Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

420K 16.3K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 42: Retribution

3.9K 163 180
By FreshRawRot

AN: Chapter gonna be lit when the note is up here. Get ready for some action but don't get too thrilled. >:)


Two people inside the throne room, one on the ground while the other stands above. The lonely princess sitting in her room, concern for her only friend while she reads the poems. The complicated pair discussing the matters of their future. A nobleman dealing with political affairs. And the wizard, still on the journey home only to see one person.

Endlessly wandering around in the empty palace, Jennette walks around with a blank mind and a long face. She had thought hard and long about what Anastaisa's response to her confession. Loving a person that she would never get in the end, she was too caught up in her own fantasy land. She forgot that she was living in reality, a world where not all dreams come true and cruelty is a thing. The princess's life was ruined when she found out her true place and so she had to accept it.


The pounding on the wooden door startles Athanasia, making her spill drops of her tea onto the sheets of paper laid out on the table. She calms her beating heart while letting out an exhale. She organized the papers while cleaning up and looked at the door.

"Who is it?" She wipes the table with a napkin.
"... Princess" A familiar voice muffled through the door and Athanasia froze in place. "It's me. Jennette" She mumbles in a strained tone. "Can we talk?"

Athanasia hesitates to answer the lonely woman waiting outside her door. The bright princess loved by the whole continent or so how the story is supposed to be is now dejected and gloomy who lost most of her supporters, even her father.

"Of course. Come in" Athanasia throws the papers into the bin as Jennette walks in with a smile to hide her bitter feelings. Athanasia notices her complexity and her eyes move up and down, scanning her body. Jennette had certainly spent some time grieving but she managed to stay organized and clean considering the way she was dressed. But makeup didn't cover her eye bags well enough moreover her sad expression. Athanasia knew it was serious.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked the brunette that stood still with her head down. "Do you need some help?"

"I actually want to talk about something" Jennette fidgets with her fingers and Athanasia places her hands on her shoulders.

"Sure, what is it?" The blonde was ready to listen to the pitiful princess. She honestly felt bad for her and could never hurt her because after all, they were best friends in the past before.

"... Happy Birthday" She holds up a gold chain necklace with small jewels on it. Athanasia stares at it with her eyebrows raised as she steps backward. It was the same necklace that she gave to her a long time ago. "Sorry, I just wanted to give this back"

"... What?" She lifts her chin and faces her in shock. "... Give... Back?"

Jennette's mouth curved into a hard smile as her eyes drooped with sorrow. They stared at each other directly in the eyes. Then she gets nostalgia just staring into her familiar eyes that had a calming aura.

She extends her arms out and wraps her arm around Athanasia which catches her by surprise as she pulls her into a tight hug. Jennette continues to hug her in relief and warmth while Athanasia stands in confusion.

"I'm sorry for realizing it late" Jennette pulls away and grins at her with her eyes wrinkling. "The person I love all this time wasn't Anastaisa... It was you"

"... I..." Athanasia was speechless.

"I thought that I hated you for stealing Anastasia away from me but as it turns out she wasn't mine this whole time. I couldn't hate you at all, I was just envious" Jennette sheds bits of tear and Athanasia gapes at her.

"You found out..."

"Yes, I did" She hugs her again. She said and pressed her eyes against her shoulders. "We're family" She whispered. "Finally"

"..." Athanasia wrapped her arms around Jennette and patted her back. She frowned as Jennette whimpers sadly at the truth in pain. "It's ok to cry"

"... Sniff" Jennette let out a quiet bawl while tightening her grip. "I'm sorry" She sobbed onto her shoulders.

This moment was the deepest despair that flooded Jennette's eyes.


Jennette finally lets out her last sad emotion as she recovers from the heartbreak and painful truth. She was a bit embarrassed by the fact she was in love with her cousin and became disgusted with herself. However, Athanasia helped her through the trauma and provided support while Jennette takes some time to think. The brunette looks at the relaxed blonde sipping her tea in peace as the breeze blows onto their faces. She knew she could never be compared to her.

"So when and how did you find out?" Athanasia asked Jennette out of curiosity especially when she had a clone to fool people.

"Well when I met 'Anastasia', I always thought it was strange about how I don't feel the same towards her since she is an entirely different person. But then when I met real you for the first time, you had a familiar demeanor and aura that gave me nostalgia." Jennette states. "I constantly lied to myself that you were an enemy and I love Anastasia but then I finally realized everything when I got rejected by Anastaisa" She laughs awkwardly while scratching the side of her head. "Sorry in advance but I begin to insult you and curse at you secretly in my room while crying"

"I see." Athanasia nods with her eyes widened. "At least you moved on"

"Yeah and then it hit me. It turns out that you were Anastasia, well the one that I know and not the other person," Jennette admits. "Even when you behave differently, I was able to find out only because I was madly in love with you and also I snuck into your palace once. I overheard your conversation. Ah! Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable!"

