The Seven Deadly Sins of The...

De Animefan446

1.3K 46 1

In the modern times, there were seven people who were trained to hunt, kill and steal. Each of the seven peop... Mai multe

Character Introduction To The Sins
We Are The Seven Deadly Sins
A Job Assignment Goes Wrong
Saving Nobunaga's Life
Escaping From The Devil King And Finding The Remaining The Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins Get Back Together

Let The Slaughter Begin!

161 8 1
De Animefan446


After Nobunaga and I shook hands, Hideyoshi glared at me and my friends and he said to him.

"Nobunaga-sama! you cannot be serious! you're letting those people join us?!"

"Why not? I think it'll be interesting to have them around."

"But my Lord! they threatened me!"

I smirked at the monkey and told him.

"Maybe that's because you started it, I was  merely making a point to never anger me or my friends."

The other sins nodded their heads in agreement. 

"I hate to say it, but, she's right Hideyoshi. Just keep an eye on them, I'm pretty sure they can be trustworthy," Mitsuhide spoke with a smirk on his face.

'I don't trust that look.'

I thought to myself before someone came barging into the room.


I pointed my pistol at the culprit and then he came to a halt when I pointed the end of the barrel at his forehead. He looked at me nervously and I asked him.

"Who are you?" I spoke with a frown on my face.

"Easy Rei, that's Ranmaru, he was supposed to be at Honnoji temple with me but, we haven't seen him until now."

Ranmaru sweat dropped nervously when I glared at him.

"If that's the case then where the hell did he go when the temple was in flames?" I asked as I showed off my scary aura to him.

"P-Please let me explain! don't fire your weapon at me!" He shouted in a panicked tone.

"Make it quick."

I told him before I stepped back and I let him sit in front of Nobunaga. 

"Nobunaga-sama, I am so sorry!"

"Ranmaru, what's your excuse for going missing for so long?!" One of the vassals shouted.

I smirked when I noticed the angry looks on the vassals faces. 

"Well, this should be entertaining to watch."

Mai looked at me shocked when she saw the look on my face.

"...Nobunaga-sama, I have no excuse for waiting so long...but I returned because...I wanted to apologise for running away and-"

"Tch, you should have taken your own life, coward, and spared us the trouble," One of the vassals spoke in anger.

"Enough! Ranmaru is not a coward!" Hideyoshi spoke with a frown.

"Hideyoshi-sama, please don't defend me...what he says is true."

Nobunaga wasn't effected by Ranmaru's tears and then he told him.

"Tell me everything."

"All right...what happened was...I was in the temple until it went up in flames. I knew our Lord was in trouble...I tried to get to him but...the hallways were in flames and they blocked the path to our I...ran away."

"Ha! what cowardly move!" Shiro shouted before the other sins and I chuckled.

Nobunaga glared at us and we stopped laughing. Mai glared at Shiro and she said to him.

"What is the matter with you!? even though he ran he still came back! surely that's got to count for something!"

I frowned a little when Mai said this. Rokuro then spoke up.

"I'm not taking sides or anything but, Mai does have a point. Despite Ranmaru running he still came back."

Nobunaga looked interested in their comments. Mai smiled at Rokuro and then Nobunaga spoke up.

"Fine, I will decide a proper punishment for Ranmaru without him having to lose his life."

Karou smirked and she asked Nobunaga.

"How about 100 whips on the back? I can do that for you," Karou spoke with a smirk while showing Nobunaga with her personal whip she always carried.

Ranmaru looked scared when he saw that sadistic look on her face. 

"That won't be necessary, Karou."

Karou pouted and I mumbled.

"Man, you're no fun."

"What was that?"

Nobunaga asked with a glare.


I told him before Keiji glanced at the sliding doors. 


"Yeah I know," I spoke with a smirk. "Looks like we've got some uninvited company."

The others looked at me confused until the sliding doors were knocked down, revealing a lot of men with their weapons at the ready. 

"Oda Nobunaga!!" One of them yelled angrily.

Mai looked scared while the sins and I smirked at them. 

"Get the Devil King's head!"


The men shouted before someone drew back their arrow and then they released it.

"Nobunaga-sama!" Ranmaru shouted before getting in front of him to block the arrow.

Before the arrow could reach him, I caught the arrow in time and that shocked Ranmaru and the others. I smirked at the men and then I spoke up.

"Heh, Ranmaru's display for begging for his Lord's forgiveness was pathetic and boring but, this fight will be entertaining, for the seven of us that is."

I spoke as I placed my hand on the hilt of my sword while the others got their weapons at the ready. Rokuro smirked and he cracked his knuckles.

"Boss, your orders."

"That should be obvious, let the slaughter begin!!"

At that moment, the sins and I charged at the ronin along with the Oda vassals.


