Cold Hands [ Elsamaren ]

By BechloeSendrick05

62.8K 1.6K 3.1K

"Your hands are cold." Honeymaren whispered with a giggle, snuggling into Elsa's shoulder. "Wait, really? I'm... More

1 - Lakes and Beaches
2 - (Un)wanted Feelings
3 - Discoveries
4 - Dandelions
5 - Christmas Day
6 - Sun Sets and Paradise
7 - Attack Plan
8 - Man She Once Met
9 - Eyes of Anger
10 - The Forbidden Element
11 - Dark Travels
12 - Castle
13 - Grandfather
14 - Panic Room
15 - Set Free
16 - Arendelle
17 - Last-Minute Guffaws
18 - Silent Kingdoms
20 - Fallen Soldiers (Part 1)
21 - Fallen Soldiers (Part 2)

19 - Howls in the Wind

1.4K 27 40
By BechloeSendrick05

A/N Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year lovelies! I'm alive... I know how weird. I hope your holidays are going nicely considering the 'wonderful' virus going around at the moment.

"I will kill every last living being in this kingdom, as long as it means that you suffer."

Elsa merely glared at the enlarged wolf, not fazed by the immediate freezing of the people around her. They were fearful, but she wasn't going to let her doubts and fears take over her now, she had learnt her lessons time and time again and she was done running. The Fifth Spirit shuffled her feet so they were shoulder width apart, left leg further back than her right, lifting her hands up so they loosely were ahead of her in a fighting stance, ready to protect whoever she could.

"I'm done running. I am done not letting others help me when I'm on my journies. I am so DONE with my own misery. My mind may be twisted in its own right, but it does not compare to the insanity that is yours. I am here to take you down, so far down that you cannot stand no longer." The blonde girl spat, narrowing her eyes at the large creature. The Sixth Spirit merely scoffed in return- well as much as a wolf form could- and shook its head. It began slowly, almost teasingly, tiptoeing out of the large doorway. 

"Well then, make me kneel child." An almost distant voice boomed. Purple ghouls then began leaking through the walls like water droplets. They immediately stretched out to Anna, Honeymaren and the rest of the group. Elsa's eyes widened as she came up with an on spot plan. She splurted ice barriers around the room for cover and then yelled for Anna.

"Anna! Here, for Honeymaren and you! Make sure Kristoff is somewhere safe while all of this happens." With a flick of her fingers she coherced two long ice swords, well one of them ore of a spear for Maren, gently throwing them to her sister. She knew both Maren and Anna had weapons, but her ice was tremendously stronger.

When the blonde girl turned back around, she had to quickly jump out of the way, as the large wolf pounced at her with a vicious growl, its large paws inches from clawing into her sides and ripping her apart. She did not have a plan to defeat the Spirit, and did not know how to make it go away. Elsa absentmindedly decided that deep thinking would have to wait, and she was just going to fight until she could somehow trap or pin the giant creature down.

The Sixth Spirit ran into a nearby wall with a shaking crash. The large chandelier on the ceiling came crashing down with a large shatter. It then began to stumble back onto its feet, preparing for another attack on Elsa.

On the opposite side of the now wrecked hall, Anna was sawing off the last of Han's rope. "If you so dare even go an inch near me, my family or my sister, I will be shoving this sword up your-"

"Okay Princess-"

"Queen Anna to you."

Hans sighed, hiding his curiosity. "Okay Queen Anna. Trust me, I want this creature gone as much as you do. If it lives, it will continue to haunt both your family and mine. I think I have an idea how to defeat it, however. There was a time where the Spirit wrongfully possessed me, and instead of taking control of me and seeing my memories, I saw its memories. And turns out, your grandfather's father battled it long ago, in the same room we are, basically. Your great-grandfather had to blast it with troll magic and recite a certain phrase, and show no fear, as fear make the spell shaky it seemed. However I think Elsa's icy spirit magic can work in its place. I-It was all a blur...but... honestly this is all we have."

Anna raised an eyebrow, collecting herself and glancing at her injured husband that was hunched over a few metres from the throne in the corner of the room.  Kristoff's presence realligned her thought process and allowed her to once again think clearly. She continued on.

"How do I know if this isn't one of your other tricks? You did it with me and my sister before, and with this stupid Spirit in the first place, so how do I know that you're telling the truth?"

