starstruck - lrh

By whiskeyluke

419K 16.5K 57.1K

the story of a famous girl and her biggest fan. -- completed -- More

end note.


4.8K 189 563
By whiskeyluke

Luke's POV:

It took only moments before we were rushing upstairs to Haven's bedroom, our hands holding onto each other tightly.

In fact, we practically tripped up the stairs as we hurried, not wanting anything to get in the way or prevent us from getting to her bedroom with urgency in our touch.

As I shut the door behind the two of us, I immediately bend over, moving my arms under her legs in order to hoist her up and hold her. Haven reacts just as quickly as she wraps her arms around my neck and I don't hesitate to turn us around so her back is pressed against her door.

A soft noise comes from her lips as it rumbles against my own and the desire is eminent. In fact, the crave between the two of us right now is impossible to deny.

It makes the spark in this moment ignite even more as I eliminate all distance between us by keeping her close to me. It's as if every intimate moment we've shared has led up to this and I absolutely never want to stop.

Feeling her hands desperately reach for my hair as she grabs onto it tightly, makes something surge through me that intensifies this moment even more. I'm more thankful than ever that she finds such enjoyment in running her hands through my curls as it's the most encouraging thing in moments like these.

I reciprocate her actions by pressing my chest against hers which causes her body being pressed roughly against the wall as she gasps against my lips.

I hate to admit that I already feel myself getting worked up but it's something about this moment that seems so different than any other intimate moment we've been in. This one seems to have a strong urgency to it as neither one of us seem to plan to hold back.

After all, I love this girl more than anything in the world. If there's one thing I want her to find certainty in, it's my absolute love and adoration towards her in every way possible. I can't imagine ever finding a love like this in anyone else. Haven and I have a connection that's incomparable to anything else and I will never let that go.

She's the most incredible person, inside and out, and I will never understand what I did to win her over. I don't deserve her but I'll spend ever damn day for the rest of my life doing whatever I possibly can to prove to myself that I can deserve her.

Not being able to resist it, I move my lips from hers and attach them to her neck as I want to increase her pleasure and kiss her in a way that is much more intimate than the clashing of our lips. I want to kiss her in a way that will send a shiver up her spine and have her biting her lip in an attempt to refrain from making any noises of pleasure.

The noises that drive me absolutely insane.

I move my lips furiously, not spending too much time on any particular spot as I want to kiss every inch of her neck and her jaw in order to give her all the attention in the world. Especially because I know how much she loves the attention and just how incredible it makes her feel.

I don't even refrain from tugging at certain areas in order for me to have the opportunity later to be reminded of this moment and just how crazy we are for one another.

Knowing that we both confessed our love for one another, everything has changed. I don't feel any doubt about her not having intense feelings towards me as I am aware of her love now and how easy it was for her to say it.

I just want to hear her say it again and again.

Feeling overwhelmed by my thoughts, I can't help but tell her the words running through my mind as I take my lips off her neck for only a split second.

"I love you."

Haven's hand grip onto my hair tighter once she hears these words and I feel absolutely giddy as I hear her repeat them.

"I love you."

Not taking another second, I remove her body from the wall and immediately make a beeline towards her bed as I want to do something for her that'll further prove how much I love her.

Haven doesn't resist at all as I lay her out on the bed and she tugs me on top of her right away. I take the opportunity to use my arms in order to hold me up as our lips meet once more.

It's practically impossible to keep my control as there are a million things I want to do for the girl beneath me but I don't want to jump into things too quickly. Instead, I need to appreciate this moment and get everything out of it that I possibly can.

There's no point in skipping to dessert when you can enjoy your meal.

Our lips move against each other with desire as we don't pull away for a second and instead give each other everything we have to offer in this moment.

I just wish she wasn't wearing such a tiny skirt that's made it impossible for me not to sneak my hand under.

I feel Haven's hand reach for the buttons on my shirt to immediately start undoing them which causes my heart to race furiously. I don't stop her or attempt to assist her as her actions are capable of leaving me so weak and needing more.