Once the fight started the sins used their weapons against the ronin with smirks on their faces. Koga held onto the rope/chain of his blades and he spun the blade like a lasso until he threw and spun the blade the ronin until blood spattered onto the ground. Koga ducked and then he stabbed the Ronin in the neck before pulling the blade out of his neck and then he threw it again at another ronin who tried to sneak up on Masamune. Koga smirked and then he grabbed the rope and pulled it roughly and then he caught the handle of his blade in his hand. 

"Is that all you got? come on!" Koga shouted before he attacked more of the ronin.

Zen shouted his war cry and then he swung his twin blades at the ronin until they all dropped dead like flies. Zen chuckled and then he leapt on the top of an Oda vassal's head before he crossed over his arms and he sliced off a Ronin's head off. Zen landed on the floor safely and he chuckled again.

"Don't underestimate me! I may *ahem* be short but, I'm fast!!"

Zen shouted before he dashed at another ronin. He twirled his twin daggers before one of the ronin swung his sword at him.

"Stay still, pipsqueak!!"

A tick mark appeared on his head and shouted.

"Who're you calling a pipsqueak?!!"

Zen shouted before he charged at the ronin and then he sliced and stabbed his stomach. The ronin coughed out blood and then Zen sliced his neck which caused blood to spatter out of his wound.

The ronin charged at Rokuro but, when their weapons landed on him, they didn't leave a single mark on him as he continued to dodge their attacks. Rokuro clenched his fist and then he punched one of them and he sent him flying. The ronin looked at him shocked and then they said.

"Forget this! I'm not taking on that big guy!"

"I'm out of here!"

The ronin started running and then one of them tried to attack Rokuro but, he dodged his attack and then he raised his fist before punching him in the stomach causing a few ribs to break and then the ronin was sent flying. 

"Holy crap! that guy is strong!!" Masamune shouted when he saw Rokuro's strength.

Rokuro smirked and then the ronin started to run away from him in fear.

Keiji thrusts his fencing sword at the ronin's head and then he used his other one to swing to the side and he cuts his throat. Keiji pulled out his swords and then the ronin had him surrounded.

"What are we waiting for?! he's just one man!"

Keiji smirked and then he gracefully spun around with his swords and then all of the ronin who had him surrounded fell onto the ground with blood spitting out of their wounds. Keiji smirked before pushing up his glasses.

"Hmpf, you should have used the thing in between your heads called a brain before making a move."

With Karou one of the ronin caught her and then she started to struggle.

"Kya! get off me!"

"Hey, boys! I've caught a feisty one!"

The ronin chuckled and then Karou grinned sadistically before she stomped on the ronin's food with her heel making him yelp in pain. She got out of his grip and then she pulled out her twin pistols before firing one of them at his forehead. The ronin looked at her with shocked expression on their faces before she showed off her dark aura.

"Don't think I'm some damsel in distress, that's not my then," Karou showed off her scary look to them before pointing her pistols at them. "Who wants to get their punishment first?"

Ronin looked at her nervously before making a run for it. Karou chuckled and she then spoke up.

"Heh, too easy."

Karou fired her pistols quickly and they all dropped dead since her shot was dead on. Mitsuhide and Ieyasu watched her with shocked looks on their faces.

"Oh my, I think the little scorpion is a sadist."

"You think!?"

Ieyasu asked Mitsuhide with an angry look until the ronin realised they were losing.

"Who the hell are these people?!"

"I have no idea! but, we can't lose here!"

"The Devil King has got to have some kind of weakness!"

One of the ronin turned look at Mai was hiding in the corner. He rushed towards her but, before he could lay a hand on her, an arrow pierce his chest and he fell onto the ground. Mai was shocked by this until Shiro got in front of her protectively.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, arigato."

"Just stay behind me, I'll protect you."

Mai smiled at Shiro before fired his arrows at the ronin and then he drew three more and he pulls them back on the bowstring before firing them. All three arrows landed on three of the ronin's head. Despite shaking in fear, Mai was impressed and she said to him.

"Wow, you've got a good aim."

"Arigato, my lady."

"Hey, Romeo!" Rokuro shouted while having the chokehold on one of the ronin. "Save the flirting for later and keep fighting!"

"My bad!"

Shiro spoke with a grin before he went back to firing his arrows. 

"Dammit! that woman is not his weakness, which only leaves..."

The ronin turned their attention to Rei who was just standing there with her hand on the hilt of her sword.


"Get her!!"

The ronin charged at Rei and then the sins started chuckling.

"Now they're in for it," Koga comment.

"Big mistake for going after the Alpha," Karou comment before firing her pistol. 

Rei grinned and then she dashed at the ronin before drawing her sword and she slashes them a few times before coming to a halt. Rei sheathed her sword and then blood came out of the ronin's bodies and they collapsed onto the floor. Everyone in the room was shocked by Rei's fighting style and then she turned to look at the ronin.

"What's the matter? don't tell me you're giving up already?" Rei spoke with a sadistic smirk on her face.

"Is it just me or did the room suddenly turn cold all of a sudden?" Ranmaru spoke while shivering in fear.

