Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

420K 16.3K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 40: Despair

3.9K 166 143
By FreshRawRot

The whole palace was in chaos with maids scattering everywhere when Diana was in critical condition. Diana laid in her bed, out of breath and sweating bullets while Hannah tried to figure out how to cure her. Lily wipes the sweat and blood coming out as Hannah tries to get rid of the poison. No one else was allowed in the room and so Claude is forced to wait outside along with the others.

"Where's the royal physician?!" Claude yelled in frustration and despair. It was already enough that he couldn't have her but it's too much to lose her again.

"Your Majesty, he's on his way but for now. We can only rely on Hannah" Felix tries to calm him. Claude gives him a menacing look and then runs off.




The door kicks open and two dangerous ladies march into the room. Penelope jumps out of her chair and looks at them in fright as they glare at her. She shivers at their heartless and cold-stoned face.

"What gives you the right to barge into my territory!" She screamed at them but they continued sneering at her. "Guards?! Guards?! Where are you?!" She yelled for help but nothing.

"No point in yelling for help. You're coming with us" She grabs her wrist and slams her body down to the floor while pressing hard on her face.

"Let go of me! You have no idea who you're messing with!" She yelled. "Just wait until I tell His Majesty about this!" She squirms while the maids tie her up.

"Shut up!" She pulls her up and another maid slaps her across the face.

"Shut your mouth or I'll cut off your tongue. You'll need it" They dragged her out of the room and she kept on screaming for help.

Causing a scene, Jennette runs out of her room to see her own mother being dragged as she cries. Horrified and confused, Jennette tries to run to her mother only to be stopped by the knight.

"Sorry, Your Highness but you can't go there"

"But that's my mother! Why aren't you helping her?! Can't you see those aren't our servants?!" She yelled and tried to go but the knight was holding her and carrying her back to her room. "Let me go!"


Inside the room are three people while the others wait outside in distress.

"Ugh..." Diana groans and slowly shakes while waking up with a splitting headache. She opens her eyes and sees two people with her as she laid in bed still. "... Where am I?"

"My Lady!" Lily wipes her forehead with a cold wet towel. "We're in your room right now. Don't worry"

Diana felt sick in her stomach and sat up quickly while covering her mouth. Hannah got startled by her action and told her to lay back down so she can continue curing her. However, she was having trouble because she couldn't find the poison. It was strange and new to her that she had to wait for the royal physician to come.

"You all look stressed" Diana giggled even though she's in constant pain. "Cough" She spits out blood again and Lily wipes it off while giving her a glass of water.

"Here, rinse your mouth" Lily's voice shakes in agony.

Diana's face was pale and her arms were slow in movement. She didn't have the strength to lift to the glass and so Lily had to help her. Although she was dying and getting weak, Diana still stayed optimistic.

Hannah bit her lips and tried to prick her hand with a needle but Diana pulled away. "My Lady, I need to get rid of the poison!"

"... What poison?" Diana tilts her head at her and then remembers. "Oh... the tea" She smiled wistfully. She knew that the tea was poisoned from the very beginning but still drank it in the end. However it's not the poison that's killing, it's the curse.

"Yes so, please. Let me-"

"No need, Hannah" She sighs and looks at her. "Be honest. Do you know where it is?"

".... No, My Lady" She answered in shame.

Lily was puzzled by her response and questioned how she doesn't know where it is. Hannah claims that there's no position within her body at all no matter how hard she tried. Therefore, they had to get a magician to track it but Diana refused.

"No. Tell them to go back and it's too late" Diana requested and they were in disbelief. "... The poison has already killed me. Tell them that"

"But My Lady, we can't lie or let you die. Please there's a ch-"

"No!" Diana yells and Hannah flinches. "It's too late so don't waste their time." She put on a bittersweet smile and they frowned.

"What do you mean?" Lily asked and Diana looked at her straight in the eyes.

"My fate was sealed from the beginning so please your job from now on is to protect Athanasia. Everyone protects Athanasia" Diana said. "Lily, please do that for me. Promise me that you'll take care of her and your baby too"

"I promise," Lily vowed.

"Me too, but still!" Hannah gets on her knees while leaning on the side of the bed, crying to Diana. "We can't lose you just yet!"

"Where's Athanasia?" Diana ignores her and pats her head. "I want to see my daughter for the last time even though I don't want her to see me like this" She laughs softly.


The door burst open and the light came flashing in. One person stood in the doorway and they all stared at her. The maids yelled from outside, telling her to leave but she didn't listen. She lifted her chin and they shivered at her cold eyes. She barged into the room and stomped to Diana with a dead yet regretful look.
"... Diana" She calls out and frowns while staring at her complexity. Tears swell her eyes and they all gape at her in shock. "What about Athanasia?"