As soon as she undoes the last button, I move my hands from the mattress in order to strip off the shirt and remove it from my body, as well as tossing it to the corner of the room.

I resume my position, continuing her lead and tugging at the shirt she wears on her own body that I'd much rather be on the floor with mine. Haven arches her back slightly in order to make it easier for me to remove the fabric from her and I don't hesitate to do so as I take it off completely.

Once I toss it in the corner of the room, my eyes frantically move to meet hers as they lock within seconds. I can see the love in her gaze as there's no urgency in her eyes, more so, a look of love and appreciation.

It's the most beautiful sight in the world.

I want to tell her again and again that I love her just so she'll never have to spend a day for the rest of her life wondering whether or not I still love her. I want her to be so sure of how I feel about her and find so much comfort in my words and actions.

Especially because she's so capable of making me feel incredible in everything she does. It doesn't have to be just moments of intimacy; she makes me feel on top of the world when we just wake up, or when we just go to bed, or when we're eating a meal together, or when we're driving somewhere and she holds onto my hand on top of the center console.

It's absolutely everything she does that makes me have this constant reassurance of security in what we have.

Haven seems to notice me becoming overwhelmed by my own thoughts so she wraps her arms around my neck, a smile spreading on her lips as a result of our silent words that are no doubt reassuring.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks, just above a whisper.

"How madly in love with you I am," I say with no hesitation.

My words are enough to make Haven blush as she bites back a big smile and doesn't tear her gaze from me for a second.

"I'll never get tired of hearing that," she says, her voice soft as she leans closer to me, her hair moving to certain the two of us.

"I'll never get tired of saying it," I promise.

Haven's hands push through the curls towards the back of my head and she follows it with, "I love you."

God, who knew three words could have the capability of making me feel on top of the world?

I pick up right where we left off as I kiss her again and again. Wanting to feel her every way possible right now as everything I feel towards her has ignited due to her saying such words that I never would've guessed I'd hear from her.

Haven's hands tug me close, as if refusing to allow me to pull away or create distance between the two of us. It's evident how desperately we both want to feel one another right now and I'm thankful more than ever that we're on the same page.

I decide to push things even further as I take it upon myself to tug on her skirt in order to pull it down. Where we plan on going tonight is beyond me but all I know is that I need more.

Haven lifts her waist to assist me so I tug it down without a second thought and toss it with the rest of our clothes which leaves her only in the bra and thong she has on.

I run my hands up and down her waist, wanting to feel the way my touch has an impact on her and how goosebumps never fail to arise at the action. After all, there's nothing I love more than knowing I can drive her crazy in moments like this.

Luckily, she doesn't fail to react as I can feel the way her body instantly takes notice of my touch and how it's enough to send a shiver through her.

Due to this, I squeeze her waist in order to show my appreciation of her reaction to my touch as Haven's own hands move from my hair to down my arms.

Her hands are incredibly soft and the touch is almost enough to seem as it's not there as she does so with such delicacy and precision. Due to this, I'm sure she's more aware than anything of her impact she has on me.

My hands trail to her back, desperate to unhook the bra that covers her from me. I feel hesitant to do so considering she's never taken it upon herself to do so but I feel confident in the thought that she would stop me if it wasn't something she's comfortable with.

Reaching behind her, my one hand finds the hook that holds the bra together so I quickly unsnap it, relishing in straps separating as the bra becomes limp on her.

I'm about to pull it down from her arms when Haven surprises me as she grabs onto the waistband of my pants and immediately unbuttons it and tugs the zipper down.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't freaking out right now.

The direction of this is beyond me but my head fills with a thousand ideas as I think about where we could be headed. After all, both of us are removing our clothing and absolutely nothing has slowed us down yet.

Haven begins to pull down my pants, so I assist her by kicking them off myself and listening as they meet the ground. I know I'm reacting in more ways than one due to the intensity of the situation and I hope Haven doesn't notice and get freaked out by how quickly she is able to have an effect on me.

