How I Met My Princess

By littlemissgotham

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Niall Horan fanfiction. Title basically says it all. More

Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: The Date
Chapter 10: Goodbye
Chapter 11: The Mean Girl
Chapter 12: The Best Thing
Chapter 13
Hanging Out With 5 Seconds Of Summer
I Miss You
Lazy Day
Ex - Boyfriend
Welcome Back
4 Months - The Date
It's Time!!!??

Chapter 14 - Filler

24 2 0
By littlemissgotham

Chapter XIV *Edited*

A/N So as you can tell my the title this is gonna be a filler. This will mainly be in Niall's POV I doubt it will be in Megan's. It's just since it's gonna be the same day as last chapter so she has the whole "exam" thing I just thought why not hang out with One Direction for this chapter. Maybe a hint of 5 Seconds of Summer in the chapter or the next one not positive on that yet. I hope you like this okay, have fun reading. FYI I didn't know how to start this chapter so I'm sorry if it sucks at first.

Niall's POV

"Harry!" I said screaming throughout the room that we were staying in. He came out of the adjacent room, "Niall! Hey buddy." I tried my best to sound angry. "Don't 'hey buddy' me. I can't believe you told people." "Told people what?" I could tell he knew what I was talking about because he had that smirk on his face. "Don't act stupid you know what I'm talking about." "Awe is Niall getting mad." We just stared at each other until one of us broke. I leaned in to give him a hug first he flinched a little bit thinking I was gonna hit him but then he started hugging me back.

We both started laughing at the same time. "I missed you mate." I said speaking up first. "Missed you too." We were laughing so hard we didn't hear the door opening. "Woah guys get a room." We knew exactly who it was. "Yeah you guys you have girlfriends." I turned around and saw Liam and Louis smiling at us. "Guys!" I ran up an hugged them.

"And Zayn." I saw him standing behind the other boys. I let them go and gave him the biggest hug. "Of course." I turned around to see all of them with an unreadable look on their face Louis spoke up. "So how's Megan?" "She's good you know that thing I told you about Megan and that one girl." "Yeah and?" "Well they worked it out gladly it's a shocking story why they were mad at each other but it's all good now." I said smiling at them, "So anyways, what are we gonna do today?" "Well we can't do much today since we have to get up early in the morning because we're gonna meet up with 5 Seconds of Summer in the morning." (FYI This book is based during the WWA Tour which has 5SOS in it so that's why they're with them) Yay I was so happy we haven't done something like this in forever it's gonna be a great day. 

"So do you guys just want to stay in today we can have a movie marathon tonight until we all get tired and we can get Paul to bring us some junk food from the store." "Sounds Awesome!" said Louis and Liam and Zayn agreed in unison. We were all looking at Harry, "Of course we haven't done something like this in a while!" It's time to get my organizing skills ready and give everyone a role, I love doing this! 

"Okay Harry write down a list of stuff for Paul to get and then show it to me when your done, Louis, you have movies right?" "Of course I do!" "Okay well go get them we'll decide what movies later, Zayn, you get all the pillows from the rooms and bring them in here and Liam go get Paul in 30 minutes." "Okay! and what are you going to do?" "I'm going to take a nap it's been a tiring week, now go!"

I went to go lay down on my bed I knew I was tired but not that tired because I feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The next thing I remember is waking up and seeing Harry shaking me to wake me up. "Niall get your lazy arse up read this list I made." So that's what I did I saw popcorn of course, a lot of candy but I knew Harry liked candy and some sodas. "This is good Harry can you go give it to Paul." 

"Sure buddy." "Thanks mate. Have you seen Louis." "No sorry he's probably in his and Zayn's room." That's where I headed of course I knocked on the door. "Come in!" "Hey you found any movies you liked yet?" "Yes I found umm, all two hobbit movies, I also have Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire and half-blood prince and then The Hunger Games, any of those sound good?" "Just bring all of them and we'll figure later but right now, Zayn can you order the pizza?" "No problem I'll order right now." Zayn said whilst grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

After about an hour we had everything here and ready to start watching our movies. "So guys what movie you want to watch first?" Before I could say anything my phone started ringing it was Megan. I looked at the clock and it was already 3:00 so I answered. Hey baby. I said trying my best not to sound too happy. "Hey Niall are you free?" She said talking in that lovely voice of hers. "Yeah just for a little while, hold on love." "Okay." "Hey guys I'll be back in just a minute I got a phone call to take." "Wait!" Louis said a little louder than necessary. "What Louis?" I said kind of annoyed because I wanted to talk to my baby "What movie do you vote on.""Ummm.. The Hunger Games." "Okay."

"Hey I'm back." I said walking in through to the door that is linked to Louis and Zayn's room. "So how was yours and Iza's exam." I asked truly concerned "Oh it was really easy."  "So anyways what are you and the boys up to this evening?" "Oh nothing just getting ready to spend a boys night out.  How about you and Iza?" I asked just trying to make conversation, I miss her voice "We're getting ready to go to the movie to see the Mockingjay part I then were going out to eat. So I can't talk long either I just wanted to ear your voice." "Well you heard it." Trying to be funny even though I didn't want her to go. "Yup so I guess I'll go now, talk to you tomorrow?" "Yeah, were going to hang out with the 5 Sauce boys before our gig tomorrow so I'll text you okay?" Even though I really want to take a plan to her flat and cuddle.  "Okay bye." "Bye baby we can see each other soon, alright?" I say trying not to sound too sad. "Good, because I miss you and your kisses." she said to me making me blush. "Me too, I'll kiss you soon."

"Okay good, well bye now." "Bye." I say not wanting her to go. I walked back into our room, oh God I miss her so much right now but I gotta concentrate on hanging out with the boys tonight. "So movies are we watching first boys." Liam spoke up "We decided on watching all two Hobbit movies then The Hunger Games." We got bowls for everything popped the popcorn got some pizza and we all sat down to watch the movies. Time went by so fast we had already finished both movies, I got a text from Megan telling me goodnight and I replied back. I looked at the clock and it was already 20:40 so we had enough time to watch The Hunger Games before we go to bed and that's was we did.

After that movie was over everyone went to there separate rooms and some of us went to sleep. But knowing Louis he will try his best to keep Zayn again. I guess someone forgot to remind him to stop doing that oh well too late for that. I sent Megan a message for her to read in the morning telling her all the things I love about her. Yes I love her already but I'm not gonna tell her that yet, it's not the right time for that. The message said:

Niall: You're the best baby I never want you to change. You're perfect the way you are we will have our ups and downs but that's life. Just know you mean the world to me I will always be here for you no matter. You're so beautiful in everything you do and I can't want to spend the rest of my life with you!! xxooxxxx

A/N Hey guys what did you think about the chapter? Was it good or bad, did you like it or hate it. I hope it's none of the last ones please tell me what you think and if you have any ideas please let me know. You can message me them so I hope everything lived up to your expectation. Bye everyone! 

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