One Shots - TH - HO

By calliebode

102K 1.1K 127

This is my book of one shots for Tom Holland, and Haz Osterfield. All chapters are separate stories and all w... More

•Before you go•
•choose me•
•Good Boy•
•Just For A Night•
•More Than A Night•
•Match Made In Hell•
•Already Gone•
•Pretty Girl•
•Just Like Me•

•It's You•

7.2K 64 5
By calliebode

Summary: during quarantine you change your tinder location to London, little did you know you'd meet the love of your life.

Warnings: There's literally no warnings for this just pure fluff.

Quarantine resulted in a lot. There were many Netflix binges, beach trips, and the occasional late night lonely drink, extra emphasis on the lonely part. Your boyfriend broke up with you and moved out of the apartment you two shared two weeks before quarantine started. The isolation started getting to you, badly, so you decided to download tumblr.
You had no intention to be with a guy romantically right now, you just wanted to meet some new people. It was especially exciting when you heard you could make your location anywhere in the world, so naturally being the one direction fan you are, you chose London.
You spent several nights picking through, messaging a few guys here and there but almost all the conversations ended within the first five messages. Who knew British boys could be so boring? You just assumed all guys would be as endearing as Harry Styles. That is until you got to one very specific boy.
The first thing you notice is the bright ocean blue eyes, the way they shined in the photo made your heart melt a little bit, and his smile. That damn smile, the way it pulled up slightly higher on one side  tugged at your heart a little bit. He was gorgeous, the perfect guy. A guy like that could never like you, or so you thought, but as soon as you swiped right you matched with him.
He messaged you almost instantly, and you had little to no hope that he actually was going to keep good conversation. A boy that pretty swiping right on you must mean he's a dick or something.
But contrary to what you expected, he was more than lovely.
You talked to him for days, getting to know each other's every like and dislike, way of life, hobbies, aspirations. You were certain that if you were quizzed on each other you would pass with flying colors.
The texting turned into video calls, which you took way too seriously at first. You'd spend hours making yourself look good for the calls, until he called you out on it. You can still remember how he laughed, telling you all he did was throw on a hoodie, so what's the need for false eye lashes. Not that he had a problem with you getting all glammed up, but he wanted you to feel comfortable in pajamas and a messy ponytail too.
Everything went great, you guys had scheduled video chats every single day, you met all his roommates, and absolutely loved them all. After a month and a half you and Haz quickly became inseparable even though you two are thousands of miles apart.
All of that brings you to now, the quarantine has been lifted, and Haz continually is asking you to fly out to London. He can't stand the idea of you sitting all alone in your little San Francisco apartment, all he wants is for you to come stay with him for a while.
Of course, it was in the back of your head that a guy you've never met is asking you to come stay with him, but even though you've never met, you guys are best friends. How could you not trust him?
You thought what an amazing idea it would be to surprise him, so with some secret planning between you and Tom, you two were able to set up a time for you to fly down there and surprise Haz.
That brings you to today, frantically tapping your fingers on the top of your suitcase as you wait for Tom to pull up to the airport. It's just now hitting you that you're in London, staying with guys you've actually never met in your life. That's a bit scary, but it doesn't take away from the excitement you feel to finally meet Haz in person. 
"Y/N!" You hear your name being called from down the sidewalk. You look over, seeing Tom sticking his head out the window, waving before stepping out.
"Hey Tom!" You grin widely, skipping over and he pulls you into a hug.
"Holy shit I can't believe you're actually here!" He says. "Haz is going to freak out."
"I can't believe it either." You say.
"You ready to go meet the love of your life?" He asks, wiggling his brows.
"You mean my friend?" You giggle.
"Yeah whatever you two are calling it." He says.
You roll your eyes at him, he might just be more obnoxious in real life than he is over video chat. You had no idea that could even be possible.
You get in the car, feeling weird about it being the 'wrong' side. You two discuss your nervousness to meet him for the first time as you drive to their house, Tom enjoying teasing you on the way.
"So are we going to need a hotel room?" He asks.
"Why would you need a hotel room?" You ask.
"You guys might be going at it all night." He smirks and you scoff.
"Get your head out of the gutter, Holland." You say.
He pulls up to large beautiful home, brick walls stood out, looking like a house you've never seen before. The architecture in London is gorgeous.
"Okay so here's the plan. He's upstairs playing video games. I'll go up to get him and make some excuse of why he needs to come downstairs. Then bam! It's you." He says.
"Alright." You laugh, nodding your head.
You two get out of the car and walk in through the front door. The inside of the home is still beautiful, but a little messy. You expected that from a house with four boys though.
"Wait here I'll go get him." He says, scurrying off upstairs.
You wait nervously in the middle of the living room, looking around at the photos they have framed. You smile when you see the familiar dogs together in one of the photos. Monty is an angel.
