My summer romance

بواسطة lovelyybean

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In the quiet shadows of a small town, 21-year-old Zoe Wilson, scarred by a past betrayal, has long since clos... المزيد

Character Introductions: A Prelude to the Story
Chapter 1: A chance Encounter
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 4: Falling into place
Chapter 5: Blossoming connection
Chapter 6: Echoes of the past
Chapter 7: Deepening ties

Chapter 3: Crossroads

267 85 17
بواسطة lovelyybean

As I approached the source of the laughter, my heart fluttered with anticipation. There, amidst the bustling street, I spotted my dad, his familiar grin spreading across his face as he strolled with purpose, pushing a sleek stroller adorned with colorful toys. And nestled within its cozy confines was Maya, my little bundle of joy, her cherubic face illuminated by a radiant smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts.

Drawing nearer, I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth envelop me, a sense of familiarity and comfort washing over me like a gentle tide. My dad's eyes sparkled with mischief as he caught sight of me, his steps faltering for a moment before he resumed his confident stride, his free hand reaching out to beckon me closer.

With each step, the sound of Maya's infectious laughter grew louder, a melodious symphony that echoed through the bustling street, drawing curious glances from passersby and filling me with an indescribable sense of joy. And as I finally reached their side, my heart swelled with love and pride as I beheld the sight before me.

"Hey, Dad," I greeted, a smile playing at the corners of my lips as I leaned in to plant a tender kiss on Maya's rosy cheek. "And hello, my little sunshine," I cooed, my voice soft and melodic as I reached out to stroke her silky locks, eliciting a delighted giggle from her angelic lips.

Oh, right," he chuckled, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Maya insisted on giving you this. She was clutching it tightly in her little hands all the way from home."

A soft smile tugged at my lips as I accepted the box full of my fruit salad. "Thank you, Dad," I beamed.

Inside the box lay a delicious assortment of fresh fruit salad, its vibrant colors and tantalizing aromas filling the air with a mouthwatering scent.

Despite Maya coming into my life unexpectedly, I've never once regretted having her. From the moment I first laid eyes on her three years ago, I made a vow to always protect and cherish her.

Navigating motherhood as a single parent hasn't been easy, especially considering her father has been absent from the picture since day one. Being only 17, almost 18 at the time, certainly didn't make things any simpler. But despite the challenges and uncertainties that came with it, I knew that Maya was a blessing in disguise—a beacon of light in my life, guiding me through even the darkest of days.

As Maya grew, so did our bond. People often remarked on how she resembled me, her giggles and mannerisms mirroring mine. With my youthful appearance, many mistook us for sisters until I revealed she was my daughter, often prompting surprised reactions when they learned my age.

But Maya was more than just my child; she was my constant companion, bringing joy and laughter into every moment we shared. Even now, as she wriggled in my arms, I couldn't help but marvel at her, grateful for every precious moment together.

Her call, almost a scream, snapped me out of my daydreaming. "MAMAAAA!" she cried, her eyes welling up with crocodile tears.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm right here." I enveloped her in a tight hug, trying to soothe her. Seeing her cry tugged at my heartstrings like nothing else—it hurt more than any physical pain.

"It seems like she missed you so much, angel," Dad chimed in, gently patting Maya's back in an attempt to help comfort her.

After a few moments, she calmed down, basking in our attention.

"I missed her just as much. From now on, I won't let this happen again. I need to spend more time with her," I said, feeling a pang of sadness.

"Of course, angel. Now that you have more free time, the employees can handle more things on their own. They're getting the hang of it," Dad reassured me.

"Thanks, Dad. You know I love you to the moon and back, right?"

"You've made sure to engrave it in my mind. I love you just as much, if not more, Angel." He motioned for me to join him in a hug, Maya nestled between us.

After we separated, Maya reached out, pointing at the box in my father's hands. He fulfilled her wish, placing the box in her tiny hands. With a grin, she handed it over to me.

I accepted it with gratitude, knowing I'd soon be able to enjoy its contents. The fruit salad never failed to provide a refreshing treat, especially on hot summer days.

"Did you have fun with Grandma and Grandpa, baby?" I asked, earning a nod from Maya after she glanced up at me.

After giving birth to Maya, I quickly realized that managing everything on my own would be a significant challenge. Gratefully, my parents stepped in and suggested that I move in with them for a while so they could provide the support and assistance I needed as a new mother.

During this time, balancing motherhood and academics posed a unique set of challenges. With a newborn to care for, attending traditional classes wasn't practical. Instead, I enrolled in online courses to ensure I could continue my education without falling behind. It was a demanding juggle of responsibilities, but I was determined to persevere.

Living with my parents provided a sense of security and stability during those early months of motherhood. Their unwavering support allowed me to focus on caring for Maya while also keeping up with my studies. Despite the sleepless nights and countless diaper changes, I remained committed to my academic goals.