Hans seemed to of predicted this type of response and immediately rushed out his words. "Because! Why... why would I lie about this? We- including me- are all going to be consumed by this thing and become one of its ghouls if we do not stop it! I may be stupid, but I am not that thick skulled." 

Anna shivered and took a shaky breath in and out. He was right. She was going to have to believe him if they were going to have to make it out of here.

"The words that I heard your great-grandfather recite, they-"

"LOOK OUT!" A purple creature reached for their heads, with Honeymaren growling and chasing it, her ice spear merely inches from piercing it. Hans hissed and grabbed Anna down with him. They crouched down on the ground, immediately turning their heads to spot more creatures heading their way. 

"Don't touch me, and just get behind me" Anna stated, pulling out the ice sword that Elsa graciously gave her. 

Hans complied, hiding the shaking of his body by moving his arms as if he were stretching them. He peaked over Anna's shoulder and his eyes widened. 

"You can't take on 3 of them. Not even if I helped you."

"I can when I have her." Anna stated with a sly grin, seeing Honeymaren coming back to the main fight. The rest of their party was occupied, but it always seemed that that Northuldran girl was always there to help, no matter where she was.

"Anna! Let's stand back to back! We got work to do!" The tan girl yelled out, her shorter legs striding out like a race horse to get to her position. She then noticed Hans and stared at him blankly. She had heard stories about the harm that man had done to the Arendelle sisters.

"You... go hide in the corner. You're clearly in no condition to fight." Maren growled. Nodding her head to the side in an inviting motion. Hans took the invitation and immediately took hiding near Kristoff, who was still knocked unconscious.

The two girls then paired up and took their stances.

 A ghoul went to swipe at Honeymaren's face, and the girl immediately reacted. The brunette walked forward, taking a step, and blocked its claws using the tip of her spear, and then stood back and spun in a 360 degree angle, ending up in the same position that she started in, but this time her spear was repositioned. She sliced the ghoul in half, the purple creature letting out an ear-piercing noise that could only be described as agony. It then evaporated into the air as mere mist. She saw the lost souls escape the monsters and seep back into the Sixth Spirit. It was almost as if it was storing peoples souls to use.

Anna had two going at her, so she tagged team with Maren and aimed for the one on the left. With one large swing and a slide on the floor underneath it, the left creature was destroyed and seeping back into the ground, defeated. The redhead then ran towards Maren, who was a few long metres away from her. The tan girl grabbed Anna's wrists and spun her around in the air. Anna's boot slammed into the face of the other purple creature, sending it flying into a wall.

To finish the ghoul off, Honeymaren picked up a nearby shard of glass that was shaped perfectly like a spear tip, and threw it directly at the creature's head. It slumped down and bursted into its dead gas.

Anna sighed out of relief and glanced over to see that Mattias and his men were holding off their creatures adequately on the other side of the room, near the entrance door, and wouldn't need assistance unless more creatures doubled up on them. However, when she looked at Elsa, who was opposite them, she got a bit concerned.

Her sister was panting and sweating like a wild animal. The Spirit's normal pale, glowing skin was etched with warm sweat, mixing the whiteness with faint red blotches. She was dodging the Sixth Spirit's attacks with almost inhuman speed, retaliating with quick bursts of ice, some in lethal spike forms and some just in random waves. The two spirits were moving so quickly that it hurt Anna's eyes. It also seemed that Elsa wanted to corner the large wolf, but it was too quick, even for her. That thought made Anna frown immediately.

"We have to help my sister." Anna pleaded to Honeymaren, who too was sweaty and panting. The brunette took one glance at Elsa and her eyes widened.


Hans then walked up to them, seeming to want to say something before they made a move.

"Wait! You must know more about this Spirit and how to defeat it. It will take its preferred and final form once its power has been minimised down and depleted. You also must know the words to recite once it has been trapped! Plus, you must show no fear."

Honeymaren gave Anna a glance as if to say, 'what the hell?', but the redhead semi-ignored it and sighed. "Tell me now Hans. We don't have time to exaggerate and dilly dally. My sister is in danger."

Hans gulped loudly, stuttering out the words, "Dive..dive down deep into her sound, but not too far, or you'll be drowned. Get her to say that while blasting it with her magic."

