Not all promises can be kept...

By nightwalker

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Not all promises can be kept (Ryder's story)
Not all promises can be kept (Ryder's story) 2
Not all promises can be kept (3)
Friends.... No thanks
I want out

A whole new world

170 0 2
By nightwalker

In front of me was a world that I would never imagine. It was like I was outside in a forest of a different world. The trees had leaves of blue and hot pink and their trunks were a array of different colors, they gave off a slight glow. There were different animals here also more vicious then the animals in the human world. I didn't get to see many animals but so far I've seen a squirrel with horns and a bunny with claws. Whatever they had made here is far more dangerous than any other place I've ever been to. "Please exit the elevator" Said a robotic voice. I walked out of the elevator scared of what would happen if I did not comply to what it wants. "Ryder!" yelled a voice I knew too well. Kayla? Did they seriously bring her here or did they do a recording. Like a dog I was going to find out. My feet pounded into the ground but then I was pulled back. "I'm happy I got to you before you went into the woods" Nala said, she was holding onto my shirt. She looked pretty tattered, her hair had leaves in it and her clothing was ripped up. "What the hell happen to you?" I couldn't believe something already happened to her. Has she been here longer than I? "God there were squirrels attacking me, and they had horns and then there were plants that attacked me to" she sounded shock not sure if everything she was saying was true. I patted her head trying to calm her. "Will you do me a favor?" she looked up at me then at the surroundings as if to say 'right here right now you want a favor?' "What do you want Ryder" She said annoyed. I took off my shirt and handed it to her "Will you wear this for your boyfriend? He probably doesn't want you walking around like that" She then looked down at herself and blushed. Nala's shirt was ripped pretty bad showing off some of her cleavage. Without hesitation after that she grabbed my shirt and put it over her. "I think you just wanted to show off your body" she says while walking away from me. I followed right behind her. "Well it's not fair to girls if they don't get to see me without my shirt once" I was then elbowed in the stomach by a very pissed off Nala. "Pig!" She growled. I wanted to have a come back but the blow really winded me. "Nala don't leave me!" She looked over her shoulder and glared at me, and for some reason I was happy, maybe it was because she looked me in the eyes. A smile appeared on my face without me even thinking about it and Nala gave a slight laugh. "Your so easy to please your like a dog, now lets go save some lives" She then ran in to the woods, I of course was right on her tail, because this time she was not going to get hurt.

After running for a few minutes Nala stopped making me run into her. "Do you want to get us killed? Are you paying attention at all to where we are?" I was then slapped, and I had to glare at her my fists clenched. "Just cause your on my side doesn't mean I won't hurt you!" I said through clenched teeth trying to hold back my anger. "I'm sorry the slap was a little uncalled for but I'm scared and I don't have an enemy to hit so I hit you" I was going to tell her that it still wasn't a good reason to hit me when she changed the subject. "So don't you want to know why I stopped?" I wanted to say 'No, actually I want to get back to the subject of you hurting me' But right now didn't seem like the right place to be talking about it. "Sure go ahead and tell me"

"Well if you look ahead of me you see there is a bag, it might contain supplies do you think it's worth the risk to look?" Was she seriously asking me? I wasn't smart, I was here for the muscle. She caught me looking at her like she was crazy. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked angrily. "Well from the beginning I thought you were going to be the brains" Without even talking to me she marched to the bag mumbling to herself "Everyone is so scared of the blue and green eyed guy and he can't even decide if we should look at a bag or not" She was rummaging through the bag without anything happening to her so I cautiously came to check out what we got. There was a map of this place, two daggers, and a book about the plants in this place. "Now we can fight" she said holding the daggers looking at them with excitement. "I always could"  I said to her. She didn't hesitate to glare at me. "So could I, but now I don't have to turn into a wolf" she got up with the daggers in her hands. "Take the bag" I mumbled something even I didn't understand but it was something about being bossed around by a dog. Reluctantly I put the bag on my shoulder, even though I didn't like taking orders from her. We then were both scanning the woods looking for something to direct us to others. "JOHN HELP..... HELP!" A voice screamed. Nala and I looked at each other and I knew we were going to go to the voice, all I had to do was watch one horror movie and I'd know we'd follow the voice, I also knew nothing good came from following the voice. "I'm coming Night!" A new voice yelled from the same direction. "Let's go" Nala said and was already running. She was so reckless, I felt so bad for her mate, she must get him in lots of trouble. I didn't ask Nala to wait I could easily follow her and any how she needed to be ahead she had better hearing and I was counting on her to lead us to the other kids. Let's not mention I didn't want to get close to her when she was holding the daggers ready to kill and I definitely did not want to be her target.