Despite the obstacles, I'm proud to say that I successfully graduated from college on time, alongside my classmates. It was a momentous achievement, made possible by the love and support of my family.

"Earth to Zoe!" Dad waved his hand in front of my face, almost hitting me in the process.

"I'm sorry, my mind drifted away for a minute." He let out a genuine deep laugh at my response. Oh, how I love to see my father laugh... It always feels like home. "We spend more time together than we should, I know you're in a hurry. Don't mind us, you can go."

"You're right, dear. The parts shop will close soon, so I better start going. The kitchen pipe broke, so it won't fix itself."

"We're so lucky to have you. You can fix any problem there is in this world."

"You're exaggerating now, my angel, but I do know a lot of things."

"Yeah, yeah. Off you go now, you're very late. Don't worry about me and Maya. I can manage everything. And send Mom my greetings when she comes back from her meeting with her friend."

"I will. She said she'll come around one PM to pick Maya up, and you can come around later for dinner."

"Of course, expect me to come after I lock the shop."

"Lovely. Bye, little one." He waved. "Dad! You still call me little."

"What can I do? You'll always be my little girl." He left before I could say anything else.

As soon as he went out of my sight range, I decided to sit outside on one of our tables. The warm sun rays enveloped me, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of flowers from the park. It was a perfect moment to relax and soak in the tranquility of the afternoon.

We played with Maya's toys for a while, but when she started to lose interest, I scooped her up into my arms, and we embarked on a leisurely stroll. We didn't venture far, just around the vicinity of our shop, enjoying the sights and sounds of the neighborhood.

As we returned to the front of our shop, I felt Maya squirming in my arms, her eyes alight with excitement. Following her gaze, I spotted a German Shepherd lounging by a nearby bench.

"Dog," Maya exclaimed, pointing eagerly at the canine.

Unable to resist her enthusiasm, I made my way over to the dog, deciding it was worth a closer look. Since no one seemed to be around, I refrained from petting the dog, mindful of potential owner preferences. Instead, I stood nearby, allowing Maya to observe the furry friend.

A minute later, a figure emerged from the adjacent store, heading in our direction. I glanced up and recognized Ryan.

As our eyes met, a spark of recognition flashed across his face, followed by a warm smile. I couldn't help but wonder what brought him here. Was the dog his, perhaps?

"Hi," he said, extending his hand for a handshake.

I met his hand halfway, feeling a subtle spark as our hands connected. It was a fleeting sensation, but it left me momentarily puzzled.

Deciding it was probably just my imagination, I brushed off the feeling and focused on the conversation at hand.

Ryan's pov

After bidding farewell to a customer, leaving the boutique which was now empty, I stepped outside into the fresh air. My faithful companion, Blue, awaited me on the bench where I had left him. I couldn't bear to leave him alone at home, so I brought him along.

After a bustling morning at the shop, the steady flow of customers had finally dwindled, leaving the space now eerily quiet. Eager for a breath of fresh air, I pushed open the door and stepped outside into the crisp morning air. There, waiting patiently on the weathered bench, was my loyal companion, Blue. His tail wagged eagerly as he caught sight of me, his brown eyes filled with anticipation. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him cooped up at home, so I decided to bring him along for the day's adventures.

As I approached the bench, I noticed a figure standing beside Blue, her slender frame silhouetted against the morning light. With a graceful movement, she turned to face me, her gaze meeting mine with a hint of curiosity. It was then that I recognized her as the woman from the bakery next door, a familiar face I had often glimpsed through the glass storefront.

Eager to make her acquaintance, I offered a warm smile and extended my hand for a handshake. Despite my attempt to appear composed, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of meeting her. There was something undeniably captivating about her presence, something that drew me in with an irresistible allure.

As our hands met, a subtle electric pulse seemed to pass between us, a fleeting moment of connection that left me momentarily breathless. It was as if time stood still, and for a brief instant, there was nothing else in the world but the two of us, bound together by an invisible thread of energy.

Breaking the spell, I lowered myself to pat Blue, the familiar weight of his furry body grounding me in the present moment. Glancing up, I noticed the woman watching us with wide eyes, her expression a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

Intrigued by her reaction, I couldn't help but strike up a conversation.

Hi." I greeted with a warm smile, extending my hand for a handshake.

She met my gaze with a curious yet friendly expression, accepting my handshake with a gentle grip. As our hands met, I felt a subtle jolt of electricity pass between us, a momentary connection that left me momentarily breathless.

"Hi." she replied, returning my smile. "I'm Zoe, from the bakery next door."

"Nice to meet you, Zoe." I said, nodding in acknowledgment. "I'm Ryan, and this is my dog, Blue."

