Chapter 7: The Report

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*Erik's P.O.V.*

Tonight is the first segment of the Report that the suitors are being featured on and it is safe to say that Henri is very excited! We walk into the studio where they will be holding the report and the stage manager quickly ushers each suitor to his seat, Henri being one of them. As I stand there alone, feeling totally awkward and out of place, I turn just in time to see the Princess walk in wearing a beautiful red gown with her hair pulled back. My does she look always. I quietly make my way over to her, calling her name softly and making her jump a few feet.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," I apologize, giving her a deep bow.

"No, I'm just a little on edge," she sighs, smoothing her dress out. "How can I help you?"

"I hate to bother you, but I wasn't sure who to ask," I begin, sighing a bit. "Where is it most convenient for me to sit so I can translate for Henri?"

"How rude, I didn't even think about that!" Princess Eadlyn says, shaking her head slightly. "Um, here, follow me."

She quickly escorts me to the stage manager and they place Henri on the back row so that I can sit behind him to translate, but not be seen. The Princess stays with us until we are settled in and I quickly turn to thank her.

"I'll make sure to go to the stage manager next time so I won't bother you," I say softly. "I sincerely apologize."

"It's fine, really," she says with a smile. "I want you to be comfortable, the both of you."

"You don't need to worry about my comfort, Your Highness," I say shyly, bowing my head slightly before adding, "I'm not suitor."

Before she can answer, her mother Queen America begins to call her name. She quickly turns around and goes to her mother, leaving me out of sight an out of it should be. Before I know it, Gavril Fadaye steps onto the stage as the cameras begin rolling. Gavril has been the host of the Report for quite a while now and I have heard rumor that this Selection is going to be his last, but he seems quite pleased about that!

He quickly introduces the segment before turning to the suitors, picking a few of them to interview. Sir Harrison, Sir Fox, and Sir Ivan are all chosen to speak which takes a load off of me...I'm not ready to step in front of the cameras just yet! Once Gavril is finished with Sir Ivan, he brings up Princess Eadlyn and gives her a heartwarming embrace.

"Always nice to see you, Your Highness," Gavril says as she takes a seat across from him.

"And you, Gavril," she says affectionately.

"So here we are, one week into the first-ever female-led Selection," Gavril says with a grin. "How would you say it's going??"

"I think it's going well," she says with a big smile. "Of course, I still have work to do each day, so we're off to a fairly slow start."

Gavril quickly glances over his shoulder at the suitors before finally speaking. "Judging by the thinning crowd, I wouldn't say it's that slow."

"Yes, about a third of the gentlemen invited to the palace have been eliminated," Princess Eadlyn says with a small giggle and a bat of her eyes. "I have to trust my gut, and between our initial meetings and the information I've been given, I feel very confident about my choices."

"It sounds like you're using more of your head than your heart at the moment," Gavril says honestly, making her blush slightly.

"Would you suggest that I fall in love with thirty-five young men at once?" she asks, making him raise his eyebrows.

"Well, when you put it that way..."

"Exactly," she grins, "I only have one heart, and I'm saving it."

There is a chorus of sighs all throughout the room and I can't help but join in by giving a small sigh. I feel the same way...I only have one heart and one key that I am saving to give to that one person who makes me whole. If only I knew where this woman was and why I can't seem to find her...

As they continue talking about the events of this past week. Her unexpected kiss with Sir Kile, her secret date with Sir Hale, and her musical date with Sir Baden. They wrap up the report by announcing a garden party that is to be held tomorrow afternoon so that the Princess can spend time getting to know each of her suitors. This time they are given a warning that there will be an elimination after the party so they know to give it their all or risk being the next ones cut.

*Author's Note*

Hey guys! So I am following the exact timeline and most of the same script (with my own fun bits added here and there) from The Heir! I'm sorry these chapters seem so short, but I'm only following the storyline that Kierra Cass gave us and at the beginning, Erik doesn't show up to much! Soon enough, the chapters will get longer and their bond will get stay tuned!! Thanks for reading!!

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