Anna's eye widened. That was off of the lullaby that their mother used to sing to them. The redhead made a mental note to study her mother's journals later. She then turned her head quickly to the side and glanced at her sister. There Elsa was, pinned against the ground, the wolf snarling over her, its teeth beginning to seep out like a vampire about to take a bite out of a new victim. A thin line of drool travelled down its ragged chin and into its dark, purple and grey fur.

"ELSA!" Time does not slow or fasten in theory, but to Anna and Honeymaren, it seemed as if their heartbeats quickened, while their surroundings slowed. Honeymaren was already ahead of Anna, sprinting with all her might towards the blonde girl helplessly on the ground, but by then, they had been too late.

The Sixth Spirit used its free paw and reached up into the air, it looked Elsa in the eyes and did not see fear, it saw something else it was not familiar with, it was a distant glare, an almost challenging look, as if the blonde did not care what happened to her. She tried summoning ice, but it was no use. The wolf clawed down on her side, and in that moment, it was as if time froze.

Elsa rarely screamed, but when she did, it was for good reason. She remembered screaming when she thought Anna was frozen to death, she remembered screaming when she felt romantic heartbreak for the first time, she remembered screaming and sobbing into her pillow when she heard of her parent's death, she remembered screaming when she sent Anna and Olaf off when they found their parent's boat. But this time- the pain she felt was unbearing.

It was like getting injected with pure anger. Something changed inside of her. Its claws dug into her ribs and hips like an axe into a tree. Her dress tore easily as if it were paper. Her entire right side from upper hip to lower ribs were shown, her pale and pink skin exposed. Elsa bawled her lungs out because of the physical pain, tears stung and dared to fall out from her tired eyes. She clenched her fists and hissed out loudly, challenging to look the Sixth Spirit in the eyes one more time as her vision blurred and spun from blood loss.

It was smiling, even through its wolf form- it smiled like a crazy maniac with murderous intentions. It then picked her up in a tight grip in its teeth, making sure to seep its fangs into her already horrible wounds, before throwing Elsa against a nearby wall. That was when the blonde girl saw nothing, and it all went black for her. Anna's throat seemed to get stuck out of shock, as the redhead tried to scream, but nothing came out. She ran over to her sister immediately, afraid of the worst. Honeymaren tried to pursue as well, but got cut off by more dreaded ghouls. 

The evil Sixth Spirit began to turn its attention to Mattias' group, which to Honeymaren was concerning, as that old man may of had fight in him, but she knew he couldn't survive a blow even half as bad as Elsa just had. The tan girl had a lot on her mind and on her plate.

Anna reached Elsa and held the back of her neck, slowly straightening up her limp body and leaning it straight up against the ripped and scratched wall. The girl's blood was seeping everywhere, including onto Anna's clothes, but the young queen didn't care, this was her sister. She sought out a nearby curtain and ripped the cloth into small, wrappable pieces, before tending to Elsa's battered and bruised body. Once she was done she realised a vital issue.

"She's losing too much blood." Anna thought in a frantic panic. That was when she noticed something. Some of Elsa's blood was flashing, you could see it through the cloth.

It was almost entrancing. It changed within the blink of eye, a mere flash, from normal, to a whiter haze, to a darkened purple. Like a battle within the blonde girl. Elsa began to slip, and Anna knew this, her paler skin was becoming an almost grey colour.

"No! I am not losing you Elsa!" She pleaded, giving the girl a desperate hug. She sobbed into Elsa's neck, wrapping her arms hopelessly around her shoulders.

And then, there was movement.

"Elsa?" Anna untangled from the one sided hug, the blonde spirit still had her eyes closed, but her breathing began to quicken.

Then, the Fifth Spirit opened her eyes, and a fear of Anna's was once again released for what seemed the onehundreth time. Her eyes were a hazy purple, from her sclera to to her pupils to her iris, but freckles of blue remained. The Sixth Spirit was gaining control, but it had not yet won.

"Anna..." Elsa groaned, her face scrunching up in pain. She was shaking her head furiously, almost fighting off an immense headache. "Make it stop." Her voice echoed loudly as she clutched her head. Elsa's face was wiped with pure fear, and that was the moment Anna knew.

This is what the evil spirit wanted. It wanted Elsa to fear. It wanted the Fifth Spirit to give into fear like she did all those years ago. However this time, Anna was not going to let her.

