
By TeiraWrites

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Daija Moore has been put through hell with the most toxic person god has put in her life. She can't move on a... More



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By TeiraWrites

A Month Later..

"Always round here taking pictures and shit." Daija's dad mumbled under his breath as he walked past her to get him a snack from the kitchen. "Stop being a hater dude." Daija got up from the floor and admired her picture. "Nobody being a hater need to go get that boy from your momma. I know he tired of her breathing that hot ass breath on him cause I damn sure be tired of it." Daija laughed out loud and shook her head. Every since her and Chance came home Cyntoiya would keep him in her arms day in day out. Daija minded but then again she didn't mind. Sometimes she be wanting Chance to chill in his bassinet for awhile so he wouldn't get too comfortable with people holding him but her mother must have his small body balled up in her arms. She strolled into the living room and looked at her mom who was lowly talking baby talk to a wide awoken Chance. "Ma he was sleep when I put him down why did you pick him up and wake him?" Daija asked slightly upset. "Girl you act like he's in harms way." She responded not paying Daija no mind. "Well.." Daija grabbed Chance from Cyntoiya and placed him on her chest. "I don't want him getting too comfortable with being held. So if you can, please, leave him where he be." Daija put Chance down in the corner of the couch with a huge soft pillow behind him so he can sit back and chill. The only time she lays him down is when he's asleep. For now he's how he always is, quiet. Everyday Daija thanks god for him being this way cause he doesn't add on stress to stress. No she isn't stressed out right now but just the thought of how things would be different if he cried just to cry. It would drive her insane. "Ugh when you go to work?" Cyntoiya stood you from the couch. "Why? So you can pick him up again?" Daija asked planting kisses all over Chance. "Yep. I can pick him up and hold him for how long I want to without you all over me." Daija rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. In the back of her head she was so ready to buy her own house. She hated how her mother went against the things she say. They way she cares for kid is how she wants everybody else to. "Hey mom? Can I hold your car?" Daija asked. "For what?" Cyntoiya peeped her head around at Daija with a raised eyebrow. "I'm going to head down to Teala's. Everybody wants to see me and Chance." Daija looked up at her mom and waited for her response. "If they want to y'all they can come down here and see y'all." Cyntoiya spoke. "Daddy?! Can I hold your truck?!"

"Gone head! Bring it back in one piece!" Cyntoiya looked at him with a wide open mouth. "Benny! If they want to see her and the baby they'll make time to come see them!" Cyntoiya fussed. "Cyntoiya, if she wants to go visit her friends and or hang with them and tag along her son she can. She's an adult now." Benny sighed heavily. Over the month having Daija home is hitting Cyntoiya. Since she was with Elijah for so long and was head over heels in love. Daija moved so quickly to move and be with him so Cyntoiya never really had the chance to have fun and really bond with her. On top of that her baby has had a baby so she wants them both around her 24/7. She couldn't stand to lose one so she can't lose another.

Daija went to her room with Chance and changed both of their clothes to something warm for the cool march atmosphere. "You're so handsome mommy's baby." Daija planted kisses all over Chance as she slipped on his onesie and socks onto his hands. "So glad you look mommy and not somebody else." Daija said in a baby voice. She gently sat him up and fixed his beanie. She then went over to her closet and grabbed her a shirt to put on and a pullover. Moving Chance to his car seat she buckled him down and carried him downstairs. "Daddy? Where're your keys?" Daija asked once she reached the bottom of the stairs. "By the door." He pointed. "Mom, i'll be back tonight. I'll call you as soon as I get to Teala's and i'll be safe I promise." Daija spoke to her mom. "Ok." Cyntoiya sighed, "I love you!" She yelled out as Daija walked out the door. "I love you more!"

2 hours into her drive Chance got fussy and daddy's truck needed gas. She sighed heavily and put in a nearby gas station in the gps. She pulled up to a pump and quickly hopped in the backseat. "Are you hungry? You don't feel like you need changing my dude." Daija dug through his bag and pulled out a bottle that was already filled with water. She added in the formula, gave it a good shake, and gave it to Chance. His cries softened and Daija sat there and thought about how was she going to go in and pay for gas with this kid all fussy. "Fuck." She cursed. She hated to take him out his car seat and carry him but leaving him in the truck was a no go.

