๐€ ๐“๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐š๐ง๐ ๐˜๐ž๐š๐ซ๏ฟฝ...

By thelovelyghostwriter

42K 1.9K 467

"You've already loved me for a thousand years. Would it hurt to love me for a thousand more?" "Yes. Yes it wo... More

Author's Note
1st Petal
2nd Petal
3rd Petal
4th Petal
Forget Me Not
Find Me on Quotev!
I'm Back!
5th Petal
6th Petal
7th Petal
8th Petal
9th Petal
10th Petal
11th Petal
12th Petal
Last Petal
It's Out!


1.1K 73 10
By thelovelyghostwriter


'Huh?' The woman internally groaned as she struggled to open her eyes.

"Lilia! Wake up!~"

Violet clashed with cobalt as the said woman's vision began to clear. Looking up from her supine position, was none other than Khun Eduan. A cheekily smug smile made itself comfortable on his pale features as he stared down at the female.

"Ah, you finally got up. If you didn't, I was about to kiss you awake~"

Lilia's confused face morphed into one of disgust as she pushed his face away, sitting up from her bed. "What do you want, Eduan?"

The blue haired man made himself comfortable in a cross legged position on the space next to her on the bed before answering. "Now now, is this how you talk to someone who is ever so kind enough to wake you up before Jahad comes storming in?"

"What are you talking about-- Hey! If you're going to put your feet on my bed, take off your shoes first!"

"C'mon Lilia, don't be like that--"

"Lilia! Thank goodness you're awake!" Eduan's whining was immediately interrupted as Arlene came running into the room, V not far behind.

"Jahad and the others are already prepared to advance on to the next floor. He was about to come wake you up himself, but seeing as you looked so tired lately, we convinced him to let you rest a little longer... It's not Eduan that's causing you to be like that, is it?!" The brunette's sudden bombardment was perfectly understood by those present in the room as Eduan's face contorted, as if offended by the accusation.

"Why is it that all of you are accusing me of such a thing? Besides, if I was the one keeping Lilia up at night, trust me, you would know-- mmph!" The jewel eyed woman smothered his face mid-sentence before he could resume with such an inappropriate topic in mind.

"Please refrain from using such crude innuendos," she calmly stated, disregarding the fact that the spear bearer was clawing at the pillow to breathe.

"It's very unlike you to oversleep like that. I hope you are getting enough rest," V said calmly as the woman accompanying him immediately pulled Lilia into a bear hug, saving Eduan from being smothered for good.

"Don't worry. I'll be alright, it's just that I've been having a rough time sleeping recently."

The blue haired male next to her smirk as he quirked an eyebrow in a suggestive manner. "Then why don't I sleep with you from now on. Maybe seeing my face before you go to sleep and waking up to the same face may help you have better dreams~"

Lilia sighed as she gently unraveled herself from Arlene's arms. "If it's seeing your face every time before I go to bed and waking up, then it's no different from the usual. In fact, I feel like maybe it's the fact that I see your face so often that I have a hard time sleeping."

"Lilia!" Eduan placed a hand over his face as his eyes grew glossy. "You think about me that much that it even hinders your sleep schedule? Oh perhaps you're right, Arlene. My dear Lilia longs for me so much, to the point that I'm in her mind the whole time."

"You very well know that's not what I meant," Lilia grumbled as she stood up from her bed and head towards the vanity next to it. Picking up her crimson outer robe, she threw it over her body before securing the sash around her waist.

V headed towards the door as Arlene followed closely behind. "You better hurry up and get ready. Jahad's already furious about the delay. You know how he is."

Closing the door behind them, Lilia was now once again alone with Eduan. The woman narrowed her eyes at him before flickering them to the door, a nonverbal cue asking him to leave as well. But the male ignored her as he remained sitting on the bed. The same cheeky smile adorned his face as he rested his head on the palm of his hand.

Knowing very well that at this rate he won't leave, Lilia decided to resume with getting ready. Weaving her long black locks through her fingers, she secured part of it into a half bun with a ribbon. While doing so, she glance around her vanity for a certain hair ornament, only for it to be nowhere in sight.

"Looking for this?"

Turning towards the voice, the light bearer was greeted with the sight of a blue lily hairpin balancing between his fingers held out towards her.

"Yes..." She quietly muttered as she reached her delicate hand toward the object. As soon her she did, her fingers slightly brushed against the male's. Gently taking the hairpin from his hands, as if it was so fragile that it could break at any moment, she lightly placed it on the side of her bun. This whole time, she was oblivious to the loving look Eduan was giving her while doing so.

Standing up, she strapped her sword to her hip and motioned towards the door. "Come on, let's get going before Jahad blows up again. Though it seems like he already did so knowing on how impatient he is."

Eduan nodded as he got off the bed and followed her to where the rest of their party was waiting.