Footsteps sound, coming down the stairs. Your hands shake with excitement as you count down the seconds until you see Haz.
"I swear to god if you actually crashed my car I will kill you." You hear Haz's voice, then see him quite literally stumble down the stairs frantically.
"Mate I didn't crash your car!" Tom yells, following behind him as he runs literally right past me towards the front door.
"Are you serious? Why would you scare me like that?!" Haz asks as he looks out the window, seeing his car is perfectly in tact.
"Turn around you dumbass." You say.
Haz's head shoots around, his brows scrunched together in confusion.
"Hey." You say.
A big smile grows on his face, running over and scooping you up in his arms, giving you a proper bear hug. You giggle at the reaction, hugging him back. He smells like cinnamon sugar, it's comforting, just like the feeling of his arms around your body.
"I can't believe you're here." He shakes his head, holding your face in his hands.
"For a whole week." You grin.
"You're welcome!" Tom interjects and Haz laughs.
"Yeah thanks mate." Haz says, not taking his eyes off you.
"Well I'm just going to.. step out." Tom says, slowly grabbing his keys and leaving the house.
You and Haz sit and talk for hours. Being able to have a conversation in real life, without lagging or your faces freezing every fifteen minutes is a luxury. And hearing his gorgeous accent.. it's like music to your ears. It starts to get a bit late, and you take notice that his roommates still aren't home.
"Where is everyone?" You ask.
"I think they're staying at Toms mums house." He says. "They think this is.. a thing."
He lets out a small laugh, and you can't help but feel a little bit curious. Then you decide the first day meeting isn't exactly the best time to ask if he wants to be something more with you.
"Well hey, that just means less of Toms annoying comments." You say with a laugh.
"I like your laugh." He says.
His fingers brush through your hair, making your heart race a little bit.
Haz makes you feel warm and fuzzy in a way your ex never did. You don't know what it is about him, but he's just so.. perfect.
"You had a long flight, you're probably exhausted." He says with a frown.
"A little." You shrug.
"Time for bed then." He says, scooping you up in his arms, causing a squeal to escape your lips.
"I knew you worked out but damn!" You laugh.
"I'm ripped, baby." He says with a smirk.
"M'sleepin with you right?" You ask.
"If you want to." He says.
"Mhm." You hum, resting your head against his chest. You were close to positive that he was taking you to the guest room, so this will be way nicer. All you want is to cuddle with him all night long.
He walks into a room, laying you down onto the bed. You smile at him, and he leans down, getting dangerously close to your face.
"Want a hoodie?" He whispers.
Ah the words every girl wants to hear from a guy they like.
"Yes please." You say, your voice squeaking slightly at the closeness. He presses a kiss to your temple, making goosebumps rise on your skin. He goes to his closet, getting a hoodie and you look through your suitcase for pajama shorts, finding them after a minuet.
"Turn around" you say.
Haz respectfully turns around and covers his eyes, letting you change into the black shorts.
"Alright you can look." You say.
You slip on the turquoise hoodie, loving that it smells so strongly of him. You really thought coming here, being with this boy you've never met before would be nerve racking, but it's not. In fact you've never felt more comfortable around anyone before.
You crawl into the bed, and Haz gets in next to you, pulling the blankets up slightly. You lay facing each other, just holding eye contact, his hand resting atop yours. His fluffy hair, falling slightly on his forehead looks so soft. You reach your hand out, pushing the blonde strands back. He smiles at the gesture, and requites the favor, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I already thought you were pretty, but you're absolutely beautiful in person." He mumbles, making your heart swell just a little bit.
You couldn't help but notice how his gaze would fall to your lips every few seconds. While yes you did tell everyone that you and Haz were 'just friends' you two knew it wasn't a friendship. Something this good deserves more than friendship.
"You know you can kiss me." You say shyly.
Those words put a large grin on Harrison's face, and a slight blush to his pale cheeks. He leans his weight up on one elbow, hovering over you. The air gets thicker, making your breath more shallow.
His hand cradles the side of your face, and he leans down. Your eyes flutter closed, and you feel his lips attach to yours in a heated, but soft kiss. You could of sworn you felt butterflies for the first time. The way his lips moved against your own was perfect, like you were made to kiss each other. He's warm, and tastes like peppermint. A taste you won't soon forget. You weren't ready for the end, his lips detaching from yours. You pout slightly as your eyes open once more, meeting those sharp blue ones.
"I like kissing you.." he says.
"Then never stop." You whisper.
He lays down, pulling you into his arms, making you feel warm and safe.
"I know we live in different countries.. but I think we could make this work." He says.
"What are you saying?" You ask.
"I want you to be my girlfriend Y/N." He states, kissing your forehead.
"I want you to be my boyfriend." You say.
And with that, you found the man of your dreams. Who knew 'finding friends' on tinder would have given you the love of your life.

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