As soon as Daija got out with Chance all eyes was on her. This is the time she wished Kevyn was with her. "Damn sweetheart I can play a good step daddy." One guy called out. Daija rolled her eyes and covered Chance up more. In the store, even though she was just going to pay for gas, snacks caught her eye but with Chance in one arm it was hard trying to get all she wanted. She grabbed a big bag of salt and vinegar chips, a bag of gummie lifesavers, and a pack of gum. She got to the counter to realize she wanted something to drink but when she looked back at he drinks then at Chance she never minded it and shook her head. "Gone head ma, I'll hold your spot." A guy from behind her spoke. Daija looked up at him and took in his face. It was a familiar one. Daija shook her head no. "I'm good." Daija gave him a small smile. "You sure?" He asked. "Positive. Thanks though." Daija grabbed her bag of snacks and made her way out the store. Daija buckled Chance back in his car seat and gave him back his bottle since he was doing unnecessary whining in the store. She propped it up using his blanket and moved around to pump gas into her dad's truck. "You sure you not to small to drive this?" The dude from the store approached her. She gave him a nasty look and furrowed her eyebrows together. "You must trying to kidnap me?" Daija asked him. "No." He laughed shaking his head. "You're laughing and i'm being serious. You stalking me? I feel like I seen you before." Daija told him. "No i'm not stalking you. Well maybe I do go places you go to look at you in person and you definitely know me." He said. "Ok. Your ass about to get stabbed out this bitch." Daija mumbled. "Hold on. I'm not trying to sound like a predator." He held his hands up. "Just,  I'd like to give you my number so we can meet up tomorrow for lunch and talk." He said holding out his phone to Daija. She looked him up and down unsure on whether to give out her information to this guy. "We really have to talk. Trust me, I wouldn't do any funny business with you. You got my word. I just want to meet up and talk." He had this sad look on his face and held pleading hands towards Daija.

Daija gave him her number and went on about her business. In the back of her head she kept thinking about past things she has done to figure out where she has seen this guy's face at. For now while she was driving and getting ready to pull into Teala's driveway she never minded it. Daija blew the horn about 3 times then cut off the engine of the truck. "We're here bubby. I already know you're ready to get out." Daija unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed out, going over to Chance Daija grabbed his bag and began to unstrap his car seat"Ahhh! My babiesss!" Teala tiptoed out the door in nothing but a white shear see through bralette, white shorts, and socks. "Where the fuck is your clothes?" Daija mugged her looking at her nipples. "Girl, quit being nosey and wait don't wake him up yet." Teala moved Daija's hands off his car seat. "I wasn't going to wake him up anyways." Daija shook her head. "Bestfriend? You made a handsome kid man." Teala said softly. "Girl I know." Daija smirked. "And there's one thing we know for sure." Teala held up her finger. Daija raised her eyebrow, "What?" Teala stopped looking at Chance and looked at Daija. "This is not Elijah's baby." Teala said in all seriousness. Daija scoffed and moved Teala out the way. She didn't really like discussing the paternity issue that Chance has. "Like he does not have not feature of that man." Teala continued. "Teala. Let's drop that subject. I do not like discussing the "Who's My Babydaddy?" issue. I would love to nip that shit in the bud and keep it moving." Teala nodded her head. "Girl come on cause my nipples getting hard." Teala rushed.

Inside, Teala played and cooed at Chance while Daija got comfortable and just laid around. "Have you cooked today?" Daija asked her. "No but if you're hungry i'll throw something on real quick." Teala responded. "No, i'm good. I was just asking." For about a good hour or so they spent most of their time lounging around making small talk here and there. "Alright, I'm bout to head out." Daija damn near jumped out her skin when she heard Milo's voice from behind her. The whole time this dude has been chilling and Teala didn't say a word about him being here. "Milo, you have to make your presence known when company around sir. "My bad." Milo laughed. "You good honey next time your ass gone get stabbed." Daija said her heart still nearly beating out of her chest. "Mmh I don't need that." He walked over to Teala and gave her a kiss then left. "Y'all together noww or what?" Daija smirked. "I guess you could say that." Teala smiled. "It was hard trying to stand there and explain to him what went down with Marquez and I. He's stubborn and selfish it's ridiculous but eventually he listened. Once we talked we went out and enjoyed a day together and things just been up from there." Teala shrugged. "Ohh okay." Daija's phone vibrated in her hand indicating that she just received a text.