"Anna!" A distant voice called out to her. Honeymaren sprinted over towards her, her face almost frozen and petrified.

"If you get too close she could freeze your heart again!" Hans called out behind the tan girl, his eyes showing a genuine curiosity and concern. 

"Does it look like we care? Go make yourself useful with this! Help Mattias!" Honeymaren threw her ice spear to him, making sure he ran towards the Sixth Spirit and not to them before continuing on.

"What is happening here?" The Northuldra girl asked, panting and almost hyperventilating from the immense pressure in the room. She looked down at the shaking and panicked Elsa and froze.

"What is that thing doing to her?" Honeymaren gasped. Elsa was looking directly ahead of her line of vision into mere space. She looked out of it, poisoned and unattached from reality.

"Its trying to take over her body again, but since the Sixth Spirit is also simultaneously fighting some of our party, its grip on Elsa is weakened and she is fighting it. I am not going to let that monster hurt my sister ever again. Please help me with this." Anna made direct eye contact with Honeymaren, and that was when both of them knew that their love for the blonde girl on the floor was like no other love.

Honeymaren kneeled down onto her knees beside Elsa, and took the spirit's left hand, while Anna took her right hand.

Elsa threw her hand against the wall and began to hiss out of pain, occasionally letting out loud groans and moans. They could tell she did not want to scream.

"Shh Elsa, we are right here, don't forget that. Focus on our voices Elsa." Anna cooed, placing her  other hand on top of Elsa's hand, cupping it so her sister knew she was there.

Honeymaren followed suit and did the same actions. "It's okay Snowflake, we are all going to be fine, you are going to get through this. I am right here. Anna is here. Your family is here. The Northuldra are by you. Arendelle is by you." She held her girlfriend's hand.

"A-Anna? M-Maren?" Elsa stuttered out. She tried to squint, but it hurt. Inside of her brain there was an ongoing battle that no one knew of. She was covered in a thick smog of darkness and her brain kept telling her that no one was going to care or look for her, that was until Anna and Honeymaren became a burst of light in her darkness.

"Yes Elsa, we are right here, please come back to us I beg of you!" Anna pleaded, holding back a light sob. A single tear fell down her freckled face.

Inside of Elsa's mind she was running towards the sudden light, fighting off the weight of the darkness that pulled on her tail. Then, a loud echoing voice rang out again, giving her more hope. "Elsa! I am here. we are here. Think of me, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, your parents. We all love you, and we all need you if we are to defeat this spirit." It was Honeymaren.

Elsa began to run faster, she could feel the darkness becoming less and less weightful, and more of a distant ringing in the shadows.

Anna then began to sing something that put Elsa way over the edge, it was what pushed her to break free from the purple chains of her mind. She could still hear her mind screaming 'you are not worth it, do not try to fight it, you are worthless' but she did not listen to the Sixth Spirit's hate, not when she heard Anna's beautiful singing voice and Honeymaren's angelic background humms.

"Where the Northwind, meets the sea."

Elsa saw the brightful doorway, it was just in her grasp, if she just reached a little further..

"There's a river, full of memory."

And just like that, she was free of the Sixth Spirit's chains. Elsa gasped for air, it almost hurt to see in the sudden bright room. That was when it sunk in that she was on a literal battleground, surrounded by people. Her skin was glowing with light.

"Elsa?" Anna stuttered suddenly, seeing her sister's eyes had returned to its natural bright colour. "Oh, Elsa!" She hugged her sister tightly, throwing her arms around the girl's neck.

Elsa hissed in pain and shook her head out of amusement, "Hello Anna, thank you for being there. You are truly the best sister the world has ever received. " She croaked raspily.

Anna grinned into the blonde's neck and pulled out of the hug, awkwardly rubbing her neck. "Sorry for the tight hug, it probably hurt you."

Elsa did what only could be described as an attempt at a breathy laugh and shook her head. "It's fine Anna." She turned to look at Honeymaren, who was closer to her face than she expected. "I'm just glad to be back and alive."

Honeymaren stared into her girlfriend's eyes, they glowed and sparkled like an ancient goddess. It was the most ethereal sight  she had ever seen. 