"No, it's ok. You didn't know and it's my fault for flirting with you. I didn't mean to seduce you earlier"

"Be careful because you're charming everyone and even some noblewomen are your admirers" She warned and Athanasia awkwardly grinned.

"A-Ah! Is that so?" She asked and Jennette nodded. "Well I'll be sure to keep that in mind"

Then it gets quiet and Athanasia picks up the teacup to her mouth. Jennette squints her eyes and stares at her closely while Athanasia sips her tea.

"What about your boyfriend?" She blurts out all of a sudden.

"Pff!" Athanasia chokes on her tea and startles Jennette. "Cough. What?"

"... Erm, Lucas?" She tilts her head and Athanasia flinches. "Are you not together?"

"..." Athanasia's expression darkens as the memories of him replays inside her head. She forgot about him due to the crisis. "... It's complicated"

"What do you mean?" Jennette tilts her head and Athanasia looks away, not wanting to answer. The message was sent over to her and she nodded her head in understanding. "Ok..."

"Ahem! How about you and Ijekiel? Are you guys back together?"

"No no!" Jennette shakes her head while waving her hands. "Our engagement got canceled because of me and we don't like each other that way"

"Oh, I see" Athanasia nods and Jennette continues to blabber her mouth.

"You know after I got rid of the engagement. I tried to manipulate you by making you go into your weakest state and stay with me- Ack! Sorry!" Jennette covers her mouth with a blue face and Athanasia gawks at her in disbelief. "That was when I was head over heels for you and I lied about Lucas! But anyways that's in the past and all is over!" She mumbles. "Sorry again!" She sweats bullets and trembles in anxiety.

"It's ok. That's in the past and you won't do something similar right?"

"Correct!" Jennette chuckles and taps her foot against the ground at a rapid pace. The sound of the tapping could be heard and attracts Athanasia's attention.

"... Is there anything else you would like to talk about, Jennette?"

Jennette paused and then opened her mouth as her eyes dim glumly. "I do" She frowned sadly and took a deep breath. "Once you become Empress, I wish to leave this country"

"Huh?" Athanasia's jaw dropped at her request, shocked that she wanted to leave the palace where she lived in luxury. "You want to be exiled?"

"That works too," Jennette nods. "All my life growing up, I longed for the love of a family and how I'm told that I'll take over the throne. The princess's life belongs to me and soon I'll be happy or so that's what they told me" Her mouth curves up as she remembers the past growing up as a pawn. "I want a new life in a new place. It turns out I'm not suited to be princess let alone Empress in comparison to you"

"What are you talking about?"

"Athanasia, you're more fit to rule the empire than I am. You're born to rule" Jennette praises her. "I know nothing about politics nor ruling a country! I always play around in the palace and spend less time in my studies." She puts on a strict face and looks at her directly in the eyes that gave Athanasia goosebumps. "So don't deny your rightful place. You're meant for the throne from the very beginning and even I know that"

Athanasia frowns and grips onto her teacup tight. The crown was the only thing in her mind as she thought hard about it. Everyone around her has always told her that she's the rightful heir, even her mother. However, the only person who refused to accept it is Athanasia herself.

"... We'll see"

'...' She sips her tea in peace.



~ Anastasia POV ~

Is this my life right now?

Kneeling in front of a man that she despises? Giving in to his commands only for her safety? Yes, that is my life.

I'm nothing more than a slave made from the mere magic by my own master.

"Are you done humming?" He asked cruelly to the tone of my hum.

I shook my head. "Nope!~" I grinned widely even though I shouldn't be.

This feeling of sadness inside my empty heart. My emotions are nothing more than feelings that will be thrown away later. This smile on my face is fake like me. I'm not human. I'm just a soulless body just doing her job with no desires whatsoever.

But why do I feel bad about this?

"... I only wish for you to live" I mumble the lyrics under my breath. "In only earnest happiness"

The melody plays inside my head as I continue to sing the song that she sang once. The scene reminisces inside my head with great pleasure, imagining her like an angel sent from the heavens and reaching out to me. Ah, yes. She is my first love. The feeling love, the most complicated one to get and yet she made that possible for me. And so that is my torment. Loving someone who will never love you back or having no love at all.

"You know she'll never accept you" I stared at him with a cold smile and he gazed at me, not caring nor moving an inch. "I already know what you plan to do"

"Hm. You're fast" What a compliment from him. I feel so honored for some reason.

"Of course, everyone has told me that I'm a quick learner and very flexible"

"Sigh. Well, what do you want to say?" He stands up and gets prepared for the special event.

"Out of all days, it has to be her birthday" I let my head down to the ground. "I never wish for her sadness"

"She'll get over it, after all, she can replace you"

That statement stung my heart and it hurt me. It actually did. I was aware of that fact but I just left it in the back of my head, forgetting that it exists. My heart bears the pain as it shatters into pieces. Though I still smiled because today is her birthday.

