Spider-Man One-shots

By AnuBReddy

954 29 13

Well, I think the title is pretty self-explanatory..... But I have to mention this is mostly Tom Holland's Sp... More

Peter Parker, the genius

The Rogues are back

284 13 7
By AnuBReddy

A/N: Hey guys, I've got 19 views, which is honestly, 19 more than I imagined. So, thank you. And here's another chapter.

Tony's POV:

To say that Peter hated the Rogue Avengers would be an understatement.

Ever since I made him my personal intern, Peter and I became very close. When he found out about Siberia and the fact that I have anxiety attacks because of it, Peter became very protective of me. He started spending weekends at the tower and staying longer on the weekdays just so that he could keep a closer eye on me.

Though Peter is the most adorable and pure-hearted human to exist on Earth, one would not want to hurt the people he loves because that would mean facing the wrath of Peter Parker.

When he found out about Siberia, the first thing he did was go to the training room. He broke 7 supposedly unbreakable vibranium punching bags. They were made because Rogers kept breaking the normal punching bags. But Rogers never managed to break the vibranium ones.

After almost two hours of pure rage in the training room, he came to me and calmly talked about it. He talked me out of even thinking about drinking my problems away. He's really helped with the anxiety attacks too. Peter, Pepper and Rhodey are the only people who can talk me out of my anxiety attacks. Even though Pepper and I were back together, she couldn't be around much because of her work as the CEO and Rhodey was a little busy trying to get used to the braces on his legs. So it was mostly Peter who was around for me during the anxiety attacks.

I told Peter when I started working on the Accords to free the Rogues. He did not understand why I would want to free them but he couldn't argue after I pointed out that he ran into the fire to save the Vulture but that does not mean he still didn't hate the Rogues.

So, here I am, after five months of working on the Accords, at a meeting with Ross and some other UN officials. I've been arguing with them for almost an hour already. Finally, Ross said, "Alright, Stark. We will make this work but on two conditions. First, the Rogues should be in house arrest for atleast three months unless there is a world ending threat which would need their immediate assistance. Second, I think that they should stay in the Stark tower during this house arrest."

"This is ridiculous! Why would I allow the people who almost killed me into my own home? Have you lost your mind?" I almost yelled.

Ross simply smirked and said, "Only option, Stark. Accept or the Rogues remain criminals."

I sighed and said, "Okay."

Now Ross looked shocked. He clearly did not think that I would accept the offer. I don't know if this was going to be worth it but seeing his face like that surely made me feel better about this decision. It is not like I have to let them into my living space. I'll just give them one of the residential floors and restrict access to the penthouse.

After Ross regained his composure, he said, "Okay, I'll contact them and tell them the news. They will be in the Tower tomorrow at noon."

As soon as he said that I stood up and said, "Alright. I'm leaving before you try to bore me with more of your babble. Bye." I left the meeting room and got into the private elevator and went to the penthouse. 

I was making myself a cup of coffee when the elevator opened to reveal Peter. As soon as he saw me he started, "Hey Tony. (Yes, I finally managed to make him start calling me Tony) You will not believe what happened yesterday on patrol. You know those kidnappings of children which were happening in Queens in the past three weeks? Well, of course you know. I've been talking about finding them since they started. Now, anyway, the point is I found their evil lair yesterday. I developed a program which would have Karen alert me if any demands for ransom was happening via calls in Queens and track the call and it actually worked. While I was on patrol yesterday Karen informed of a ransom call and gave me the location. I went there immediately to find all the 13 children who were kidnapped and a bunch of kidnappers, almost like 25-30 kidnappers. You would think they would atleast be a little hard to capture especially with all of them having guns and all, but no. Four web grenades and they were all captured. Those people didn't even know how to use their guns except for the leader, but I managed to dodge even his bullets. Thanks to Spidey Sense. The police came pretty much right after I finished because Karen had already informed them. So the kidnapping problem is solved and thankfully all the children are safe and have gone back home."

I was pretty much smiling, chuckling and sipping my coffee while listening to Peter rant. I had grown very fond of his rants because of the excitement he shows in them. It was nice to know that Peter has not completely lost his innocence even after everything he has gone through. 