"Oi! Lilia! Took you long enough to wake up. Because of you we have to delay our plans. Heck, even Eduan is taking this chance to slack off," Jahad yelled as he stormed towards her. The said spear bearer stood his ground as he confronted the blonde hair man about calling him a slacker. This of course, was interfered V, causing another three way argument that occurred way too often for anyone else to even be bothered at this point.

"So, you feeling better?" Yurin asked as she stood next to the jewel eyed woman. She nodded, assuring that she was fine, her eyes never leaving the blue haired man in the midst of arguing with their leader.

"Y'know..." The scout started. Lilia turned her gaze towards her, signalling for her to go on. "For someone always so keen about keeping a proper appearance, your hairpin sure sticks out like a sore thumb," Yurin continued, referring to the out of place color scheme of the lily hairpin on her beautiful, red hanfu that suited her cherry red lips perfectly.

"Hm.. is that so?" A small smile graced itself on Lilia's fair features.

"But I do like it this way."


"You disappoint me, Lilia." Jahad stated as he glowered at the woman standing before him.

"I suppose I want to say the same to you," the lightbearer replied, drawing her sword from her lighthouse. Jahad mirrored her actions by summoning his own needle.

"I know we clash beliefs from time to time, but I never knew it would come to this. I would give you a chance to redeem yourself but I can't do any favors, for I need to make an example as the king."

Lilia clicked her tongue as she readied her sword, her lighthouses floated from behind her as she stood calmly amidst the battleground, every one of Luslec's warriors are clashed in a fight against Jahad's army. Her jeweled eyes scanned her surroundings, seeing how Jahad is gaining the upper hand with the help of the other Great Warriors. In the corner of her eyes she saw Eduan from afar, spear in hand. 

He wasn't looking at her.

He couldn't look at her.

The woman returned her attention back to Jahad, smiling to herself. "No wonder Arlene didn't choose you."

Such simple words were more than enough to cause the great king to lose his head.

Jahad charged at her with such speed that when she blocked his attack, their weapons loudly resonated, creating a giant crater beneath them. Lilia's expression remained unchanged as she returned with a powerful attack of her own, causing some of Jahad's soldiers to fly back from the force. 

The fisherman grimaced as he summoned a giant bang in his left palm, but was immediately diminished with the interference of Lilia's magic that she casted just in time. He noticed the slight tilt of her lips when he felt a foreboding presence behind him. Lilia managed to sneak a lighthouse to his back, which teleported her towards where he is most vulnerable that very moment.

But before he could feel Lilia's blade pierce his skin, the harsh clanging of metal against metal caused him to turn back, his face met with a blur of white. Arie Hon is now engaged in the battle against Lilia. Jahad clicked his tongue, disgruntled at the thought of having to be saved. But he retreated back nevertheless as not to interfere with Hon and his battle.

"Lilia... If we stop right now, this can all be over," Hon muttered as his blade once again locked with the woman's. As always, their bladeworks are on par with one another.

The lightbearer's eyes softened every so slightly at the man's plea. "You heard Jahad. There's not going back now," she pushed him away as they both jumped back.

"And even if I could stop," she held the blade to the level of her chin, its tip pointed towards the Arie. "I wouldn't. Not until they are safe."

Hon's eyes narrowed as he charged at her once again, the clashing of their blades echoing throughout the noisy battlefield. Lilia managed to strike from above but he countered just in time.

"Then what about him? Are you just going to abandon him? I thought you love him?" He yelled. Lilia's bangs were covering her eyes as she looked down onto the ground.

"... He can live without me."

If this was just another casual moment, Hon would have taken the chance to smack her head. "Like hell he can..."

"He'll have to." This time Lilia charged at him, magic casted around her blade to deal a heavier blow. Hon tried to jump back but noticed her lighthouses trapping him in place.

"This isn't like you, to not think things through."

Hon gritted his teeth as he tried to block her attack, but she obviously had the upper hand at the moment. "You're right. But in the end I am human and I do make impulsive decisions. Is that so bad?"

"It is if it ends up costing you your life," he uttered as they were now face to face, their swords locked. Hon was unable to jump back due to Lilia's lighthouses.

The woman looked him dead in the eyes. "Then I'm prepared to die."

"You know I won't let you die, right?"

"You won't, or you can't?"

"Both. And  so will the others, especially Eduan."

Lilia laughed. "And once again, Jahad is the odd one out." Hon chuckled slightly at her comment, but the lighthearted moment is short-lived as a powerful force cause them to break away.

Eduan's spear stood amidst the corpses of hundreds of men, its electricity resonating throughout its spine as it makes impact against the earth like roaring thunder. 

It was blatantly obvious to see which side was winning. She notice Luslec in the corner of her eyes gathering his soldiers to prepare for retreat. They shared a momentary eye contact agreeing upon the same thing.

"Lilia. We can help you. Please stop fighting and come with us. We will protect you from Jahad," Hon continued as her attention turned back to him.

"I'm not afraid of Jahad, Hon. You know that. This isn't about fearing Jahad's wrath."

"Then why don't you-"

Hon cut himself off as he saw Lilia's small, loving smile gracing her delicate lips. But that smile wasn't directed towards him, but the spearbearer at the edge of a distant cliff from the battlefield.