"Your Majesty, uncle, bastard, Claude" I lifted my chin to see him just standing a couple of feet away from me in astonishment. "She will call you anything but father is never because you weren't one from the start and you still aren't" I insulted him and his aura gets more intense and menacing as I still sit on the ground like a broken doll.

I am a doll that's broken and what do most people do?

Throw it away because it's easier than fixing.

"Sigh. Any last words?"

"As long as she's happy, I don't care" I closed my eyes to prepare for my death. "But beware, not everything will go your way"


I heard the sword being lifted up into the air and it made me shudder.

"Please make it painless" I inhaled and held my breath.

"Die, Anastasia" He said and light of flash appeared in my eyes that made me flinch.


Bang Tink

The sound of a sword bouncing off to the side and onto the floor echos inside the room. At the same time, a strange noise like a thick glass breaks apart along with the weird breezily whistle. I opened my eyes to see tears dripping onto the floor with magical dust raining from the inside. The warm liquid falling onto the red carpet as it absorbs the clear tears. The same eyes that gave me joy and life are now filled with depression and anguish staring at me. I was stunned at the visual sight right in front of me. Bewildered and puzzled, my body still glued to the ground, and my head bent back. I'm trembling in shock. This is too much for me to comprehend.

"Athanasia?" I called out to her.

Why is she crying?

"Anastasia" She frowns sadly and trembles in agony.

Then in one swift turn, she rotated herself around and extended her arm out to point at the man. A strike of lightning crackles out of her fingers as it hurls to him. He blocks it and moves back, creating a greater distance between us. Athanasia glares at him while protecting me.

Wait, this shouldn't be happening.

"Master!" I stood up and grabbed her back.

"Stay back, Anastasia!"

"But I should be protecting you!" I exclaimed while tugging onto her shoulders. "Your mana is not stable"

"I don't care" She looks at me menacingly with murderous eyes. "I won't let him go after what he just did" Her mana was swarming around as it flowed out of her body.

Her blue jeweled eyes glowing with fire and anger. The atmosphere is getting heavy and gloomy.

"So was my father's death not enough for you?!" She asked in frustration and the tears evaporated.

Our surroundings get dangerous the more she lets her emotion go out of control.

"How long will you torture me for? Was my mother's death also not enough?" She opens her palms while shaking and then closes them into a tight fist while leaning her face against them. "The barrier is gone now but why her?!"

He stood silently and shut his mouth while staring at her with heartless eyes.

"... It's because of her mana isn't it?" Sparks cover her body, forbidding me from touching her. I stumbled backward to avoid the shocks from her mana. I just gape at her as she breaks down.

"No... I won't tolerate this anymore" She mumbles to herself with her hands over her mouth. She glared at him with death stares and eyes wide opened. Her pupil dilates as they shrink in frustration. While she gets ready to unleash her emotion out on him, her mana becomes more unstable and starts harming the owner.

I have to stop this but I can't. She reached her limit.

~ 3rd POV ~

Claude stared at the pair with a stone face without caring about Athanasia's unstable state nor Anastasia's life. He wanted to get rid of everything of his brother since the beginning and the identity of Anastasia along with the mana within her body is the last thing. He felt deep hatred towards the walking clone that roams the palace freely.

He grumbles to himself in frustration. "Sigh. Move out of the way or else you'll join her"

"You actually have the nerve to do this kind of thing?!" She summons her sword and points it at him. "This is completely unreasonable"

"What makes a clone so special when she can be replaced?" He waves his hand around in the air and casts a wind spell to blow her off to the side.

Anastasia acts fast and shields Athanasia with a spell but then she gets blown off instead. She flies to the wall and her body slams against the cement as she falls to the floor.

"My ribs..." She hugs herself as she whimpers in pain from the impact. "Why does it hurt so much?" She asked herself as she experienced extreme physical pain for the first time. She pants and sweats drip from her skin as she gets dizzy. Her vision blurs into darkness and soon enough she stops moving.

Athanasia's face turned pale and immediately she sent another attack to Claude while he blocked it. Even when she's still getting used to her new mana, she managed to strike a cut on his hand showing that she's just as powerful as him. He got startled by the cut and inspected it.

"Huh..." He comments in disbelief and looks at Athanasia who was sneering at him. "Do I have to kill you too?"

"Why are you so insensitive?!" She cried and lashed at him with her sword.


The sword clashed into each other as the blades pressed. The screech echoes in the room and spreads all over the palace, alarming everyone. The knights in the nearby area quickly ran to the noise which was in the same direction of the throne room. Jennette hears the footsteps coming from the other side of the hall as she heads to the throne room. She increased her pace and sprinted to the footsteps while panicking.

"Stop!" She yelled and they all did. She appeared from the corner and stood in front of them. She bent over and placed her hands against her thighs to catch her breath. " You can't... whew! I'm so unfit!"