Finally, after he finished his rant, I said, "Nice job, kid. And it's good to know that you were not hurt while doing it. I would also be surprised about the program but because it's you, I'm not surprised as I've seen you hack into the SHIELD database in just 9 minutes right in front of me. But still, I'm proud of you, Pete."

Nobody's POV:

Peter was grinning ear to ear while being praised by his mentor. Even though it happens often nowadays, it still means a lot to Peter when Tony tells him that he's proud of him.

Tony knew that he has to tell Peter about the Rogues coming tomorrow. He also knew that it would completely change the atmosphere in the room, but there was no way he was facing the Rogues without Peter tomorrow. He would almost definitely have an anxiety attack. So he decided that the blunt approach would be best.

While Tony was lost in his own mind, Peter had gone to the kitchen to grab himself some snacks. He came back to the living room with hands full of snacks. He sat down on the couch and started eating it. 

Tony decided that it was a now or never and said, "Peter"

Peter swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Yes, Tony?"

"The Rogues are coming to the Tower tomorrow", Tony said, When Peter looked like he's going to argue, Tony continued, "We don't have a choice in this, kiddo. It was either they remain criminals or they stay in the tower on house arrest for three months before being pardoned." Tony was going to ask if he would stay in the tower tomorrow but noticed that Peter was taking out his phone. So he just watched what Peter was doing.

Peter called his Aunt May and asked, "May, can you call the school and tell them I can't come to school tomorrow?...... No May, I'm not skipping school for a lab day. It's actually more serious than that. The Rogues are coming to the Tower tomorrow at noon and I don't want Tony to be alone with them......Also can I just stay here today? Today is Thursday anyway..... Thank you, May. You're the best! Larb you. Bye!"

After Peter finished the call with May, he looked at Tony and said, "I'm going to be with you tomorrow when those backstabbing bitches come, whether you like it or not. So don't even try to talk me out of it."

Tony chuckled and said, "I was actually going to ask you to stay with me. I don't know if Rhodey will be able to come and I really did not want to be alone with the Rogues. I know that I haven't had an attack in a while but meeting the cause of the attacks is sure going to trigger something and I do NOT want to breakdown in front of them."

Peter just smiled at Tony and said, "Don't worry, Tony. I'm gonna be here and if Capsicle or his team give out one rude comment about you, I'll show them who's the boss around this place. And imagine the look on Capsicle's face when he is defeated by a 16 year old in a matter of seconds."

Tony just laughed and ruffled Peter's hair to which Peter scowled. 


After a late night in the lab, Tony and Peter fell asleep on the couch in the lab. Tony had informed Rhodey about the Rogues and Rhodey told Tony that he would be in the tower at 11 AM. 

At half past ten, FRIDAY decided that it was time for her boss and Peter to wake up, but instead of waking them up like she normally would, she started playing AC/DC from the speakers in the lab at 50% volume. She would have played it at a 100%, but that would hurt Peter due his heightened senses.

They both woke up with a start and fell off the couch, looked at each other and started laughing. After Back in Black was over Peter asked while still chuckling, "Good Morning, FRIDAY. What time is it?" 

"Good Morning to you too, Peter. It is currently 10:36 AM. I would also like to remind both of you that Colonel Rhodes will arrive in approximately 24 minutes. So, I suggest you freshen up before that.", FRIDAY said in an almost mischievous voice. 

They both shot each other a look, got off the floor and went to their rooms to freshen up. Just as Peter was walking out of his room, he saw Tony already in the living room with his coffee. Rhodey chose this moment to walk into the penthouse. While Tony had seen Rhodey only three days ago, it had almost been a month since Peter had seen him.

Tony just greeted Rhodey from his place on the living room couch while Peter went to Rhodey and said, "Hello, Colonel Rhodes. You seem to have gotten the hang of the braces completely."

Rhodey ruffled Peter's hair and said, "Hi kiddo. How many times should I tell you to call me Rhodey? And yeah, I've mostly gotten used to the braces. You know, the cup holder does come in handy. I know you added that."

Peter blushed and chuckled embarrassed.

Rhodey went and sat on the couch and asked, "Tony, I know you don't want the Rogues anywhere near you, so why are they coming here?"