Unknown: Hey, this Jordan the guy from the gas station. You free tomorrow?

Daija sat and stared at the text. She didn't know if she could trust him to meet with him or not to.

Daija: Hey um no i'm not free.

Daija lied, she's not going for anything strange and she feels as if meeting a dude she doesn't know at all is real strange.

Unknown: Oh, well ig i'll just tell you then... I could be the father of your kid.

Daija sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. Like she said before she could really care less about who Chance's father is. He doesn't need a father in his life and if he does need a father figure Kevyn could be it or Black since he's already a father.

Daija: Nice to know, I don't really feel like talking about the whole daddy issue. So if you are then you are.

Jordan: But I also want to discuss what happened and can I at least be present in his life?

Daija: Nothing happened and yeah whatever, if you're his father.

Daija knew exactly what he wanted to discuss and she never ever wants to talk about that in her lifetime. It happened, it happened. Can't go back and change it. If she could she would've been done it. Looking at Chance who was wide awoke staring at Teala as she scrolled away on her phone she wants nothing but the best for him.

Daija: How about we go take a DNA test tomorrow instead. So whenever it comes back, if positive, you can be in his life ,if negative, you can go on bout your life and mind yours.

Jordan: That's fine. Just let me know time and place.

Daija quickly dialed up her doctor and talked to him about getting a DNA test tomorrow evening. She scheduled it for 4 in the evening and ended the call. "Girl what the fuck? A DNA test? So you're about to really do this?" Teala questioned shockingly. She wasn't really listening to Daija's conversation until the word "DNA" was just thrown out there. "Yep, one of the possible babydaddys wants to really know if he's his." Daija shrugged her shoulders. "Oouuu how he look? Is he fine?" Teala sat upright and fixed Chance in her lap. "He's.... decent." Daija shrugged again. "He has to be cause my baby isn't near ugly." Teala hoisted Chance up in the air and made baby noises to make him smile. Daija sighed heavily and rubbed her hand across her forehead. Even though she says that she isn't stressed honestly, she really was. In reality all she wants to do is move to another state and start all over. This time living a smarter healthier life. "Daija?!" Teala called out. Daija snapped out of her thoughts and gave Teala her full attention. "Yeah? Wassup?" Daija sighed. "Never mind." Teala got up and walked to the front door and in walked Canisa and Sanjay. "Heyyyy my lovessss!" Canisa yelled with open arms, heading straight towards Chance. "Aii him so handsomee! Uf por qué eres tan lindo?!" Canisa turned towards Sanjay. "Mmh baby I got baby fever noww." Sanjay shot her a look and shook his head. "We have like 7 8 years until we can try for one of those." Sanjay took a seat by Daija on the couch. "Boy i'll stop taking plan b's and shock your ass."

"Woahhhhh. Just chill, just chill." Sanjay said waving his hands in the air. Daija and Teala bursted out laughter at Sanjay's over dramatic response. "Where's your brother and everybody else?" Teala asked Sanjay. He looked up at her and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Kevyn stayed at his house last night so I don't know. Biggy really been acting weird lately but hell he a weird motherfucker anyways."

"Damn he must stay with you?" Teala asked smartly. Sanjay smacked his lips, "No. There's a difference with Kevyn staying at the crib and staying at the house. The house is the big boy shit, that's his safe house in this city but he has like 8 others scattered all over the state. The crib is sorta kinda like a trap house, except he don't sell or anything like that." Sanjay explained. "Ok so he pretty much stayed where he put Kinyi." Teala shortened. Once Akinyi got comfortable with being around everybody she was still scared to be out so Kevyn put her in the safest closest place near them and that is his house where he took Daija after that shooting at that party awhile back.