"Your Highness, please move out of the way. We need to go to the strange noise" The leader exclaimed

She brushed her hair back and faced them seriously. "No, you are not permitted to enter the area around the throne room!" She commands them.

'Is this right? What did Athanasia say again?'

"Make sure the knights are......"

'Make sure the knights are what?!' She thought to herself with a pale face and sweat forming all over her body. 'Athanasia, please help me!'

"Sorry, Your Highness but we have to go. Please go back to your room"

"What?!" Thunderstruck her head when the knights refused to listen to her. 'What do I do??' She panics and squirms around nervously while the knights go past her.

Then an idea popped into her mind and she clapped her hands together. 'That's it! How can I forget about the back-up plan?!'

She runs up to the group while waving her hands in the air. "Hey! Wait!" she shouts but they were too fast for her and she was also in heels. "HALT! THAT'S AN ORDER FROM YOUR PRINCESS!"

"Sigh" The leader stops and the rest follows his lead. She finally reaches in front of them and once again catches her breath because fitness is not her thing. "What is it, Your Highness? We're in a rush and we don't have time for this nonsense"

"You better stay out of that area or else!" She makes a C using her thumb and index finger then holds it up in the air. "Don't make me use this!" She threatens them with confidence and they all stare at her in disbelief.


A moment of awkward silence passed and nobody responded to her.

She breaks into a cold sweat and trembles anxiously while the knights are speechless at her embarrassing actions.


"Let's go, men" The leader groans and shakes his head in disapproval.

"You asked for it!" She puts her hand in her mouth and blows into it. Nothing but a huffing breath comes out and she flusters in humiliation. "W-Wha?" She bit her hand and continued to blow with her lungs.

The knights watched her in confusion and boredom as she struggled to whistle using her fingers.

"Princess, it's best you stop wasting our time" He scowls at her and she flinches in fear at the cold face.

Her face becomes drained of blood as she shivers in place and disappointment. Though she still kept blowing into her fingers then she bit the bottom lips and blew through her teeth.


A small and weak whistle comes out of her mouth and some of the knights snicker at her. She shivers in frustration and her cheeks were red in embarrassment at her recent action.

"A whistle huh? Is that what you wanted to show us?" The leader walks past her. "Pathetic for a princess"

Her body freezes when his words reach her ear and she just stands still as they walk past her. She was shameful of herself for failing one simple task that she forgot from Athanasia. She was already on the verge of tears.

'What's the point of me if I'm useless?' She covered her face with both of her hands. 'I'm sorry'

"Now what was that weird sound?" A voice called out to her and she gasped.

Jennette lifted her chin and her eyes met hazel eyes that were unfamiliar to her.

"Huh? Did you summon us or was that a little thing you do?" Another voice calls out to her and she turns her head.

"You suck at whistling" "That was more like a squeak but ok"

She moves her head side to side as they surround her with a stone face. She jumps up with glee and smiles joyfully as they watch her celebrate in her own little world.

'I did it!' Jennette raised her fist up in the air and then realized her mission. 'Ah! Now's not the time to celebrate!'

She clears her throat and looks at them seriously. They tilt their head in bewilderment at her expression as they look down on her. Even their cold eyes made her shiver in fear but it didn't stop her from speaking.

"I call you guys here because I need your help!" She said and turned her back while pointing her finger out to the group that's walking ahead of them. "I need you guys to stop them!"

The knights hear her command and turn their head out of curiosity. Then when the back people saw them, their faces turned pale as they tugged onto their co-workers in front. Like a domino, everyone faced the back and stared at the group in fright as Jennette grins proudly.

The leader steps forward to her and his expression darkens. "Your Highness, this is not appropriate" He speaks directly to her.

Then the person besides her speaks up. "Agree, your whistling needs some work and it's not the same summoning sound. I can help you with that"

"You stay out of this, maid" He tells her off and she gazes at him with contempt.

Jennette notices the auras of the two sides blazing as they glare at each other. The brunette starts to anxious as she takes over the conversation.

"Don't talk to her like that!" She protects the maid. "I warned you before and so this will be your last one. Don't go there!"

"Your Highness, this is something that you're not involved in so stay out of it"

"Hold up!" One maid raised her hand and all eyes were on her. "Why are we here again?"

"Because I called you here!" Jennette tells her. "I need you guys to prevent all the knights from going to the throne room"

"Wait a minute since when did we work for you?" Another cocks an eyebrow and Jennette sweats.

"Erm. Ah. Athanasia told me. She said don't let anyone into the throne room no matter what! So I called you here because these knights are going there!" She announced and they all squinted their eyes in suspicion.

"Seems to me. I don't care and it's none of my problems" She shrugs and Jennette's jaw drops.

"B-But it's your master's order!"

"So what? She didn't give us the command"

The maids didn't want to believe her simply because they don't serve her. They didn't have any bad feelings toward her, they just didn't like her. Jennette was the princess that lived the life that Athanasia should've lived in but no she didn't. Therefore, they won't listen to her only because they only serve one person.

