Steenee and Hattrem

By Amagconcon

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An extrovert Steenee name Roxy and an introvert Hattrem name Lila were best friends since they were pre-evolv... More

Chapter 1: What's new today?
Chapter 2: The shy new student
Chapter 3: Playing truth or dare

Chapter 4: A double wedding

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By Amagconcon

Roxy's pov.

The next day at school in the morning, I finally got the chance to talk to Lila about having a baby sister.

"Hey Lila, here's something that I forgot to tell you about." I said.

"What is it?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and tell her excitedly, "I'm going to be a big sister because my mother shows me a Bounsweet egg yesterday when I got home from school!"

She became surprised and answered, "Wow, I am impressed, I-I mean really." She stammered.

But then, Katy joined our conversation because I was talking about having a little sibling.

"Hey, I do too! Yesterday, my mother shows me a Popplio egg from her room, and I'm going a big sister, just like you Roxy!" She shared her part from yesterday.

I replied, "Wow, Looks like you and I have something in common. I wonder what your little sibling's gender will be."

"Well, I don't know yet. If it's a girl, I'm gonna name her 'Penelope.' But if it's a boy, I'm gonna name him 'Peppy'." Katy said. Then she asked Lila. "What about you Lila, do you have some great news you wanna tell us?"

I agreed to Katy, "Yeah, is there something you wanna tell us?"

Lila answered, "Well there is one thing I have to tell you about." Then she inhaled to prepare herself for her great news. "Me and my mother went to a restaurant tonight for dinner. It was a seafood restaurant from Hulbury. I had some shrimp and fish while my mom had some squid and lobster."

Me and Katy became surprised.

"Woah! That's great! But sadly, you didn't have a Pokémon egg for you to be a big sister." Katy said.

Lila replied, "That's fine, I mean, not everyone can have a Pokémon egg which you will be an older sibling."

I agree to what she said. "That's right." I said. "And question, since you and your mother went to a seafood restaurant, are those seafood the water type Pokémon?" I asked.

Katy answered instead, "Well duh, yeah. In fact, me and my mother use to go to a seafood restaurant for the weekends. And me getting good grades at school." Then she asked, "Why? You haven't go to a seafood restaurant yet?"

I replied, "No I haven't yet. But I will, because my mom told me that I should go out with her for family fun next week."

"Well that's good to hear." Katy said. "C'mon, let's go have breakfast first."

Me and Lila both agreed and we followed Katy to the poketeria.

A while after breakfast

Sudowudo's pov.

As all of my students from 3rd period came to my class on time, my chance has finally come to tell them the awesome news!

I tell them, "Hello class, before teaching you guys about something, here is some awesome news!" I inhale for the outcome, "Today, you guys are invited to their double wedding party! Which is Glalie and Froslass's engagement, and Centiskorch and Frosmoth's engagement."

All the other students gasped in surprise, then cheered in excitement. I knew they would be excited for this.

"Alright, since you guys are excited for their wedding, are there any questions about this?" I asked, checking on them if they're curious about their wedding.

But then, I saw Roxy raising her hand. She asked, "Um, excuse me? Since yesterday, when did two men marry their women?"

I answered, "Right when they're done teaching the class after their school."

Flashback start from yesterday at Galar Middle School

"Good luck children, have a nice day." Glalie, the math teacher, said to the class while the bell rings. Their school has ended.

As Glalie left his class, he walks to Centiskorch, the ELA teacher, in the halls and asked, "Phew, what a day. Say, do you still have the ring for your fiancé?"

Centiskorch answered as he show him the ice crystal ring for her, "Of course I do. What about you?"

Glalie replied as he show him the diamond ring for her as well, "I do too. Let's meet up with the others and confess to our ladies~" he said with a sing-song voice.

But before Centiskorch goes outside with him to confess to their ladies, he was confused because he was thinking of which man should marry their lady. Is it him? Or himself? It can't be both because if they marry their ladies together after their confession, they will be confused at some point. So he'd ask him before they'll marry their lovers.

"Hey, uhh...Glalie? Before we should do that, which of us would marry our girlfriends first?" Centiskorch asked.

Glalie was thinking in his head of what to marry their future wives first, until he answered, "I think I should go first."

