me," his voice cracked. I sat there surprised. "I never wanted her to leave," he whispered as tears started to stream out of his eyes and I looked at him in concern.

I sit next to him, wrap my arms around him and he leans into my arms putting his head into my chest. I put an arm around his head and rested my head on his.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. Just remember I will always be here," I say gently as I continue to comfort him.

"Kaycee?" Sean softly calls out to me. "Please, don't leave me," he begs as another tear slips out his eye.

"Could you believe I could be different?" I ask.

Sean continues to bury his head into my chest, "I know you are different. I'm just scared."

"I'll be the difference," I say as I lift his chin to look at me. "And I understand your hesitation. We are best friends, it's no surprise that I will never leave you." I wiped the tears that escaped his eyes. "And when you're feeling alone, I'll be right here." He relaxes on my shoulder and his tears slowly come to a stop. "Even if we are on opposite sides of the world or you don't even want to talk to me, I will always be here for you." I hold Sean tighter and his breathing starts to calm down.

Sean and I continue to sit and stare out into space for a bit, holding him in my arms. I look around his room and see a bouquet of sunflowers. I have always loved sunflowers. I think I saw the same bouquet at dinner yesterday, I guess they're Amelia's favorite too.

Amelia was so lucky that Sean cares about her so much. I wish someone cared that much about me. Oliver hasn't really been there for me, we honestly don't talk as much as we used to. We used to hang out almost everyday then we slowly started hanging out less because he said he was busy. I'm glad I have Sean around. I just wish Oliver cared about me as much as Sean does. Sean always makes time to hang out with me. He gives me this heartwarming feeling on the inside, it feels familiar but stronger and it makes me happy.

"What if I never find someone that will be the one?" Sean says out of the blue.

"You will find someone, I promise," I reassure him. "If you ever need me, I will come running when you call my name. It will probably take some time for you to let yourself out there again but even a broken heart can beat again. Forget about the one who caused you pain." I rub his shoulder then I whisper so he doesn't hear, "I swear I'll love you in a different way."

"Thank you Kaycee." Sean looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm always going to be here for you."

Then we hear Miya call out, "Sean! Don't forget you need to switch out that shirt you got, today!"

"Okay mom! Thanks for the reminder!" Sean yelled back. "You want to go to the mall with me?" he asks me.

"Of course, but I also need to buy you ice cream."


"So you can feel better and I want ice cream." We both laughed.

"Okay, let's go."

Sean pov

We arrive at the mall and go to a store to exchange my shirt. Kaycee and I try to find the shirt and while looking around, Kaycee calls out to me, "Sean!" I turn and look in her direction. "How does this look?" she says as she holds a dress in front of her, pretending to model the dress. I laugh at her modeling faces then she joins me in laughter.

"You look amazing," I compliment her and she blushes. "You can get it if you want." I suggest.

She looks through her bag and takes out her wallet revealing a few dollar bills. She frowns as she says, "I only have enough money to get ice cream."

"You don't have to buy me ice cream Kayc."

"Yes, I do. It's okay I'll put it back. I might be able to get it next time." I see a slightly sad look in her eyes. She walked towards where she got the dress and I realized that it was the last of that dress.

"Here, give me the dress," she hands me the dress confused and I go to the cashier as she follows behind me. I hand the cashier the dress and they give me the total. I pull out my wallet to see that I don't have enough money to pay for it. I look at the receipt for the shirt I was supposed to exchange and see it's enough to pay for the dress. So, I returned my shirt to buy the dress.

When the cashier is finishing the order and hands me the dress, Kaycee asks me, "what about your shirt? You really didn't need to pay for my dress, I can just buy it some other time."

"It's okay, Kayc. You are more important than that shirt, plus you will look great in that dress."

She covers her face with her hair as she blushes. "Thanks Shamu."

I smile as I move the hair out of her face, pull it behind her ear and lift up her chin. "No problem."

She relaxes a bit then says excitedly, "now let me get you some ice cream."

We walk out of the store and start to walk to the food court. There weren't that many people but when we arrived, I saw Oliver sitting with another girl. I look closely to see that Oliver and the girl start to kiss. Immediately, I freeze in place and blurt out, "Uh, Kaycee, I forgot I needed to get something from somewhere," and started to walk in the opposite direction.

"Can we just take a quick break," she says as she pulls my arm causing me to stop walking and she turns around to look at me. "I'm kind of tired of walking. Let me buy you ice cream then we can sit down and rest then we can go wherever you need to go, okay?"


