The Daughter Of Rachel Mason

By _X_Sammii_X_

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Chloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What... More

Chapter 1 - Chloe's First Day
Chapter 2 - Bolton Found out
Chapter 3 - Phillip's Party.
Chapter 4 - The End Of Term.
Chapter 5 - Max Tyler Arrives
Chapter 6 - An Affair Begins.
Chapter 7 - Bolton Is Innocent
Chapter 9 - My Baby.
Chapter 10 - Max Found Out
Chapter 11 - Its Hard.
Chapter 12 - An Early Arrival
Chapter 13 - Going Back To School
Chapter 14 - Daddy's Here
Chapter 15 - Trip To Hospital
Chapter 16 - Jealous Kim Campbell
Chapter 17 - A New Pupil
Chapter 18 - Max Is Back At Waterloo Road
Chapter 19 - I Shouldn't Love Him But I Do
Chapter 20 - A Night Out With The Girls.
Chapter 21 - What?
Chapter 22 - Me Or Him.
Chapter 23 - Why Would You Do That?
Chapter 24 - An Accident
Chapter 25 - Max Finds Out
Chapter 26 - Jealous Are We ?
Chapter 27 - Chloe's Anger
Chapter 28 - The Talent Show
Chapter 29 - What's Wrong With Her ?
Chapter 30 - Its A New Term.
Chapter 31 - Chlo Is Pregnant
Chapter 32 - Caught
Chapter 33 - Max Can't Find Out
Chapter 34 - Police Visit To Waterloo Road.
Chapter 35 - Roses
Chapter 36 - You're Evil
Chapter 37 - For The Love Of A Daughter.
Chapter 38 - Blame It On The Alcohol.
Chapter 39 - Charlotte's Breakdown.
Chapter 40 - Getting To Charlotte.
Chapter 41 - Mean Stinks.
Chapter 42 - Chlo's Baby.
Chapter 43 - Heart To Heart
Chapter 44 - Drugs In School
Chapter 45 - Your Baby Didn't Make It.
Chapter 46 - Distancing Herself.
Chapter 47 - Return Of An Old Face.
Chapter 48 - You're Sick
Chapter 49 - I Don't Want Too Live Anymore.
Chapter 50 - School Disco
Chapter 51 - Romance Is Blossoming.
Chapter 52 - Kyle Stack.
Chapter 53 - The End Of A Friendship?
Chapter 54 - Supply Teacher.
Chapter 55 - Aubree's Birthday.
Chapter 56 - I Know You Took Her.
Chapter 57 - Getting Aubree Back.
Chapter 58 - Another Attack.
Chapter 59 - DeJa Vu
Chapter 60 - School Trip.
Chapter 61 - A Deal.
Chapter 62 - Andrew Treneman
Chapter 63 - Half Term Holidays.
Chapter 64 - I'm In Love With You.
Chapter 65 - Attacker Caught.
Chapter 66 - A Complaint Has Been Made.
Chapter 67 - Finding Out Who It Was.
Chapter 68 - Don't Be Jealous
Chapter 69 - Locked In.
Chapter 70 - Stay Away From Me.
Chapter 71 - Arranging A Date.
Chapter 72 - Caught In The Act.
Chapter 73 - Telling Eddie
Chapter 74 - Inspection.
Chapter 75 - Talks.
Chapter 76 - Chloe's Been Attacked.
Chapter 77 - She's Not The Same.
Chapter 78 - I Believe We'll Be Okay.
Chapter 79 - He's Been Caught
Chapter 80 - This Won't Work.
Chapter 81 - Melissa's Back.
Chapter 82 - Michael Byrne.
Chapter 83 - Talking With Tom.
Chapter 84 - I Need Proof You Care.
Chapter 85 - The End Of Term.
Chapter 86 - The Beginning Of The End.
Chapter 87 - P.E Arguments.
Chapter 88 - Sam Kelly.
Chapter 89 - Rumors
Chapter 90 - Goodbye Rochdale.

Chapter 8 - Ethanol And A Baby.

912 14 0
By _X_Sammii_X_

A/N - Enjoy + this chapter is set 7weeks after the previous chapter xx

Chloe had been feeling sick for the last few days and she thought she knew why. That morning she was leaving early to head into town to pick up a pregnancy test and she was going to do it in school where noOne could link it back to her "Chloe you ready?" "Yeah I've got a free first so I'm popping into town" Rachel nodded "see you later then love" Chloe smiled "see you later" Chloe left the house.

When she got into town Chloe went straight to the chemist to get the test. She saw the pregnancy tests and decided to get the most reliable one, she also knew if she was pregnant then it was Max's baby and she was against abortions "just this thanks" the woman behind the counter gave Chloe a dirty look before scanning the test and putting it a bag "9.99 please" Chloe handed the woman a 10pound note and left the store.

Arriving back at school she noticed that it was break so text Chlo -

*Chloe - meet me in the bathroom ASAP x

*Chlo - OK, are you alright? X

*Chloe - yhh x

Chloe went to the bathroom ignoring everyone who spoke to her. Once she knew she was alone she went into the cubicle "Chloe are you in here?" "Y-yeah" Chloe did the test and now she was waiting for the result, deep down she was hoping it was negative "please please don't be positive" Chlo frowned when she heard Chloe whisper "Chloe you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine" "you don't sound it" Chloe smiled "Chlo I'm completely fine" "alright, I'm here if you wanna talk" "thanks". The three minutes of waiting for the results seemed like the longest 3minutes of her life. When the time was up she puck the test up and saw it was positive, she felt the tears roll down her face she couldn't believe she was pregnant.