Diana sighed and told the two to leave them alone while Anastasia stayed. The clone who evolved has developed another feeling. She cared about Athanasia and knew losing a mother is heartbreaking though she doesn't know how she'll take it. Anastasia never experienced such love or relationship at all, she just witnessed it.

"Diana, she'll be alone if you go"

"No she won't" She cups her face and wipes the tear. "Sit down"

The clone sits on the side of the bed and stares at her. Diana hums weakly and Anastasia shakes her head in disbelief.

"Even when you're like this, I don't understand how you can be happy?" The clone clenches her chest. "I don't know what joy feels like at all. I'm just a thing"

"It's all in the heart" Diana coughs and Anastasia stands up to get help but she holds her hand. "Don't"


"Just stay," She said and Anastasia listened. Diana lay back in her bed and stared at nothing while Anastasia held her hand in anxiety. "One life and two. Now is my final"

".... What?"

"Anastasia, I have a curse if you haven't noticed. It's a small one though I never really let it bother me at all" Diana chuckled softly. "I can never let it ruin my remaining time with Athanasia"

Anastasia held her hand and wrapped it tightly. "Please wait"

"You know Anastasia, I gave life before" Diana makes eye-contact with her. "A gift that only I have"

"You're being silly." The clone pleaded with her. "There's must be a way"

"... Anastasia, promise me this" She touches her face and brushes her black hair back while staring into the pink orbs that were similar to hers. "Make her happy and keep her safe but I also want you to live your own life"

"... Huh?" She blanks out at her last statement. "Live my own life? But I don't have one.."

"Then I give you one" Diana puts one hand over her heart and a finger on her forehead. "This will be my last wish and gift. I shall give you the gift of life, Anastasia" A light flashes between them and she twitches at the weird sensation spreading over her body.

"Diana, what are you doing?" She trembles nervously, uncomfortable with the process. "What's happening?" She hears a fast thumping inside her head and then feels it inside her chest. It was beating rapidly and she felt a strange surge of energy going inside of her as Diana kept the same position.

"... Hush, my child, and everything will be fine" A teardrop slid out of her eye while grinning sadly.



~ Athanasia POV ~

Walking.....Walking.... In the endless field of pretty flowers blooming everywhere as the wind blows them up in the air. Though my hair still stayed down for some reason and I'm walking barefoot too with nothing but a white dress on. My feet kept on moving forward, left and right, while I looked straight into nothing. Then nostalgia hits me as I continue going through the field. This feels familiar but I can't pinpoint what it is. It's on the tip of my tongue but argh what is it? Ugh, where am I?

Then I stopped and squinted my eyes while I saw two figures in the distance. They were far away so I couldn't tell who they were but my instincts told me to run. Hence, I sprint to the mysterious figures in the distance. While coming closer to them, the taller male figure lifts up the slim one with long wavy hair and spins around in the air. Immediately I finally recognized who they were and increased my pace. They were laughing and smiling with joy. It's been so long since I heard this sound or even seen them like this, it's been too long that I begin to tear up at the scene.

"Mom! Dad!" I smiled and they faced me. They smiled warmly and I melted inside while reminiscing those happy expressions. However, the joyful feelings did not last long when I became overwhelmed with sadness all of a sudden. "... Where are we?" I asked.

They stopped smiling and paused while staring at each other with a frown. Mom walks up to me and cups my face then gives me a peck on the forehead.


"Yes?" She grinned widely with soft eyes. "... Sigh" She wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back. "My daughter, please live on and be happy."

"W-What?" I was baffled by her words and pulled away. "What are you talking about??" I asked and she put on a remorseful face, making me shudder.
"Athanasia, I'm sorry for not being a good enough mother but I tried my best to spend as much time as I could with you" She takes Dad's hand and they both stared at me with sad eyes but a bittersweet smile. "We'll always be with you"

".... Mom....Dad?" My eyes turned to my father that was staring at me with the same expression that he gave before.... No...

"Be safe and happy," Dad said. "That's all I can say" He ruffles my head. He still looks the same.

Both of them grinned while I gaped at them in shock. How can they be gleeful when I'm depressed? This can't be it...

I extended my arm and grabbed my mom's wrist. I held on tight, never wanting to let go as tears blur my vision.

"Please don't leave me alone" I begged while grieving.

"Athanasia, you're not alone," Mom said and they were fading away together, turning transparent as magical dust appeared from their feet and slowly making their way up to their body. They were going to disappear from my sight. "You have friends and family that care about you. Soon, you might create your own family" 

"... Sigh. I guess" Dad grumbles and she giggles at his reaction.