I remove my lips from hers in order to look at her once more and reassure myself that I'm not taking things too far too quickly. On top of that, I can't help but give her my attention as she removes the bra from her chest, leaving the both of us hardly clothed.

As I hear the undergarment reach the ground, I can't help but move my eyes in order to observe her beautiful body that's on show below me. I'll never be able to put into words properly how incredible every inch of her is but I hope I can continue to show it in everything I do.

This new exposure of her gets my heart racing and blood pumping through me entirely. I've never seen someone in my life who's so capable of getting me worked up so quickly and leave me absolutely speechless.

Haven notices me observing her carefully and luckily she doesn't shy back as I'm sure she is well aware that anything she does takes my breath away. This is obviously no exception as I want to feel every inch of her and absolutely never let go.

She reaches towards my waist, tugging me close to her so our waists meet which causes me to suck in a sharp breath as I hadn't been expecting the contact or the sudden pressure that sends pleasure throughout me.

"I need you," Haven says in one breath.

I'm speechless due to her words as I don't know how to make sense of them. I'd assume she's just as desperate for some form of contact as I am considering we both have managed to get ourselves so worked up in such a short period of time.

"I'm here, baby," I tell her, as if promising to take care of her current state. I lower my head, deciding to pepper her neck with kisses as our waists remain pressed against each other. Moving my lips so they're right below her ear, I say, "I'm going to take care of you."

Haven's raises her hips once more, pressing against mine which causes me to squeeze my eyes shut as I try not to react too dramatically.

"I need all of you, Luke," she says, which causes my actions to halt. "I want to love you in a new way tonight."

I feel frozen in time as her words are so shocking to me that I have to replay them again and again. There's no way she means what I think she means.

"Wait, what?" I ask, looking into her eyes and halting my actions completely.

Haven has sincerity in her eyes as they shine like never before and she doesn't look away from me for a split second. Instead, she holds my gaze as if in an attempt to show her sincerity and how serious she is in this moment.

Her hands move in order to cup my face softly and she runs her thumbs along my cheeks, "I love you so much, Luke Hemmings. I want to show you that in a new way tonight."

My throat is dry and I feel as if I'm seeing stars as this becomes real to me. Haven Morano, who I've watched behind a TV screen for years, is laying beneath me and telling me she wants to push things further between us. The thought is incredibly threatening as I have found so much confidence in our relationship but not being able to deliver to her expectations tonight is a nightmare to think of.

"Have..." I starts, her hands still on my cheeks. "Are you sure? There's no rush, we can-"

"I'm sure," she assures me. "I want to get there with you."

My stomach feels sick as the idea is so scary. What if I mess this up? What if I cum too early? What if I'm acting a fool in pleasure the whole time as I try to hold back how incredible it feels?

She must see the horror in my expression, as well as the hesitance because she immediately speaks up as if to make me feel okay about saying no.

"I mean- we don't have to," she says, quickly. "I just thought you wante-"

"I do," I say to her, trying to figure out the best approach to this conversation.. "I do want to, really fucking bad. I just - uh, um, am nervous, I guess."

If I could smack myself in the face without looking like an idiot, I would. Did I just say I'm nervous? What the hell? What guy admits that to a girl when it comes to sex?

Haven seems amused nonetheless as she shoots up an eyebrow and asks, "Can I ask why?"

Knowing I'm in too deep now to try to find my way out of it, I let out a dramatic sigh, lowering my head and trying to think of something I can say without looking like an absolute idiot.

"Fuck, I don't know, Have," I say, shaking my head as I've embarrassed myself enough at this point. Haven notices this and takes the opportunity to tilt my head back up so I'm looking at her. "You're you and I'm me and I just- I don't know. I don't want to disappoint you."

Haven's eyebrow shoots up immediately and she looks to me as if I have five heads, "You're worried about disappointing me?"

I nod my head, knowing how stupid I sound but realizing it's my only truth. Obviously I want to do this with her as I've wanted to do it with her since the first time I ever laid eyes on her but now that it's her, I'm terrified of messing up.