Her eyes sparkled with interest as she glanced down at Blue, who wagged his tail in response to her attention.

"He's adorable." she remarked, reaching out a hand to gently stroke his fur. "If I can ask. Why do you call him Blue? He doesn't seem blue at all."

I chuckled at her observation. "It's because of his eyes." I explained. "They are blue."

Zoe's eyes widened in understanding as she looked closer at Blue's eyes, confirming my explanation with a nod of her head.

"Can we pet him? She's been dying to meet a friendly dog."

"Of course." I replied, gesturing for her to approach. "Blue loves making new friends."

Back to Zoe's pov

As soon as we received permission, Maya and I eagerly began playing with Blue. I could feel Ryan's gaze lingering on us, his presence palpable even as I focused on the joyous interaction between my daughter and the dog.

Maya surprised me with her gentle touch, her small hands treating Blue with the utmost care. Considering it was her first encounter with a dog, I couldn't help but feel proud of her behavior.

Amidst Maya's delighted laughter and Blue's playful antics, I stole a glance at Ryan, only to find him already watching us. Feeling a wave of shyness wash over me, I quickly returned my attention to the dog.

"May I ask who is this lovely lady that came with you? A younger sister perhaps?" Ryan's inquiry broke the silence, his tone polite yet curious.

"No, she's my daughter. Maya," I replied, introducing her with a sense of maternal pride.

The mention of her name drew Maya's attention, her eyes lighting up as she looked up at us.

"Daughter," Ryan repeated, his surprise evident but fleeting. "Can I ask how old you are? Don't get me wrong, it's just that you look really young to have a child."

Maya's focus shifted back to Blue as we continued our conversation, her laughter mingling with the sounds of the park.

"It's alright. I'm actually older than I look. I'm 21 years old," I explained, offering a reassuring smile.

"I'm sorry. You probably hear this a lot," Ryan apologized, his expression earnest as he met my gaze.

I returned his smile, appreciating his sincerity. "It's okay. And I realize I never knew your name, yet you already know mine."

"I totally forgot about that. My name is Zoe. Zoe Wilson. Nice to meet you," I said, extending my hand in a friendly gesture.

"I love your name. It's unique. By the way, my surname is Carter," Ryan replied, reciprocating the handshake.

As our conversation flowed, I noticed Maya staring at Ryan, her curiosity piqued by his presence.

"How old are you, Ryan?" I asked, sensing Maya's interest.

"I'm 26," he replied.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Maya reaching out to Ryan, her tiny hand outstretched in an attempt to capture his attention. Despite his initial shock, Ryan's reaction quickly shifted to one of amusement, his smile never faltering.

"I guess she wants me to hold her. I would love to if you allow. If you don't want to, I understand." Ryan said, his voice gentle and accommodating.

Surprise flashed across my face. I hadn't expected him to offer, considering we were essentially strangers. The idea of letting him hold Maya made me uneasy. What if he had ulterior motives? What if he did something harmful?

Okay, maybe I was being paranoid, but I couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension.

"Maya, baby, look, the dog is looking at you. He's sad you're not petting him anymore." I tried to distract her, hoping to steer her attention away from Ryan.

But Maya remained fixated on Ryan, her outstretched hands pleading for his embrace. "Up," she insisted, tears welling in her eyes, a clear sign that she wouldn't relent until she got what she wanted.

Despite my reservations, Ryan seemed undeterred. "I promise I won't do anything to her. I know you are skeptical about that. And you are next to me." he assured me, his voice calm and reassuring.

As Maya's tears threatened to spill over, I reluctantly conceded. "Okay, but just until she calms down." I agreed, my voice wavering slightly.

"Understood." Ryan replied, his demeanor respectful and understanding.

I carefully lifted Maya into my arms, rising from my squatting position. Ryan mirrored my movement, cradling her in his arms with a protective yet gentle embrace.

Watching him interact with Maya, I couldn't help but notice his ease and competence. Perhaps he was telling the truth about his intentions after all.

Still, I remained vigilant, keeping a close watch as Ryan held Maya, ready to intervene at the slightest sign of trouble.

The memory of my recent conversation with Bruno, Ryan's boss, brought a sense of reassurance. Bruno had spoken highly of Ryan, describing him as a genuinely good person—kind, decent, and reliable. His words helped alleviate some of my lingering doubts, as I trusted Bruno's judgment implicitly.

As soon as Ryan lifted Maya into his arms, her tears vanished, replaced by a radiant smile that lit up her face. It was as if the earlier moment of distress had never occurred.

Observing them together, I couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in their sizes. Ryan's broad, muscular arms enveloped Maya's small frame completely, leaving only her head visible. He looked entirely at ease with her in his arms, as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

Maya's behavior around Ryan was particularly surprising to me. She had always been a reserved and shy child, typically averse to meeting new people. Even the slightest touch from a stranger would send her into tears, yet here she was, interacting with Ryan as though they were old friends.