"I've always envied what Arlene and V had."

"Then you can have it. You can have it with him if you stop all this now."

Lilia shook her head as she looked back at Hon. "You really are desperate enough to say anything for me to come back, aren't you, Hon?"

The Arie clenched his sword tighter in his hands. Deep down, they both knew that it is impossible for Eduan and Lilia to have what Arlene and V has.

A love so pure that not even the tower can contain.

"Is it wrong for me to be so selfish, so greedy?"

"... Aren't we all?"

Lilia's eyes widened as she saw Eduan ready his spear, this time aimed at Luslec who was carrying an injured soldier away from the battle.

"LUSLEC WATCH OUT!" she screamed as she abandoned her battle with Hon and ran towards V's former servant without thinking.

At that moment the battlefield was silent. Every single person watched with wide eyes as the blue electric spear pierced Lilia's body. 

Eduan was unable to move as he watched Lilia's body lurch from the impact, struggling to remain standing. He didn't even notice Luslec behind her, yelling her name. All he could see at the moment was the contorted expression on Lilia's face as she bites through the pain, blood dripping from the corner of her lips.

Lilia gritted her teeth as she pulled the spear out of her stomach, suppressing a scream from the piercing agony. She felt the electricity of the spear surging through her body as she could barely stand.

"Luslec... go." She ordered just as the man was about to hurry to her aid.


"Go. I won't make it anyway. Retreat now, or we all die," she stated as she looked at him with her unwavering gaze.

Luslec clenched his fists as he forced himself to make the decision. "I'm sorry, Lady Lilia."

She gave him a reassuring look as he turned towards his men. "RETREAT THIS INSTANT! NOW!"

Lilia felt her body giving out as she watched the soldiers retreat. But just as she was about to hit the floor, she was caught in the very arms of the one who struck her with the spear.

His expression was frantic, worried, and even on the edge of tears. Never once had she saw him make that face. He leaned her smaller body against his chest as he quickly tore the hem of his robe, attempting to stop the bleeding on her wound.


"No no no no, please, Lilia please, no, I'm sorry I didn't mean to- I..." the man muttered desperately, his voice cracking as he pushed down on her wound, but the bleeding just won't stop.

"Eduan... please. It doesn't hurt anymore," the woman weakly muttered as she brought his face closer to hers.

Tears were streaming down the Eduan's face as he held Lilia closer to her arms. The wound on her body struck by his spear was overflowing with blood that darkened her red hanfu. Her sheer robe sprawled all over her body, like torn flower petals.

A beautiful flower torn from its roots.

Lilia gave him a weak smile before gently reaching out her hand to caress his face.

"Lilia..." the man muttered as he put one hand over hers that was on his cheek, bringing his face deeper into her cold hands.

"I'm sorry, Eduan... I really am."

Why couldn't my last words have been I love you?


Because that would be too cruel for me to say to you. 


Khun Eduan smiled as he pushed open the double doors leading to his treasure house. In the very end, it hangs a giant portrait of a faceless woman. The part of the picture containing her face was torn from its frame. In long strides, the head of the Khun Family walked towards the picture, where it was surrounded by other artifacts too, such as a piece of red sash, or silver sword. But what stood out the most was a carved mahogany box.

Eduan sighed as he reached for the box, opening it to reveal a beautiful lily hairpin. The one that the love of his life once wore.

It's been centuries since he last gave that part of the treasure house any attention. It would always slip his mind. But for some reason, today he really wanted to see her.

"Lilia... I've come to see you again... did you miss me?" Of course it was followed by silence.

Gently, he removed the hairpin from the box with his calloused hands, examining it with his cobalt eyes. 

"Tell me, Lilia. What made me fall in love with you? What about you that stands out from all the other women I've been with for the past centuries? What made me unable to forget you even to this day?"

He looked up at her torn portrait.

"Is it your incomparable beauty?"

Eduan smiled to himself. "Of course it is. It was the first thing I was attracted to. But beauty can only lasts so long..."

His eyes then fell on the sword in the display case under the portrait. "Is it your strength?"

"But I've met plenty of strong female rankers in my lifetime." He put the hairpin back into the case. "Though none of them ever did compare to you," he chuckled.

His cobalt eyes darted around the artifacts before the intricate fabric piece caught his eye.

"Ah yes, I remember now," he muttered as he put the box down and reached his hand towards the red sash. 

"It was the thought of not being able to have you. It was the pursuit I have to go through to get you to love me back," Eduan felt his vision blur slightly but didn't care as he unwrapped the sash from the display stand.

"And through that, I learned to continue to love you... to the point where I didn't even know how to stop."

He held the sash closer to his face, hoping to catch even the faintest scent of the perfume she always used. Of course, he wasn't able to smell anything but dust.

He loosened his hold on the delicate sash, watching it flutter from his fingertips and onto the ground.

"And now you're nothing more than a memory of dust."

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