Haven lets out a laugh regardless, "Luke, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard you say."

I find her eyes, seeing the amusement in them as she clearly did not expect for this to be the outcome. I want to crack a smile along with her but I can't push out the nervousness in my stomach that prevents me from doing so.

Noticing this, Haven continues, "You are the most gorgeous man I've ever met, inside and out. To be able to do this, together, when we have this strong love is so incredible to me and nothing could ever happen that would leave me disappointed."

"But what if-"

"Nothing, Luke," she reiterates, not taking her eyes off me. "So stop second guessing yourself. No one in the world is capable of making me feel the way you do and that should be enough."

Her words are incredibly comforting as I know she means them. I know she feels something with me that she's never felt before and that is the best feeling in the world to me.

So with that, I say, "I just want it to be perfect for you."

"Anything with you is perfect," Haven assures, her hands reaching to my hair once more in order to run them through it again and ease me in any way she can. "Now please shut up and just kiss me."

I don't know what it is about these words that seem to finally boost my confidence. In fact, I kiss her with so much passion and desire that I probably couldn't turn back now even if I wanted to.

Her reassurance is everything to me as I know everything that comes from her is genuine. I feel shitty making her feel as if she has to give me reassurance but I don't know if I'll ever fully not be hesitant in moments like this due to my own fear of not being good enough.

However, she was so capable of pushing that thought out of my head and now the only thing I want to focus on is proving her right and pushing beyond her expectations.

I want to make her feel the best she's ever felt in her life.

So with that, I don't hesitate to hook my finger through the sides of her thong and prepare myself for another site that I haven't encountered. After all, last time I had provided pleasure for her, she had kept her shorts on so this truly is going to be opening a new door for us.

I tug them down regardless, keeping my lips on hers as I feel so fucking nervous. Especially knowing that the reigns are in my hands and I could very much so fuck something up and ruin our first time together.

Thank god I keep condoms in my wallet.

Once she's stripped from her last piece of clothing, I move one of my hands in order to create pleasure for her before we jump into things. I want her to be more worked up than anything and begging for me to do more.

My hand slides up her inner thigh, not failing to notice the goosebumps that rise in anticipation as her legs are silky smooth. I try to calm myself down, knowing if I'm nervous I'm more likely to fuck something up.

Haven doesn't fail to keep the pace of the kiss up as our lips massage one anothers and our tongues occasionally collide in order to intensify the contact. I just hope my hands don't start shaking considering I feel as if I'm foreign to actions like these after having not done anything for her in a while.

My fingers graze over her folds, immediately feeling the way I've managed to have an effect on her thus far. It's impossible to miss as I haven't even slid my fingers between yet it's clear as day.

I take the opportunity to do so which elicits an immediate whimper for her as I'm overwhelmed by the feeling of how turned on she is in this moment. Hell, and here I was nervous that she'd be freaked out by the sight of me.

I slide my fingers up and down her slowly, the anticipation in my stomach growing as I feel how badly she wants me. It's the most incredible feeling in the world and only encourages me further as I apply pressure.

"Luke," Haven croaks against my lips as she bucks her hips towards me.

Not being able to help my desire for control, I grab onto her waist and immediately press it back down on the mattress in order to have her sit back and let me take care of her properly.

I once again begin to kiss her neck in order to tell her, "Sit tight, baby."

Haven doesn't respond, her head throwing itself back as my fingers rub circles and I try to contain my own desperate desire that longs for more than this.

"Gotta get you all warmed up," I assure her, wanting to make sure she's in her best state before we start.

I want her body to be begging for me and desperately pleading for me to do more. I want to see her reacting in a way that will wipe away my nerves for good.

Applying pressure to her clit, Haven immediately moans, "Fuck Luke, you're driving me insane."

I bite back a smirk, relishing in her words and wanting for her to say them again and again. I love hearing her in moments like this as it's incredibly encouraging.