Something touched my other wrist and I turned my head. It was me holding myself back but... it wasn't. It's Anastaisa who was holding my wrist and staring at me with a warm expression. Then my mother's hand slips out of my grasp and I was touching nothing. I faced them again and they were dispersing into magical dust. I couldn't do anything but bawled in despair as they slowly disappeared.

With the joyful expressions on their faces, it indicated that their lives were completed and they were ready to leave peacefully. I was speechless and unable to respond to them but just stood still with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"We love you"

They said in unison and finally left as they dispersed into magic raining down. The sun was gone and the moon was here. I gazed at the night sky with millions of stars scattered and the bright moon in the center. With one final breath, I opened my mouth and let out my voice one final time before leaving this place forever.

"..... I love you too" I whimpered and collapsed onto my knees.


I wake up in the library with my face laying on top of my arms while bending over. I sit up and straighten my sore back. My eyes were swollen and wet as the tears moved down my cheeks. That dream wasn't just any dream. It's a similar one when my father died and this time I saw mom in it along with Anastasia. But why was she in there?

I stood up and limped out of the library with a dead mind and expression. I was rocking my head side to side while walking toward my palace. There was a commotion up ahead and it was near my mother's room. Instantly, I knew what happened but I had to see it myself. I stepped through the halls and the maids noticed my presence. They make way for me while bowing nervously with sweat dripping on their bodies.

"Miss!" Lily gasped and looked at me. "D-Don't-"

"Let me see her" I commanded. "I want to see her"

"... I-I'm sorry but I can't let you"

"Tsk!" I clicked my tongue and stomped past her. I kicked the door open in anguish and what I saw was what I expected though I didn't want it. I couldn't handle the scene at all.

A dark room with a big and comfortable bed. The light outside the door illuminates a portion of the room and it has to be directed at the bed. One person standing by the side of the bed while crying sorrowfully. She faced me with a deadpan face like me and closed her eyes in disappointment while nodding once. The lifeless body on top of the bed, not twitching one bit or showing any movement. Having no intention of ever moving again or running blood through the veins. I walked over to her bed while limping and trembling. My knees collapsed onto the floor but my upper body was laying on the bed. I reached over to her hand and held it tight. It was cold and dead.

She's gone....

"....Sniff" I shoved my face into the bed while crying through the blanket, muffling screams and cries while mourning for her.

My parents are now dead.



The court murmurs to each other as Claude sits in his throne with a death-threatening face that no one has ever seen before. He was enraged and blazing with fire that made everyone break into a cold sweat as they got nervous. The atmosphere was menacing that made people uncomfortable that they wanted to leave but couldn't.

Penelope sits on the floor, being on all fours and shaking in agony and confusion by what was going on. He scowls at her with heartless eyes and grits his teeth in frustration just by gazing at her. He was disgusted and really mad.

"Penelope Judith" He speaks in a harsher and colder voice that has a bit of anger. "You are guilty of poisoning Diana and therefore will be executed"

"What?!" She shouted and the audience gasped. "W-Why would I do such a thing?" Her voice shakes nervously.

The poison was supposed to be for Athanasia and Diana will take the blame for it or that's how her plan should've gone. But instead, Diana is poisoned and Athanasia is still alive.

Claude didn't open his mouth and lifted his hand to the side, signaling the servant next to him and announcing the report.

"Penelope Judith has attempted to poison Diana who is the mother of Crown Princess Athanasia de Alger Obelia out of jealousy. Mother of Princess Jennette is a disgrace to all of Obelia and is therefore sentenced to death!"

They all gasped at hearing the report and criticized Penelope harshly while insulting her. Agreeing with the sentence.

"N-No! I didn't poison her!" Penelope yells. "Is there any proof that I did?! I never stepped foot into that palace!"

Claude grumbles at the pathetic woman trying to defend herself and waves his hand again to the speaker.



The doors burst open and it reveals two maids dragging someone by a rope. The people stared in shock as the ruthless maids haul the tied-up person to court while she continues to resist. Then when they reached the front, the holder threw her next to Penelope and kicked her in the stomach. Penelope watched in horror as her sister got tortured. Then her co-worker throws another person to the front and she trembles while keeping her head down to the ground. Ashamed of her action.

"Blessing and Glory upon the Obelian empire" The maid curtsy. "We have another culprit for the incident so we had to get the partner-in-crime, Your Majesty"

Rosalia sits up and shakes in anxiety while the emperor looks at the two maids and allows them to show their case.

"A poison, a package, and her confession" She pulls on the Emerald maid's hair as she cries in pain. "Speak!" She yells and yanks it to the side.