"Okay." Centiskorch said.

As they leave the school and went outside at the park where the other teachers and principals from GMS and GJH are, Froslass the art teacher and Frosmoth the geography teacher are having a chat at the bench while Glalie and Centiskorch are both ready to marry their fiancés.

While the ice ladies both saw their man, Froslass said, "Oh, hello you guys, is there something you want to talk about?" She asked.

Glalie first began to confess to Froslass. "Froslass, you are the most beautiful, most sweetist Pokémon I've ever met. When we met, we were Snorunt kids at the start and became friends in kindergarten. When we became lovers, I gave you the most cheesiest gifts in Valentine's Day. You love it and decided to have feelings for me in high school. I love it when you confess to me. That's the best part ever. You and I's relationship was so powerful that we never break up. Froslass..." He pulls out a ring from his pocket with his invisible hands and leans it closer to her. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

Froslass gasps as she covers her mouth with both hands, blushes, and had tears in her eyes. "G-Glalie...YES!!! I will marry you!" She replied excitedly in tears of joy. She began to hug him and kiss him in the lips. Glalie kisses her back while all the teachers and principals awed in adorement as they watch the romantic scene this whole time.

As they both release the kiss, Centiskorch said, "Now it's my turn."

Glalie cheered, "Yeah! Go confess her and marry her!"

His confidence begans to built up as he started to confess to Frosmoth. "Frosmoth, I will always think your the prettiest ice moth Pokémon that I'll never forget. You and I met when we were pre-evolutions as kids in kindergarten. We never betray each other. I became your boyfriend when we had a dance prom in the poketeria at high school, and I confess to you because I began to have feelings for you that I'm officially in love with you. You began to carefully kiss me after I confess to you. You never cheat on me with someone else and you always be on my side forever. We would be together, forever and always. Frosmoth..." He does the same thing just like Glalie. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

Frosmoth gasps as she does the same thing just like Froslass. "C-Centiskorch...YES!!! I will marry you!" But instead of hugging, (because he might accidentally burn her with his burning body) she'd carefully kissed him in the lips. Centiskorch kisses her back while all the teachers and principals awed in adorement too, but some tearing up because of these two beautiful, emotional confession.

"Wow, this is so beautiful. But why won't Glalie and Centiskorch put their ladies' rings into the ring boxes?" Sudowudo asked. "It'll be easier for not to lose those rings."

Thievul answered, "Because some men marry their women by holding a ring with their bare hands without worrying to protect it with a ring box."

"Oh." Sudowudo said.

Onix said in tears while using a tissue, "*sniff* T-that was the most r-romantic scene *sniff* that I ever saw in r-reality!" And he began to cry.

"*sniff* I-I know, r-right?" Claydol, the drama teacher, replied as he cries and began to hug Onix while he hugs back. They're both crying together. But the others are a little annoyed with a sweat drop expression on their heads despite some of them have tears in their eyes while watching the romantic scenes in real life.

Flashback ends

After I'm done thinking the best moment from yesterday, I saw that Lila raised her hand.

"Um, excuse me Mr. Sudowudo? What church will they attend at and what wedding party will we have fun at?" Lila asked.

I replied, "Their church will attend at Galar Church (that I made up), and the wedding party that we'll have fun at, is the Galar dance floor (that I made up also).

Flashback start (again)

While these two couples ignore these two emotional teachers, Froslass got an idea in her head for their wedding.

"Hey guys, I have an idea. During our wedding, let's make a wedding party for our students!" She said.

Glalie, Frosmoth and Centiskorch agreed on her's.

Sudowudo asked, "But what about our students?"

Glalie replied, "Of course, your students can be invited too."

"And don't forget our families too." Quagsire reminded them.

"Of course, all of our students and families can be invited to our double wedding!" Frosmoth said.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Centiskorch said.

"Oh, let's tell them tomorrow this morning after they ate breakfast." Abomasnow said.

"Hey, some of us have our kids you know." Sudowudo said in a stern voice while he cross his arms.

Vespiquen agrees to him and said, "Yeah, can we tell our kids about the news tonight?"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that." Abomasnow apologized. "When we get home, we should tell our kids about the the great news about those couples getting married. If some of you have kids."

