The Translator

By bellefogg

314 7 18

Eikko (Erik) Koskinen, is a humble, Swendish commoner from Kent in the province of Illea. Erik prefers to sta... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Jaakoppi's
Chapter 2: The Palace
Chapter 3: Meeting the Princess
Chapter 5: The Cut
Chapter 6: The Tea Party
Chapter 7: The Report
Chapter 8: The Garden Party
Chapter 9: The Game Show
Chapter 10: The Group Date

Chapter 4: The Parade

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By bellefogg

(Erik's P.O.V)

The following day after meeting the beautiful Princess Eadlyn, the selected and I are standing outside in the front lawn surrounded by a bunch of palace workers and one giant float. In honor of the selected men, the royal family decided to organize a parade around the streets of Angeles, making this selection much more personal than the last few. Henri is standing just outside a group of the selected men, listening to everything they say even though he has no idea what they are saying. Smile and nod, that is Henri's philosophy; especially when it comes to trying to fit in!

I stand back and blend into the shadows, keeping my eyes on Henri just in case he needs me. My gaze wanders for a few seconds as I catch a glimpse of the Princess walking towards the float, looking absolutely stunning as per usual. Shaking my head, I silently scold myself for thinking that way. I am here to translate for Henri and help him win the heart of the Princess, not the other way around. Turning my gaze back to Henri, I notice that the selected have begun climbing onto the float and suddenly I am overwhelmed with unexplained nerves. I start to bite my nails out of habit, not even thinking about who might be watching me.

"Don't do that!" Princess Eadlyn scolds, catching me off guard. "You don't want the cameras to catch you with your fingers in your mouth, do you?"

I immediately whip my hand down to my side and apologize. "I'm sorry, Your Highness."

"Not going up there?" she asks, motioning to the massive float in front of us.

"No, Your Highness," I answer with a smile. "I think Henri can wave without interpretation."

"He'll be right beside me," she says reassuringly, obviously feeling my nervousness. "I'll try to make sure he knows what's going on."

I let out a huge sigh, making her laugh and I can't help but notice how beautiful it sounds. "That makes this far less distressing. And he is going to be so excited. He talks about you every waking moment."

"Well, it's hardly been a day. I'm sure it'll pass," she laughs, giving me a stunning smile.

"I don't think so," I say back. "He's in awe of you, of everything, really. The experience alone is big for him. His family has worked hard to establish themselves, and that he finds himself in a place where he can have even a second of your attention...he's so happy."

"Is that what he told you?" she asks, her gaze moving to the front of the float.

"Not in so many words," I answer, following her gaze to find Henri at the very front of the float, nervously playing with his tie. "He's aware of how fortunate he is, and he sees so many good things in you. He goes on and on."

She smiles, but it doesn't look very happy; instead, she looks kind of sad and it makes me wonder what I said wrong. "Were you born in Swendway too?" she asks after a few moments.

"No. First generation to be born in Illea," I say, shaking my head. "But my parents are trying to hold on to our old customs and things, so we live in a small Swendish community in Kent."

"Like Henri?" she asks.

"Yes.They're becoming more and more common," I say with a genuine smile. "When Henri was selected, his family put out a call for a reliable translator, and I submitted my resume, flew to Sota, and now I have a new job."

"So you've known Henri for...?"

"A week. But we've already spent so much time together and get along so well, I feel like I've known him for years!" I say affectionately.

"I feel so rude--" Princess Eadlyn says with a slight gasp. "I don't even know your name."

"I'm Erik," I say, bowing low.


"Yes." I say simply.

"Huh. I expected something a bit different," she says honestly.

"Well, that's the closest translation," I say with a shrug, turning to look at General Leger who just called for the Princess.

"I'll watch out for him!" Princess Eadlyn promises before rushing off towards the float.

As she rushes off, I am in complete awe that I just had a real conversation with the Princess...THE PRINCESS! I watch her attempt to conquer the float ladder in heels and a dress, wanting desperately to help her up, but knowing that wouldn't be appropriate. As she makes it to the top, she lets out a huff before giving a small nod, obviously proud of herself for making it up the ladder. She brushes back her hair and makes sure her dress is okay before walking over to Henri. I watch them converse for a few moments, feeling my nerves set in once again, only to have them banished a few moments later as the Princess finds my gaze in the crowd and gives me a thumbs up. It's a small gesture, I know, but it is the small things that count the most.

I put a hand over my heart and give her a smile, hoping she understands just how grateful I am for her gesture. As the float begins to move and the gate begins to open, cheers erupt from just outside the gate. Once the float has made its way outside, the gates slam closed behind it to keep any unwanted visitors out. The crowd of palace workers quickly begins to dwindle, leaving me in the front lawn along with some guards and the rest of royal family. Not even fifteen minutes later, we are all shocked as the float peels into the gravel driveway going much faster than a float should be able to move. As soon as the float is stopped, Princess Eadlyn jumps up and makes her way down the ladder, trying to keep her composure.

But I know better. I've seen that look before...a look of pure humiliation and sadness that is crushing. As soon as she is off the float, her parents are right there.

"Eadlyn!" her mom yells.

"I'm fine." the princess says curtly.