"Daija next time you get pregnant can you have twins." Canisa said out the blue. All eyes went towards Canisa instantly. "Girl no. I don't want anymore kids, never did wanted them but this kid here just came to be." Daija said. "Well i'm speaking that on you and Teala sooo y'all need to get to hunching." Canisa shrugged. "What?!" Teala snapped her neck her direction. "Yup." Canisa popped the "P". After awhile while everybody talked and talked. Teala cooked a simple and quick meal, honey hot wings and crack dip. Daija ended up slipping back into her thoughts. She had heavy shit on her mind that concerned Chance. The other night he stopped breathing for almost 20 seconds. It scared Daija damned ear to death. She's already lost and losing Chance will make it worse. So after the DNA testing she's going to take him to his doctor to get him checked up on. Then she went on to think about Elijah and the bullshit he put her through. That sad depression turned into angry rage. She wanted Elijah's blood on her hands, badly.

"Daija?! Kevyn's here and he said come outside!" Teala yelled. Daija blinked a couple of times and caught onto what she said. She grabbed Chance, who was sleep in his car seat, and took him to Sanjay since he was the only one who wasn't doing anything. "Every 2 minutes please check to see if he's breathing, please." She told him before she did it herself. "Alright. I got you."Sanjay nodded. Daija put back on her coat and walked outside to meet Kevyn. When she got outside he meet her with a banquet of flowers. "Hey baby." He smiled ear to ear. "Hey." She spoke softly. Grabbed the flowers from his hand she let it rest in her arms. He pulled her into a hug and kept his arm wrapped around her. "I've missed you." He said. "I missed you too."

Me and Daija's relationship has really improved. We decided to just admit our feelings and take things slow for both of our sake. "Sanjay said you've been acting weird. You ok?" She looked up at me. "Sanjay just be talking. I'm good." I nodded. "I know you didn't drive this." I said being funny. "I did." She smiled cockily. "Who's is it?" I asked admiring the blacked out chevy truck.

"My mom acted like she didn't want me to drive her car so I asked my dad for his truck and he said yeah." She shrugged her shoulders.  "Let's go on a date." I blurted out. Daija stood beside me quietly. "When?" She asked. "Tomorrow."

"I'm busy." She said quickly. I furrowed my eyebrows together and looked down at her. "Doing what?" I asked. "My mom wants to be together." I nodded my head and looked at the cars that passed by. "Who's all inside?" I looked at Sanjay's car. "Teala, Nisa, your brother, me, and Chance." She said. "Oh you brought my boy? Let's go in now then." I headed towards the house and pulled Daija behind me. "Wait Kevyn damn." She cursed stumbling over her feet. "Hey everybody." I waved once I walked in. "Waddup punk bitch." Sanjay said as we dapped each other up. "Boy i'll beat the fuck outta' you." I sat down on the couch and grabbed Chance's car seat and put it on the floor between my feet. I carefully and gently picked him up out of it and sat him on my lap. Looking at him, his pale skin was starting to peel all over and he stretched out his small fragile arms and yawned made my stomach knot together. He should've been mine. He's really gotten me wishing that he was mine. He had me wanting one now. "Damn boy. Why you looking at him like that?" Sanjay leaned over and asked me in my ear. "Shit, i'm not even about to lie to you. I'm wanting one." I looked at him. We sat there and stared at each other in silence for a good minute. You could tell he got high before he got here. "Canisa's ready for kids now. Me on the other hand don't mind one now but I'm stuck in the middle of not right now and yes now." He spoke. "You young man, wait a few years." I told him putting my attention back on the baby. "That's what I said. You might as well start trying you bout to be 25 man." I sat there and thought about my 25th birthday coming up, May 15. "I can't. I want mine with Daija but she's too damaged and she just had one. I doubt she's going to want another too soon but i'll wait for her though." I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't wait too long."