"Yeah right." Glalie said. "During our marriage, we should get married in the Galar Church, then we'll have a wedding party at the Galar dance floor. Wouldn't that be a good idea?"

"Yes!" Mamoswine replied as he and the others nodded. "That would be a great idea for all of our students!" He exclaimed, before adding, "Anyway, I'm going home right now, see you tomorrow." He said as he leaves.

"Bye." The teachers and principals said as they leave too.

"See you my love~" The lovers said to each other in a sing-song tone as they went home separately as well, because they need to get married first if they want to be together forever and always.

Flashback ends

As I'm done thinking about the time where they plan to go to the best churches and dance floors ever, I saw that Denny raised his hand.

He asked, "So, will all of our invitations will be in our mailboxes?"

I replied, "Of course your invitations are all in your mailboxes. Besides, the lovers had made as many wedding invitations as possible while they're at home. When they carry the invitations with their big bags to the mailbox where Alfonso the mailman Pelipper gets the mail, they went home while Alfonso gets the mail from the mailbox and send these invitations into your mailboxes. The future spouses told all of us teachers before we go to school."

"Ooh!" The class became surprised, as I saw Frank raised his wing while he reminded me, "Hey, Alfonso the mailman is my older brother!" Then he asked, "And question, what are we going to learn before their wedding?"

I smiled as I show one of the copies of the "Romeo Nickit and Juliet Yamper." Books. I answered, "Today, we're going to read 'Romeo Nickit and Juliet Yamper!' It's about a Nickit and a Yamper who have fallen in love with each other, despite that their relatives hate each other."

But then, someone interrupted while I go over the love story. "What?! Eww! Why would we read some yucky love story before their wedding?! Love stories made me sick!" Harry complained.

Blossom and Jon agreed to Harry.

She said, "Yeah, me too!"

He said, "Me three!"

I seriously answered to the three, "Because I love romance, and the class will learn and know about romance better! Whether you like it or not." But then I become confused of where I was at. "Anyway, where was I?" I try to jog my mind of what I was gonna say to the class, but then I remember now.

I started to put one of the copy books Back, and show one of the copies of the "Romeo Nickit and Juliet Yamper." Questions on paperwork. "After you read one or a few, I'm gonna read the questions on paper to you, and if one of you raises your hand first, your gonna answer it to me, if you pay attention on the chapter while reading. As you answer it correctly, I'll write the answers for you and you class will copy the answer on your paper." I said as I go over the questions on paper. "Any questions before I pass out the books and questions on paper to you?" I ask before I do that, just to check I'd they wanted something to say.

I then heard that no one is raising their hands and no one asking.

"Nope, no questions Mr. Sudowudo." Roxy replied.

"Good, just checking." I said. Now to the class while passing out the books and paperworks to each of them. "Now, I want you to pay attention to the story, and answer the questions carefully on paper when you raise your hand."

After I pass out the books and papers to each of them, I have my boomboxer for the audio of the book for the chapters.

I ask them if they're ready, "So, are you ready?"

They replied, "Ready!"

But before I turn the audio on, I heard someone talking.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to the love story." Roxy said to the three.

Lila agreed to her and said, "yeah."

I told them, "No talking during the story."

"Sorry." They apologized.

As I accept their apology, I turn the audio on and begin the story.


Lila's pov.

At the cafeteria

Ah, lunch at last. So after we got our lunches from Mrs. Bewear, we've sat here from yesterday with Phoebe, Heather, etc. Until Kenny joins us at this table as he promised.

"Hey Lila, hey Roxy." He said as he waves one of his feelers while holding his lunch tray with his other two feelers.

"Hi Kenny!" I replied with a happy tone while waving at him because I was happy to see him again, along with Roxy. "I've saved a spot for you." I said as I put my arm on this seat for him.

Kenny became surprised and said, "Oh, thank you."

I replied as I let go of this seat, "Your welcome."

As he sat on this seat that I was saving it for him, I was thinking of what words I'm gonna say to him during lunch. Until something popped out of my head.

"So Kenny, have you ever been to a wedding before? And what do you think of romance?" I asked. "Because our teachers have been teaching us about romance."

