Misery Business

By Chantel131

379K 14.8K 4.5K

She's barely getting by when he appears in her life, only focused on one thing. Neither would suspect their p... More

Maid a Mistake
Passing By
False Assumptions
That Lawyer
Snap Out Of It
My Family
The More You Know
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Forgive and Forget
Silent Library
Not Sure
An Offer
On Your Mind
The New Start
Getting Over You
Mother Knows
Help Me
Safe Again
Settling In
Rooftops and Interviews
Family Dinner
Post-Traumatic Stress
Ease the Stress
Mom Talk
Trust in Me
New Family
Well Kept Secret
What Was Best
Just Viral
In Sights
Mind Games
Found Out
Too Late
The Cool Down
Seeing Double
Soon Enough
Push and Shove
Perfect to Me
What is Hope?
A Nice Gesture
Stay Away
Coming to Light
So It Begins
Day of the Dead
Dangers Ahead
Getting Over
Nightmare Is Over
Cleaning Air

Dead Ends

2.4K 120 54
By Chantel131

"This is ridiculous." Jonathan shook his head, "I'm not speaking to anyone." He said, sitting in an interview room with two cops sitting across from him, "I haven't done anything." He said.

"We have evidence." Jenkins said, "Your client, Jo? You remember him from not so long ago?" He asked as Jon just glared across at him, "You voiced for him, got him out of a murder sentence."

"He was set up." Jon said simply.

"Mhm… maybe." Jenkins nodded, "But we got scope on what you were up to, leading up to the case. We've got word and evidence on a few deals you made." He said as Jon looked across at him, "Ring any bells?" He asked, sliding over the picture that had been sneakily taken as Jon looked at it.

He did feel guilt. He knew what he had done was wrong by paying for one of Jo's dodgy friends to come forward and testify, but what he was more interested in, was who had taken the picture? Who was following him? And watching him?

"What you see here, is me paying a man for fixing my car." Jon said.

"The same man who then testified on behalf of your client a few weeks later?" Jenkins smirked a little.

"He testified because he had something to say. I didn't pay him to testify. I paid him for changing the tyres on my car and giving it a service." Jon said, "So… I don't know who was taking these pictures. Illegally, might I add. Without my consent, but they've got the wrong idea." He said, looking across at them, "Can I leave now?" He asked them.

"Not yet." Jenkins shook his head, "We're still looking into it. Until someone bails you out, then you're staying here." He said, standing up and shuffling his folders together, "You'll be able to contact your lawyer soon." He said.

"Can I contact my girlfriend? She has no idea what is going on. You just came into my house and arrested me."

"Because we had a reason to." Jenkins said, "You can speak to your girlfriend when you've been bailed out." He said, opening up the room door and nodding to an officer outside the door to take Jon back to the remand wing.


"Slow down. Slow down." Grace shook her head, sitting on the couch in Sage and Jon's living room as Sage tried to explain everything to her while Dean stood listening also, holding Kye in his arms while Kash was asleep on his mat. Renee was working and Bella was at daycare, so Dean and Grace darted straight over to the house once Sage had contacted them to let them know what was going on.

"So you don't know why they came and arrested Jonathan?" Dean asked, bouncing Kye in his arms lightly.

"No." Sage shook her head, still shocked and confused and completely worried, "No, they just said it was… something to do with court, misconduct or something." Sage shook her head, "Could it be serious?" She wondered.

"Anything Jonathan has done, he would have told you." Grace said with confidence, "He'll get out and it'll be cleared up. I'm sure of it." She said, trying to calm her own self down, "Now what's this about you being pushed down the stairs?" She asked, "Do you know who it was?"

"No. No I just… I remembered last night. I remember someone coming up behind me and pushing me. But… me and Jonathan think that they might have also called the ambulance because the neighbour next door didn't actually call." She said.

"Wait." Dean paused, "So you think someone broke into the house, pushed you down the stairs with intention to hurt you and the twins, but then… then called an ambulance for you?" He said, "Seems odd."

"I know." Sage sighed, placing her hands in her hair, "I know it doesn't make sense but… but I know I was pushed, and no one else could have called an ambulance for me." She said.

"Who would even want to hurt you, Sage?" Grace asked.

"Wait a minute… my brother has just been arrested. I think our first thing that we need to do is get him out of there." Dean said as Sage placed her hand on her forehead. She felt like the room was spinning. So much was going on and she couldn't keep up. They were supposed to be having their first morning with the twins. It was supposed to be great and relaxing and peaceful, but it had been anything but.

