Electrify My Heart

By vixen_vxn

64.1K 3.7K 1.5K

"It doesn't feel right" More

Not A Good Life
The Deal
Bad Yogurt
Jealousy is Red
Inevitable Tension
Welcome Back
Almost a Confession
Accession of Feelings
Black Merchant
The More the Merrier
Past and Hatred
This is The Night
Real Home


1.7K 115 52
By vixen_vxn

Irene woke up with Lisa's head on her neck. The blonde must be tired, but so is Irene. Lisa literally shook her world and kept her up all night. The older lady couldn't help but to smile, this innocent naive looking alien is a total different being last night.

She carefully caressed Lisa's collarbone, she doesn't want to get off of this bed. She wants to be owned by Lisa over and over again. She kissed the tip of Lisa's nose and embraced the blonde tightly, afraid on letting go of the blonde.

"You're awake?" Lisa asked groggily.

"I have to" Irene mumbled on Lisa's skin.

"Good morning, Irene" Lisa greeted with same cheerful voice she always use.

"Good morning Lisa" Irene said huskily, still sleepy due to the short amount of rest.

Lisa gulped at it, it was Monday morning but Irene is here making her to want her more. Lisa gently tug the duvet to reveal Irene's body but the latter held it firmly.

"No, Lisa. You have work and I have to go at my work too" Irene chuckled as she stop herself from looking at Lisa's sad face.

"How about at your lunch break? I could use my speed power and go at you so you can cuddle with me naked" Lisa offered as it was an easist thing to do.

"Stupid" Irene mumbled.

"But I want to do again what we did last night!" Lisa said sadly.

"Idiot, what we did last night is farthest from cuddling. We had sex!" Irene sit down, ready to start her day.

Lisa gasped in surprised.

"What? We had sex?" Lisa asked innocently.

"Like sexual intercourse?" Lisa clarified. Irene nodded her head.

"What the hell! What if I impregnate you?!" Lisa asked and Irene throw a pillow on her face. She was back at it again. Irene said in herself.

"We're both woman, we have boobs and pussy" Irene said as she accidentally sit at Lisa's lap when she felt she was infact swollen.

"But I'm an alien, Irene. I have no gender and were not really sure if I couldn't reall-" Lisa said. And it made Irene think about it too.

"Well if that's then case we're going to raise mini Li-ouch" Irene clutched on her thighs. She tried to stand up but small steps makes her really in pain.

"What the hell Lisa! What did you do to me, how can I walk towards the office" Irene said in despair but the blonde looked at her with amusement.

"What if I became cripple" Irene was crying. She never experienced this kind of aching on her mini Irene. She couldn't help but to overthink.

"Ssshh. You can walk, it's not like you use your pussy to walk. It just hurt and made it difficult to walk but your legs are fine" Lisa said to comfort Irene. Irene wiped her eyes, losing her virginity at this naive blonde was a paradise but right now, there's a price to pay.

"I'll carry you" Lisa smiled and it was enough for Irene that she will be alright.

Lisa waited for Irene to finish herself preparing for work. The blonde had a smile on herself, brighter than the usual.

"Why are you smiling huh" Irene glared at her.

"Nothing, I'm just happy" Lisa said sincerely.

"You look funny when you walk" Lisa pointed out. Irene clenched her jaw.

"Right after what you did to me, that's all you can say huh" Irene pinched Lisa's side that made the blonde laughed even more.

"Hold up, I will carry you. I swear, just stop" Lisa said out of breath.

"This is embarrassing but you really have to, there's no cab outside since roads were covered with ice" Irene said.

Lisa carried her through piggy back ride. Just a minute walking on the cold sidewalk with lots of people walking too. Irene tapped Lisa's shoulders.

"Aish, it hurts! I'm being stretched and it felt like someone is scissoring me!" Irene said it too loud that gained malicious stares.

"I mean literally, like a scissor, sharp item that used to cut paper, or thread or whatever. It felt like I'm being cut" Irene explained unnecessarily.

"Okay, just like this" Lisa said laughing as she carry Irene into a bridal style. Irene sighed in relief as she find comfort.

"Now, would you do it again what you did last night when after that and morning came you have to carry me like this?" Irene scolded Lisa.

"Yes. I like us like this" Lisa smiled and Irene was surprised as she blushed.

"You're an idiot" Irene mumbled.

"Can we do it again tonight?" Lisa asked.

"Since when you became a pervert" Irene chuckled.

"I was right at my accusations when I first saw you. You're a pervert" Irene laughed even more.

"We're near" Lisa said as she laugh as well.

"Just put me down at the post right there" Irene pointed out.

"Should I pick you up after your shift?" Lisa asked.