Honeymaren remembered being told stories of a spirit that was an essential bridge of the four elements, but nothing could have prepared her for what was in front of her. Elsa's pale skin shone like the moonlight and her baby blue eyes glowed like a lit candle. They glowed so bright they were almost... white.

"You look... alive." Honeymaren gushed.

"I feel alive." Elsa grinned goofily, turning her head to glance at the wolf that was still chasing down their warriors.

"I need to fix this." Elsa stated, attempting to get up and almost tripping over in the process. Anna opened her mouth out of shock.

"What? Look how injured you are!" She gasped.

"It's fine, I'll have help. I can feel them coming to me." Elsa said calmly, gripping her side with a hiss.

"Help from who?" Honeymaren asked curiously.

"From.... them." Elsa smirked, side eyeing her girlfriend. That was when the windows of the room all bursted open, and the wind flew through the room like a solid snake. Then, the earth began to shake and cracks in the floor began to appear. A distant cracking of fire startled everyone in the room. And finally, Elsa could sense and use the sudden moisture that filled into the air. Gale was there, Bruni was there, the earth was there and the Water Nokk was as near as it could be.

She felt powerful as the wind blew through her hair. She felt almost... calm, as the four spirits circled around the area, almost... at her command.

"Please stay safe, Snowflake." Honeymaren gushed out of awe, seeing that Elsa truly was the Fifth Spirit, the centre of it all. She was a goddess, a whole different queen in her own right, a literal 'Snow Queen'.

The blonde then walked over to the shorter tan girl and stated jokingly, "Don't worry, I'll be home by curfew." She caressed Maren's face and kissed her deeply, savouring every part of the moment. Honeymaren's lips were soft, but cracked from battle. But Elsa didn't mind, it was all that she needed to boost her. With a final wink in her girlfriend's direction, the Fifth Spirit took off, ready to destroy the Sixth Spirit with everything she had inside of her.

Anna stood and merely watched, sighing contently. "Even in the most dangerous times of our entire lives you two still make it romantic."

Honeymaren hit the queen's shoulder playfully and rolled her eyes. "Oh quiet you, we put up with your dramatics with Kristoff." That made the redhead grin, they then went to help Mattias and support Elsa.

Elsa breathed in and out deeply, letting oxygen flow through her veins. She was alive.

The Fifth Spirit slowly paced over to the Sixth Spirit, who was crashing and banging the life out of Mattias and his men, too blinded by passionate rage to notice her sudden and quick return.

A Northuldra man that looked around his late thirties was stanced in front of the small party, his spear in front of him tightly. He had shaggy black hair, and a forming stubble that seemed to have arose in the recent dates. The man was panting like a wild animal on the hunt, but the look in his eyes told a determined story. He was ready to fight to his death to protect those around him.

The Sixth Spirit looked down at him with an amused glint in its eyes. It snickered and shook their head. "So pitiful. You humans are so passionate, even when in the face of death. How cliche."

It raised its claws, and angrily swiped down on the man. His passionate eyes changed to fear in a blink of an eye as he saw the beast come down on him. But then- a flash of light appeared before him, in front of him.

A thick ice wall came between the evil spirit's claws and the man's face. The ice glowed with an unfamiliar feeling. The magic looked almost alive, almost apart of Elsa's soul.

"I wouldn't dare lay another finger- or paw I suppose- on any of my friends again if I were you. You've already destroyed my childhood home and left the ball room to nothing but scratches and burns." Elsa growled, ice mist leaking up into the air from her palms. She was a whole different type of mad, she was furious and her eyes shone with an ardent fight.

The Sixth Spirit chuckled in response, turning its wolf head down to face her eye to eye. "Oh child, why I am not surprised you are here. Although- with your injuries- its impressive that you can even stand." Almost on cue with its sentence, Elsa gripped her side in pain, wavering for a few seconds to regain her composure.

Elsa glanced at Mattias to see that him and a few of his more distant men we sneaking behind the wolf. Honeymaren and Anna had seemed to of made a type of rope out of materials from the room, and were waiting for some others to come around to them. Elsa just needed to distract eh Sixth Spirit.

"W-Well, it seems you have underestimated me once again, spirit." Elsa laughed raspily, furrowing her brows to help concentrate her pain elsewhere. 