"I-It's true! Penelope told me to give it to her so Lady Diana can die!" She confessed and shocked the whole room. "She wanted Lady Diana to die since the beginning and wanted to poison her."

"I said Athanasia, not Diana!" Penelope yells and then shuts her mouth. Another gasp from the audience and their jaws dropped. Her expression darkens as she shivers. She had basically confessed to the murder. "But that..."

"Her sister also sent the poison" The other maid holds up a small flask of poison inside and then slams it to the floor near Rosalia. She got startled by the glass breaking and stared at it in fright,

"Is that enough proof or do you need more, Your Majesty?" They said coldly with stoned faces that made them shudder. Claude nods and glares at the three.

"Throw them into the dungeon and have all of them executed by next week for attempting to murder Athanasia and Diana!" Claude announced and their faces went pale.

The two sisters screamed and yelled that they didn't want to die while the Emerald maid kept her mouth shut. Then Felix comes into the scene just as soon as Claude stands up. The knight walks up to the speaker and whispers in his ear. The announcer twitched when hearing the report and Felix let his head down in dejection.

"L-Lady Diana has died!" He announced and they gasped in shock. Then they begin to insult the guilty women with contempt and disgust. "Penelope and Rosalia Judith are guilty of murder along with a mere maid!"

Claude gripped his fist tightly as blood boiled to his brain. Realizing that the woman that he loved actually died but this time it wasn't by choice. He was unable to protect her enough and so she got killed as a result.

"I change my mind" He scowls at Penelope. "Have them hung by sunset" He walks away from court in frustration.

"No!" Penelope screams as the guards drag her away. "I can't die like this! You better let me go or you'll get God's wrath!" She threatens them but they ignore her.



"Your mother committed a crime"


"She and your aunt are being hanged today." Her personal maid looked at the pale princess pitifully. Jennette's heart sank as she got depressed again. First, she lost her first love and now her mother. Though Jennette really didn't love her mother, she was still her family. Both of them were and now they're going to die for their sins. But innocent Jennette couldn't let that happen and ran out of her room, heading to her father.

"Father! Please reconsider your decision!" She yells in the halls, just outside the door. She could've run inside if it wasn't for Felix.

"Your Highness, please go back to your room!" He blocks her way but she continues to shout, begging him to spare her family.

Claude heard the screams of Jennette outside of his office as he sat at his desk. Just thinking about how she died not once but twice and left him in the end. If he had just taken care of Athanasia from the start or even moved on, letting her live with her lover, would it be better that way? That thought was too much and broke his heart, knowing that there was a chance to save her and in the end, he didn't. All he had left was Jennette, a "daughter" that he used to adore but doesn't anymore, and Athanasia, his "niece" that hates him and will forever hate him now that her mother is gone.

"... I'm sorry" He said to himself in despair. It would've been best if he just let her be happy instead of forcing her in his cage. Though it's already too late and now he will watch her murderers get hanged.

~ Penelope POV ~

My sister and I along with one maid were chained together by the hands in a line. I was first, my sister behind me, and the maid last. We're able to be executed for our sins and hanged in public. Our clothes were just a simple stained and ripped white-brown dress that didn't give us any warmth. What's the point of that if we're going to die the very next minute?

"Come on!" The guard tugged onto the metal chains and I almost lost my balance while walking forward.

My lips were chapped and eyes were tired from endless crying. I was pale and my hair was a mess. Usually, I would be all well-groomed and be covered in makeup like a real noble and not be treated like trash. I don't want to die.

We walked down the open path with the screaming mobs aside. Insulting and yelling at us all at once that I couldn't hear them properly. But I knew what they were saying.

"Disgrace!" "You deserve to die!" "Begone, thot!"

Stuff was thrown onto us and I had to bear with all of it. This cannot be happening...

My whole body shivered with the metal chains rustling against each other as we continued to make our way to the stage. Once we were on, nooses were wrapped around our neck and we stood on top of the floorboard. I lifted my chin to the sky in despair and it was cloudy and gray.

Is that god calling for me? Is he here to save me?

My mouth curved into a smile as I let out a chuckle.

"Ha...hah....hahahahaha!" I laughed crazily while the water drops fell on us and got mixed with my tears.


A thunder erupted and a flash appeared in the clouds, the crowd gasped at the sudden noise but I still stood laughing crazily. Then I stopped when I met his cold glare. It made me shudder to see those angry eyes but I could tell he was heartbroken inside. That woman held a special place in his heart and I killed her. Should I be proud? I should but I'm not. Because I'm able to die again!

He would've saved me from the beginning but now I'm abandoned. Unless...