Chlo heard Chloe crying "Chloe are you alright?" Chlo saw the door open and Chloe's face "what's wrong?" Chloe held the test up and Chlo gasped "oh my god" Chlo gave her best friend a hug "its gonna be alright, I'm here for you" Chloe eventually stopped crying "you alright?" Chloe nodded "I'm fine" Chlo smiled "Chloe, who's the baby's father?" Chloe sighed "just some person I've been seeing" Chlo nodded "does he know?" Chloe shook her head "I've only just found out myself, I'll tell him soon" Chlo nodded "can't believe you're having a baby" Chloe smiled "I know, its weird" "you need to tell your mum" Chloe paled "I'm dead" Chlo laughed "it won't be that bad will it?" Chloe shrugged "I don't want to tell anyone yet" "you need to" "no I don't".

Chloe had made her mind up not too tell anyone she was pregnant apart from Max. She was currently walking towards the office when she noticed her mum so she ducked into an empty classroom until she walked past. Arriving at the office she was starting to chicken out until he saw her "Chloe is there something wrong?" "I erm I need to speak too you, alone" Max frowned and motioned for her to go in the office "what's wrong?" Chloe took a deep breath "I thought you have a right too know" "know what?" "I'm pregnant and its yours" Max frowned "pregnant?" Chloe nodded "that's what I said" "I'm assuming its my child" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah" Max nodded "I best get back too my lesson" Max again nodded and watched as Chloe walked out the office. He couldn't believe it Chloe was pregnant, he hadn't planned on getting her pregnant and he was highly sure she wouldn't have an abortion.

Walking through the school Chloe lied when she said she was going back to lesson instead she was going to the common room to think about the baby. After a few minutes of thinking the fire alarm went off sighing to herself she went outside.

"The alcohol being peddled by these two idiots is illegal and therefore dangerous" Chloe rolled her eyes "come on guys, we need to get all this stuff back before someone drinks it" Chloe frowned and turned to Chlo "who the hell would be stupid enough to drink ethanol?" Chlo shrugged "Mr.Budgen I'll leave you in charge of collecting the contraband" Grantly sadly smiled sarcastically and began collecting the bottles.

Chloe was getting ready for the football match when Chlo approached her "you shouldn't be playing football in your condition?" Chloe sighed "Chlo I need too keep up appearances, how weird would it look if I just pulled out the game for no reason?" Chlo sighed "I'll be back in a minute".

Chlo had to speak to someone, she couldn't let Chloe play football while she was pregnant so she was walking towards the office "Mr.Tyler can I speak with you?" Max looked at Chlo and nodded "what's the problem?" "She's gonna kill me for telling you this" "Chlo?" "Its Chloe Mason, she's pregnant and she's going to play in the football match" Max frowned "okay I'll sort it" "thanks sir" Max nodded.

Max was furious he couldn't believe Chloe was going to play football while she's pregnant with his child "Tom I need a word with Chloe Mason" Tom nodded and went to fetch Chloe. When she came out she frowned "what?" "Follow me" Chloe rolled her eyes but followed him "you're playing football? While you're pregnant?" Chloe glared "I need to keep appearances up, I don't want anyone knowing I'm pregnant" Max sighed "you can't play" Chloe rolled her eyes "I need too, it would be weird if I didn't" "say you're feeling ill" Chloe groaned "fine" Tom came out the changing room "Chloe are you ready?" "Sir I'm feeling sick and my stomach is aching" Tom frowned "you do look a bit pale, sit this match out" Chloe nodded "thanks sir, I'll make it up to you" Tom smiled "you best, you're my star player" Chloe grinned as Tom walked away.

Max took Chloe to the office still unable to believe she was pregnant so instead he walked over to her and kissed her "why did you do that?" "Chloe you're pregnant with my child" Chloe rolled her eyes "I know I am, don't have too remind me" Max glared "don't you want this child?" Chloe frowned "of course I do" Max looked at Chloe and smiled he pulled her off the sofa and kissed her as the door opened "Chloe?".

Chloe paled when she heard her cousin's voice she pulled away from Max and looked at him "Phil, this isn't what it looks like" Phillip rolled his eyes "you're kissing Max Tyler" Phillip walked out the office "I'll go talk too him" Max nodded and as Chloe walked out the office after Phillip.

Phillip couldn't believe what he caught Chloe doing "Phillip!" He turned to her "you were kissing Max Tyler!" "Shh" Phillip rolled his eyes "why?" "He threatened to give me detention and I kissed him as a way of trying to get him to let me off" Phillip glared "I'm not stupid Chloe, the way you too were kissing it seemed like more a bribe kiss" Chloe sighed "don't tell anyone" "end it or I will tell" Chloe nodded "I will".

Chloe arrived home and saw Rachel glaring at her "why didn't you play in the game?" Chloe sighed "I have something I really need too tell you" Rachel frowned "what?" "I'm pregnant" Rachel gasped "Chloe" "I'm sorry mum, it just happened" "who's the father?" Chloe paled she couldn't tell her mum who the father was "it was just someone I didn't recognise" Rachel sighed "its alright love, I'm here for you" Chloe hugged her mum not wanting to leave them.

Max sat at home drinking and thought about Chloe and the baby, he was determined to be involved in his child's life, if they didn't approve then he would get a sollicitor involved.

Phillip heard Chloe tell Rachel she was pregnant and knew the kid was Max's so when Chloe came upstairs he pulled her into his room "what?" "Pregnant are you?" Chloe frowned "who told you?" "I heard you telling Rachel" Chloe sighed and Phillip continued "its Max's isn't?" Chloe shook her head "no" Phillip glared at her "I know that the kid you're carrying is Max Tyler's" Chloe sighed "don't tell anyone" "I won't, but I hope for your sake you don't let him in the kids life" Chloe left Phillip's room confused about what to do.

A/N - Hopee You Likeed X

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