"Patience is rewarded," I tell her, teasing her entrance with my middle finger as I hardly slip in an inch of it before immediately pulling it away and running it up and down her core.

Doing this to her makes me feel so incredible as her body deserves to be treated as so. She deserves to be pleased and made to feel incredible. Haven deserves nothing less and I just want to make her feel the best she's ever felt in her life.

I can feel her getting more worked up by the second as whimpers leave her lips and her hips beg to raise in order to meet my movements as I know she needs more.

"Please Luke," Haven begs.

Her words shoot pleasure through me and I look up to meet her eyes to see the desperation in them. The sight is one to make my heart race as I see how badly she needs more.

They look to me with a foreign look that's so familiar at the same time. I know she just wants me to do more and I'm in no place to prevent that and keep myself from doing so.

"Give me all of you," she says, biting onto her bottom lip as I repeat my actions.

Knowing that her wish is my command, I realize there's no shot I'll be able to tease her any further. I know how badly she wants me to do something more and I'm not going to refrain from doing so for my own enjoyment.

So with that, I reach for the hem of my boxers and tug them down, feeling myself spring free of them as I'm more worked up than I've ever been in my life. Haven watches my actions, not looking away for a second as I free my legs from the fabric and toss it as well.

The realization that we're both naked is overwhelming to me as I try not to overthink it. However, here we are, fully exposed to one another and absolutely nothing separating us.

I know she wants this and I know I want this even more. I just have to bite the bullet and go for it before I begin to second guess myself once more.

Nonetheless, I find myself verifying once more, "You're sure you want to do this, Have?"

She nods her head furiously, "I'm so positive."

I nod my head slowly, showing that I understand her words before turning towards my wallet that sits on the nightstand. Reaching towards it, I grab onto it, hoping to not freak her out by the fact that I keep condoms in here.

Then again, every male on the planet does. It can't be anything new to her.

My heart races with nervousness as I grab one and quickly rip the packaging in order to grab the condom that's about to make everything that much more real.

"I have some in the drawer," Haven says simply, referring to the condom. "They were Jake's but I think they might be a bit... small."

I crack a smile at this, finding it humorous that Jake tends to buy the smaller sized condom. I'm not surprised as people with small dicks tend to be the ones who have the most to say.

"We'll replace those," I assure.

Haven smiles, a blush appearing on her cheeks as I don't mind what my statement was insinuating. After all, it would only make sense to replace them. Right?

As I slide the condom on, I grip onto the base of myself, feeling myself throb in my hand as my body begs for contact from someone. I think about what's to happen and inwardly pray that my dick doesn't give in too early.

I look back to Haven who's watching me carefully, probably praying that I don't change my mind as I'm sure my expression is tough to read right now. I'm sure it's one of want and also hesitance. However, I refuse to dwell on the latter.

So with that, I resume my position of towering over her as I keep my hand on the base of my cock and press the other one onto the mattress. I don't fail to notice the way that even Haven looks nervous as she bites the inside of her lip and watches my actions.

"It's okay if you change your mind," I tell her, wanting for her to feel comfortable backing out at any point. "Don't feel like we have to finish if you realize you don't want to do this anymore."

I don't want her to think that once she commits to this, she has to let me finish. Instead, I want her to find comfort in changing her mind if applicable and being open and honest with me about it.

Haven nods her head right away as if showing that she hears me and understands that this is something she can do. Above all, I just want her to be comfortable with me and not ever feel like she owes me anything.

"Thank you," she says, sincerely.

I smile at her, thankful she heard my words and processed them appropriately. Taking that as my invitation to initiate this, I lean my face towards her, pressing our lips together in order to mask any pain she could potentially feel as I push inside of her.

Haven picks up on this as she wraps her arms around my neck and I use my grip to guide me towards her entrance, sliding myself up and down her core once to prepare the both of us.

Haven whimpers against my lips and I practically groan at the contact but instead amplify my pleasure by pressing my tongue roughly against hers.

I repeat my action once more, the contact being too much for me to handle before I bite the bullet and push myself inside of her.