"... God.... he's not real" I huffed and bit my lips in frustration. He was never real in the beginning....

"Penelope Judith and Rosalia Judith, both have committed murder along with their pawn who took part in the crime" The executor yelled and the crowd boo at us. "In accordance with the laws of the empire, I sentence these sinners to be put to death!"

The crowd roared immediately and they all scowled at us with hate. I also saw Roger and Ijekiel watching us with stoned faces yet they were shocked. Of course. I did kill someone out of jealousy and anger. My head still leaning back and looking at the stage where I saw her. My only family left. My daughter. Jennette.

She was crying sadly and it kinda made my heart melt at that sight. My daughter who I used for my own greed is crying for me. I was a horrible mother and our relationship began to worsen as time passed by.

"The floor will drop from the count of 10"

All my memories of my past life before the birth replayed in my head.

If I hadn't seduced Anastacius and just gone with Claude. Then this wouldn't have happened at all and I would be living in luxury.


Greed and selfish. I didn't care at that time and acted however I wanted.


Jennette frowned at me in dejection and I paused at that expression. Lost at words of how she still cares for me after all those times. I never thought of her as a daughter but as an object. I didn't love her...... did I?


I exhaled at her sad expression and then smiled weakly. Regretting my actions in the past.


I wish I would've been a good mother from the start. These feelings that I realized too late.


Only then will you be truly happy...


To know that I love you, my daughter.... I love you, Jennette.


The floor dropped as I took my final breath.


Athanasia locks herself in her room and misses the execution of her mother's murderers. She didn't care about the show at all. Nobody knew what to do and worried about for days the longer she stayed inside her room. Not even coming out for food or water at all. Only Anastasia was allowed to come inside to bring her food. It wasn't the only bad thing that's happening but there's also something strange occurring.

The clone.

Anastasia made from Athanasia's mana, a part of her used to look like an emotionless doll that fakes her way. However, she looked more human than ever and even acted like one. Their keen eyes were suspicious of the emotional clone when she pities her master and cares for her. Though that wasn't the most important problem for them. Therefore, they shrugged it off and focused on their duties while panicking about Athanasia.

Diana got turned to ashes and was released in the wind because she always had a free-spirit. They all knew that and now she's in the afterlife with the person she loves.

Days turned into weeks and still, she refused to leave her room. Even Jennette was affected by her mother's and aunt's deaths. Everyone was depressed including Anastasia who was the last person that Diana talked to. Her last words were drilled inside her mind. She spoke to her as if she was actually her child and Anastasia also began to imagine her as a mother. It truly felt strange to her when she got the gift of life but she stayed strong.

She wanders through the halls with an empty mind and heart alone. Her mind was blank and the atmosphere quiet.



The door opens and Anastasia walks in with a tray full of food. Athanasia sits in front of her window while gazing at the sky. She was getting better and recovering quickly. The sun lights up the room and shines onto her glowing face. Her eyes deep like the sea and soulless with her mouth closed and lips pressed together, having no intention of opening again. Anastasia steps in front of her and places the tray on top of the table gently. Athanasia turned her head and stared at the bowing woman blankly. Then her eyes reverted to the meal made for her and her stomach growled.

"... How is everyone?" She moves away from the window and sits in a chair. She picks up the knife and fork elegantly while eating the food slowly.

"Overall, fine but they're all concerned about you, master"

"Sigh. What about Lily?"

"She's the head maid now and working hard despite being pregnant"

"Reduce her work hours and give her more break" Athanasia leans on one hand and stares at her coldly. "What's Claude doing?"

"Stuck in his office and just doing his duties as emperor" Anastasia sighs. "Her death also impacted him"

"..." Athanasia takes a fork out of her mouth and stops eating. She stares at her full plate that barely got consumed. She stands up which catches Anastasia by surprise.

"Let's go take a walk together" She suggests and Anastasia flinches at her words.

Staggered that she's finally going out after a long time brought joy to her heart as she becomes glad. Anastasia grins softly at her and Athanasia squints her eyes.

"What's up with your face?"

"Nothing," She said and kept an indifferent expression. "Shall we go after I clean up your tray?"

"No. Let's go right now, I'll tell the others to clean my room" She walks out of the room with Anastasia following her proudly.

The maids gasp in astonishment as she walks past them with a calm face. They were happy for her and relieved that she had finally left her room.

"Athanasia!" Lily runs to her and gives her a tight hug. "Are you alright?"

"Lily, please be careful. I don't want your baby to get hurt" Athanasia talks in a gentle tone that eases everyone.
"Well, it's been weeks since you left so I'm worried!" Lily hugs her again and cries. "I'm so happy that you're out"

"Me too" Athanasia smiles softly and hugs her. At least she had a mother by her side.