"I know." Grace said, "But they're gonna be talking to him right now about… whatever it is that's going on. Then we can bail him out and… and figure out what on earth is going on." She sighed, "The main thing is that we're all ok and this matter can be resolved. It's best not to show any sort of distress or the little guys will sense it." She nodded as Sage sighed and looked down at Kash who was fast asleep on his little cushioned mat while Kye slept in his uncle's arms.

"I just don't know what to do." Sage sighed.

"Ok." Grace stood up, "Dean, you go down to the station and figure out what on earth they're doing there with Jonathan. I'll stay here with Sage." She said as Dean nodded, placing Kye down next to his brother.

"Hopefully I'm not long." Dean said, leaving the living room and heading off to the station.

"Ok, now between me and you, is there anyone out to hurt you?" Grace asked Sage, "Anyone who you've had a dispute with? Even if it's stupid." She said, "Because this person who pushed you… they'll most likely know you unfortunately. And you'll know them." She said as Sage nodded.

"It-It all happened back in New Jersey, just before I came here." Sage said, "Her name was Cass…"


"Ok, now we're out of there, what the hell is going on?" Dean said, stopping Jon on the side-walk after bailing him out of jail, "Sage looks like she's going to have a breakdown any minute." He said as Jon sighed.

"Someone has been watching me." Jon said, looking around him curiously, "Look, I need you to do something really important for me." He said as Dean folded his arms.

"First you tell me what the hell is going on. I'm starting to worry about the fact you look guilty as sin." Dean said.

"I had no other choice." Jon said, "I had to… I had to pay someone to testify in court-"

"Oh my God." Dean groaned, "Oh, you're a fucking idiot."

"I didn't know someone would be watching me." Jon said.

"And you never told Sage? She'll kill you." Dean said.

"Yeah, I know. I get the point." Jon said, "Look, I need you to go to a garage for me. It's called Calvin's. You know it?" He asked.

"Yeah." Dean nodded.

"Ok, I need you to go there and talk to Calvin, the owner, tell him that the cops are sniffing around, that he testified on his own, and I was paying him for fixing my car." He said, "Tyre change." He said, "Then tell him to make sure Jo knows too." He said.

"What the fuck are you getting into, Jonathan?" Dean shook his head.

"That's all you gotta do." He said, "They're from the rough side of town. They'll know how to deal with this. They're good guys." He nodded.

"And what are you going to be doing?" Dean asked.

"In between finding out who pushed Sage down the stairs and who is out to get me… probably screaming into a pillow." Jon shook his head.

"You don't think it… it could be the same person?" Dean asked him as Jon just shrugged.

"I don't know anything. That's what is so fucking annoying." Jon said, "I'm gonna need to take Sage to the station to let them know that she was pushed down the stairs."

"I think she'll want an explanation as to why you were arrested first." Dean said as Jon nodded.

"I'll… I'll get to it." Jon said.

"Ok, I'm gonna go to this garage then." Dean said.

"Thanks, man." Jon nodded, patting Dean on the shoulder.


Jon got home later, walking in the door and into the living room where his mom was sitting with Sage.

Sage immediately jumped up from the couch and wrapped her arms around him tightly, "What the hell is going on?" She muffled against his chest as he rubbed her back softly, smiling over to his mom the best he could as she stood up, still worried.

"It's ok." Jon nodded, "It's not anything to worry about." He said.

"Jonathan, you were arrested. It was obviously something to worry about." Sage looked up at him.

"It was just some stuff to do with a trial. I could be getting into trouble for stuff but-"

"What stuff?" Grace shook her head as Jon looked at them both.

"I paid someone to testify. Be a witness when they weren't." Jon said as Sage looked up at him, "I was stuck, I had no way out and that's what I had to do." He said.

"Jonathan." Grace groaned to herself.

"It's not a big deal." He told them, "It happens a lot with lawyers, ok? It'll go away." He said, turning to Sage who wasn't looking at him, "Sage…" He placed his hand on her arm as she pulled herself away.

"You've lied all this time." Sage looked up at him, "The thing you're being arrested for is… is actually true." She said, "And I'm assuming you're saying it's not?" She looked up at him.

"I have to." Jon said as Sage just shook her head, "Sage, I panicked." He said, "I had to do something. I didn't know anyone would be watching me and taking pictures of me."

"The least you could have done was told me." Sage shook her head, "I can't believe this." She shook her head.

"It's gonna get all cleared up." Jon nodded, "We're gonna go to the station and tell them everything about you being pushed down the stairs." He said.

"Sage… thinks she knows who pushed her." Grace butted in.

"What?" Jon turned to Sage.