The ronin snapped out of it and then one of them shouted.

"Forget the Devil King! get her!!"

The ronin charged at Rei and then she said to them.

"Time for the little pigs to be put out of their misery."

Rei charged at them and then one by one all of the ronin except for those who ran away from the fight or who surrendered already. One of the ronin tried to hit Rei with his sword but, Rei saw this coming and then she sliced off his arm with her sword. The ronin screamed in pain and then Rei chuckled before swinging her sword upwards causing the Ronin's body to be cut in half like butter. Mai screamed in fear before fainting in Shiro's arms.

"Ah! Mai! are you all right?!"

Rei chuckled and then the ronin dropped their weapons before a few of them dropped to their knees and they begged her not to kill them.

"We're sorry!"

"Please don't kill us!"

"We're begging you to spare our lives!!"

Rei walked towards them and then she raised her sword before speaking up.

"Begging is for the weak."

Before Rei could kill them one of the ronin charged at her but then, she pulled out her pistol and fires it. Rei chuckled and she commented.

"A weak attempt to save your friends."

Ranmaru hid behind Nobunaga and he said to him.

"Nobunaga-sama...she's so scary."

"Yeah, no kidding..." Masamune spoke when he saw that smirk on Rei's face.

Rei turned to look at the Ronin and then she held her sword at the ready to kill them. The ronin cowered in fear but before she could kill them, Hideyoshi blocked her sword in time. Rei frowned and glared at Hideyoshi and he said to her.

"Don't kill them! can't you see they're begging for their lives?!"

"People who beg for their lives are nothing more than cowards and they don't deserve to live especially those who tried to kill your leader. My master taught me this so give me one good reason why should I care?"

Hideyoshi saw the cold look in Rei's eyes and then Nobunaga spoke up.

"That's enough."

Rei glared at Nobunaga and then he said to her.

"We do not need more bloodshed, now let them live so we can lock them."

"And let them rot in prison? I don't think so, what's the point?"

The Oda vassals were surprised when she asked him this. Nobunaga was a bit surprised when he saw the cold look in her eyes.

"Tell me, if you really are the Devil King, why keep these people locked up when you can easily kill them here and now? Isn't that what Devils do? take lives after making bargains?"

Nobunaga didn't know how to respond to that one and then Rei chuckled.

"I thought as much, you're no devil. It just some stupid title that everyone calls you. But, we, the Seven Deadly Sins, are not cowards and we don't beg for our lives. Allow me to show you."

Karou, Zen and Rei got their weapons at the ready and then they killed of the ronin who tried to beg for their lives after surrendering. The Oda vassals were shocked and horrified by this and then Rei chuckled afterwards before Hideyoshi grabbed her by her jacket.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! those men surrendered to us and yet you stood there and killed them! don't you even care about their lives?"

"And why should I care?"

"Because you take someone's life you can't give it back."

"I'm aware of that and I do not give a rat's ass about how you feel about it."

Hideyoshi looked shocked and then he released Rei before she punches him in the face. 

"Hideyoshi-sama!" Mitsunari shouted before he tried to help him but, Koga stopped him.

Rei walked towards him and then Rei grabbed Hideyoshi by the throat and she glared at him with a furious look on her face.

"If you ever stop me and grab me like that again, I will make sure to slice and dice your body until there is nothing left of you and I will also make sure no one finds your remains, understand?"

Hideyoshi nodded his head before Rei released him. Rei sheathed her sword and then she left the room. Karou chuckled and then she spoke up.

"Oh, dearie me, Rei's on the warpath now."

"What the hell was her problem and how can you four stand there and let her and the other two kill them like that?!" Masamune shouted in anger.

"Because that's how things work for us," Rokuro spoke.

"What?" Nobunaga questioned him.

"Rei told you that we're criminals but, what she forgot to tell you was that we were trained to never care about other people's lives and that includes our targets."

"But why?" Hideyoshi asked him.

"It's because we're known as street rats and when you're a street rat, you live your life without a roof over your head and barely any food to eat," Shiro spoke with a frown while holding Mai close to his chest. 

"He's right, we had to do whatever it takes to steal and kill for money and food. Why do you think Rei was giving you guys the cold shoulder just now?" Keiji before pushing up his glasses. 

The Oda vassals were shocked and surprised Keiji's explanation and then Shiro picks up Mai like a bride.

"Keiji's right, Rei is not the kind of person you'd want to take on in a fight. Take my advice, don't make her mad and don't get in her way when she's a fight trust me, her blood lust is not something to laugh or ignore."

Shiro carried Mai out of the war council room and back to hers and then the rest of the sins left. Meanwhile, Rei was sitting on the roof of Azuchi castle with a cigarette in her mouth. The wind blew gently and then Rei took the cigarette out of her mouth before blowing the smoke out. 

"Stupid warlords will never understand how we survived this long. Worrying about human lives who are supposed to be our targets is a waste of time," Rei mumbled with an angry look on her face.

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