Kenny replied, "Oh, a wedding? Uhh... sure I do. I went to my uncle's wedding at Kalos a few years ago, when I was kinda little." Then he asked Roxy, "What about you Roxy? Have you ever been to a wedding before?"

Roxy sadly sighed and answered, "Oh, no I haven't." Then she exclaimed excitedly, "But my chance has finally come when we are all invited to their double wedding! It will be my first time to go to a wedding!"

"Yeah, I know right?" I said excitedly.

Later after school

Roxy's pov.

Whew, I love romance so much, so does Lila. So after school has ended, we all went back home.

I said to Lila as I leave while waving my hand, "Bye Lila."

Lila said back, "See you at the wedding."

As I'm done waving at her, I went back to my castle.

At the castle

As I'm home, the Vileplume guards let me in and I went inside as I became surprised, because I saw my mom getting dressed for their wedding while she's holding a bag inside of a dress for me for their wedding too. Her dress is beautiful on her in my opinion! I guess she went shopping after she check the mailbox and read their wedding invitation while I was gone to school.

"Hey sweetie, what do you think of my dress that I bought at the boutique?" She asked as she shows me her long, light pink dress with long sleeves, which I already saw it, "Pretty isn't it?"

I'm still surprised as I can't stop noticing from what she's wearing. "Pretty? It's beautiful!" I replied with an overjoyed tone.

"Why I'm glad you think it's beautiful!" She then gave the bag, with my dress in it, to me, "Here, leave your backpack here in your room and go get dressed." She said.

I started to squeal in excitement as I replied, "Okay mom!"

As I grab the bag from her, I rush upstairs to my room and lock it so I will dress privately.

After I leave my backpack here next to my bed, I've grabbed my dress out of the bag, and unfolded it to see what kind of dress she bought for me. *Gasps* I've got a short, light teal dress with short sleeves and flowers on the skirt! Yay! So I change my regular dress to my light teal dress for their wedding. And when I'm changed, I look at myself in the mirror and wow, I look pretty cute in mine, but something is missing here... Oh, I know! I think I should add some accessories to me!

While I wear my mangosteen necklace, my mangosteen bracelet, my mangosteen anklet, and my mangosteen earrings, I'm all set! So I unlocked my door, went back downstairs, and show it to my mom.

"Hey mom, what do you think of the dress that you bought for me?" I asked.

My mom squealed and replied, "It looks so cute on you!" Then she noticed the accessories that I'm wearing. "Oh, I think I should wear some accessories too." She said as she quickly went upstairs to her room and get some accessories.

Tsareena's pov.

As I'm in my room, getting some of my accessories too, just like my daughter, and checking the egg to see how she's doing, I've got my pearl necklace and my two pearl bracelets. I began to start wearing them. They look gorgeous.

And for the egg, she's okay, so I said to the guards, "Thank you guards for looking after the egg."

They replied, "Your welcome ma'am."

As they've left my room and go back to where they're guarding, I've grabbed the egg and quickly went back downstairs to where my daughter is waiting, but wait, I almost forgot something for her! I need to give her the daisy flower crown for her that I made! So I grabbed it from the top drawer, went back downstairs, get the invitation from the table so they'll know that we're invited, and put it in my green purse so I won't lose it. Eeeeeee! This is going to be exciting!

Roxy's pov.

When my mom is back from downstairs and she beautiful than ever because of her accessories, I asked her, "Did you bring my little sister and the invitation with us?"

She nodded. "Yes, your sister is in my arms. And the invitation is in my purse." She replied, "And I have something for you."

*Gasps* Yay! I love surprises! I asked excitedly, "Ooh what is it?"

My mother got out a daisy flower crown from behind her back that she's holding, for me! I gasped at this flower crown.

"Thank you mom! It's beautiful." I complemented.

"Your welcome!" She replied.

And then, she put it on my head, which made me pretty cuter.

"Now let's go to the Station to the Galar Wedding where your friends are." She said.

"Yay!" I cheered.

As we left our castle, we took a carriage to the Station.

While we're on a carriage, I felt tears of joy because this is my first time to go to a wedding.

But then, my mother saws me and thinks I'm crying. "Roxy, sweetie are you okay?" She asked me, wondering.