Haven's body immediately jolts as she gasps against my lips and I suck in a sharp breath, the feeling being incomparable.

I stay inside of her, not moving in order for her to adjust as I continue to kiss her in order to distract her from any potential pain she could be feeling.

God, I can't believe this is happening.

Haven's hands find their way to the curls on the nape of my neck as I pull back slightly the push right back inside of her, causing intense pleasure to shoot through me.

I hope I last.

Haven removes her lips from mine, a shaky breath leaving her lips, "Fuck, you're a lot bigger than Jake."

This is the encouragement I never knew I needed as I'm sure Jake never knew how to pleasure a girl like Haven. I'm sure he made moments like these all about himself and hardly gave her a second thought. The thought is so disgusting to me.

"Tonight, I'm going to make you forget he ever existed."

The look she gives me is one that is enough to send a shiver up my spine as it's one that practically dares me to do so. I can see the way she's dying for me to prove this and I plan on doing exactly that.

She's about to open her mouth but I push inside of her once more which causes a shriek to leave her lips as her eyes squeeze shut and I can see the way her face contorts in pleasure.

I grab onto her waist, holding her close to me as I thrust inside of her, allowing for myself to pick up a rhythm which can hopefully allow her to adjust to this all better.

I'd be lying if I said I have had sex that's come anywhere close to this. Doing this with Haven is absolutely incomparable and the pleasure is so overwhelming that I hope I don't freak her out.

However, I'm sure she doesn't fail to notice the way my eyes are screwed shut and how my lips are parted slightly in the shape of an "o."

"Luke," Haven moans, the name rolling off her tongue in such a sexy way that only makes me that much more determined. "Oh my god, Luke."

I want to beg her to say my name again as I'm reminded that I'm the one that's making her feel this way and I'm the one that has the girl below me who is so beautiful in every single way.

"Fuck baby," I say, my eyes still shut as I tug onto my bottom lip, my thrusts consistent. "You're so tight."

Feeling her tightly wrapped around me increases the pleasure for me beyond words. It eases the ache shooting through me as it replaces it with undeniable pleasure from my favorite girl in the world.

I wonder if she even realizes how tightly she's wrapped around me and how absolutely insane it drives me. It makes me want to take things a lot further than they are now, however, most likely too far during our first time.

But feeling her tiny fingers grab at my curls in order to hold back any discomfort she may feel due to the size adjustment makes me want to almost ask her to tug tighter.

It's the best feeling in the world and I love knowing she's just as much of a sucker for it as I am. It's the encouragement I need as I know I'm driving her crazy.

"God, you feel so good," I reassure her, moving my head to the crook of her neck in order to rest it there as I push inside of her, our lips colliding to make an echo through her room that makes me thankful she lives here alone.

Haven wraps her arms around my neck, keeping my head resting in the crook of her neck as she arches her back against me and moans leave her lips in a way that is so incredibly sexy to me.

"Luke," she moans, my name repeatedly coming from her lips as if the knowledge of the person doing this for her makes it that much more pleasurable for her.

I pick up my pace, wanting her to scream my name as I push into her as far as I can, emitting a yelp from her as my body lays on top of hers, preventing her from going anywhere.

I continue to push back as far as I can, hearing the effect it has on her as she moans loudly with each thrust, every moan sounding more genuine than the last.

I can't help the words that fall from my lips as I ask, "You like how I make you feel, baby?"

"Y-yes, Luke," she says, sounding out of breath as her arms cross behind my neck tightly in order to tug me even closer. "God, I love the way you make me feel."

I tug onto her neck, her words being everything I need to hear as I tug on her waist harshly so it's pressed to my own and move my hips furiously, sweat beginning to form on my forehead as this is everything I've wanted to do and more for years.

I'm making sure she never forgets this.

"Who makes you feel this good, baby?" I ask, my control taking over me as I need to hear her answer my questions and need to hear her reassuring me that she knows damn well who can make her go crazy.