The absence of a paternal figure in Maya's life had undoubtedly contributed to her withdrawn demeanor. Louis, her biological father, had been nothing more than a fleeting boyfriend at the time of her conception. Despite our efforts to practice safe sex, a single lapse resulted in an unplanned pregnancy.

Louis's reaction to the news had been callous and indifferent. He made it clear that he had no desire for a child and left me to navigate the situation alone. I had chosen to keep Maya, refusing to entertain the idea of abortion, but his rejection had left a lasting impact on both of us.

Lost in my thoughts, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, drawing me back to the present. It was Olivia, one of our employees, her expression curious as she observed Ryan and Maya. Raising an eyebrow in response, I silently urged her to speak.

"Zoe, sorry to interrupt, but we have a problem with the cash register. We can't turn it on, so we need your help," Olivia's voice broke through my reverie, pulling me back to reality.

Glancing over at Ryan, who now held Maya in his arms, I replied, "I'm going to be there in a minute. Wait for me inside."

As Olivia headed back into the shop, I turned back to Ryan and Maya, offering an apologetic smile. "I need to go inside for a minute. I have to take Maya with me."

Understandingly, Ryan nodded. "I'll wait here for you. I really enjoyed your company, but feel free to come back whenever you're ready."

"I will. I just need to sort this out quickly, then I'll be back," I assured him before turning to Maya, attempting to retrieve her from Ryan's arms. However, Maya clung to him, resisting my efforts and threatening to burst into tears once more.

"Babe, we have to go, but we'll be back in a minute. Then we can come and play with Ryan again," I coaxed, finally persuading her to let me pick her up as we made our way inside.

After resolving the issue with the cash register, I returned to find Ryan still waiting patiently on the bench outside. For a while, the three of us sat together, enjoying each other's company as Maya and Ryan played happily.

But duty called once again, and I had to return indoors to address another problem. Reluctant to leave Maya alone with Ryan, despite my growing trust in him, I hesitated.

"You can go; I'll take care of Maya. I promise I won't do anything," Ryan offered with a reassuring smile.

Reluctantly, I agreed. "Okay, but I'll be back soon."

With Olivia keeping watch, I ventured back inside, only to be confronted by an irate customer accusing one of our employees of theft.

This time, a customer approached, demanding to speak to a manager, accusing one of our employees of pocketing his money. Being the closest to the owner, they called upon me.

"Hello, what seems to be the issue?" I inquired, maintaining a composed demeanor.

The customer pointed accusingly at the employee standing beside me behind the counter. "This gentleman right here failed to return the correct change. He's swindled me out of 5 pounds!"

Having been briefed on the situation by another staff member who witnessed the incident, I was confident the accusation was unfounded. However, I remained polite, intent on diffusing the tension.

"Sir, are you certain? Our employees uphold the highest standards of integrity. Could you please double-check the transaction?" I requested calmly.

"I am absolutely sure! Don't accuse me of lying, miss. Get your staff in order!" The customer retorted, his voice escalating with frustration.

Despite his hostile tone, I maintained my composure, refusing to engage in a confrontation. "I'm not insinuating anything, sir. I'm simply asking for your cooperation in verifying the transaction."

Reluctantly, the customer retrieved a crumpled 10-pound bill and a 1-pound coin. "Look! He was supposed to give me 5 pounds more!"

Suspecting foul play, I remained vigilant. "Sir, could you please flatten out the 10-pound bill? There may be a possibility that the missing money is trapped inside."

Though resistant at first, the customer eventually complied, begrudgingly flattening the bill. To his embarrassment, the missing 5 pounds fell to the floor.

Realizing his mistake, the customer offered a hasty apology before hastily exiting the shop, red-faced with embarrassment.

Relieved that the ordeal was over, I returned outside, grateful to see Maya safe and sound in Ryan's care.

I settled beside Ryan on the bench, where he was engrossed in Maya's nonsensical chatter, his smile mirroring hers. As he stole a moment to glance at me, his smile widened before returning his focus to Maya.

Hours passed as we sat there, the conversation flowing effortlessly as we delved into various topics, gradually getting to know each other better. Meanwhile, Maya continued her animated babbling, seemingly oblivious to anything else happening around her.

However, our conversation came to a sudden halt when Maya's attempts to capture Ryan's attention intensified. With an earnest expression, she appeared to be trying to convey something to him.

Then, to my astonishment, she uttered the unexpected words, causing me to freeze in disbelief. I hadn't anticipated such clarity from her, and her words sent a shiver down my spine, leaving me momentarily speechless.


What do you think caused Maria's shock, leaving her frozen in disbelief? Share your thoughts on what might unfold next.

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