"Ok, well that's settled. You boys do your thing while we party" One maid said and walks away while the group follows her.

The knights chuckle again at Jennette's behavior as she shakes in frustration. She shut her eyes tight and grips her fists in mortification as she goes to the back-up plan.

The code

"W-Wait!" She stops them and they all turn around. "I-I...." Her face was completely flushed and she was shaking a lot. She wanted to die but this was for the sake of Athanasia and Anastasia.

She took a deep death and prepared to say the line while doing the hand movements.

"What's.... Life without alcohol?" She puffed her cheeks and the maids gaped at her. "Nothing." She murmurs and they all walk closer to her. Their eyes twinkled, waiting to hear the final sentence that will soon come out of the princess's mouth.


"Say it"


"Come on." They cheered her on. "You can do it" They whispered and the knights watched in confusion.

"Fun is everything" Jennette flips the middle finger and hides her face with her arm. "Because you only live once" She blushed in cringe that she points up the middle finger.

"... Miss Jennette" All the maids kneel in front of her and she quickly hides her hand while smiling awkwardly.

"What the hell happened?" A knight questioned.

"What is it that you would want us to do?" One maid lifts her chin and stares at her in appreciation that she managed to say the weird-ass code that they made when they were drunk.

"Erm, just don't let anyone into the throne room" Jennette scratches her head. "Code.. Sen-tie? Is that right?" She struggles to remember the code that Athanasia told her in a second before disappearing.

"Good enough, we'll have it done fast" the maids grinned villainously and faced the knight group. Amused to finally do something 'fun' as they snickered in delight.

"Ah! Please don't kill them" She begged and the maids groaned in disappointment.

"... We'll try"

"Thank you!" Jennette runs away from the scene as quickly as she can.

"Hey!" The leader tries to hold her back but a rope tied around his wrist and pulls from the opposite direction.

The maids get out their weapons while grinning at them as they shudder at their expressions. "Sorry, it's an order from the princess," She said to him.

"Let's roll, ladies!~"

They all screamed in unison as they "held off" the knights.




"Pff!" Blood spilled out of the mouth but the swords still stand.

"Why won't you stop already? You're already at a disadvantage and not to mention you're weak" He said in a harsh tone while glaring at her.

"N-No" She wipes the blood and bears the pain. "I can't. Not just yet!" Her mana explodes once again attacking everything around her including herself. The internal pain increases every time she uses it as her mana fires everywhere.

"Ugh" He reacts with disgust and inflicts another attack on her but she barely reflects it. "Stop it and give it up. You'll never win"

"Over my dead body!" She yells without thinking and he blinks once at her statement.

"Sigh." He turns over to the woman who was unconscious on the floor then faces back to the enraged person. "... If you miss them so much, then why won't you go see them?" He throws her to the floor with one flick.

A surge of energy pushes her back and her body gets dragged across the floor. The sword slips out of her hand and slides away, hitting the wall. Athanasia lay on her side while hugging her stomach in pain. The mana within her body had had enough and began to bring out the fire. It was so painful that she cried as tears fell from her eyes.

Claude sees her crying silently on the ground with her mana hurting her and swarming like crazy. It was getting out of control that random sparks would burst out and send lightning strikes everywhere, hitting the walls and ceiling. He jerks his head to the side and looks at the unconscious girl who begins to wake up. He sighs and turns back to the blonde.

"I'll spare you for now," He tells Athanasia and then proceeds to walk over to Anastasia with his sword.


The doors burst open and the person stands in place, scanning the area with her eyes widened. Seeing all the blood on the ground and the women laying down, she knew it was bad. Especially when the only man up has one sword in his hand and piercing scowl filled with contempt. The chills shiver down her spine as her heart drops from the scene. However, the feeling of fear didn't stop her.

"Father! Stop!" Jennette runs over to Claude and hugs his arm. "You mustn't kill them!" She cried and held onto his arm tight.

Claude stared at her in disgust while she pulled onto his arm, trying to get away from Anastasia. The dark aura around her begins to succumb the both of them as Jennette gets even more anxious, letting the black magic get in control. She was having a hard time dealing with a father she still loved and Athanasia. She didn't want any of them hurt.

"Get off of me" He sneers at her and she shudders. Jennette knew that she had lost his love but still she held onto his arm.

"... No! You cannot do this!" She tells him and he gets tired of her.


He yanks her off and turns his body to the woman trembling on the ground. Jennette sits on her butt and lifts her chin, staring at the man as her expression darkens. He stares at her with a stoned face yet his eyes filled with fury and hate.

"You fool" He let his head down and glared at her even more. "Do you want to join them?"

"..." Jennette pants in fright with her heart beating fast and body staying on the ground. She couldn't move from her one spot and just shook. Meanwhile, her black magic leeks out and surrounds them into the darkness. Claude senses her black magic and instantly vanquishes it with one motion but the thing is... he cannot. It was already overwhelming him and his mana couldn't compete. Athanasia had exhausted enough supply and so it took advantage of him.