"If it's fine with you but I would understand if you'll choose to rest" Irene replied.

"No! I'd like to carry you again" Lisa giggled.

Irene was about to kiss Lisa when she remembered that people on her office knew that they're stepsisters.

"Bye sizzy" Irene said a little too loud that made Lisa frown. Irene made an expression for Lisa to copy her as she felt weird stares towards them.

"Bye sizzzzy" Lisa said even more loudly as she succeeded copying Irene's tone earlier. Irene stopped herself from laughing.

Irene waived her hand and Lisa smiled before going at the cafè.

"Wait there, what happened to you?" Wendy curiously asked as she saw Irene walking like she had limps. She quickly guide her friend on the latter's sit.

"When your legs don't work like it used to before" Joy sing and Irene glared at her.

"What happened to you, renebaebae?" Joy added.

"I just woke up and this happened." Irene said.

"What? Do you want me to come with you at the doctor?" Seulgi offered help as she checked on Irene's legs.

"N-no. This is going to be fine. Let's not talk about this"

"If I wouldn't know that you are single, I would have suspected you had been fuck senseless to sleep" Joy said that made Irene gulped harder. The older lady averted her gaze and looked at the ornaments on the other side of the room.

"Your mouth Joy!" Seulgi hissed and Joy just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Let's get her to the couch" Wendy said and Joy quickly run to help.

"Girls, Director Lee needs to see you this afte-" Yeri barged into the room.

"What happened?" Yeri curiously asked.

"bad bones day" Irene said, not looking at anyone. She wasn't good at lying. Luckily, all of her friends are focused on helping her to be at ease.

"If I wouldn't know that you are single, I would have suspected you had been fuck senseless to sleep" Yeri said and Irene's mouth agaped. Was it really obvious?

"This is not a good time for your malicious theories" Seulgi said as she grit her teeth.

"Okay, jelly. Whatever, going back to my original purpose. The old man wants to talk with all of you this lunch. Irene follow me, I'll give you ice packs" Yeri said and Joy click her tongue.

"She can't walk"

"Okay, fine, no need for the ugly faces, I'll bring it here" Yeri rolled her eyes.

"I'll walk you home" Seulgi said as she rush herself to pack her things.

"No, you've done enough for me today and besides I feel better" Irene smiled.

"I have no where to go, I won't mind" Seulgi insisted. Irene wants to have an alone time with Lisa.

"Lisa will fetch me, don't worry about it, you can rest. It was a tiring day" Irene said. Seulgi seem to worry alot so Irene walk towards her and squeeze her into a hug.

"Go now, okay" Irene said pinching Seulgi's cheeks. Her friend smiled before continuing to exit the door.

Irene sat at the waiting shed outside. Lisa hasn't replied on her messages yet. She started to play on her phone to kill her time. She was so engrossed at playing that she didn't notice an hour had already passed. Maybe Lisa forgot. She sighed and the smokes of her breathe was visible. She rubbed her palms together, she can't stay here for too long. Too cold. A red sports car stopped infront of her.

"Irene" Seokjin called her out. Irene stood up and took few steps to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?" Irene asked.

"Is that the only sentence you can utter everytime you see me?" Seokjin chuckled.

"No, just strange to see you here"

"I'm on my way to see my colleague for dinner meeting, you can hop in. I agree" Seokjin said. Irene rolled her eyes.

"No, thanks. The road is covered with ice"

"I know a route that isn't." Seokjin said. Irene was about to go back on her seat again, when a cold breeze made her stiffened. She would die of hypothermia here, anytime soon. It's getting late and the snow is getting heavy.

"I'll be back tomorrow, hmkay?" Lisa said as she get the red roses from the old florist man that she helped to close the shop. It was the same shop that Jisoo and Lisa went. Lisa walked this far so she'll had something to give to her human. It slipped on her mind that this was far from Irene's office so she will probably get late. She can't use her powers and just hoped Irene will wait.

"Take care, young lady" the florist said and Lisa wave goodbye.

Lisa run, using a little bit of her powers, still unnoticeable. Lisa had her smile on her face and it fell out when she saw Irene, with Seokjin. Sitting at the waiting shed, while being covered by Seokjin's suite.


"Aish, what kind of sister are you? She's been here for more than an hour, cold and waiting for her sister to fetch her. Why would you see first your suitor, huh?" Seokjin scolded Lisa, and assumed that the red roses from Lisa's hand were from the latter's suitor.

"We'll go now Seokjin, thank you" Irene said returning the suite but Seokjin tap her hand, indicating to keep it.

"Take it. Irene will wear my hoodie" Lisa said dryly. Irene shivered at the way it sound. She never saw Lisa speak this way.

