
By suckmymochi

567K 20.6K 4.6K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not an update
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Not an update!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note (edited)

Chapter 15

15.1K 696 218
By suckmymochi

- Chan Mi -

For the whole time, Jungkook didn't realize that he was still holding my hand.



"You're still...holding my hand."


He was hesitated to let go.


"Ah yeah. Mian. By the way, your hands were sooooooo sweaty!"

"If so, why didn't you let go sooner?"
I smirked. He pointed the middle finger to me. I stuck my tongue out.

"It's almost time for us to go. Wanna take the Ferris wheel before we leave?" He asked. I nodded eagerly.



"Wah daebak~ The view is so pretty!" I said as soon as we reached the top. It suddenly stopped. I turned and looked at Jungkook. He was clueless of what happened.

"Please remain seated! There is something wrong with the machine now! We apologize for the inconvenience!" Someone shouted from the bottom. Jungkook looked at his watch.

"We're suppose to go soon or we'll be late."

"Jinjja? Ugh. Why does it have to happen now TT.TT"

I took a seat in front of Jungkook and just stared into space. I could feel Jungkook staring at me. I started blushing.

- Jungkook -

Should I tell her? Or not? ._.

"Chan Mi ah..."


Oh she looks so pretty T.T

"Yah. What is it?"

"D-did you honestly not hear what I said just now? At the haunted house?"


"Well, remember that I'll tell you what it was when it was the right time?"

"You're going to tell me .... now?"


"Ah. Arrasso."

"I-I like-like you."

I started blushing and looked down. She was the first person that made me feel like this ever...

There was no movement or sound at all. I looked up to see her smiling.



"Forget what I said then."



"I can return the feelings you have for me."

I smiled. "I know~" I said and flipped my imaginary hair. "Because you liked me~"
She smirked. The Ferris wheel started moving.

"Yay. It moved! Kaja!" She said hurriedly. I nodded and ran.


We apologized for being late and went up the bus to head back to school. We will be staying overnight there ._. They said that if we're hungry, some of the teachers will accompany us to get food at the mall a few blocks away.

* In the bus *

It was pretty dark. Or dim. I suddenly felt Jungkook holding up my hand and interlocking our fingers together. I blushed at his action. I could see him smiling a little.

"I love you, retard."

I chuckled.

"I love you too, idiot."

I leaned in and leaned on his shoulder as I closed my eyes. This is definitely not a dream :3


"Yah. Wake up." I felt someone poking my cheek. I groaned softly and sat up. We were almost reaching school. My stomach started to grumble.

"You're hungry huh?"


"Let's get food later then."

She nodded happily. My heart fluttered when she smiled.


We went to McDonald's in the end since some of the stores were closed already. She ate a lot, and I mean ALOT. I've never seen a girl like her before.

We soon head back to school. The students slept in the dance studios since the hall is going to be used next morning.

I laid down beside Chan Mi, facing each other. I rubbed her hair (I forgot the word. The one when someone um 'rubs' your hair as you sleep. Does that make sense?? Anyways...)

"I hope this will be the first and last relationship I'll ever have.." I said softly. She chuckled.

"Let's just see."


I slowly leaned in, giving her a soft kiss. That felt so nice... I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Sleep tight, retard."

"You too, idiot~"

I wrapped her around my arms and so did she. This will have to be the best day I've ever had...


If you're enjoying this, vote for all the chapters x) Hehe, just kidding. If you want to, all the more go ahead because I'll be thankful~

Please read my other fan-fiction about Jimin too! If you want to, again~

Vote and comment! Reading your comments makes my day n_n

~ Channie

P.S : Thinking of doing another fan-fiction. Or maybe imagines? If you want me to, comment!! :33

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