Athanasia takes walks in the garden with Anastasia. They play with Raven and pick flowers together, forgetting the bad memories. Though she was still in a bad mood considering how she's trapped in the palace. The maids continue to work by the hours and Athanasia becomes in charge of them. The news of her recovery spread quickly with the other servants witnessing her going out into the garden with Anastasia. They were all disturbed by the fact that the Duchess was in the palace. Some even thought she lived here and so the rumors soon reached Jennette.

"What?" She gaped at her personal maid. "....Anastasia is with... Athanasia?"

"It seems like she's helping her recover from the loss of her mother"

"B-But" Jennette huffed, short of breath as she processed the information. "... why didn't she come to me?" She asked herself.

Jennette also mourned for the loss of her mother and wrote letters to Anastasia. Begging her to come, Anastasia couldn't and just rejected her while comforting her through ink. Only Ijekiel was there for her and helped her move on from the death. But now that Jennette heard the truth, she didn't want to believe it.

She bolts out of her room in despair while looking white as a ghost. She created an excuse that she was only taking a walk in the garden. Her mind filled with good memories with Anastasia before Athanasia appeared. She unconsciously wandered into the halls of the Quartz Palace where she met her. Anastasia gaped at her speechless as Jennette froze in distress.

"... Princess?" Anastasia furrowed her eyebrows in puzzlement.

The warm liquid filling her eyes and pouring out, Jennette bites her tongue while gazing at her. "W-Why are you here?"

Anastasia opened her mouth but then closed it when realizing she shouldn't speak at this moment. Jennette took a step and then another to her as she limped.

"Why are you going to her when I need you?"

"Athanasia needs me"

Her heart throbs in pain and her eyes widen as she stops breathing for a second.


Jennette falls onto her knees and cries. "But I need you more..." She lifts her chin and looks at the sorry face. Her heart aches at that pitiful look as she sobs on the ground.

"Why?" She grabbed onto her dress while Anastasia stood still. "I lost my mom too!"

The tears were falling nonstop with her heart shattering apart. Giving her the worst pain ever. "Why don't you love me?"

"Should I become like Athanasia?"

"Only then will you love me?" She asked and Anastasia still keeps her mouth shut. "We could be happy together, Anastasia! Why didn't you choose me?"

"Or is it because I'm not Crown Princess?" She asked. "She took everything from me and you're all I have, Anastasia!"

"Why? I was by your side longer than she has and yet you admired her?" Jennette exclaims. "I love you, Anastasia. I do so please choose me and we can be happy together"

"Please don't leave me!" She begged. "Please don't go to her and stay with me! Didn't you promise me that?"

Jennette continues to cry and looks into her empty eyes, searching for an answer. A sign of hope that she will potentially accept her but nothing. All she saw was cold eyes that were staring at her with contempt and sorrow.

"... Athanasia will only be the first and last person I love" She responds and Jennette's heart drops. That statement was the last thing she wanted to hear. Jennette slowly releases her dress as her hand drifts away from Anastasia. She was stunned and trembled in despair while her heart got a piercing pain that stabbed her. 

Anastasia exhales while staring at the hurting girl and turns around. "Princess, go back to your room. Do it for yourself and move on"

She walks away, back to Athanasia as Jennette plants her face to the cold marble floor. Her tears cover the floor as it warms up. She did nothing but cried as her first love went to her cousin.


Athanasia sits around in her room while Anastasia writes another poem. They moved on from that incident where Anastasia confessed her feelings and they kissed. Athanasia did feel a little awkward seeing her and uncomfortable but soon she got used to it. They did talk about it and Athanasia was still wary about how Anastasia felt. A clone that is supposed to feel whatever she commands and now she's evolving. Though Athanasia is still confused and so she has to wait for another event to happen.

During their chilling time, a knock on the door startles them and Athanasia lets the maid in. Lily steps in with a tired face and sighs while going in. Athanasia is disturbed by her weird expression and asks what was wrong. Lily looks at her with a gloomy face and speaks in a glum tone.

"You're requested at the nobles' meeting including Anastasia" Lily goes through her closet. "It's required and you can't avoid it so get dress now"

"What? Why?"

"His Majesty orders you to since.... You're the Crown Princess" She rubbed her forehead and then gagged. She covered her mouth and they all panicked as she ran to the bathroom.

"Lily!" Athanasia goes into the bathroom as she pukes into a toilet (or bucket if they don't have any). "This is why you can't work"

"... So let-*vomits*. Just go to the meeting" She continues to barf and shoves her face into the hole.