"Cough!" Athanasia gets up on her knees and spits out the remaining blood in her mouth.

"Master..." Anastasia sits up and breathes heavily against the wall, witnessing the whole scene. "Argh!" She felt pain in her stomach and put her hand over the area. "... I have to do something" She mumbles and looks at Claude that stands over Jennette.

The eyes that thirst for murder and glaring at Jennette. She knew she was in trouble that's impossible to get out of.

"Looks like he has left another thing behind" Claude lifts his sword while facing Jennette. The dark mana continues to spread around as it drains his strength, making him do something unexpected.

"Die" He tells her and the sword goes down.


~ Anastasia POV ~

It happened in a blink of an eye that I was standing over here. My body was fine and everything but for her, it was not.


The sounds of the blood spilling onto the red carpet was loud in my ears and echoed in my head. My eyes wide opened witnessing this moment that will never be forgotten.


The sword slips out and bounces on the floor. The hands drop and he stands still. There was light in his eye but it got dark like a black hole absorbing all the life in his eyes. I reached out to the flowing mana coming out of the body and soon it touched my skin. My cold finger-tips that sucks in the immense amount of power from a weakened body. I couldn't help it and take everything. I was too greedy.

The sword sticks out of the chest and through the heart. Athanasia's hands that were once on the handle releases as she falls on her back. Blood is flowing out of her mouth endless as I catch her body.

"You...." He turns his back and gapes at us in shock as I hold her close to my arms.

Her eyelids were getting tired and droopy as I placed her head on my shoulder. Her body turned cold while I tried to warm her up with mine.


He spits out blood and falls onto the ground. Jennette was speechless and her mouth wide open along with her eyes. Staring at the scene as tears filled her eyes. This is probably the most traumatizing moment for her.

"... An-"

"Shhhh. It's ok" I pat her head. "You're fine" I reassured her with a bittersweet smile. "You're ok" My vision blurs all of a sudden and I feel something warm streaming down my cheeks.

There's a lump in my throat that I can't seem to get rid of and my body is vibrating too. What is this empty feeling that hurts me? Why do I feel like this?

I stared at the man lying in the pool of blood with the sword still in his chest. His hands stopped moving and his pupils were not dilating anymore. The stomach isn't moving nor do I hear any pants coming out of his mouth. No signs of coming back again.

The reign of his terror is finally over.

"... F-Father?" Jennette looks at him and then back at me. "Is he?"

I nodded and Athanasia puts her whole weight on me as she faints into my arms. I lifted up her legs and carried her in a bridal style while I scanned her body. The mana inside her body is too unstable and about to explode killing her in the process.

Tsk. Even after killing the man that ruined her life, she still has to deal with this.

"Uh! We need to help her!" Jennette stands up quickly and walks up to me, ignoring the dead body. "I'll call in the royal physician and wizard while I'll deal with this issue" She points at the body but refuses to glimpse at it. Still horrified by it but I must admit she's strong.

"... No" I tell her and flash a cloak over me while wrapping Athanasia in a blanket. My face dried as I stopped feeling depressed. Now, I have another mission.


"We're leaving," I tell her with dead and serious eyes and she twitches at my expression.

"B-But this empire needs her! I can handle this but not ruling! Please she needs help"

Jennette gives me many reasons why Athanasia should stay but I ignore all of them. Looking back into my memories, she has never felt safe in this place, and yet she stays? This is ludicrous and outrageous but at the same time it's her home. The empire needs her now but I don't want that at all.


"I don't care," I said in a stern tone and stared at her with a deadpan expression. "She needs me."

"I.... have you gone mad?" Jennette asked and her black magic was leaking out again.

"Maybe I have" I poked her forehead and created a seal that would contain her black magic. Although she's cursed to die, it seems like someone else has already taken it and so she'll live.

"Anastasia, even so, she has to take the throne. She's the rightful heir or else this country will burn!"

Burn... Do I really have to feel sympathy for this country? The only person I care for and love is Athanasia. So there's no way that I'll allow her to be at risk anymore. For, she is my master and my love.

I turned around and took a step. The blood that stained my shoes and left a print on the carpet. I glanced over at the corpse and clicked my tongue in disgust.

You got what you deserved, Claude.

She has finally gotten her revenge and killed you.



I disappeared to the top of the building then hover over the area as I fly in the air. The whole palace in an uproar. Seeing the two run to the throne room in a rush and witnessing the scene. The maids and knights gathered together in one spot. Jennette standing over the pool of blood that was also on her face.

"Mmh.." She mumbles in her sleep.

"Shhh. Hush, my child" I leaned my cheek against her hair and hummed the birthday song. "We'll be safe. Don't worry"

After all, you succeeded in killing the emperor on your 18th birthday. What a twist.


