Toilet Paper |

By -lovelyseok

135K 8.6K 4.5K

❞Thanks for the tp, bruv.❞ Kim Taehyung, a famous novelist who accidentally stumbles into a women's restroom... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Fourty Four
Forty Five
Fourty Six

Fourty Seven

2.7K 121 78
By -lovelyseok

"Um, what are you guys doing?"

Rae and Taehyung turn their head at the sound of Hoseok's voice. They're seated on the living room chair, a book in Taehyung's hand—one of Taehyung's books that Hoseok had gifted Rae—that Rae begged the novelist to read to her (because she wants to visualize how Taehyung wrote it in his head); after 20 minutes of going back and forth Taehyung finally gave in to the female's charm and read to page 14;

(not really getting far with Rae's constant questions like 'bet I can guess you're favorite color?' A response, 'bet you can't,' and immediately after she's yelling out 'green,' then a follow up question, 'why green?' Her expression slightly falters, thinking she had gotten it wrong, 'I think it's a color that best represents you.' He takes a moment to sit there and contemplate her words. If he was being honest, he never particularly favored a specific color up until she yelled out 'green!' with such an up close feral passion in her eyes. So, he tells her she was right; now he believes he won't be able to see the color green ever the same again—and he was completely okay with that.); before Hoseok entered through the front door with Hyun in his arms and questioned their actions.

Not to mention Rae made Taehyung wear one of his oversized hoodies so she too could fit into said hoodie; reading glasses perched on top of both of the couple's nose. Oh, and clay face masks while also sharing earphones that are currently playing smooth jazz (again, there was a debate about what type of music to play; Taehyung wanting calming music, because it helps him focus and Rae wanting anything, but that, because it'll knock her out (they opted to switch genres every ten pages to alleviate the growing tension).

Taehyung's expression sours as he listlessly shifts his gaze back onto the book in his grasp after eyeing the devil child with its claws wrapped around his other parent. Rae grins when she see's Hyunie, about to submerge her head under the hoodie to get up and hug the little boy, but a firm grip around her waist keeps her in place and away from the venom that Taehyung knows the beast is emitting to lure in his prey.

She pays no mind to the arm around her torso; either way making it her mission to let the little baby know that she's missed him very much from the last time she got to see him. Hyun spots Rae in the comfortable tangled mess of her and his uncle, small feet tapping against Hoseok's side to signal the young adult to put him down.

Once out of his father's hold, he's skipping over to where Rae resides. Taehyung catches a glimpse of Hyun running over to them and sneers. "Aw, Rae don't bring it over here!" Her arms appear underneath the beige hoodie to catch the bouncy toddler into a tight hug. Taehyung leans backward when one of Hyun's claws come near him.

"Hi, Hyunie. I've missed you so much," She coos as she moves back once Hyun stops hugging her; a huge toothy grin stretched across his adorable face. He squeals in excitement. That's when she notices the new hairstyle; a shorter and wavier bowl cut, "You look so cute with your new hair cut!"

Hoseok smiles, asking Hyun what he says in return to a compliment. Hyun clasps one of his small hands near his mouth and whispers, "Thwank you, Raa." She supposes it was a way to let her know that he was only talking to her.

She smiles down at him and ruffles his fluffy hair. Taehyung urges Rae to come back so he can continue reading—even though he was opposing to such an ordeal 25 minutes ago and fussing about how hot it was in this hoodie with two bodies up against each other.

She leans back into Taehyung and giggles. "You're so annoying."

"Ya mama."

"Which one?"

Hoseok and Taehyung furrow their eyebrows at her response. Taehyung sighs, bringing his arm up to place Rae's head against his chest and turning back to the book. "You're lucky I care about you."

Rae lifts her legs up to make sure Hoseok has a view of the slippers adorning her feet. "Look at our matching slippers; and the best part? They're giraffe slippers!" She giddily says, eyeing the foot ware on her and Taehyung's feet.

Hoseok hums in approval, "That's a cute gift, Rae."

She agrees wholeheartedly, "Yeah, I know. It was Taehyung's idea—"

"Linsdey Lohan has done gay porn."

Hoseok pauses, bewildered with such a sentence as he reiterates it quietly. Taehyung bites his lip as Rae glances up at him. Now he has to stall. He nods spuriously, "Yeah, it's true. Can you imagine that?" As soon as he sees Hoseok's mind drifting off into imagining what such a view would look like, Taehyung frowns down at Rae. "I told you not to say that!" He breathes.

She scoffs incredulously, "What's the big deal? I love them..." She pouts, wiggling her feet around.

He bites his fist. "It is sooo hard for me to put you into words, you dork."

"Ya bald headed uncle named Seth who got a glass eye and another eye that can only looks sideways, with his ashy cornrow knees and chipped elbows."

"You were saving up for that one, huh?"

Rae cheekily grins, "Very much so."

"Wait, yeah no, I just can't see her doing that." By now Hoseok's hands are on his hips. He chuckles, then furrows his brows. "What were we talking about?"

"For a race car driver he sure is slow." Taehyung whispers into Rae's ear, earning an airy laugh in response.

"Uncle Ta-Ta gwave giwaffe slippers to Raa."

Taehyung glares daggers into the back of Hyun's head, clenching his fist.

Hoseok's eyes widen, a fanciful grin sporting his mouth. "Oh, wow, uncle Ta-Ta is turning soft for Rae-poo."

"Let's be nice, let's be nice, you're not wrong, but you didn't have to say it." Both Rae and Hoseok cover their mouth and snicker.