"I will tell the others to help you" Athanasia gets out of the room and tells Anastasia to get dressed properly while she goes to the other maids to help Lily.


They wear the proper outfit for a noble's meeting where they discuss the crisis and political affairs within the empire. Anastasia attended one meeting before and it went well enough for her first day as Duchess. Now people were looking forward to Athanasia's performance. Though some were still bitter about her being Crown Princess since she appeared months ago and think that she didn't have the proper education like the first princess. However, today is the day where she can either prove herself or disappoint them but some pity her because she had recently lost her mom.

When they arrived at the meeting, the two were the only women in the whole room as they walked to the end of the table. Athanasia had this stone-cold face that made them shudder while Anastaisa had a fierce yet deadpan face similar to Athanasia but with a different aura. The two appeared so high and mighty as they sat in their chairs.

Athanasia leans on one hand while lifting her chin and glaring at them with contempt.

"Report and proceed" She speaks in a cold tone and they nod.

"A-Ahem!" One stands up and reports the problem of the country. Athanasia rolls her eyes at it, immediately coming up with the solution inside her head. It was complex yet solvable.

As the meeting went on, the more boring it became and Athanasia yawned which stunned everyone. The Crown Princess yawning at a serious affair was unexpected and some sneered at her in criticism. They were staggered that she got chosen over Jennette when she acts mannerless and cocky.

"Ahem! Your Highness"

"Athanasia." She corrects them. "I'm no princess of that bastard" She frowns and they get startled by her words. Their boldness to insult the fearful emperor surely showed them that she's spoiled or just plainly powerful. Either way, they couldn't mess with her.

"... Athanasia" The noble speaks uncomfortably to her name. "This is the report of the disasters happening and here are the documents. Do you perhaps have any solutions to it?"

He passes onto her and Athanasia glances over the document. Her eyes move swiftly but in the other's perspective, it just seems like she's just looking over them instead of reading. When in fact, she was reading at a rapid pace and she quickly intakes the information. She gives the documents to Anastasia and she reads it while flipping through papers with her hand.

"Just get that king in here and we'll make a deal with the kingdom"

Anastasia flinched and stopped. She lifted her chin and looked at her in astonishment.

".... Are you perhaps talking about my uncle? The King of the Sidonnia Kingdom?" Anastasia asked.

"Yep." She responds, not facing her at all. "Just look at the report while I explain to you why."

Anastasia trusts her and nods slowly. Then Athanasia proceeds to give her a solution while the other nobles listen. It was a controversial one yet it will surely save the people from dying but it will cause future problems.

"What if it causes war?"

"Over a simple bridge? Hmmm, then we fight" Athanasia answers, acting like she doesn't care for the citizens when really she does. "Besides, the Sidonnia Kingdom is our ally. I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

"Athanasia may be right" Anastasia speaks up for her. "My uncle will agree if I talk to him and this is for the people too. We will worry about the consequences later"

"... Since you agreed, Duchess Karalis. Then so do I" One stands up and soon the rest follows while agreeing with her. The meeting ends the moment they bow.

"Your first day went well. As expected of the emperor's daughter"

"Ugh. He's not my father" Athanasia murmurs in anguish and they all freeze while staring at her in bewilderment.

"What do you mean?"

Athanasia grasped onto the papers tightly as she thought of Claude. She was mad and infuriated to think of him as her father. Coming all this way just by hiding her identity and soon being revealed. She couldn't hide it any longer and just burst out at them.


She slams her hands against the table as it shakes, startling everyone, and grabbing their attention. They all looked at the menacing woman that had a dark presence coming out of her, making the atmosphere awkward and gloomy. She trembles and grips onto the edge of the table tight while huffing her chest in frustration. She needed them to know.

"... As you all know, I'm Athanasia de Alger Obelia" She calms down and lets go of the table. She crosses her arms and stares at them coldly.

"My mother is Diana, the woman that lived in the Quartz Palace and did the work of an Empress. But she's not" Athanasia's face darkens when she starts to speak her next sentence.

"But my father..." She looks at all their curious yet nervous faces and then grits her teeth as she lets it out. "Is none other than the late emperor Anastacius de Alger Obelia!"


They were shocked by her announcement. It's no wonder why she acts so mean towards the emperor. It's because he killed her father and why she went into hiding. They were lost at words while she bolts out of the room.

"Now you know! Spread the words if you like!" She leaves the room and the nobles murmurs to each other, astonished and still puzzled.

"Anastacius's daughter?"

"Now that's surely a shock"

"Why didn't we know in the first place?"