I dried my tears and answered, "Yes, I'm okay, it's just that...I've never been to a wedding before, but it will be my first time though."

My mother smiled.

A few minutes later

As we're here at the Station, we went inside and my mom tells the train ticket man, "Three tickets for me and my daughters."

The train ticket man gives us our tickets and we took two of the empty seats to wait for the train, until I saw all of my friends and classmates! Including my friend, Lila, who's wearing a short poofy, light purple sleeveless glitter dress for their wedding also. Sitting next to her mom at the other side of the wall.

I waved at her and said, "Hey Lila, glad to see you again."

Lila waved back and said, "Glad to see you too."

And then, my mom asked me to sit next to her on the other side of the wall with her mom, "Hey Roxy, why won't you go to the other side of the wall where she's sitting at while waiting for the train?"

I think it's a good idea. I replied to her, "That's a good idea mom, so I won't get bored while waiting."

As I began to get off of this seat where we are sitting at in the first place, I sit right next to Lila and chat about their after wedding.

After waiting

When we are done chatting, the train has arrived, for people to go to Wyndon, and we all get in since we've got our tickets to go to Wyndon too. As we're all inside in our seats, the train starts moving, and it takes us to Wyndon.

After the train ride

As the train has stopped because we're at Wyndon, we got off of our seats, said, "Thank you!" To the driver for taking us there, and left the train.

After we leave the station, I feast my eyes to look around in Wyndon and I'm so surprise, because it looks pretty cool and it's my first time there.

"Wow, this place is cool! Don't you think?" I said while looking around in Wyndon.

"Yeah, I know right?" My mom replied while looking around too.

After the tour in Wyndon, my friend said, "Well, looks like it's your first time, eh?" She elbowed me.

I nodded. "Mhm."

While my mom check her phone and see what time it is, It's 4:00. Which means that we have to go to their wedding asap.

"Guys, now's the time to go to the Galar Church right now. It's 4:00." My mom tells us.

Oh, yeah. We don't wanna be late for their wedding! I gasped, "Your right, c'mon!" I told everyone to follow me and my family.

At the Galar Church

When we're here at church where all of our teachers, principals, Mr. Glalie, Mr. Centiskorch, and the priest Xatu are waiting, we all sat at any seat we want. Me and my family sat at the front seats on the left while Lila and her mom does too. Eeeeeee! We can't wait to see their brides!

No one's pov.

As the brides are both nervous, because when a bride like them shows up, everyone looks at her, the bridesmaids looked worried towards them, so they would give some advice for them to raise their confidence.

"Girls, look, we know that your nervous about the people seeing you two whenever you come in but, we do that just like you." Vespiquen comforted.

Orbeetle, Denny's mother and science teacher of GMS, agreed to what she said, "Yeah, I use to be nervous during the wedding too when I was the bride but hey, I get use to it and keep moving on." She said to them.

Froslass and Frosmoth stops being nervous from what their friends say, and they're right. "Thank you you guys." Froslass replied to them.

Frosmoth agreed to her, and replied too, "Yeah, we may be nervous during our wedding but, we will have to get use to it!"

"Yes! That's the spirit!" Quagsire exclaimed.

As the bridesmaids went back inside the church, Noctowl, Tyler's grandmother and librarian of GMS, tells Froslass and Frosmoth before they went back, "And also, stay confident."

The girls nodded in agreement and the bridesmaids went back inside.

When they're inside, Glalie ask the bridesmaids, "So, did you gave some advice to our ladies?"

The bridesmaids nodded.

"Good, I just can't wait til we see our ladies in their wedding dresses." Centiskorch said in excitement.

"Oh you'll see." Lapras said. And now, she starts playing the "Here Comes The Bride" music on piano with the help of Rillaboom, Sean's mother and music teacher of GMS.

(Alright, so here's the "Here Comes The Bride" music, if you want to listen to it.)

As the "Here Comes The Bride" music is playing, first, the flower girls, which are Vera, Custard (Female Combee; Vespiquen's daughter), Pollie (Milcery; Wendy's little cousin), and Cherry (Cherubi; Blossom's little cousin), threw colorful petals in the air to the ground, then, when both the doors are open, Froslass and Frosmoth comes in with their boutiques they're holding like other brides do.