Tony sighed and said, "Ross gave me choice. One, they stay in house arrest here, in the tower, or they can remain criminals."

"Should have let them remain criminals.", Peter muttered loud enough for both the adults to hear.

Peter then stood up and went towards the kitchen and asked the two adults, "You two up for brunch before those Rage Inducing Rogues come and ruin our day?"

The two adults chuckled at the teen and agreed to brunch. While Rhodey went to help Peter make the pancakes, Tony just decided to stay out of the way knowing that he would create more chaos than be of help.

After the filling brunch with easy flowing conversation, it was exactly ten minutes to noon. Tension started to build around the place.

Peter noticed that Tony was starting to panic and went near him and said, "Tony, you are going to be alright. I've got you. Rhodey's got you. And you know I can overpower all of them together pretty easily. And by the way, you don't have to worry about Wanda either. I figured out a way to make sure that Wanda would not able to use her powers anywhere in the tower except for their floor. That was what I was doing in the lab yesterday while you were working on the nanotech suit."

Tony actually forgot about his panic for a moment and was staring at Peter with pure wonder.

Peter then said, "FRIDAY, activate Crazy Bitch Witch protocol."

Nothing happened but both the adults knew that it would work when Wanda was here.

Just as Tony was about to say something FRIDAY said, "Boss, the Rogues have arrived at the Tower."

Tony sighed and said, "Okay, FRIDAY. Give them one time access to the penthouse and private elevator, and lead them here."

After a few tense minutes of waiting, the Rogues stepped out of the elevator. Tony noticed that Peter was staring at them with pure hatred. Neither Tony nor Rhodey had seen that much hatred in anyone's eyes, let alone Peter's. The Peter who would sacrifice himself to save a cat. The Peter who willing ran into fire to save a villian's life. The Peter who gets bullied everyday but would never fight back in the fear of hurting the bully too much.

The Star Spangled Man with a Plan stepped in front of them and held out his hand to Tony and said, "Stark".

Tony was maintaining a neutral face. He looked at Peter and Rhodey and finally, shook Cap's hand and said, "Rogers".

Tony immediately stepped back from Rogers. Peter noticed that Tony's neutral expression was starting to betray him. So, he stepped forwards to take over and shot Tony a reassuring look.

Peter schooled his features to neutral and started talking to the Rogues, "There are a few rules that you will follow when you are in the Tower. First, You are not allowed into the penthouse. You only have a one time access for now. Second, none of you are supposed to leave the Tower for a period of three months which is the whole point of the house arrest. Third, you..."

Peter was interrupted by Clint saying, " Who the hell are you? Why are you even here? And who do you think you are, ordering us around?"

Peter stared at Clint some of the hatred from earlier coming back, "Not that it's any of your business, Birdbrain, but I am Tony Stark's personal intern, Peter. I have every right to be here, actually more right that you do. I am not ordering you around, I am simply speaking for Tony so that he doesn't have to speak to you more than necessary. But I would like to inform you that inside this Tower, I can order you around. I am third in command here right after Tony and Pepper. So if I decide to throw you out of the Tower, you will be escorted to The Raft immediately by the concerned officials. So, shut up."

Everyone was staring at Peter. Even Tony and Rhodey. The Rogues were just shocked by the authority Peter possessed. Rhodey had only seen Peter as a genius teenager who was always smiling despite the horrors in his past and the boy who was obsessed with the Avengers when he first met him. So he was shocked that Peter could keep his composure so well when he was being almost yelled at by an Ex-Avenger. 

However, Tony was shocked for a different reason. Peter was always kind and a very grounded person by nature. When Tony told Peter about the amount of power he possesses at Stark Tower, Peter simply shrugged and said, "It's not I'm gonna go around telling people about my authority in the Tower." Even when he goes around the Tower to help the other interns, scientists and inventors, he acts like one of them. Never showing his authority. That is the reason almost everyone in the Tower loves Peter. So Tony was shell-shocked that Peter used his authority to subdue and also threaten Clint.

All the Rogues were silent for some time but, of course, Capsicle could not understand when he was overpowered.