"Love, what happened?!" her father asks in shock.

"Hell if I know!" Eadlyn shrieks before stomping off.

I watch her until she has vanished into the palace, leaving us questioning what happened. Turning back around, I nervously look around for Henri, hoping he is okay. He is the last one off the float and he is covered in food, his hands looking the worst.

"Henri!" I exclaim, quickly rushing over to him. "Mitä tapahtui? (What happened?)"

"Ihmiset he heittivät asioita meille!" (The people, they threw things at us!) Henri quickly replies, sounding horrified. "Yritin suojella prinsessa, siksi puku on tuhoutunut! (I tried to protect the Princess, that's why my suit is ruined)!"

"What is he saying?" General Leger asks, making me jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you."

"No, it's okay, I'm just a bit jumpy," I say, letting out a sigh. "Henri was saying that the people were throwing things at them. And he is upset because he tried to protect the princess and ruined his only suit in the process."

"Tell him not to worry about his suit," the King says, walking into our conversation. "We will have his butler make him as many suits as he would like. And please thank him for protecting my daughter!"

"Alright," I say quietly, giving the King a quick nod before turning to Henri. "Hänen Majesteettinsa kiitos, että suojait prinsessan. Tiedän, että olet huolissasi puvustasi, mutta he tekevät sinusta enemmän!" (His Majesty thanks you for protecting the Princess. I know you are worried about your suit, but they are going to make you more!)

"Hale myös auttoi (Hale helped too)!" Henri says quickly.

"I heard my name?" Hale asks, walking over to us.

"Yes, Henri was just saying that you helped him protect the princess," I say, avoiding eye contact with everyone around me.

"Wonderful, maybe you can help us understand what happened out there," King Maxon says firmly.

"I'm not exactly sure what happened, but it was terrible," Hale sighs, giving the King a quick bow. "The parade started off great, there were a lot of people cheering for us, shouting our names, and throwing flowers. But on the final stretch of the parade, the crowd dynamic changed completely. Instead of flowers, they started throwing rotten eggs and other food at us so we all took cover. I quickly dropped down to cover the Princess, but I couldn't protect her from the harmful things they said."

"What were they saying?" General Leger asks. "I was too busy yelling at all of you to take cover and I wasn't paying attention to what was being said."

"There were a few angry people shouting about the castes and how they still live," Hale says, thinking back. "Others were yelling disgusting things, unimaginable things that should never be directed at a Princess. They may have been throwing food and other unspeakable things, but nothing can compare to what they threw at her verbally. I hope she is okay..."

"Eadlyn will be fine," King Maxon says affectionately. "She is the most hard-headed woman you will ever meet and I can guarantee that she will pull through. In the meantime, General Leger and I need to discuss what happened further, in private."

"Why don't you gentlemen go get cleaned up?" General Leger suggests. "Lunch will be served in a couple hours so feel free to spend your time however you like."

With that, we are all dismissed and we all quietly make our way back to the palace. Just as Henri and I are about to head up the stairs to our room, we along with Hale are pulled aside once again.

"I wanted to thank you again for what you did," King Maxon says, firmly shaking Hale and Henri's hands.

I quickly translate for Henri who is already smiling like an idiot, making me laugh at his constant happy attitude. When the King turns towards me, I go into a quick bow before looking back up at him.

"And thank you for helping us communicate with Sir Henri," King Maxon says, grabbing my hand in a firm shake. "I don't believe I know your name, Sir...?"

"Eikko!" Henri says loudly.

"Erik," I correct quickly.

"Well, Sir Erik," the King says, looking between Henri and I, "it has been a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see more of you and Henri in the future."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," I say softly, bowing once again as King Maxon and General Leger walk away.

"What a day!" Hale huffs, beginning the stairway ascent.

"And to think it has only just begun," I say as Henri and I follow him up.

"We are in for a LONG ride," Hale chuckles.

"Ja," Henri agrees even though he has no idea what we are talking about.

'I'll see you guys at lunch," Hale says, bidding us adieu.

"I hope you can save your suit!" I call just before he shuts his door.

"THANKS!" he yells through the door.

Henri and I walk into our room which is right next door to Hale's and Henri is immediately greeted by the butler. He quickly takes Henri's measurements before heading downstairs to make Henri a new suit to wear for lunch. Henri jumps in the shower to clean up and I decide to take this time to write his family.

Dear Jaakoppi Family,

It is only day two of the selection, but I am very happy to say that Henri is already having the time of his life! He was able to meet the Princess yesterday, and yes Annika, he was absolutely starstruck! The Princess was very kind to him and she seemed to warm up to him quickly! As I am sure you saw today, Henri was chosen to stand beside her on the float and he had a great time! Well, at least until the little incident...don't worry, Henri is fine, just a little confused. I'm not sure what you guys have heard about what happened, but the most important thing for you to know is that your son is a fighter. Instead of cowering behind the float, he knelt in front of the princess and tried his best to shield her from the angry crowd. The King and the General have personally thanked Henri for his should be very proud! Your son is an amazing man and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to have him as one of my best friends. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve your family! I will keep you updated!

P.S. I'm sorry this is in English!


Eikko, Erik, Koskinen 

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