I stepped into the new world filled with strange-looking things that aren't part of nature. Wandering through the mysterious place with nothing and unprepared, I thought I was going to die. This world that has been visited many times before according to the legend but none have returned. However, I cannot lose hope now. I need to get to that very place in order to save her. For Athanasia.

"... Ugh" I frowned and organized my mana as it became one with the new source. "I need more"

~ 3rd POV ~

"... I'm sorry, father" Jennette lets her head down, depressed and upset. "I guess peace was never an option but still I hope you are well in the afterlife" She prayed for him for the last time before walking off to the door.

She put on a stern expression and turned around with confidence. Immediately the doors flung opened and showed two people in the light as Jennette got startled and stood in place. The people gasped in shock as they saw blood splattered on her dress and everywhere on the floor. The dead body said everything and they ran inside.

"Your Majesty?!" He ran in and went to the body while she ran to Jennette.

"What happened?" She asked the frightened woman who was trembling with a pale face. Then she looked over to the man that was hovering over the body. They made eye-contact and he shakes his head in disappointment. She instantly got the message and closed her eyes.

"I see..." She opens them and looks at Jennette. "Let's go. I think you need to go back..."

Then Jennette stopped thinking and shook her head. 'Now it's not the time! There's something more important!'

Jennette held her shoulders which caught her by surprise and shouted at her.

"Lily! Athanasia is missing!"


"We need to- Ah! No! We can't find her like this!" Jennette held her head and threw a fit. "Ugh! How can we go up against her?!"

"Princess, what are you talking about?" Felix asked her and Jennette bit her lips.

"There must be someone..." She said to herself and then the wizard tower appeared in her mind. "That's right!" She runs out and the two chases after her, leaving behind the bloody mess.

"Where are you going?!"

"No time to explain! For now, I need to get help!" Jennette answered them and frowned sadly. "I'll deal with this issue later..."

"Can you at least tell us why?" Felix grabbed onto her arm and held her back. Jennette was definitely in distress with many things going on that even she doesn't know. She has been through many terrifying events in the palace when Athanasia appeared though she did not blame her. It's something that just happened and Jennette recognized that.

"Felix, Lily. I can't tell you but for now, can you deal with the issue of the corpse in the room and I'll handle the rest to the best of my ability later" Jennette commands them seriously and they furrow their eyebrows. "Just trust me on this," She tells them and looks at Lily.

"Ah! Do I have to say the code?"

"No need!" Lily responds without any hesitation which surprised Jennette. "I don't even like that saying..." She sighs. "But ok. I trust you"

"What?!" Felix was confused with the command and Lily dragged him along. "Wait, what do we do?!"

"Clean up the body and blood, I guess," Lily said. "Then we have to spread the news"

Jennette watched them go away and then immediately turned around to go to the wizard tower. She ran through the halls and ignored all the sound, only focused on searching for Athanasia.

"Argh! But can they even find her?!" Jennette mumbles under her breath in frustration and runs to the wizard tower.

Going around the area and shocking the wizards there as she yells for help. The group tells her constantly to go back to her room and they'll go over soon but she refuses.

"Go back to where you came from!"

Though eventually they forcefully sent her back and she lost hope in them. There was no way that they were going to listen to her and so she ran back to the mess in shame. Jennette didn't know what else to do when Athanasia was missing along with Anastasia. They wield magic unlike her and it's powerful too considering how they managed to kill the emperor.

She went back to the throne room with nothing accomplished. Night fell and she was still dirty. Soon the crisis got fixed and news about his death spread but they left out other important details. Jennette still hasn't told them how he died and who killed him. She was just worried about Athanasia and Anastasia that disappeared. Only she can rule this empire and so Jennette hopelessly sits on the steps of the throne room in shame. She hugs her knees and sobs quietly while all the servants pity the lonely princess.

"... Jennette?" Ijekiel walks into the room and sees her crying. "Are you alright?" He walks closer to her and then stops when he sees blood on her dress.

"Why are you here?" She hides her face under her arms and sucks up her tears.

"I heard about his death and came here as soon as I can." Ijekiel sits next to her. "I know that you loved him very much"

"..." Jennette lifts her face and looks at him with a straight face that holds no sympathy for him at all. Ijekiel raised his eyebrows in shock at her expression while unconsciously handing her a handkerchief. "Thank you"

She takes it and wipes her tears. Ijekiel frowns and comforts her while she grieves. "Don't worry, you're not alone"

"I'm not crying because of his death" Jennette exclaimed and Ijekiel furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm crying because I'm a failure"

"No, you're not. Don't say that"

"Shut up, Ijekiel" She startles him with her use of language. "I'm not the person you think I am" She stands up with a glare. "I did illegal things as Princess and even used you when I was in love with Anastasia. And yes, you heard that right. I was in love with her." She confessed and he was in disbelief. "I lied about everything and just played around in the palace. I didn't even bother to learn any political skills nor focus in class. I just liked having fun and I had to pay a price for it!"