"You, Luke," she says, her voice sounding as if she's about to start crying of pleasure. "Only you, Luke."

"Say it again," I practically growl in her ear as it's not enough and I need to hear her say it one more time.

I start tugging on her sweet spot on her neck and make sure to leave a mark that will be evident in the morning. I want her to look at it and think of this moment right now.

"You are the only one who can make me feel this good," she whines, her back arching once more as she shrieks out due to a forceful thrust that I initiate. It causes her whole body to jolt as I want to do everything in my power to give her the greatest high of her life. "Only you, Luke."

My lips find hers once again so I cover her mouth with my own in order to share a passionate kiss with her as she keeps her arms tightly around my neck. I don't hesitate to push my tongue between her lips and further prove my dominance in this moment.

The thought that this is happening between Haven right now is practically unfathomable. I can not believe we're sharing this kind of intimacy and more important, I'm surprised I'm still hanging on. This is everything I could've ever dreamed of and more. Due to this, I just want for this to be just as unforgettable for her.

As our lips move desperately together, I don't pull back for a moment, instead, pouring any emotion I possibly can into the kiss in order to reassure her of my love and absolute adoration. I want her to feel like the most loved woman in the world right now and I'm going to do everything in my power to accomplish this.

I can tell by the way that Haven holds onto me so closely that this is just as overwhelming for her and that she is trying to adjust to the intimacy between the two of us that's shooting crazy pleasure between us both right now.

Kissing her just reassures for me the love that we have is so strong. This isn't just a moment of intimacy for the two of us to reach a high together. Instead, it's two people who are head over heels in love with one another, sharing something so special and showing each other love in a new way.

I would've never viewed sex as this with anyone before Haven. Before, it was all about me and getting me to the point where I reached my high and then was able to go about my day. However, with Haven, all I want to focus on is her. I want to make this all about her and getting her to the best high I possibly can.

All I want to do is make her feel incredible.

Haven's hands run up my scalp, digging her fingers into them as she clearly makes an attempt at containing her pleasure. Especially with our lips moving the way they are currently, she can't verbally let out any pleasure pulsating through her. Instead, she's expressing it in her actions as she drags her nails through my hair in the best way possible.

Wanting to see the look on her face, I remove my lips from hers for a split second, only allowing an inch of a distance between the two of us as I let out shaky breaths against her lips.

Her eyes flutter open in the most incredible way as she lets out shaky breaths of her own and I'm left in awe of the sight of the girl in front of me. How is it possible for one person to be so perfect.

Not being able to hold it back, I push inside of her and tell her, "I love you."

Haven's eyes squeeze shut and she throws her head back against the pillow as I don't take my eyes off of her reacting and enjoy every second of it.

"I love you so much," she says, her voice in a whine as she musters the ability to open her eyes once more.

I take the opportunity to pick up my pace entirely and do whatever I possibly can to have her screaming once she reaches her high. After all, I know that my high is going to be one that's unlike any other I've ever experienced considering this alone has been so incomparable.

"I'm going to get you there, baby," I promise as I know she must be overwhelmed by this all right now.

I want her to know that I plan on getting her there in the best way possible as she deserves nothing but the best.

"Fuck," she says, holding on my hair tightly. "You're so big, Luke."

I don't know if these words were intended to make me slow down or to allow her to have a break, but I don't do either as I only use them as encouragement to show her what she's been missing out on all this time.

Lowering my head, I hover my lips right above her ear, wanting to further the pleasure with my words in order to have her riled up in every way I can.

"You're so wet for me, Haven," I say to her, pushing inside of her completely and pausing for a moment. "Do you like the way I turn you on?"

My hands moves up her waist, having intentions of reaching for her chest as I want to run my hands along her and make her feel wanted and desired in every way.

"Yes, Luke," she croaks out, her voice cracking. "Oh my god, I love it."

I grip onto her chest, my hand giving it a tight squeeze as I lower my mouth to further the attention. Haven follows my actions as I wrap my mouth around it to be the best of my ability and tug on her nipple.