"And what? you'll be the one shivering in cold?" Seokjin replied with sass. Lisa snatched the coat from Irene's grasp and threw it towards Seokjin, not caring if the businessman will catch it. Lisa quickly took off her hoodie to put on Irene, and it revealed her only in sports bra, freeing her abs that gained attention quickly. Irene drop her jaw and lost her thinking until she heard gasps, whistle and giggling. Seokjin was surprised too.

"Cold never bother me anyway" Lisa said and Irene sang on her head.

"Lisa" Irene covered Lisa's body using her petite body.

"Let's go home" Lisa said and Irene didn't bother to say good bye at the businessman since she could feel Lisa was pissed off. Lisa carry Irene into bridal style.

"Lisa, bring me down. I feel better" Irene said.

"No, just get these, my human" Lisa said cheerfully as she showed Irene the roses.

"Where did you get this?" Irene asked surprised, she didn't saw it earlier. Lisa was Lisa again, her ball of sunshine.

"Secret" Lisa giggled. All bystanders and other people has been looking at Lisa with want and Irene wear a smug on her face as the blonde's attention was all on her. 

Lisa carefully lay Irene on the bed, positioning herself between the latter's legs. Irene giggled uncontrollably as Lisa bit her neck and nibbled on it playfully.

"I miss you" Lisa said and Irene felt her heart beat wilding.

"I see, you can't get enough of me" Irene said conceitedly.

"You're really beautiful" Lisa mumble as she slowly remove Irene's blouse.

"N-no baby, I'm really sore. I don't think I can handle anothe-"

"It's alright, you go sleep." Lisa said smiling.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Irene tried to compromise, Lisa nodded happily. Irene hugged Lisa tightly but the blonde detached herself in a gentle manner.

"Why?" Irene asked curiously.

"I have to go at Jennie's" Lisa said as she rummaged on her bag.

"Why?" Irene asked coldly.

"Someone left their laptop at the cafè and I saw it, it was the one that Jennie has been using earlier. I told her that her laptop was on my possession but she said that I should return it to her before this day ends. Or else she will tell the cops and I'll be put into jail" Lisa said as she raised a thin macbook.

"Really? A laptop? She will left a laptop? An attention seeker cunt" Irene mumble on herself.

"How long does she had been going in there? You never told me she went at your workplace" Irene said with a poker face.

"For almost two weeks, everyday" Lisa said with her eyes showed horror, Irene starts to surround dark aura.


"And she always ask me to be the one to serve her" Lisa said slowly and Irene clenched her jaw. It was all planned. Jennie was trying to capture Lisa's attention.

Irene removed her blouse and quickly pull off her skirt, she's now on her undergarments only that made Lisa's eyes widened from shock. The blonde's mouth formed a perfect 'O'. Irene pushed blonde's shoulders and Lisa's back met the bed.

"What are you doing, Irene?" Lisa asked.

"You're not going to Jennie or anywhere" Irene said and unclasped her bra. She threw it somewhere and went directly to devour on Lisa's mouth.  The blonde moan as she grope Irene's bosoms but soon enough the grasp loosened.

"What the actua-" Irene groaned on herself. Lisa lost consciousness.

Lisa and Irene were currently having dinner. They acted like a married couple but with no label, no assurance, no liability. It was enough for Irene. Lisa hasn't mention anything about her "purpose". It was enough for Irene. As long as Lisa is with her, labels doesn't matter, Lisa does.

Irene held the golden tooth pendant, she wants to take it off. She will. She wants to keep Lisa. Her fingers slowly graze on the pendant. But the doorbell rings, Lisa quickly run from the kitchen.

"Sit there, I got this" Lisa winked and Irene smiled as the pendant locked on her palm. She will take it off, right now, at this very home, her hands search for the lock.

Lisa unlocked the door but the visitor had her back facing the door.

Irene was searching the lock, determined to removed it as Lisa wasn't looking yet.

"How may I help you?" Lisa asked politely.

Irene couldn't feel the lock. It was no where to be founf around the necklace, but it won't fit on her head.

The visitor didn't heard Lisa. The visitor was typing on her phone.

"Excuse ne? Are you lost?" Lisa asked but the visitor didn't heard Lisa once again.

Irene went to the kitchen, to get a sharp object to cut the necklace.

Lisa slowly reached for the visitor's shoulder to grab her attention. Lisa's hands gently grab the visitor's shoulder. The visitor went to face her. And something happened.

The ice that covers the golden tooth melted.

Irene gasped in surprised as the ice pendant converted into smoke as it reveals freely the golden tooth.

Lisa had found her lover.

"Chaeyoung" Lisa whispered in astonishment.

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