"Jennette..." He stands up and looks at her with sad eyes while she trembles.

"Now! Because of me!" She covered her face and muffled through her hands in anguish. "Athanasia is missing and it's all because I couldn't save her! But who am I kidding? I could never save her even if I do anything because, in the end, I'm just a useless person that has nothing"

She was too disappointed with herself and just took the burden when Ijekiel tried his best to comfort her. Though nothing can be done now that she's gone on her 18th birthday. Nothing could be heard but her cry-.

"What the hell happened?" A voice grumbles and Jennette stops crying. "What is this? Dirty mana?"

She turns around immediately with joy and smiles in glee, seeing the person that she hates the most but doesn't care anymore. Ijekiel froze and gaped at the person while Jennette ran to him.

"Lucas!" She cried to him and he narrowed his eyes at her in disgust. But seeing how there's barely any black magic lurking around in her, he gets suspicious and puzzled by the strange seal.

"Yes, Your Highness?" He rolled his eyes while clicking his tongue.

Ijekiel wanted to scold his behavior for treating her like that, especially after the emperor's death. However, Jennette didn't mind because she wasn't a saint and did bad things to him. She goes onto her knees which shock both of them and she lifts her chin up at Lucas with a pleading expression. Ijekiel's jaw drops at the scene while Lucas stares at her in astonishment.

"Please help!" She begged him. "Athanasia is gone!"

"What?" He put on a weird face while questioning her statement. "What are you talking about?"

"Ugh! Everything is revealed already! We don't have time to explain so please find Athanasia!" Jennette clapped her hands together and Ijekiel ran to her side.

"Jennette, what are you-"

"Why? What happened?" Lucas cuts off Ijekiel and his eye twitches.

"Erm. She got kidnapped" Jennette exclaims and his heart stops. "It's not just anyone too. Please only you can find her and bring her back!"

Ijekiel was lost at words when Jennette spilled out the information. Lucas was furious that he had just gotten back from his journey and now he has more work to do after an exhausting trip. He grits his teeth and puts on a scowl that makes them shudder.

"Are you kidding me?" He complains and his ruby eyes glister with fury.

He was supposed to be happy and surprise his lover with joy. But now he is pissed to find out she's missing with the whole palace in a crisis. But he didn't care for the empire. Only her. Out of everyone, she had to be gone.

"I don't know where they went. I just know that..." Jennette weeps. "She got kidnapped by Anastasia."

"Huh?" Lucas was bewildered and Ijekiel became shocked yet again by another fact. "But isn't she-"

"Yes, they're the same person-"


"Ugh! There's no time to explain and just go!" Jennette screamed. "Lucas, only you can save her! Now go!"



Lucas quickly disappeared to go on another journey again. Another job to do.

"What kind of rat bastard dare steal my princess?" He grumbles to himself.

*TIME SKIP* - Weeks Later -

The leaves rustled against each other and the bright light reflecting in her eyes. Her shimmering blonde hair scattered on the ground while laying on a bed-like sheet. There was nothing but blue and light everywhere. Her eyes are still a bit droopy and tired from sleep. She felt strange in her stomach as she woke up with no pain whatsoever.

"Huh? Where am I?" She rubbed her forehead and looked to her side. She saw nothing but wood and branches. Then on the other side was a strange endless void of nothing. She looks down and notices that the ground was weird. No grass or anything. Just blue and magical light everywhere.

"Athanasia! You're awake!" A gleeful voice yelled out from the side while Athanasia rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Anastasia?" She faced the direction of the voice and she was up close to her face.

"Are you feeling ok? Do you need anything?" Anastasia sits by her side with a happy expression that reassures her that everything is fine.

"I... I feel fine" Athanasia nods and places her hand over her abdomen. She feels as if she has gotten a huge supply of powerful mana and it's finally stabled. Such great power that she never thought to experience, she looked at Anastasia who was still grinning with ease.

"Well, I'm glad you do!~"

"Anastasia" She looks at her and tilts her head. "What happened?" She looked around the area and stood up.

Her body faced the tree and she walked backward as she got a better view of it. It was letting out some strange waves into nowhere and it seemed familiar to her despite seeing it for the first time. A huge tree that holds powerful magic and is alive, moves its branches as if it was dancing. Then energy came out of it and Athanasia gaped as she saw it shines with passion.

Anastasia walks up next to her and stares at the enchanting tree with a soft smile. However, her eyes said something else. Something unsettling.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Anastasia giggles and Athanasia reverts her attention to her while squinting her eyes.

"Where are we?"

"..." Anastasia tilted her head to the side with a smirk. Athanasia looked at her with a strict expression and Anastasia chuckled softly.

"We're at the World Tree!~"

End of Chapter 42

AN: WHEE WHOO WHEE WHOO! I'm almost at the end! Finally! Also, I'm considering doing a special chapter for my peeps if you know what I mean. Which you don't bc.... *Insert code*.

|Word Count: 8445|

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