Anastasia follows Athanasia with the documents while the blonde stomps in frustration and is confused about her own actions. She literally exposed herself due to anger and now people have mixed feelings about it. They'll most likely go to the emperor to confirm it but she didn't want to do anything with it. She just wanted to live her own life.

"Ugh!" She wanders into her garden instead of her own room. Anastasia, who was following her the whole time, still had the papers in her hands and she flipped through them.

"Master, do you want to relax and calm down?" Anastasia asked.

"Yes, I do!" She felt very angry to the point where she couldn't calm down. All the emotion bottled up  and buried deep into her heart was about to explode as she let it all out. "This is too much! My parents are dead now! Why can't I just live in peace?!"

Her mana was surging and crackling around her body while she shivered in anguish. Anastasia notices that her mana was going out of control and stops paying attention to the document. But while flipping through the papers, her finger slips through the edge and it pierces through her skin, making a small yet painful cut on her index finger.


"Ouch!" She cries in pain and drops the paper. Anastasia holds her finger and looks at it nervously. Then blood seeps out of the cut and she gasps in astonishment while the warm red liquid drips.

"... What?" Athanasia gapes at the wound in shock while Anastasia breaks into a cold sweat. Also confused and anxious, they both gazed at the bleeding finger in disbelief.

Anastasia tries to escape but Athanasia grabs her wrist and holds her back. She stared deeply into her shrunken and dilating pupils. Athanasia glares at her with a straight face while Anastasia frowns in shame and trembles with fear.

"Since when did you bleed?"

"... I...I don't know" Anastasia answered and stared at the ground.

The mana that was breaking begins to flow out and sparks like crazy as Athanasia continues to let it out. Anastasia gets hit by the wave of magic through the hands and goes into a state of alert while the mana gets absorbed into her body. Their eyes glistening during contact and their hair floating in an abnormal way that defies the laws of motion.

"Master, please calm down" She flinches in constant pain, her body felt like it was on fire and it was unbearable as more mana flows into her body. "You're hurting me..." She cried.

"Hurting...?" She grits her teeth and the mana explodes. "Since when did you become human?!"

Anastasia couldn't speak and just quivered in pain as her body intakes the strong mana that was swirling around in Athanasia's.

"Y-Your mother gave me life. I-I'm sorry" She confessed and avoided her eyes.

Athanasia's eyes stop glowing and she begins to calm down. The mana flowing around them stops sparking as it goes back to her body. Getting stable again and calming down, Athanasia's eye swells with tears while staring at Anastasia in misery.

"... So mom did that" She mumbles to herself as her tears come out.

She finally understood all of it. Her mother was dying and Athanasia knew it but she didn't let it bother her. She pretends to be clueless about it while spending her last moments with her mother. Reviving the dead required dark magic and so it happened. Her mother was cursed including Penelope and Athanasia. But Anastacius took Athanasia's curse and died with it. She knew everything but couldn't let it ruin her life, no, she had to live on and so Anastasia was given life by Diana while she died of the curse. Anastasia has become alive.

Athanasia hugs Anastasia which catches her by surprise. Anastasia expected her to be mad and lash out on her but instead, she gets a warm hug.

"... Mother made the best choice" Athanasia pulls away and looks at her with teary eyes. "You're your own person now"

"....." Anastasia's eyes dimmed as they drooped. "Yes, but I have no purpose in life. My only decision is to serve you" She felt queasy in her stomach as the wave of mana circles around in her body. Her lungs get heavy as she struggles to breathe and Athanasia starts to panic.

"Are you ok??"

"Master..." They make eye-contact. "I...don't feel-"


Blood spills out of her mouth and onto Athanasia's face. Then a light of energy appeared in between them as it pulled their body in but away from contact. They were feeling pain all over their body and losing consciousness. Athanasia felt her mana flowing out of her body as she became weak and Anastasia got an income of powerful mana inside.


They heard barks and both turned to the sound of the direction. It was Raven running to them and their eyes widened in shock.

"No!" They both yelled but it was too late.

Raven couldn't run away from them and just stepped into the cloud of mana swirling around them. Soon he gets pulled into the storm and their vision blurs as more mana blocks their eyes. Then a flash exploded between them and they flew in opposite directions. Athanasia and Anastasia fall to the ground and faint as sparks crackle around their bodies. Groaning in pain and squirming around in the garden, the maids saw the scene and ran to them. No Raven in sight. Just two women passed out on the ground with different mana stabilizing inside their bodies.


End of Chapter 40

AN: Spoiler:

When Lucas "confessed" to Athy on her 18th birthday. Did anyone noticed the sneak move like you know... he waited until she was "legal".....

Well, at least she's mentally old-


|Word Count: 7925|

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