just give me a reason | f. to...

By BlaqAngel

5.8K 411 163

In which he wants her to give him a reason to stay, but she can't come up with any reason at all. ~~~ ©BlaqAn... More

Reason 1
Reason 2
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Reason 4

341 36 6
By BlaqAngel

"So go ahead, rip my heart out, show me what love's all about. Go ahead, rip my heart out, that's what love's all about."



Dear Nando,

You scored your first goal today, a beautiful header that curved in to the upper right corner and I'm just so proud over you! My heart is about to burst of joy and pride, I'm so glad that you are settling in so well with your new team. But I miss you Nando, I miss you terribly.

I cut my hair yesterday, made it shorter; it's barely touching my shoulders anymore. Why you may or may not ask (probably the later). Well that's because it felt weird having long hair when the whole reason to why I kept it from the start was because of you. Because of how much I knew you loved my long hair. But now that you're in another country, it felt useless to keep it. And I don't regret cutting it, because it felt like fresh start, it felt like I became someone else. This might give me a chance to pick myself up and start over, but I don't think so, I really don't think so Nando.

Remember the first time you said you loved me? We had been sleeping with each other for a couple months already and then you suddenly blurted out "I think I love you Le."

I remember how scared I became when you said those words, because I felt the same, and had felt that way for a while, but when you said that you loved me, I got scared and ran away. I remember how you ran after me and caught me in your arms, asked me to talk to you, to tell you what was wrong. And you said that we could just forget what you had said and continue as before.

But that's when I told you that I thought that I loved you too, and you cupped my face and kissed me with tears in your eyes. I was the one to break the kiss and you looked at me with a confused look upon your face, and you asked me yet again what was wrong. And I told you the truth, that I was afraid that one day you would hurt me, you would break my heart without looking back, because you were married for god's sake Nando, and that's when you promised to never hurt me.

But of course, that was a lie as well, because you hurt me Nando, you hurt me and you broke my heart, all the things you promised not to do. So reason number four to why you should have stayed is simple, so that you could have kept your promises to me...

Didn't your mom teach you to always tell the truth? To not make any promises you weren't sure you would be able to keep. I'm sure she did, but I'm also sure you didn't listen to her, because if you had, you would still be here.

This was the whole reason to why I ran away that night, because I knew that you would hurt me one day, even if it wasn't you intention. Because I'm sure that at the time you thought you would never hurt me, because you are an honest man Nando, and you wouldn't make promises that you knew you wouldn't be able to keep. But this time you did and at the same time you broke my heart.

So come back to me Nando, come back to me and mend my broken heart. Come back to me and keep your promise to never hurt me, please.

Love, always, Le


Dedicated to Meg because she listened to the song that I wrote and said that she wished she could write like me and that honestly made my day so thank you ily <3 and make sure to check her stories out because they are awesome and she doesn't write about the typical cliché player which I love her for.

Don't forget to comment and vote I appreciate every single one yours xx Liza

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