PRIORITIES (Completed)

By chaitali_14

64.5K 2.5K 227

Tiara Collins. A Daughter, a Sister, a Best Friend, a Girl with a Passion for Music, a Girl with Priorities... More

POSTER (snippet)


1.5K 73 23
By chaitali_14


The day was important to everyone of the Collins family tonight. The big day was still yet to come; though this was something very important as well. An engagement. Benjamin and Aurora's engagement party. The day when these two souls would get committed to each other.

The day was rather a mess. Maria was shouting at the workers to get everything done properly. She wanted perfection being the perfectionist herself. Also looked someone quiet scary to mess with. She was too intimadating. She looked after her youngest sons who were also a confused mess. She chose which suit they will be wearing at the party. And the fact that they had to help their mother made them go crazy but they didn't have any other choice either.

Tiara took the responsibility of Aurora. Helping her choose the gown and the perfect hairstyle. she was so excited for the party that she woke up in an inhumanly hour in the morning and ran up to Benjamin's room and woke him up as if reminding him that it was his engagement today. He only laughed at his youngest sibling's excited.

With a deep sigh, Tiara looked at herself into the mirror. She wore a pale yellow dress that was full sleaves and reached even below her ankles. It had a V-shape neck. She just hoped that she wouldn't fall face first and embarass herself in front of the huge crowd invided at the party. She told the makeup artist to do as natural makeover as possible. Her eyes were highlighted with eyeliner and light eyeshadow. Cheeks blushed pink and lips in a colour of rosy. Her favourite part of her look was her hair that definately stood out. It was braided from one side and pinned at the back and the rest of them were left to unwind on their own. With another deep breath, she nodded at herself that she was ready to join the party.

Having a house big enough to have an engagement party with a food buffet and ball was something to brag about. Sophia didn't even know her house could look like this; so big, strange and crowded. The hallways upstairs were abandoned for the guests and only family could have an excess to.

She realeased a deep sign and smiled to herself in the mirror. Nodding to herself, she skipped out of her room and into the hallway that would lead her to the stairs. She was fixing her dress as it was very long and she was afraid that it would get stuck with her shoes and embarass her with a stumble.

With her glase still on her dress, she continued her walk and squealed when she bumped into someone. Her feared eyes met Anthony's cold and surprised ones. He held her by her arms instinctively, saving a fall for both.

Anthony's was wearing a black tuxedo and his hair were gelled slick. He look fresh and smelled masculine.

"Tony! Look where you're going," she snarled and looked back down to her dress and continued fixing it.

Anthony frowned and looked at her shaking her head, "you bumped into me. And hey- stop that. Or else you're gonna bump into everyone in your way," he tried to reach out to her furious hands but she backed and continued shaking and patting her dress.

"What are you even doing?" He asked crooking his beck.

Tiara tiredly looked at him. "I think wearing this dress was a bad decision,"


"I can't handle it. What if I fall? Yellow isn't even my favourite colour. I probably look ugly. I heard Aurora is also wearing a yellow dress. Shit! I gotta change,"

"Hey, stop!" Anthony's grabbed her arm, stopping her. He rolled his eyes and fixed his eyes on hers. "You don't look ugly, okay? And stop overthinking,"

Tiara looked at him. Her face revealing the inner battle she was having. She dropped her head and sighed. Nodding.

"C'mon, the guests are coming," he urged putting a band on the small if her back and guided her towards the stairs. They both walked down side by side.


"Hm?" Anthony asked looking at her.

"I said thanks. For boosting up my confidence,"

"Hm..." He dismissed. Though, Tiara smiled tinderly at her brother.

Crowd slowly started to fill in. Guest from work, relatives and family friend gathered. Some having drinks, some having food from the buffet. Many were just swaying with the music and talking with people around.

Anthony and Tiara stayed by each other as guests greeted them both. Tiara realised that greeting the guests is better in the company of her brother because his cold aura ends the conversation sooner.