Nala got into the situation first, she was heading towards a short guy with sliver eyes and black hair that had sliver lining, he was captured by a plant and evil horned squirrels were crawling all around him. The other guy who was bald, tall, and full of jewelry was trying unsuccessfully to save his friend. Nala got in and was cutting the plants away quickly before they grew back, which took all her speed and concertration to do. Bears that were the size of tiger were circling us acting more like wolves than bears. They were so unusual, more intelligent than any other animal acting almost human. "Nala release him soon or else were out of here" I growled. I didn't want to sound mean but I ended up sounding like a jerk, it was just that I was scared of this outcome there was at least six, more were still gathering though and other animals looked like they wouldn't mind joining in. " I'll never see animals the same way again" I said. The bald guy looked carelessly at the animals as if they were no matter. "Don't worry dude Aqua will take care of them"  I looked at him like he was crazy, maybe because this woods is so horrible he forgot that he is only with one other person.  "Aqua  I think you should deal with them now before they get a taste for our blood." He didn't yell it so whoever he was talking to had to be close to us. Then a beautiful singing started, it was more of a melody than words. The animals were first shocked and the smaller ones just fell, after a minute the bigger animals began to sway then they fell, even the plant holding the sliver eyed boy stopped growing back. "You guys we have to have a better set up so were not surrounded like that again." then a girl with bright blue hair was swinging down from a branch on the tree, her bright hair and eyes camouflaged with the blue trees. She landed on the ground gracefully. "Night don't be useless and pull yourself out of the plant" the girl commanded. The black haired boy complied to her commands as quickly as he could. "John you could have done so much more, why didn't you?" the girl was glaring at the bald dude as she asked. He looked perplexed than he slapped his head. "I was so worried that I forgot I could do something." He gave a nervous laugh as if afraid of the girl. Nala looked angry "Do you guys not see me and that creeper?" she asked pointing at me while yelling at them.  "Should we kill them Aqua?" Night asked the blue haired girl, while shaking his head to flip his long bangs out of his eyes. Aqua gave us a quick look. "No if they were harmful they would have attacked us already" the guys looked at us with suspicion. They then shrugged it off following Aqua. "Aqua, what a lame name" Nala said looking at me. Aqua gave the death glare to Nala, then she sighed. "I didn't get to pick this horrible name, my parents saw my hair and were like 'Aqua'" Nala smiled and I realized she just wanted to get Aqua to talk to her. "That doesn't matter, Aqua we need your help to rebel" Night didn't even flinch at the words he just continued what he was doing, while John looked at Aqua waiting for her response. "Rebel? against what?" Aqua looked confused but interested. "Against the queen, of course" All of them looked at us with confusion and even Night looked surprised. "What do we have to do?" Night asked, making John and Aqua look at him. "There is a camp were going to make and you guys can stay there and hold it down while we look for more kids, then when we get out we attack" Aqua started to think about it, she looked at us then she looked at her guys. "We will go along with you but when you look for new people take John with you" Nala looked at me to confirm if it was okay with me, I just shrugged because one: I didn't care and two: I know she wouldn't listen to whatever I said any how unless it was the same idea as her own. Aqua then walked up to Nala and she held out her hand "Deal?" Aqua asked. Nala looked down at Aqua literally since she was a lot taller than Aqua, it wasn't that she was super tall, it was because Aqua was extremely short. Then Nala shook Aqua's hand "Deal"  We were on our way to rebelling and I knew it was going to be sweet.

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