"Luke!" Haven screams out, her hips bucking upwards.

I immediately press down on them with my own as my hand does everything to massage any part my mouth misses. I want to show her how beautiful her body is and prove that I never want to keep my hands off of it.

"Oh my god," she says, her voice sounding weak. "L-luke I'm close."

These words are encouraging as I know I'm not far behind her. So with that, I pick up my pace, keeping my thrusts consistent as my mouth continues to work further magic.

I won't settle for a good high, I want her to be unable to walk tomorrow as everytime she feels pain between her thighs she thinks of me. I want her to rely on me to do simple things like make her a cup of coffee or make her some breakfast in bed.

All I want to do is give her all the attention in the world.

I think about doing this again with her and it shoots encouragement through me as I want to make her better each time. I want nothing to compare to the time before and instead, have her falling more and move in love with me each time we are intimate like this.

As my teeth tug at her nipple once more, I hear the whimper that escapes her lips which grabs my attention as I don't want to miss a second of her coming undone. I want to watch every second of it and not miss the way her eyes screw shut or the way her lips part.

I refuse.

"F-fuck, Luke," Haven says, as I can tell she's using every bit of strength inside of her to hold back.

I don't want her to feel like she needs to hold on so I take the opportunity to assure her, "You can let go baby."

In order to assist, I furiously pick up my thrusts and hold her waist close to mine, feeling my own fire begin to build up as I know my body is just as desperate to let go.

"Luke," Haven pleads, as if not knowing what else to say due to the build up forming.

"Whenever you're ready," I say, my voice strained as I tug on my bottom lip, knowing I'm about to be weak in a high as I feel overwhelming pleasure take over me.

Haven nods her head, showing that she hears my words as I keep my eyes on her, using it as my own encouragement. The sight of her alone is practically enough for me to come undone but I hold off so she can reach her high before me.

"Oh my god," Haven says, quickly reaching for my arms, squeezing them tightly. "Lu- oh my god."

"Eyes on me, baby."

She abides and I watch the high come over her completely as her eyes widen and her mouth drops open as her whole body jolts in one big movement.

"Luke, Luke, oh my god, Luke!" she screams out in pure pleasure as her whole body moves with the orgasm and she absolutely comes undone, spiking my own high to come over me as I thrust inside of her once more, her name leaving my lips in a scream.

Intense pleasure shoots through me as I hardly know how to handle it all, Haven's name leaving my lips repeatedly as I can only make sense of her in this moment.

All I can think about is her being the cause of this.

The high courses through me much longer than any high I've ever reached which makes me feel completely weak as I collapse beside her, a shaky breath leaving my lips, my own self feeling absolutely defeated by my own orgasm.

I press a hand to my forehead, feeling the sweat that had formed and I can't believe the events that just took place. I can't believe Haven Morano and I just did that.

What the fuck?

I breathe heavily, not being able to hold back from doing so and Haven takes the opportunity to wrap her arm around my stomach, slinging her leg in between both of mine in order to tug herself close to me.

I don't hesitate to wrap my arm around her shoulders and bring her even closer to me as I don't want an inch between the two of us. Not after experiencing that together.

I want her to feel as loved as she did at her high and for her to know that I'm still here in every damn way for her.

I want to ask her how it was and if it was okay but I refrain from doing so in fear of ruining the moment. So instead, I allow for us to lay here in silence and recollect everything that just happened.

After all, it's a comfortable silence that lets the both of us make sense of what today has meant for the two of us. Especially because it was a huge step in many ways for our relationship.

And I feel like I'm on cloud nine.


woah this is 10 days late im so sowwy

I've had so much shit going on in my life and have kinda been a sad boi and this chap was hard to write bc its literally only smut and i hate writing smut but OH WHALE

here is almost 8000 words of pure smut lmao i hate me


lots is to come (mayhaps next chap???) shh yall didn't hear it from me. (;

kk im gonna post this so yall can be happy and read

love u all thank u for reading!!

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