"What y'all in here talking about?" Teala came in from the kitchen. "Business." I blurted out. "Kevyn can you put him down." Daija walked in. "Why?" I asked her. "Because I want you to put him down, please." I sighed and carefully put him back into his car seat and put his blanket over him. "Give me some." I leaned over Daija's plate and waited for her to feed me some dip and a wing. "Go fix your own." She said with a attitude. "No. Feed me baby damn." I told her. "Kevyn." She looked at me. I groaned heavily and dramatically. "I feed you so feed you me." I told her. "Here Kevyn." She fed me a good bit of dip and gave me a while wing.

Later that night......

"Daija?! Where the hell you at?! You need to be on the road and on your way home!" Cyntoiya yelled through the phone. Daija looked at me and almost bursted out laughing at my expression. "Ok ma' me and Chance is on the road now." She said. They ended the call and she looked at me. "It's 11:30 you do need to be heading home." I told her. "You should've been left anyways. That's a long drive." I rubbed my hand across my waves. "I know." She closed her eyes and sighed heavily. "You'll buckle him down for me?" She asked me. I nodded my head and picked up Chance car seat and we headed over to the truck. I buckled him in the middle of the backseat then moved around to to Daija who was standing my the driver door. I pulled her into her my chest and wrapped my arms around her. We stayed like that for a good five minutes. We enjoyed the smell of each other and how me make each other feel. I didn't want to let her go. I wish I could open the door for her to the car and we can head to our own place and sleep under each other. Then when we wake up we'll be the first thing we see when we open our eyes. "Ok, drive safe." I dropped my arms and let my hands rest in my pockets. "I will." She said climbing in the truck. "Call me as soon as you get home." I said sternly. "Ok." She said sleepily. "Go home tomorrow. It's late and you sound tired." I shook my head. "No Kevyn. My ma' wants me home. I have to get there." She said. "Call her tell her you'll be home in the morning. It's late and you don't need to be on the road if you tired." I tried to persuade her. "Stay here with Teala." She shook her head. "She's having company."

"Alright. Follow me then cause you not getting on this road if you tired." I told her. "Ok Kevyn." She gave in. I headed over to my car and started it up.

We pulled up to my house and I helped her out and got Chance. Unlocking the front door Daija looked around admiring how well put together and decorated it was. "It's been a minute since I been here." She laughed. "You didn't even get to see the whole house. You were so ready to leave here you barely took in the living room." I told her. "Yeah."She yawned. "Come on." We walked upstairs to my room and I opened the door for her letting her walk in first. "You don't have a guest room?" She turned and asked me. "Yeah, I do. You must don't want to sleep with me?" I asked her. "Yeah but I don't know who's been sleeping under these covers." She said. "Ha ha ha. These are new covers. The covers before were black. These are red." I told her. I put Chance on the bed and then went over to my walk in closet and kicked off my shoes and socks. "You can get comfortable. I'm not going to try you girl." Daija was just standing in the middle of the room looking around. "I know you're not I trust you." She shrugged. She sat down on the bed and took Chance out his car seat. I took of the plain white shirt I had on over my wife beater and went and got in bed with my black joggers on, a wife beater, and socks. "If you want to get comfortable I can give you a shirt." I told her. "Ok." She stripped Chance out of his thick onesie and left him in the long sleeve one piece onesie he had on under that. "Why you put him on all that?" I asked as I grabbed her a graphic tee shirt that I had folded in the dresser. "Because it's cool out and he isn't yet but so small." She said as I handed her the shirt. I just nodded and laid back on the bed. "Ok. Hold him while I go change and give me a pair of your socks."

While Daija went in the bathroom and did what she did which is what I believe is that she she took a shower. Chance fell asleep in my arms and I was too comfortable to move from my spot to put him in his car seat and I also wanted to wait till Daija came out to see what she wanted me to do with him. When she did she told me to just lay him down in the middle of the bed. "Kevyn don't squish my dang baby." She mumbled. "Girl I won't do that. He's mine just as much as he's yours." I mumbled back to her. "Mhm goodnight." "Goodnight." and with that we were both out cold with Chance between us. Something I've wished for at a point of time with a child of mine but this works out fine.

Just Fillers

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