Taehyung mumbles, "who side are you on." leaning his head against his hand; the right side of his lips twitching up into a reluctant smile.

Hoseok puts his hands up in front of him, "Well, don't let me interfere with what you two were doing before I and Hyunie came. C'mon boy, let's play some Mario kart." The older male grabs the child's chubby hand and guides them into his bedroom.

Rae's mouth parts in awe, simpering out, 'mario kart?' Before whipping her head around to ask if Taehyung wants to play too with her eyes; as if he'd get the hint that she was eager to make bets that she'll know she'll win against the writer.

He glances at his Le Marche Des Merveilles Bee watch (a watch Rae told him to buy solely because there's a bee stitched into the middle and 'that when every time he looks down at it he'll remember how important bees are to the ecosystem and nylon is kinda environmentally friendly, so') before landing his gaze back onto the pages. "We're still on page 14, pine cone."

She looks amused, a coy smile playing at her lips. "Weren't you the one who said pet names were for people with bland taste?" Rae insinuates.

"Yeah okay, stay in your sweetness, don't let anybody take that from you." He rolls his eyes, flitting his gaze back onto her when she looks away.

"Let's go play Mario Kart and ruin their hopes and dreams."

Taehyung's eyes sparkle with mirth, meeting her gaze. He would love to, to show that demon hellhound who the real alpha of this house is; but, he can't simply voice his sadistic tendencies aloud; especially in front of the female who's practically made a Hyun fan club for the dirty gremlin.

The novelist casts his gaze elsewhere to show a lack of interest, yawning to exaggerate. "I don't know...can I—we, go against Hyun—you-you know to include him."

Rae's eyes narrow; well aware of his rivalry with the innocent angel. She chews on her lower lip as she ponders what she could say that would convince him to not be such a party-pooper; but, nicer. He knows what she knows she needs to say; his mischievous eyes looking up at her through his lashes.

"Fine, but go easy on him, will ya?" She yields, lowering herself to be closer to Taehyung's face; smiling to amplify him to agree to the terms.

With another listless inhale he nods vaguely, shifting in his seat. "Alright, even if it inconveniences me."

She begins to mamba in excitement, disregarding his last statement; turning her back to him and raising her arms in front of both of them; faintly curling her fingers. "Click!" She lowers her arms back down.

Taehyung blinks, "What was that?"

"I took a picture of this moment to keep in my crumpet." She points toward her head. God, the way her selfhood radiates from the depths of her soul and the tips of her pinkie toes.


She raises her brows, twinkling eyes he gets lost in gingerly smiling as she questions what he means; lowering her gaze to her fetching giraffe slippers. Taehyung runs his hand over his mouth; being attracted to Rae's thinking is a whole different level of attraction Taehyung is on; that underlying feeling (they'll probably never say a word about the invisible red thread that sews the two together); how he daydreams about her on and off again throughout the day when she's not around; repainting the small endearing conversations (that she'd probably make into a jingle) they would have the way Rae would perceive it.

What they had was calm, comfortable; they could sit in silence (though with Rae, that was unattainable) and would be able to explain a million words between them than with anyone else; even then Taehyung could watch her be herself; masterful, courageous; the embodiment of stolen glances, laughing a little too much at their corny jokes, touching knees, and always trying to get people to play uno and having a pack ready at hand; laughing when no one else laughs at a joke, because she feels bad; and Taehyung can find a thousand more things to blackmail her with.

"I think that's the color that best represents you."

A small smile fills her face, then she's snapping her fingers. "That reminds me of when I was a child; my haraboji use to tell me that when you're holding hands with someone and they squeeze your hand three times it means, 'I love you.'" Taehyung takes it as to no surprise that she changes the subject; she did mention prior that her brain runs at a million words per second and if she doesn't get something out in time it'll be lost in the other mindless inclinations.

"You're beautiful," He holds his breath once he realizes the words that spew out of his mouth. Before she can poke fun, he swiftly interposes himself, "but, not as beautiful as me."

He places his book onto the ottoman and stands up, towering over her to wrap his arm around her as he escorts them to Hoseok's room; ready to gang up against the Baby and the Exorcist.

And right away Rae is off to pretending to be a badass, but is too much of a sweetheart to convince anybody who was observing. She's in the mist of plotting to Taehyung on how they should enter the room; 'I play bad cop and you play good cop', he huffs playfully, 'don't shoot anybody,' when there's three minute squeezes on her arm, stuttering on her monologue when she catches the discrete affection.

Too busy becoming flustered, she completely disregards her previous strategy as Taehyung's swinging the door open with his arms raised suggestively. "Look, we don't want any trouble. I'm officer Kim and the female standing in the doorway with a dazed look in her eyes is Officer Han—I wouldn't want to get on her bad side if I were you."

She smirks, running behind him. "That's right, I have giraffe slippers—gifted by lovely Officer Kim—and I'm not afraid to show them off!"


purple: represents an artistic and unique individual, often very intuitive and interested deeply in spirituality. You are active and compassionate, paying attention to the finer details and constantly analyzing and observing everything that crosses your path. You are usually a good judge of character, and a visionary with a great need to participate in humanitarian problems. A little moody sometimes? Maybe, but thats only because you experience and feel everything so deeply.

green: a deep need to feel safe and secure, and a deep longing to love and be loved. You seek acknowledgement and acceptance for the everyday things you do, for you are typically down to earth and aware what other people think of you. A good reputation is very important to you, and lovers of green are often loyal, affectionate, and honest.

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