So, Capsicle said, "Didn't your parents teach you respect your elders, son?"

Peter laughed mockingly before walking in front of Cap and saying, "Joke's on you, Rogers. I have no parents. But I'm sure that if they had been around, they would have told me to respect the elders who deserve it. And don't call me son." Peter hissed the last part out. 

Right then Sam decided to whisper to Wanda, "Of course Stark would decide to give a brat so much authority. Bet he must be the result of one of his one-night stands." He then starts snickering to himself when he suddenly realizes that he is being lifted off the ground by his shirt and crashes into the nearby wall. The air is knocked out of him before he even realizes what was happening.

Sam is shocked to realize that it was the scrawny teenager who was holding him against the wall. Peter then hisses, "You listen well, birdshit, I don't care what you say about me. But one more word against Tony and I will break each and every bone in your body and leave you to die from pure pain." His voice contains so much hatred that it sends a shiver down everybody's spine.

When Peter doesn't let go of Sam, Spangles decided to be stupid again and tries to to pull Peter off of Sam. Peter just looked over his shoulder and sees Rogers trying to pull him off Sam with all his might. After seeing that their Capsicle wasn't even able to budge Peter, Wanda and Clint tried to help him. Wanda tried to use her powers but as she was waving her hands around she noticed that the red magic which would normally be floating around her was missing. She was trying again and again but then almost started crying. Meanwhile, Clint tried to send an explosive arrow his way. Peter just caught it in his hand and crushed it before it could explode. Natasha and Scott have remained silent since they arrived at the Tower.

Peter pushes Cap's hands off his shoulders, drops Sam to the floor and opens his fist to let the broken pieces of the arrow fall to the ground.

Peter then looks at Tony and Rhodey to see that Tony is on the verge of an attack. He immediately goes over to Tony, his entire demeanor changing in the six feet distance.

When Peter is talking to Tony, his voice is soft and bubbly. He says, "Hey, hey, Tony. Look at me. I've got you. I won't let them hurt you. I'm not hurt either. You're okay. I'm okay. Remember when we worked together on FRIDAY to make her more human. Remember when you and I tried to cook together and made a mess of the kitchen and Pepper came and yelled at us and then yelled at me separately for letting you into the kitchen while you were snickering from behind her. You know, I still haven't gotten back at you for that." Peter noticed that the attack had passed and sees Tony snickering from the memory of the day I just told him about.

After making sure that Tony was okay, Peter again went and stood at his original place and notices that Wanda was on the verge of tears, thinking that her powers are gone.

Peter starts speaking again in the same neutral tone that he started off with, "Maximoff, don't start crying now. Your powers aren't gone. You simply will not be able to use it anywhere in the tower other that your residential floor. You would know this if Birdbrain had let me finish the rules. So, to continue with the rules. Third, you are not allowed to use any of your powers or your weapons or skills outside your floor. There is a training room in your floor, so there would be absolutely no reason for you to bring your weapons outside your floor. Fourth, you have access to most of the Tower but if FRIDAY does not allow you into a particular room, do not try to enter by force. There will be consequences. Fifth, Do not, and I mean DO NOT disrespect Tony or Rhodey or Pepper while you live in the Stark Tower. I will not hesitate to throw you off the window in the 90th floor. So, five rules. Easy enough to follow. Break them and you'll be in The Raft or died and I think you would prefer to spend the rest of your life in The Raft than die by my hands. Now, the 88th floor is completely yours. So, that's all for now. Go and get settled in your living spaces."

Peter abruptly turned around and started talking to Tony and Rhodey like his normal bubbly and cheerful self. 

After the Rogues left to their floor, Tony said, "Thank you, Pete. You handled them very well. But I don't understand what Sam said to make you react like that. Nobody heard him except for you and Wanda and probably Rogers."

"Doesn't matter, Tony, because I'm 99% sure that he wouldn't say it again.", Peter said while waving it off.

That was the day Tony realized that Peter would do anything for him, because Peter would do anything for family. That was when Tony realized that Peter thinks of him as family. That was the day when Tony realized that his kid would have his back, no matter what.

A/N: Hope you liked it. It's a bit long but I hope that's okay. Please vote and comment

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