When the brides walked all the way to their grooms and are next to theirs, the priest Xatu took his speech in front of everyone while looking at one of the pages from the bible so he won't forget the lines, "Dearly Beloved, we here, gather around for those two beautiful brides, and their own handsome grooms. And bless them to live happily married as husband and wife forever and always, and celebrate their marriage. In love, peace, honor, and Joy. Love is stronger than hate, peace is stronger than conflicts, and any positive things are more stronger than any negative things." While some of them sniffs to see them get married, he asks someone who has the rings for them, "So, may I have the rings?"

When Onix and Claydol heard from the priest asking for the rings for them, Onix and Claydol gave the rings to each of the bride and the groom while having some tears in their eyes, but with joy.

After each of the bride and groom puts on the rings to each other, then join hands to each other, the priest asks the grooms, "Glalie and Centiskorch, do you take Froslass and Frosmoth to be your lawful wives?"

Glalie and Centiskorch both answered, "I do."

Then, he asks the brides, "And you Froslass and Frosmoth, do you take Glalie and Centiskorch to be your lawful husbands?"

Froslass and Frosmoth both answered, "I do."

"And now, I present to you, husband and wife to each." The priest said, "You both may now kiss the brides." He told them.

And then the two couples kissed for a bit long, which made everyone cheer, clap, and have tears of joy. After the kiss, they released it and the grooms carried their brides in bridal style.

"Let's celebrate our marriage everyone!" Glalie and Centiskorch shouted at everybody in joy.

All of the people cheered that they're gonna have a great time celebrating their marriage at the Galar dance floor.

At the Galar dance floor

As everyone is here at the Galar dance floor while sitting at any table, two principals, which are Drampa and Silvally, are on stage. And Principal Drampa took his speech in front of everyone using the microphone, "First of all, I'm very glad that you guys came to their wedding, that's very generous of you all. Today, we'll be having a fun party!"

Everyone else cheered.

Drampa and Silvally are gonna take turns using the microphone, so he gave the microphone to Silvally, and he took his speech too, "There's a mini buffet, you guys can grab anything you want. And when we announce the married couples, you wait until you guys can dance with them on the dance floor anytime you want. Don't forget to have fun! That's the most important thing of all."

He gave the microphone back to Drampa. "And now, we present you all..." they both say them out loud, "THE SNORUNT COUPLE AND THE FIRE AND ICE COUPLE!"

The couples came in and goes to the dance floor while love music starts playing. They each began to dance slowly together.

(You can listen to a various love songs if you like.)

"You guys can go get some food or dance with them." Drampa told everyone on microphone.

And they do as they say.

Roxy's pov.

Wow, this is gonna be the best party ever!

"Hey Roxy, what do you want to do during their engagement party?" My mother asked.

I've decided that I'll have some food because I'm hungry. I answered, "I'll have some food, what about you?" I ask my mom.

"I'll have some too." She responded.

As we went to the mini buffet where the others are getting their food, we got a plate first, then we get whichever food we want. I added fried rice, a veggie mix, and some meat onto my plate while my mom added brown rice, a corn on a cob, and a few sausages onto her plate as well. After we got our dinner, we went back to the table we've sat on and eat.

Lila's pov.

After eating

After me and my mom had our dinner that we got from the mini buffet, my mom and I feel like that we want to have a dessert.

"Whew, looks like I feel like that I wanna have a dessert, do you sweetheart?" My mom asks me, exhausted from all that eating.

"I do too!" I reply with an exhausting, mouth watering, expression  I want one of the slices of their wedding cakes.

"Now let's go!" She said excitedly as I followed her to their wedding cakes while the others got each of their slices. Until I saw Roxy and her mother getting a slice of cake, my friend even notice me too, so I waved at her, and she waved me back.

Roxy's pov.

After I waved at my best friend, my mom asks me of what kind of wedding cake I should get, "Roxy, honey, which cake do you want?" She pointed at each of them. "Glalie and Froslass's ice cream cake? Or Centiskorch and Frosmoth's regular cake?"