"There was red hair on the stairs." Sage said as Jon looked across at her, "Unless… you're having an affair, seeing as you are on a lying streak right now." She took a dig as Jon just grumbled to himself.

"I'm not having an affair." Jon made clear, "You-You think this was Cass?" Jon asked her.

"Yeah." Sage nodded, "I do." Sage said.

"This… This really has nothing to do with me anymore." Grace said, feeling the tension very heated in the room. If looks could kill between her son and Sage she wondered who would have been dead first.

"Thank you so much for being here." Sage nodded to her as Grace just smiled.

"Remember what I said." Grace said, "Don't disrupt those babies upstairs." She warned them both, feeling as thought the second she walked out of the house, a fight was going to erupt, "You know where I am if you need me." She said, "And you…" She pointed to Jonathan, "You sort out whatever it is you're dealing with. And you do the right thing, because I didn't raise you to be a privileged white boy who scams and cheats your way out of things. You were raised better." She hissed as Jon gulped, "And shame on you for lying too." She said as Jon just stood silently, "Sort it out." She snapped, leaving the room and the house as Sage and Jon stood staring at each other.

"So you think it was Cass?" Jon asked her as she glared over at him.

"Yes." Sage said bluntly, "Who else is out to get me?" She shook her head, "And it's not like she just disappeared into thin air. She's always been out there. Maybe closer than I thought." She said, "Maybe she wanted to… to get back at me. Hurt the babies." She shrugged, "I don't know. I don't know anything anymore." She shook her head.

"We'll figure it out." Jon said, "Gotta go to the police." He said as Sage just shook her head.

"I'll go myself." Sage said.

"Don't be like this. I didn't tell you because it didn't seem important." Jon said, "I had to do it. I had no choice."

"You don't have to win every trial!" Sage said loudly.

"I knew my client was innocent. I couldn't let him go down." Jon said, "I had to do something."

"And now look what is happening." Sage said, "You could go to prison."

"I won't go to prison." Jon scoffed, "This sort of stuff happens all the time." He said.

"Well then who is following you and taking pictures of you?" Sage asked, "Who is wanting you arrested, Jonathan?" Sage spat.

"I don't know." Jon shook his head.

"I don't even want to look at you." She sighed. She didn't like the feeling of being lied to, but what hurt her the most was that, her boyfriend had been arrested for completely valid reasons, and he was no doubt lying his way out of it again. He wasn't a liar. She knew he wasn't, but she was starting to reassess.

"Sage, I'm sorry." Jon said, "But I had to do it." He said, "That's not what is important right now. What's important is finding out who pushed you down the stairs."

"I'm telling you it was Cass." Sage told him bluntly.

"So then let's go to the police. Tell them what's going on." Jon said.

"Don't tell me what to do." Sage warned, "I just need… I need time to think. I feel like my head is going to explode any minute." She told him.

"Sage, everything will be ok." Jon promised.

He did feel guilty. Of course he did. He knew what he had done was wrong, and it felt even worse having his girlfriend pissed off at him for not telling her, but his main concern right now was getting the person who pushed her downstairs, perhaps it was Cass, or maybe it wasn't, whoever it was, he wanted them caught.

"You don't know anything." Sage said, "I'm going upstairs. Just… give me some space." She told him as he watched her leave the living room and go upstairs.


Only an hour later, Dean had text Jon to come meet him, having some information for him with Calvin. He didn't want to leave the house, but at this point, Sage didn't want to even look at him. He felt like everything was just going wrong, and they weren't even getting the proper chance to settle in with the boys at home.

He headed upstairs to let Sage know he was popping out for ten minutes, but when he went upstairs she was fast asleep with the boys in their small cribs beside her bed.

He sighed, feeling awful for everything she had been through, knowing he should never have lied. He leaned over and pressed a kiss on her cheek, looking over at the boys fast asleep before leaving the bedroom and heading out of the house.

He got in his car and drove off to the garage where Dean had said he was with Calvin. He parked the car and got out, walking along the street and into the garage as he paused with sudden fright, looking over as he saw Dean sitting against a car, blood dripping from his nose and mouth, it being very clear that he'd received a harsh beating.

"G-Get… Get out of here." Dean shook his head as Calvin and a few other men appeared from in the back as Jon looked across at them, looking on at Calvin who held Dean's phone in his hand, where he'd obviously texted him from, listening as the shutters started to go down behind him.

A/N: It's all going to go down in the next chapter! I know it's a little confusing with so many characters and different things going on but it'll all glue together in the next chapter once it's all revealed what's going on. Let me know what you think!

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