We start walking to the ice cream shop and I make sure Kaycee doesn't see Oliver because she has such a beautiful and bright smile today and I don't want to see her get hurt. We ordered our ice cream and we got it in cups because we are the messiest people. After Kaycee pays, she starts to walk in the direction of Oliver so I quickly ran up in front of her then said, "why don't we sit over here," I say pointing to a table in the opposite direction.

She looked at me confused. "It's just a table, why are you being so weird?" She starts to try and walk past me but I shift my body to block her view of what is happening behind me.

Kaycee quickly says, "Sean, your ice cream is dripping," as she points to my ice cream.

I then look at my ice cream to try and stop it from dripping . "What are you talking about, nothing is dripping?" I asked then I realized she tricked me. I quickly looked up at her and tried to distract her again but it was too late.

I see her eyes water as she angrily rushes past me, towards Oliver and I follow behind her. "Oliver! What are you doing!" Kaycee yells at Oliver.

Oliver and the other girl break apart and Oliver responds, "it's not what it looks like. I-It's jus-"

"It looks like you're cheating on me with another girl! Why did you do this?! You are such a jerk!" Kaycee shouts. I walked up behind her and tried to calm her down by putting a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly, Oliver got really angry. "How long have you been cheating on me?!" Kaycee yells.

"Your acting as if nothing is going on between the two of you!" Oliver yells back as he points to Kaycee and I.

"You didn't answer my question! How long?!" Kaycee questions.

Oliver gives out a defeated sigh, "4 months."

"4 months! Is that why you keep leaving without giving me a reason?!"

"You treat this as if you aren't doing the same things to me!" He shouts back. "I have seen Sean with you everywhere I am not! When I was picking you up for the double date and when I was leaving the movie theater. I even saw you two leaving that fancy restaurant yesterday. I know you guys went on a date and how could you, Sean?! Poor Amelia must be heartbroken." My heart twists hearing Amelia's name. "I can see the love you have always had for Kaycee and you can't lie to me, it is so obvious how you always put her first."

"Sean, is that true?" Kaycee asks me.

"Of course it's true Kaycee." Oliver quickly answers. I look at her and see her cheeks covered in tears. "You don't see the way he treats you. He is alwa-"

"Kaycee, let's just get away from him." I interrupt as I start to lead her away from Oliver. I guide her to a seat away from Oliver and whoever that other girl is. We sit down and start to eat our already melted ice cream.

"I know that love is so unforgiving," I say. "You've been a victim too many times and I'll be the friend, hold you together. You know how you said you will be the difference in my life. Well I want you to know, I'll be forever, will you be mine?"

"Always," she answers with a soft smile. I watch Kaycee turn her attention to Oliver and his girl talking and smiling, acting as if nothing happened. I see her eyes start to water as she mindlessly pushes whatever is left of her ice cream around in its cup.

"Hey, Kaycee, look at me." She takes one last glance at Oliver then looks at me.

"Yeah," she says as a tear falls out of her eye.

I lift up my hand to cup her cheek and wipe the tear off her face. She closes her eyes as she relaxes into my hand. "You know," Kaycee catches my attention. "If you weren't here, I would feel so alone," she lets out a little laugh.

"And when you are feeling alone, I'll be right here, so breathe easy, okay? I am here. Now, you want the rest of your ice cream, it's basically milk at this point." She giggles and I smile.

"Just one more bite," she says as she takes her last bite and hands me the cup. I got a napkin and wiped a bit of ice cream that went on her face and she smiled.

"I'll buy you ice cream next time. I'll be right back."

I get up to throw away our ice cream in a nearby trash can. After I throw it out, I look at Kaycee and see her looking over at Oliver with his arm around the other girl as they leave the food court. I look at her face and see the sad look in her eyes as her eyes start to water.

"Sean," Kaycee quietly calls out to me. I quickly ran over to her.

I cup her face with both of my hands so she looks me in the eye. "Like you said to me, 'Even a broken heart can beat again. Forget about the one who caused you pain. I swear I'll love you in a different way."

"I know this could have happened but I never a-actually expected this to h-happen. I-It all h-happened so fast, I j-just, sorry." She stops to take a breath as she continues to cry.

"Hey, hey, hey. I swear I'll love you in a different way." I reassure her.

After she calms down, she asks, "was what Oliver said true? The part about you liking me?"

"I-I mean," I start to ramble, "I didn't realize it but I am sorry because I realized it now and I didn't think it would happen and-"

"Hey, hey, hey, I swear I'll love you in a different way."

A/N - If you couldn't already tell, I like interpreting the lyrics in a different way than originally intended but I hope you liked it! Also, I occasionally ask some questions and post some polls on my Instagram involving these stories so you can check me out if you want (LuvSeaycee). That's all for now, luv ya 💖


Word Count: 3949

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