"I can tell you are on your last legs child. I suggest giving into me, or you can watch your entire kingdom and tribe be burned to mere ashes as I torture and kill you slowly. Once you are out of the way, I will be the spirit that can access Ahtohallan." The wolf flicked its tail in a plethora of directions. it twitched its nose and snarled.

"You have not lived as long as I have, child. I have lived longer than any spirit on this planet, I am the creation of destruction itself, and just how do you... a mere Snow Queen... plan to beat that?" Elsa stood there in silence for a moment, breathing in to regain her mature thoughts.

"Call me Snow Queen again and I will cut your head off. Only my friends and family can call me that." Elsa sneered, shaking her head. She glanced behind the Sixth Spirit's hind legs to see their trap was almost complete. Just a few more seconds.

"Also," Elsa began, straightening her posture to stand taller, looking directly into the Sixth Spirit's eyes, "I hope you know I am the spirit of life. I care for all the spirits. I strive to bring balance, not destruction. I am born to destroy you, and I will not hesitate."

A haunting silence came over the room as the huge wolf above her huffed. "Well then, if that is how you perseve yourself, so be it."

The Sixth Spirit spun around and sent Anna, Honeymaren and most of the group flying across the room. Elsa's eyes widened and she held back the urge to scream and cry out in concern. She knew they would be okay in the end, she just needed to prove herself.

"Did you seriously think a feeble trap like that would stop me? You would be wrong child." The evil spirit cackled, its booming and deep laughter sending a chill down the spines of Elsa.

The blonde girl shook her head and got in her fighting stance. She wasn't going to give up now and she wasn't going to let down anyone ever again. She was done running and done with all of these problems in her life arising. 

Without even giving the Sixth Spirit more time to yap their words away, Elsa aimed for its chest while it was distracted in its own ego. From the palms of both her hands, she sent a direct ice blast into the centre of the wolf, causing it to fly back a few metres in shock. She then switched her stance and ran up closer to the evil spirit, concentrating her magic lower in her body. Performing a single reverse roundhouse kick, ice glowed from her ankles down to her feet. Elsa kicked the wolf straight in the chin, causing it to yelp and howl in sudden pain.

"Why you BRAT!" It roared, immediately leaping from its position and aiming for Elsa's neck with its large jaws. The blonde kickly dodged its attacked and side stepped to the side with her immense speed. She felt its fur brush past her right arm as the world around her slowed.

"GALE!" Elsa called out, gulping and resuming her stance after a small fumble. She desperately was trying to ignore the crying and constant ache from her wounds. The cloth that Anna had used to patch her up were becoming loose, so the blonde decided to rip some of it off as it was practically useless at that point in time. 

A sudden gust of wind returned into the building. A swirl of beautiful golden leaves stood beside her, almost awaiting a command. 

"I want you and the Earth Spirit to trap this evil spirit in one place where it cannot attack. Trip it over and get it stuck, tie it up if you have to." Elsa asked Gale. Gale chirmed a high pitched noise, it seemed that the spirit happily agreed to the Fifth Spirit's suggestion.

Elsa smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck, before being pulled back into reality by the sound of a devilish growl. "SPIRITS! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!"

The Sixth Spirit's wolf form looked tired and more worn out, but it still stood angrily and tall. It ran towards Elsa once again, but instead slid on the floor and swished its tail in Elsa's direction, hoping to trip her over.

The blonde girl dodged it in a split of a second and jumped over it, but was instead met with the side of the Sixth Spirit's hand banging her in the head. 

Her brain thumped and her heart was almost piercing from the pressure and injuries, but Elsa ignored it all. She could be having a heart attack on the battlefield and not care until the fight was over.

That was when the spirits all picked up and helped her. Gale did as instructed and sent intense, targeted winds towards the wolf's sides and hind legs, hoping to trip it over. The earth sent a sudden boom throughout the whole room and cause the floor under the Sixth Spirit to shake and almost crumble.

"W-What is the MEANING of this?" The evil spirit growled, attempting to take a step forward and return to the intense battle, but instead was met with smoke. 

Bruni jumped from Elsa's shoulders (making her surprised but also grin) to the floor alongside the Sixth Spirit. He created an almost small fire wall so the evil spirit could not escape without having to jump, and since the winds were too strong, the spirit couldn't jump anywhere.

