Who is that?{ discontinued}

By Satan_offical

78.6K 2.2K 1.7K

Bakugo has been missing from school for sometime now.The class is worried so they decide to pay him a visit... More



9K 357 236
By Satan_offical

People are having problems and being picky about Izeni's age so I've aged him up he's 2 now. Happy?

Katsuki sighed as he held the two year old on his lap whilst he did his work. Izeni occasionally tugging and playing with katsuki hair distracting him a little.

Suddenly the villain alarm went off,loudly scaring everyone and causing Izeni to cry. "EVERYONE DEFENCE ONLY ATTACK WHEN NECESSARY AND STAY TOGETHER !!" Aizawa ordered. 3-A got into battle positions,piling the tables near uraraka so she could have some sort of weaponry.Izeni held close to bakugo's chest. Momo tapped bakugo's shoulder getting his attention. He turned his head only for momo to hand him a baby carrier "It's bullet proof and fireproof.It also covers his head so you can use your quirk." Momo explained Bakugo nodded gratefully putting it on and positioning Izeni inside. Denki snorted a little." You look kinda stupid." "Not the time dunce" katsuki returned as a portal opened up by the door.

Shigaraki walked out with dabi to his left and toga on his right. Toga noticed the baby carrier and stepped back. Attacking young adults is one thing but she could never harm a child let alone a baby! She tugged on dabi's sleeve as handyman stood infront of them. "What?!" He whispered. "I'm not attacking." Toga stated. "What why?!" He hissed. "There is a baby here! I'm not gonna attack a baby!" Dabi's eyes widened as he searched the students his eyes landing on bakugo and he gasped. He stepped back a bit.

"Where the fuck are you going ?!" Shigaraki hissed as more portals opened and weak ass villains came into the room. Dabi remembered something and smirked "CALL OFF THE ATTACK!" He ordered having being put in charge of this squad. The heroes-in-training looked confused but didn't let their guard down. Aizawa staring directly at them ready to use his quirk.
"What are you doing?!" "We're not attacking!!" Dabi ordered the smaller villains groaned and whined about it as they got back into their portals."Why not?!" "THERE'S A FUCKING KID SHIGARAKI!!" Toga exclaimed before covering her mouth "oops sorry didn't mean to swear" she sent an apologetic look towards katsuki. Katsuki was confusion to say the least.They called off the attack because they didn't want to harm his kid.

"Why should that matter?! What about that kota kid ?!" "We didn't plan to attack him muscular went rogue." "We don't kill innocent children shiggy." Toga stated dropping her knife. The portal closing. Shigaraki kept mumbling angrily as dabi dragged him through the portal. "Toga cmon!" Dabi shouted. Toga looked at the portal before looking to erasure head who gave her a look saying "once.". Toga raised her hands in surrender shocking the students. "I've done enough damage..." she states. "And ate enough birds but that's a different story."

Aizawa walked over and put her in restraints. "H-hey before I go to jail or something could I...maybe...see my mother one last time?" Toga asked hopefully. Aizawa looked suprised. "What's her name?" Katsuki cut in. " Mitsuki...she's probably changed her last name by now...or remarried." (hah plot twist. Don't come at me also I googled it she's seventeen making her a year older so :P) Bakugo and Izuku looked shocked before Katsuki pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?" Aizawa asked." She wants to see her mom." He pressed dial on a number, taking his son out the baby carrier as he did so. Toga awed at the cute kid,his spiky fluffy green hair and bright red eyes. He was honestly one of the most adorable kids she's ever seen.

"Oi Old hag,Get your ass down here....Yes it's important....Izeni's fine sheesh....I need you to come down here and meet someone!" He explained into the phone.

Within 10 minutes the classroom was put back together toga was sat on one of the podiums next to Aizawa.

"Hi!" A small voice called from infront of her she looked up to see the child from earlier infront of her "Ywou're pwetty." He says "o-oh thank you...w-where's your parents kid?" She stuttered. Just then katsuki walked over and sat behind Izeni pulling him into his lap. "Mama!" The 2 year exclaims happily. Just then the door opens. A almost female version of katsuki walks in but freezes.



Enjoy fuckers.

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