Yum, I want to get the ice cream cake because it's so good! I answered, "I really want the ice cream cake, what about you?" I ask my mother.

She replied, "I would prefer the regular one instead."

"Okay." I said.

When we each got our slices of different wedding cakes, we are about to go back to our table until me and Lila both saw each other again. Me and Lila wanted to hang out with each other while eating our cakes.

I started to ask my mother if me and Lila can hang out with each other while eating our slices, "Mother, can I go hang out with my best friend?"

My mother replied, "Of course, as long as you put your plate and fork to our table if you finish your slice."

"Yay!" I cheered as I run up to her.

Lila's pov.

After I ask my mother if I can go hang out with her, she nodded.

"Thank you mother." I smiled to her.

She replied, "Your welcome, and don't forget to put your plate to our table if you finish your slice."

"I will." I said, and I began to run up to Roxy.

"So Roxy, where do we sit at while we're eating our slices?" I asked.

Roxy looks around the party, until she found a spot for us to sit.

"We'll sit here." She replied as she points at the right side of the wall.

"Alright." I agreed.

While we're going to the right side of the wall, Roxy asks me of what kind of cake I've got, "Hey Lila, what kind of cake do you got?"

I answered, "I've got an ice cream slice, what about you?" I asked her.

"Same!" She answered joyfully.

I smiled as we both got the same kind of cake slices.

As we sat behind the right side of the wall while eating our slices, I asked her from what she had from the mini buffet, "Hey Roxy, what did you have from the mini buffet?"

She answered, "I had some fried rice, a veggie mix, and some meat." Then she asks me, "What about you Lila?"

"I had some spaghetti, cauliflower rice, and fries." I answered. But she shook until the spaghetti I mention reminded her of something.

"Hey, the spaghetti you mention reminds me of having dinner last night." She said from what it reminded her of. Until I glare at her a little bit, because she didn't tell me that. "Sorry for not telling you that, I was just excited to tell you about my little sister."

"It's okay." I replied.

Until, Frank comes over to us and asks if he wants to join with us, "Hey girls, can I join you?"

"Of course." We both replied.

And then, he sits down with us and eats his ice cream slice just like us. Wow, we really like the ice cream version of the wedding cake instead of the normal one.

After eating their slices

Roxy's pov.

After we finish our ice cream slices, I ask both of them, "So, is it good?"

They both nodded. "Mhm."

"Good," Then I said to Frank, "thank you Frank for joining us."

"Anytime." He replied.

As he left to put his plate and fork to their table, we do that too.


"Hey Roxy, can I have a dance with you?" A male voice asked. I wonder who it is. So I turn around, and then I realize, it was Carl. My love interest.

I nodded and replied, "Yes."

As I hold his hand and we go to the dance floor, my mom told me, "Good luck. 😊"

I nodded to my mom in agreement. And when me and Carl are on the dance floor, we began to join hands to each other and dance slowly while the music is playing, "Perfect".

(You can listen to the "Perfect" music, if you like.)

No one's pov.

As Carl and Roxy dance slowly, Eliot and Lila dances slowly too. A while of that, they began to do the ballroom dance when the chorus comes. The boys even sing a few important words to the girls based on the lyrics of the song. When the song ends, they kissed while Roxy and Lila's friends/classmates awed in adorement from seeing this.


As the party is over, everyone left the Galar dance floor.

Roxy said to the engaged couples, "Thank you for inviting us. We had a lot of fun."

"You're welcome." The engaged couples replied.

"And you Carl, for the dance." Roxy said to Carl.

"Same for you too Eliot." Lila said to Eliot.

"Our pleasure." Carl and Eliot replied while nodding, but then they're eyes widen and they look at each other and realize that they both say that at the same time. Until they're gonna fight over of who said it first.

"Hey, I said it first!" Carl yelled.

"No, I did!" Eliot yelled too and disagreed.

"Oh you ask for it!" Carl began to pull up his sleeves to fight him.

"Bring it on!" Eliot did the boxing defense to prepare to fight.

While the boys are trying to fight each other but their parents are holding them back, not making violence, the girls have their sweat drop in embarrassment.

"Should we help them out?" Lila asks Roxy.

"Nah, their parents will handle this." Roxy replied.

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