"This? It is called balance, teamwork... family." Elsa commented plainly as if it were the most simple sentence she had ever constructed and said.

"I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!" The Sixth Spirit roared, thrashing its large wolf head around. Elsa could tell she had limited time, the spirit's were struggling to hold it together.

"Elsa!" A distance voice called from behind her. The blonde turned around to see Anna hobbling over to her. The redhead was clinging onto the side of the infamous Water Nokk, it seemed she had injured an ankle, or her entire leg, Elsa couldn't pinpoint it.

"Blast it with your ice while reciting the song Mother used to sing to us when we were young. 'Dive down deep into her sound, but not too far, or you'll be drowned', trust me." The young queen coughed. Her face was covered in dirt but the freckled girl still looked as determined and as beautiful as ever.

Elsa gave her sister a grateful nod and her signature small one sided smile, before stomping off to the Spirit.

"Today is the day we rid of you and banish you to the lowest depths of the Earth. Evil spirit." Elsa spat, cracking her knuckles. She put her left leg behind her right and pushed her arms out. A large beam of light erupted from her hands as her ice began to merge into a mere light from the intensity. 

The Sixth Spirit howled in pain as its wolf form already began to deduct from the intensity of Elsa's magic. 

"Dive down deep into her sound.." Elsa yelled over the sound of her magic. Her eyes began to ligthen as her feet unconsciously began lifting from the ground.

The Sixth Spirit knew it was over, but it still had the idea of wanting to kill that dreaded girl.

"But not too far or YOU'LL BE DROWNED!" The Sixth Spirit began shrinking immensely, but before it did, it sent a huge blast of energy into the direction of Elsa, who was now floating in the air like some type of god. Anna, Honeymaren and everyone merely looked on with pure awe.

The Sixth Spirit then shrunk into a mere puppy, and sunk into the ground with a sad but satisfied whine. Purple smoke emitted from where it once stood, and the souls contained inside of it floated out into the world, clearly heading for their original positions. The spirits stopped their attacks and backed off from their positions, clearly exhausted.

"Elsa!" Anna cried, running away from her support from the Water Nokk and falling onto the ground next to her sister, who had been hit with a large blast in the chest and was now lying down on her back on the floor. 

The queen's legs and body ached and cried for her to stop moving her body, but she didn't care.

"Elsa, please wake up. You did so well." Anna's voice cracked as tears strung down her face delicately. A few silent seconds went by as Elsa's lifeless body laid there. 

That was until a large cough interrupted the silence.

"Am I dead?" Elsa groaned, squinting her eyes.

"Oh my gosh you idiot don't ever worry me like that ever again!" Anna sobbed throwing her arms around her sisters' neck.

Elsa began realising her surroundings. She remembered she was floating in the air originally, banishing the evil spirit as a new power flowed through her, but then she passed out and woke up and was now in her sister's arms.

"I can't promise anything. But I can promise that I'll always love you and be by your side whenever you need." Elsa mumbled into Anna's shoulders, wrapping her arms around the younger girl's waist. She placed a delicate kiss on the girl's shoulder as they swayed back and forth slowly on the floor. 

"I love you too, I always will. You're such an amazing sister." Anna cooed, gripping onto the blonde even tighter.

"She's also really hot and badass!" A voice echoed from the corner of the room. Anna immediately let go of their embrace and her neck snapped to see who made that comment, only to see Honeymaren sheepishly standing there out of embarrassment.

"What? It's true!" The Northuldra girl rubbed the back of her neck with a chuckle.

Elsa shook her head out of amusement. "Enough of the jokes, come down here Honey and hug me, I'm too tired to move. Literally, my legs won't move."

"Alright Snowflake, alright. Anything for you."

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COMPLETED Fandom Sequel to the Disney "Frozen" movie series. Takes place a year after "Frozen 2" movie timeline. Focuses almost solely on Elsa and Ja...
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When King Agnarr and Queen Iduna of Arendelle travel to a nearby town to the East of their kingdom for a proposal to rebuild an old clock tower and s...
7.2K 254 14
Since Elsa moved into the enchanted forest, she protects the forest and everyone who lives in it. Everything is in perfect order - if there were not...
99.8K 3.1K 26
Word count- 41,964 (Y/n) grew up close to the royal family. Her mother being the queen's closest friend. Though she was close with both the girls, sh...