"Hey!" Steven's voice beamed from between the crows. He neared his siblings. He was wearing a dark blue silk shirt and the top two buttons were unbuttoned. He wore a new pair of glasses whose frame was thin and was gold in colour. He did a once over to his Siblings and nodded smiling. "You guys look wholesome. How do I look?" He asked and did a 360°.

"Amazing," he smiled at Tiara's comment.

"Is that chest hair?" Anthony picked one from his slightly exposed chest and he winced rubbing the spot.

"Worst compliment ever," he muttered.

Tiara couldn't hold he anymore and laughed loudly at her goofy brothers. Steven glared at his brother at first but on hearing his sister's serene laugh, he too chuckled, leaving Anthony to only smirk.

Suddenly, a noise such as a spoon gentle clanking against a glass wa heard and everyone's attention was drown towards the initiator. It was Benjamin accompanied by Aurora.

"The special occasion is clear to everyone here. I have been giving this amazing life apportunity to spend my life with an amazing Man such as Benjamin here. And I'm delighted to officially call him mine today, our engagement rings signifying our bond," Aurora spoke loudly and confidently.

Everyone cheered.

"I'm delighted as well to call you mine, Aurora," Benjamin smiled and the two slipped the rings into eachother's fingers.

The hall was filled with applauding audience that slowed down in a slow pace. After that, Benjamin and Aurora left to have dinner with eachother whilst the party continued on their behalf.

Tiara was still hanging out with her siblings when he eyes fell on Mark. He was holding her baby sister, Susan in his arms.

"Hey, Mark!"

On hearing that, Mark smiled and approached her. She immediately transported the baby into her arms. She hugged Susan and mumbled sweets things in her ear.

"Hi boys," Mark said and both, Steven and Anthony noddded with a timid smile. Small talks happened, which ended when Tiara spoted her bestfriends. She excused herself and passed Susan to Steven as he eagerly embraced her.

Mason and Jay both were wearing shirts. One in white and one in black. They looked quite comical. Whilst our plus size model wore a pink short dressed and showed it off to her girl bestfriend.

After complementing eachother's outfits and having a laugh they started slowly dancing with the music.

"Hey," Jay whispered to Sophia.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Do you have a minute?" He asked raising his eyebrows in hope.

"Yes, sure," they slipped themselves off the grows and into the backyard where the music could be heard but not loud enough.

"Wow, the sudden fresh air. I love it here outside," Tiara said and inhaled a huge breath and coughed when it became too much. She laughed and mumbled a quiet 'sorry'.

jay laughed and shook his head. His black shirt matching the dark sky. His green eyes met her brown ones and he smiled mildly.

"What is it?" She asked turning to him.

"Uh, I wanted to give you something," he reached out to the back of his pocket and pulled a small book out. He looked at Taira's puzzled face. "It's your book that you lose two years ago. Your lyrical book. I found it in my room today when I was cleaning it,"

Tiara gasped and took the book, opening it immediately. She flipped through the pages and laughed at her early teen handwriting and song writing. She giggled at one particular stanza that made get cringe.

"Oh god, this is so-". Tiara looked up at Jay and found him adoring her face. She suddenly drowned into his gaze and could utter no further word. Same was happening with Jay as he stood idle.

Something happened, in Tiara's heard, that made her take a few steps towards her friend. The distance between was left close to none. The tension was thick, so thick that cutting it was close to impossible.

Jay raised his hand and laid it on Tiara's soft cheek. His thumb rubbed softly and lightly at one particular pimple that she tried hiding. But Jay found everything in her beautiful. Even the painful pimple.

Neither of them knew what was happening. Their face was nearing each other every second and their lips suddenly had mind of their own. Their eyes fell on each other's lips. Which softly united, a feeling of amazement and perfection filling their mind for each other.

The end


Here ends the book! Thanks you for reading it. I have so much to say but am in lost of words. Thanks for not losing hope in this book when I did. Thank you for all the votes and love. Hope to see this same audience in my other books too. I love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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